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Hey everyone! Here is my entry for this contest! Especially for those valkyr players! Its a drumstep song and hope you all enjoy it!



you can also find me through my FB page too!



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I agree with the one above me. I use Ableton for everything, although most people i want to work with use Fruity Loops Studio, so im slowly learning FL Studio as well.

Not saying that one is better than the other, but for those starting out with music producing, I'd say go with Fruity Loops, as things are simplistic in a way. People say going from FL Studio to Ableton is tough, as Ableton is more complex, which i totes believe.

There's also Cubase and Reason out there that people use, but i don't plan on learning those til after i master the first two.


-Tactical Nuke wuz here

I would say it's best to just download them and try them out in demo mode before making a final decision on what software works best with you. 


Also there is no such thing as "what's the best software", because it's all down to what feature he/she may need or want "out of" the software. That's like saying what is the best "car" in the world. It's all down to personal preference. My thing is, just download what strikes you and play around in it. I've played around with DOZENS of DAWs and I know my personal preference is a DAW without a crapton of pages, tabs, or windows. "To me" that's simple. I also like DAWs that are generally "left to right" production based. Like reading a book.


Anyway thought I'd drop in and add some things. I was going to suggest a starting point of which DAW(digital audio workstation, for those who don't know what that means), but it's STILL down to personal preference and what you want out of the DAW. Here's a nice list of DAWs that span both Linux, Mac OSX, and Windows! It also states which ones are freeware based and which ones are commercial.(You have to pay)


Good luck to those who find this and make use of it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_audio_workstation


And also yet again, some DAWs have free versions to them that unfortunately isn't told or listed in that link, but the mainsites will tell you if you look around, like Zynewave Podium Free.

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My final submission to the contest. It's 2AM EST right now, gotta get some rest, but I hope everyone enjoys my hard work on this track! Here it is: https://soundcloud.com/greygscot/awakening-of-the-tenno


Good luck to all Tenno, and thanks again DE for making me break out of my shell of letting the world listen to my talent. If there's anything needed in proof that "I" produced this song, I have it in my DAW, Studio One V2, so I can take screenshots or even do a screencap of all what I used.(maybe even if someone is just wondering, I may still do a small video on what I did to create it) Anyways-


Stay golden, rock on, live life and love it.



Till next time.

Edited by Infinitoar
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My final submission to the contest. It's 2AM EST right now, gotta get some rest, but I hope everyone enjoys my hard work on this track! Here it is: https://soundcloud.com/greygscot/awakening-of-the-tenno


Good luck to all Tenno, and thanks again DE for making me break out of my shell of letting the world listen to my talent. If there's anything needed in proof that "I" produced this song, I have it in my DAW, Studio One V2, so I can take screenshots or even do a screencap of all what I used.(maybe even if someone is just wondering, I may still do a small video on what I did to create it) Anyways-


Stay golden, rock on, live life and love it.



Till next time.


Love it bro, great job.

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Okay My absolute favorite is actually two of you guys mashed together it sounds awesome!


So this is my mix of you guys, it starts with SinjinHan with his awesome mix (wonderful job btw) and then ends with Infinitoar (another great job bro!). Now to get this straight this two other peoples music one after the other, I did nothing to it and NO I am not submitting this because IT IS NOT MINE!!!!



But here is the link to my profile, it only has their songs on it so hit play and enjoy one great masterpiece after another :)



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This is my truck for the contest. It mixes some funk, jazz and blues. Not too electronic maybe but everyone has a different school i guess. Hope you enjoy it people.



This is really fresh! I almost made a Jazz/Swing song for this acting as a "welcome back from that mission" Kinda deal. I like your jam bro. nice work.

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I should emphasize that every bit (pun intended) of audio in this song was made using ONLY the provided sounds from the fansite kit.

Absolutely ZERO outside sounds/kits/recordings were used. none. nada.
Every audio effect, drum hit, and sample came straight from you guys and was warped, edited and crafted with love, or whatever.
Hope you like it!
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What's the best software out there for creating music?

What are you guys using?


I personally prefer FL Studio. I've gone through the basic steps of Ableton, and I find FL Studio's gui to be more fun and comfortable to work in. I have yet to install this (pretty cheap) copy of Reason I picked up at a Best Buy, but i can probably say that I'll have the same opinions on Reason as I do with Ableton.

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Hey guys! In fear of going over the 2:00 limit, I just whipped up this short tune. It's pretty damn gnarly


I kinda imagined an assassination mission. With the alarm and whatnot. The song is the battle itself :)



Please enjoy, good luck to all of you on winning! 



Edited by RiotGrizz
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I don't understand the whole dubstep hate going on here. Yeah it's everywhere (since it went kind of pop) and and every kid with FL and Massive thinks that automating 2 knobs makes him the master producer, but that S#&$ takes enormous amount of effort and skill to be done properly. Not that i'm defending it everyone has his own taste. 
So here i present you my last minute entry.
It's an epic dnB tune made for just 2 hours so excuse the S#&$ty mix and master. (well it's not that S#&$ty but i have some standards)
I'll let you hunt the fan kit sounds. There are tons of them inside. Some are obvious others are resampled to match the notes.   
Tools used:
StudioOne v2 
Massive (duh!)
Virus TI Snow
Rob Papen Blue II (that's the first time i use this, ITS AWESOME)
Tone2 Gladiator 2
Albion 3 Iceni (just for 2 notes kind of a overkill, BUT ITS SO EPIC)

Edited by ziggg
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As a Tenno, I realize the benefit of research into the ancient Orokin ways. In my research I've discovered an ancient art called dubstep and an even more ancient art called orchestral music. I have recently combined the two styles with several warframe sounds in a way that is truly epic.




on a side note I encountered technological errors during the production of this tune that cost me $200 but that didn't stop me.



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