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The Mystery Of "exclusives" And Warframe


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what nobody here seems to realize is that (and correct me if i'm wrong) there are only 3 items which are completely and irrevocably "exclusive"

the rest are simply "in the vault" until the next time DE wants to roll them back into an event.

De keeps saying this, however until ANYTHING from the "Vault" actually gets re-used it is just another lie. 


As mentioned above the exclusivity items bring mastery which will affect mastery. People say this will become less of an issue the more items they bring in. However they keep bringing in new event items instead of using old ones. This means exclusive pool grows.


Secondly is that a few exclusive items can have game-play affects instead of pure cosmetic. I recall when Strun Wraith was best shotgun by miles and that Snipertron Vandal is still better then most snipers.


If exclusive items were pure cosmetic and gave no mastery then none of this would be happening.


E.g. The Fragor and scindo and Skins which change their model completely. If those were the reward (no stat changes) for an event, then everyone would think it was really cool but not as important to have to complete their game.

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This is complete and utter rubbish, because what happens WHEN you need that mastery to reach rank 16? Bet you didn't think about that. I have excalibur prime, and as someone stated previously, I'd be just fine with them removing affinity from him, as well as the lato and skana prime. That's all it boils down to as an important matter.

Because until this past week we weren't getting things to level on a WEEKLY basis right... you can paint the picture however you want, but at the end of the day rubbish is still rubbish. Using needle in a haystack arguments show how silly the topic is.

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De keeps saying this, however until ANYTHING from the "Vault" actually gets re-used it is just another lie. 


As mentioned above the exclusivity items bring mastery which will affect mastery. People say this will become less of an issue the more items they bring in. However they keep bringing in new event items instead of using old ones. This means exclusive pool grows.


Secondly is that a few exclusive items can have game-play affects instead of pure cosmetic. I recall when Strun Wraith was best shotgun by miles and that Snipertron Vandal is still better then most snipers.


If exclusive items were pure cosmetic and gave no mastery then none of this would be happening.


E.g. The Fragor and scindo and Skins which change their model completely. If those were the reward (no stat changes) for an event, then everyone would think it was really cool but not as important to have to complete their game.


so you're argument is that DE is lying and so they should do what exactly?


if all you want to do is vent, fine, but all i'm doing is presenting the facts as i understand them.

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De keeps saying this, however until ANYTHING from the "Vault" actually gets re-used it is just another lie. 


As mentioned above the exclusivity items bring mastery which will affect mastery. People say this will become less of an issue the more items they bring in. However they keep bringing in new event items instead of using old ones. This means exclusive pool grows.


Secondly is that a few exclusive items can have game-play affects instead of pure cosmetic. I recall when Strun Wraith was best shotgun by miles and that Snipertron Vandal is still better then most snipers.


If exclusive items were pure cosmetic and gave no mastery then none of this would be happening.


E.g. The Fragor and scindo and Skins which change their model completely. If those were the reward (no stat changes) for an event, then everyone would think it was really cool but not as important to have to complete their game.

Brakk, Mods came back from event O_o

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My understanding of the Focus system is that the extra xp from a rank cap'd item will go towards Focus points, not the Mastery Rank cap and if you change to a weapon or 'frame that isn't max rank, then the xp goes towards the ranks, not Focus, until it hits 30.  Then all excess xp goes towards your Focus.


i.e. Rank 30 Soma, excess xp goes to Focus, even if it's been Forma'd but, rank 23 Soma, all xp goes towards hitting the rank cap.

Mastery rank plays a big role in Focus, with each rank it increases the available Focus slots you can use, much like a talent tree in other games.

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