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Trading Taking Over The Game.


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Ah, I see your guys points. I'm a student so I have the time to grind and that's what I enjoy about the game, even though most don't. But when I see that I can spend some plat and get all the prime parts I need asap, what's the point of grinding? And then after that what's the point of playing since I play to farm and collect new gear.


+1 for seeing other people's point of view :)


the point of grinding:



-rare grindy gear: detron/brakk

-materials: oxium



-Focus abilities


hopefully later

-high mastery rank cosmetics

-high mastery rank unique weapons (not OP, unique)

Edited by notionphil
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Tradeframe wouldnt even be such a problem if there was anything to play and reliable way to get items ingame.

Pay4power, pay4rares, pay4achievements... then what? stomp over easy repetitive content that gives no rewards and move to another game?

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As I've said in other threads complaining about the current trade system...


The damn Prime items should probably be Mastery Rank dependend... Like requiring Mastery Rank 10 or whatever feels legit since not every Prime is as good as other Primes.


So the system can't be abused by newcomers who get their prime items with Mastery Rank 2-3... That's some major horsesh*t because it bypasses the whole intention of Warframe. They have the best gear around after playing like 1-2 weeks? They all end up here in the Forum complaining about how there's nothing left to accomplish and why there's no challenge or endgame yet because they bought themselves all the way through to burnout.


I'm not against Prime trading, because if you are out of luck farming one part in particular you can get it when everything else fails - and that's what the trading system should be good for and not to bypass gameplay.


Same thing for the damn mods... Have seen too many low ranked people with maxed out Serrations & Hornet Strikes... It's just a ridiculous mess at this point.

Edited by MeduSalem
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The damn Prime items should probably be Mastery Rank dependend... Like requiring Mastery Rank 10 or whatever feels legit since not every Prime is as good as other Primes.

The blueprints could also require a non-RNG reward item.  Say if every void mission you did awarded you some Prime-ium, in an amount equal to its tier level.  Then you'd still have to run a certain amount of Void missions to be able to make the items.  It'd leave trading as a way to counteract bad RNG luck, but at the same time, still require doing the content.


Though I agree that Mastery needs to be better applied.

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They all end up here in the Forum complaining about how there's nothing left to accomplish and why there's no challenge or endgame yet because they bought themselves all the way through to burnout.
And that bothers you why, exactly? Those players wouldn't have stuck around anyway--at least this way they gave DE their money before burning out.
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Honestly, I'd like to see trading be far more optional in this game. Guaranteed drops after playing X amount of time in-mission or doing Y mission X amount of times would be far superior to the current system of "pray to RNGesus". Better mod drops from higher-level mobs would be nice as well. Going 60 minutes in a survival would be worth it as you'd be getting rare mods galore, as opposed to still getting crappy common mods no one wants.


Trading at the moment is a simple band-aid fix for grind. I'd like to see some pseudo-RNG put in place for those of us who have a lot of time to put in the game and don't want to bother with the cesspool that is trade chat. It's nice that some people can use plat to get stuff they don't have time to grind for (which seems to be both laughed at and praised in this community at the same time), but it just makes those who do have the time feel like they're doing nothing but wasting it.

Edited by Boondorl
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And that bothers you why, exactly? Those players wouldn't have stuck around anyway--at least this way they gave DE their money before burning out.


It doesn't really bother me if they end up here, other than reading the same dull complain threads over and over, but it's clearly a sign that there's a problem.


Also your way to think about that problem is not very economic, probably there would be more active players if they didn't feel like "yeah played this game for 2 weeks -> got everything worth getting -> moving on". It's not only about how much money they dumped into the game at the start, but also about to keeping your playerbase and offering them long term goals as long as there's nothing like an endgame yet.

Edited by MeduSalem
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It's just how different people are wired. I bought almost all my Prime parts, but I'm still around because I'm a completionist and that means always giving myself projects.

It's their own damn fault if they invest money into the game, buy everything and then get bored and leave. It's not like they have a massive arsenal of weapons and frames to tinker with or anything...

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