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The Grineer Systems Transmission And U13 Hype Megathread


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We had confirmation three other times it was coming _____,_____,______ and yet here we are. I really don't care when it shows up, I just wish they would have had a couple people still doing other things, so this wouldn't be the only thing we are getting in the next few weeks. It has been a long slow update process since they started this Melee jazz.

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People just need to understand that they aren't actually entitled to anything.


As someone who has worked in the field, getting sleep > pleasing everyone in a faceless user base.




In other news, looks like they're including at least a part of Badlands, huh?

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Yes, they are working hard, but they just teased images for a straight week. The usual way those go is updating the game when the final image is revealed, and we got a timer. I can't say I'm not disappointed but I also can't say I hate DE for this. Something must have either gone wrong, or they realized that some things could be improved and they wanted another week. Yeah, I was really looking forward to it today, as I've been watching the systems page for the past week, but we just need to deal with it.

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you say that like this is a direct result of them SHOWING the content. Its not. Its them saying it will be ready, it will be ready, its almost here. just wait a little longer. Show some patience. We are still working out some bugs. more bugs bugs bugs bugs. It WILL be ready. Here have some hype inducing imagery. Have this hype inducing imagery for a week! last day of hype!



Oh, were sorry, you thought it WOULD be ready?



it will be ready, it will be ready.


You are reading but not processing in your brains what your eyes see... In any case, you are repeating parrot like what I just said. And what I just said is that instead of showing us new content (and the following "it will be ready etc etc" you point out) they will show us nothing to prevent all this... and as I said, we all lose.

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Delays happen. Projects evolve beyond their initial conception and things change. Yes DE should possibly have done a better job communicating with us to let us know there would be a delay but problems arise and quite frankly the level of entitlement on display atm is absolutely staggering for an update that not one member of staff actually confirmed as releasing today.

We worked ourselves into a frenzy over this upcoming content because usually all we have to go off of for new content is little pieces of info garnered here and them from devstreams and sneak peaks and this time they did something different whilst at the same time being hindered by an unexpected setback. Yes part of the blame can be put on DE for not communicating with us more clearly but we're just as much to blame for working ourselves up in the first place and the staggering amount of entitlement on display from the community because DE actually cares enough to make sure this update comes out the way they want it to.

You have every right to be upset but this sort of backlash is not constructive and it makes the whole lot of us look like a bunch of spoiled brats.

Well its because history has proven that when the message is decipered or the screens are revealved that the update is released that day its how DE has been doing things since the game came to be that is why we thought that it was today and rebecca actually did say the release was supposed to be this week.

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The biggest problem here is that for every one of you raking DE over the coals for not just releasing the content anyway and fixing it aftewards, there would be just as many players crapping all over them for doing exactly that and not fixing the issues before release. It's a no win situation.

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Do I need to remind you that they committed themselves to a deadline and failed to deliver? They're professionals, not schoolchildren. 


You're acting like a schoolchild if you're going to go on pulling that "arguement."

When you're working with tech, things you couldn't expect to happen, happen.

Also, notice that no deadline was given. We never got a date. That was our own assumed height. They were planning for it to come out today, yes, but they never committed that date to us. All they did was give us some teasers to say it's soon and we made an assumption.

Step down from the high horse.

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Bro they stated so many times "soon" "next week" its down right just annoying... and ill be logging into ESO and not giving a flying Fork anymore about it. Who knows, next week could be just another repeat like this week.. or  from a month ago when it was siting to be release to begin with. that was when the coin term of "soon" was stated a million times.


DE stop putting a time frame on S#&$... just release it when you're done, its that simple. Forking hype train BS is what is causing the rage.. 

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Ive heard "Soon" "Next Week" for months now... im just log into ESO and not give a S#&$ anymore. 

aaaand yes, that is true, if you guys don't have content, then do NOT talk about it, jesus, just keep it to yourselves and stop messing so much with the community. 


What the community doesn't know, it cannot "hurt" them, or you. Teased the update, then delayed it and boom: flamin' everywhere. That was not nice nor smart of you. Get it ready and (almost) complete, THEN announce it.


This time you messed it all up, players don't even care that much for the update since all their enthusiasm is down the drain.

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before posting a negative reaction to the current kerfuffle.


Before you post. ask yourself "would I really sit across from these people working on this game and tell them what I've written here on this forum to their faces?"


if the answer is no. delete your post.


if the answer is no and you don't delete your post. Know that you're a coward. honestly, the nicest way I can put it.


if the answer is yes... Well then... i don't know what to say. you obviously feel wronged. your statement must have merit.


go forth and post.


then ask yourself why you let a "game" something thousands of people play for relaxation and fun. make me feel the exact opposite.


if posting hate on forums is relaxing and fun... ya... you've won.

Edited by stVillain
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If they didn't want us disappointed, they shouldn't have started their hype machine and set to seven days. You can bet that in any other job if you failed to deliver on your deadlines you would not receive a pat on the back. Don't treat the folks at DE any differently.

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You know, if they just rolled out ONE of things from update 13, I would be happy. Weapon, or frame sweet something to do. At the moment in warframe (about 3 weeks now) its been nothing but empty words of whats to come. It sure would be nice to have something to use those pretty potatoes and forma on.

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I thought, that grineersystems.com was the best thing so far, that introduced new content.

Now I see, that it's the worst.


Ok, let's begin. Something appeared, mysterious transmissions from Grineer. Cool! And look, there are six monitors! And there are six days untill wednesday! And updates are delivered in wednesday!


New meele animations! They look awesome! I can't wait for Meele 2.0! Good thing I won't have to wait long!
Katana? With Dangly Bits? Damn guuurl, this looks nice! Maybe we'll get those Dangly Bits as attachments for any of our meele weapons? That would be great!
Cthulhuframe! And... Crossbow? Awesome! I can't wait to farm it!
Hek... Well, nothing new, but I can't wait. Hopefully it won't be another shoot-wait-shoot-wait fight...

Grineer Shipyard incoming. Nice, I really liked this tileset during Tethra's Doom!
Claim the territory? Solar rails? Proxy Wars? Oh man, I don't know what that is supposed to be, but I bet it would be great!

But wait, what is that timer...





U13 delayed? Meele 2.0 not today? WHAT THE HEK?


Ok, so, to sum it up. You got us all hyped with this countdown. Every day we saw something new and cool. We were more and more hyped as the days passed. And now what?


You throw us three alerts, which didn't even worked and nobody got the reward, you threw some timer and said "Meele 2.0 delayed, sorry" with NO EXPLANATION WHATSOEVER?!


Seriously, if you're going to delay the update again, at least tell us why! Create a topic saying, that you are still working on animations, or that there are problems with balance, or all of the computers died and you need to start from scratch, ANYTHING!

And pleas, don't tell me about devstream. I don't want to wait untill friday to hear some underhand explanations. You f*cked up today and you should explain yourselves today.

You hyped us the whole week. And now, at the very last moment you throw "Oh, by the way, it will be delayed, teehee"

Don't cause so much hype if you can't manage to release updates in time.


That's all what I had to say. I realize, that there are many topics like this one, but FFS, don't be suprised!

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You guys need to stop talking about this, they are doing their job, end of story... no need to make bazillion threads about how they "#*($%%@ up" or "how awesome they are"


Seriously be nice and cut the Forum Mods and Admins some slack and just stop pointing fingers

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