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What Are The Mods(And Parts) You Been Grinding Too Get


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Not looking for anything special. Know I need 'em, but so far haven't had much problems with getting them. Also I keep getting attacked by G3 and Stalker pretty much all the time, so I think I might have certain luck which others lack. ;)

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I've given up, I have everything for Rhino prime except the chassis and one blade off an Orthos prime, but I'm just _sick of running content for no tangible reward, If I was getting something useful that was comparable to the difficulty I wouldn't mind but I _hate_ the "you get _nothing_" of the way the void is organised right now.

Edited by SilentMobius
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- Hammer Shot**

- Heavy Caliber

- Vicious Spread

- Continuity

- Narrow Minded

- Fleeting Expertise

- Seeker

- Natural Talent

- Shotgun Spazz

- Corpus Bane mods

- Latron Prime Barrel**

- Ember Prime systems**

- Boltor Prime blueprint


** had to buy these from other players

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