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Why Choose Nyx.


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I am glad that you asked,  Nyx does not seem to be getting enough love these days. So I am here to tell you why you should 


She is quite a nice looking frame, cosmetically speaking. Which is always nice. " Much better than the frames that look like chewing gum bubbles stuck together"


Although she is a utility based support frame. She is deceptively powerful. And very well suited to both solo and co-op play. With the right mods She becomes one of the better defender frame. " Defence missions" The longer the mission goes on for. The more her Absorb comes in handy



Nyx is very enjoyable to play as. And you can even have a change in pace, as you meet a massive group of enemies, You can use her Chaos ability. And watch sadistically as your enemies are now at each others throats. 



With power duration mods. Nyx acquires the all powerful " Check face book *etc* Attack"  If you find yourself in need to talking to certain people. Use her ultimate ability. "Absorb" And with how I have it set up currently, you get a whole 15 seconds. Which might not sound like a lot. But in actuality. you can write a good few messages in that time. And don't think that you are being useless in those 15 seconds.



Nyx's Absorb makes you the priority target for the enemies. Drawing their fire to you. Whilst using absorb however, you are completely invulnerable. And if that was not awesome enough. The damage done by absorb " yes it does damage" 

increases based on the amount of damage you would of absorbed, and then releases the energy in a huge explosion. 

How awesome is that.



This one is personal really. I am not a huge fan of frames that don't really have a downside to them. The all powerful ones that wipe everyone out in an instant. Or The all tanky Rhino That is basically immortal with Iron skin maxed.  "don't get me wrong, love rhino. Its just too easy" Nyx is the balance. with somewhat low base stats, high starting energy

and a ton of crowd control. Nyx is the middle ground  Running out of energy, means you have to focus on Nyx's agility and your own over all skill. You run out of energy on the likes of nova and what does it matter ? everyone is already dead.



So yes. Why to choose Nyx. Those reasons. she is very underestimated when placed next to the likes of nova, rhino, etc. But she is just as good.  Give her some love




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In my experience, a long lasting absorb is pretty useless. While you're stuck in that meditating animation, team mates may go down and need reviving, the objective may be under attack if your placement is off, or teammates and your sentinal may kill all the enemies before the animation ends. 


True, but the benefits of Continuity on other Abilities (especially Chaos) are too great to ignore. If using Absorb is an issue for anyone, I'd suggest going half on the Continuity instead of full hog, but not remove it entirely.

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Absorb being an issue ?  That makes very little sense as absorb makes Nyx the priority to kill. if a player goes off away from the objective, then they are using Nyx wrong. And if team mates go down. then they either need to stay closer to Nyx during absorb. or learn how to look after themselves. Nyx is better suited for objective defence however. And if you are not doing a for of defence mission. Nyx can guard the team whilst others revive the downed player. 

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Nyx is pretty useful to draw that sweet sweet aggro, and it can be very useful, but I prefer the verstatility of Loki's decoy. Nyx's absorb is very good in some situations, better than Loki's decoy, but there aren't a ton of situations where Loki's decoy isn't useful. Plus, radial disarm for the win. Also, Warbros #1.

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True, but the benefits of Continuity on other Abilities (especially Chaos) are too great to ignore. If using Absorb is an issue for anyone, I'd suggest going half on the Continuity instead of full hog, but not remove it entirely.

Actually a short chaos is better due to being able to re cast it and affect the enemies that have entered the radious in the time the past chaos were in effect.



[...]and your sentinal may kill all the enemies before the animation ends. 

I only use my carrier with his sweeper and i do this because anything that hits the bubble goes to the damage by absorb. Sentinels do not kill anything outside the bubble.

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Nyx shouldn't have too much duration. Absorb and Chaos may take way longer than necessary. Absorb for having a damage cap and pretty much a quarter of a minute by default, which can result in enemies moving back (gunners usually do this). Chaos may affect one or two units that are in other rooms which can hinder its usefulness when crowded with new enemies.


Her skill set, aside from bolts (lol), scales fantastically with enemy levels. Unfortunately, it's not as useful in lower to low/mid tier enemies.


Nyx has the nicest butt out of all the frames. It's not milf-y like Saryn's or baby's mama's like Nova's or too excessive like Ember's (although still pretty sexy), it's just pure class. That little hip angled a bit to the side, it's not so open and vulgar.

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I think Nyx is actually pretty popular character, if not as least for Chaos. Fun as she is though, I feel like her skills could use some tweaking to truly make them worthwhile.


1) Mind Control is great for stunning an enemy or taking some enemy fire off of you for a few seconds, but not much else. Enemies tend to die before they even leave the stunning animation, and only Heavies deal a reasonable amount of damage. Players also tend to kill them before they even realize you tagged them. But my personal gripe is that they don't feel like an ally. Sure they attack other enemies but they don't follow you around afterward and just stay behind. Hell, they don't even attack other enemies unless they're in an alerted stated. IMO mind control needs the following changes:


-Target needs a 5 second invulnerability period to prevent players from killing them before they even begin to attack (the invulnerability shouldn't last the whole duration because that could lead to trolling during defense/exterminate).

-Target gains 3-5x health and a moderate damage boost, so they don't get immediately killed by enemies and can actually dish out decent damage

-Remove the stunning animation from non-boss enemies.

-Mind control targets need to actually follow you around like an ally.


2) Psychic bolts are a bit lackluster, even if they are one on the flashier direct damage skills. Personally I think it would be cool if they were able to "swarm" enemies, repeatedly punching through them and dealing damage over time. If they kill their initial target they will move on to another. For added fun could also have a chance to proc radiation.


3) Chaos is Chaos. Can't complain.


4) Absorb is pretty fun to use against the Infested since they're all melee enemies and their damage output is so high they almost always end up killing themselves. However, it's not that great against the Grineer or Corpus since they frequently tend to run away. That and the issue of it generally being much faster for your teammates to simply gun surrounding enemies down.


Instead of being a standard and easily avoidable AoE, I say at the end of the animation Nyx should fire a volley of home-in energy blasts that seek out and hit every enemy that shot at her. Not sure how you would prevent players from just killing everything though. Perhaps just reduce the duration but increase the damage multiplier, or allow for some limited movement while casting.

Edited by Paradoxbomb
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I think Nyx is actually pretty popular character, if not as least for Chaos. Fun as she is though, I feel like her skills could use some tweaking to truly make them worthwhile.


1) Mind Control is great for stunning an enemy or taking some enemy fire off of you for a few seconds, but not much else. Enemies tend to die before they even leave the stunning animation, and only Heavies deal a reasonable amount of damage. Players also tend to kill them before they even realize you tagged them. But my personal gripe is that they don't feel like an ally. Sure they attack other enemies but they don't follow you around afterward and just stay behind. Hell, they don't even attack other enemies unless they're in an alerted stated. IMO mind control needs the following changes:


-Target needs a 5 second invulnerability period to prevent players from killing them before they even begin to attack (the invulnerability shouldn't last the whole duration because that could lead to trolling during defense/exterminate).

-Target gains 3-5x health and a moderate damage boost, so they don't get immediately killed by enemies and can actually dish out decent damage

-Remove the stunning animation from non-boss enemies.

-Mind control targets need to actually follow you around like an ally.


2) Psychic bolts are a bit lackluster, even if they are one on the flashier direct damage skills. Personally I think it would be cool if they were able to "swarm" enemies, repeatedly punching through them and dealing damage over time. If they kill their initial target they will move on to another. For added fun could also have a chance to proc radiation.


3) Chaos is Chaos. Can't complain.


4) Absorb is pretty fun to use against the Infested since they're all melee enemies and their damage output is so high they almost always end up killing themselves. However, it's not that great against the Grineer or Corpus since they frequently tend to run away. That and the issue of it generally being much faster for your teammates to simply gun surrounding enemies down.


Instead of being a standard and easily avoidable AoE, I say at the end of the animation Nyx should fire a volley of home-in energy blasts that seek out and hit every enemy that shot at her. Not sure how you would prevent players from just killing everything though. Perhaps just reduce the duration but increase the damage multiplier, or allow for some limited movement while casting.

I agree with all of this. ^_^  The reason I go for a longer Absorb though is purely so I can deal with messages. Both a long absorb and short absorb both have merits however. A shorter one is more productive. as 15 seconds is far too long. and you are not killing anyone with it by the time its over. 

However. With defence missions. Both alone and with others. a 15 second time slot where the objective can't be touched, is invalueble especially with the mods. Steam line, Flow, And energy siphon.  You get three mod loadouts. Which means you can go for one or the other depending on what you need.

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Nyx is pretty useful to draw that sweet sweet aggro, and it can be very useful, but I prefer the verstatility of Loki's decoy. Nyx's absorb is very good in some situations, better than Loki's decoy, but there aren't a ton of situations where Loki's decoy isn't useful. Plus, radial disarm for the win. Also, Warbros #1.

 Nyx Plus Loki.  Disarm absorb. WOMBO COMBO !

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I find myself drawn strangely to Nyx. It is indeed fun to use Chaos in a massive cluster of enemies and then just run off to do other stuff. I also use the 'Message' Absorb. It's where I answer Steam messages in the heat of combat. Although, Volt will still be my favorite frame.

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I have the honeycomb helm and immortal skin, shes pretty awesome looking. I always take her on high level mobile defense. I duo'd some mobile defense in void and I had mind controlled  healing ancient, and nekros had an undead shield bot protecting our healing tree.  So cool


Very strong frame.

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With power duration mods. Nyx acquires the all powerful " Check face book *etc* Attack"  If you find yourself in need to talking to certain people. Use her ultimate ability. "Absorb" And with how I have it set up currently, you get a whole 15 seconds. Which might not sound like a lot. But in actuality. you can write a good few messages in that time. And don't think that you are being useless in those 15 seconds. 

What kind of an &#! checks facebook mid-game?

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Nyx shouldn't have too much duration. Absorb and Chaos may take way longer than necessary. Absorb for having a damage cap and pretty much a quarter of a minute by default, which can result in enemies moving back (gunners usually do this). Chaos may affect one or two units that are in other rooms which can hinder its usefulness when crowded with new enemies.


Her skill set, aside from bolts (lol), scales fantastically with enemy levels. Unfortunately, it's not as useful in lower to low/mid tier enemies.


Nyx has the nicest butt out of all the frames. It's not milf-y like Saryn's or baby's mama's like Nova's or too excessive like Ember's (although still pretty sexy), it's just pure class. That little hip angled a bit to the side, it's not so open and vulgar.

Her shape expresses the beauty of human body. Like you said its not excessive, just plain beautiful.


Please let the next Prime Warframe be Nyx.

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What kind of an &#! checks facebook mid-game?


 a psychologist. who uses facebook as a medium of helping people. and discussing things with people to help them overcome issues. " For free might i add"  That kind of &#! checks face book mid game.  Next argument please 

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not impressed with nyx. She has pretty bad stats.


mediocre foundation skill (chaos) its a decent skill though...


Absorb I think is awful.  Lasts too long.  Not all the mobs will be attacking you, especially grineer you always have a bunch that will run for cover then not attack...also your team has already killed everything, then absorb goes off...awesome....



Basically she has little frame skill damage potential in a group...chaos is ok...rest of the skills pretty useless....and she has bad stats.

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not impressed with nyx. She has pretty bad stats.


mediocre foundation skill (chaos) its a decent skill though...


Absorb I think is awful.  Lasts too long.  Not all the mobs will be attacking you, especially grineer you always have a bunch that will run for cover then not attack...also your team has already killed everything, then absorb goes off...awesome....



Basically she has little frame skill damage potential in a group...chaos is ok...rest of the skills pretty useless....and she has bad stats.



MC is awesome. Needs skill to use properly.


Chaos, is well, Chaos. No need for explaining.


Absorb. Because 340 k crits arent damaging enough.

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Just picked up Nyx, so I don't have a ton of time with her but she is really fun. I actually use shade with her and like to run into a group use chaos and stealth out. Then I just pick off the survivors. Mind control is awesome on leaders, you get to make those auras work for you. Or you can use it as a way to safely kill them as they usually do ridiculous amounts of damage. I seem to only use absorb defensively as it takes too long to use offensively (and this is coming from a Banshee player). I just wish that mind controlled enemies were not such a priority target for most players. Must shoot flashy guy!

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