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The Grineer Systems Transmission And U13 Hype Megathread


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How do you know that endgame is the reason for the delay?


Remember when they first spoke of it in that devstream (god knows i'm to lazy to look up and see which one) but after that stream, all the other streams thus far have been mostly answering more and more questions about the end game content as well as the developers constantly telling us more and more about it's development

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The thing I'm pissed off about is them giving us false, I love DE, I really do even though I was a bit bitter towards them today. They should only do countdowns and stuff if they're 100% sure they can deliver but S#&$ happens sometimes anyway and since Rebecca apologized I'm not pissed or anything anymore. I'm completely cool about waiting another week.

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It's pretty sad that plans just didn't work out and DE found things that needed addressing still. It sucks to be disappointed but to be disappointed in yourself is something else. Is DE disappointed in themselves? *shurg* I don't know.

What I can say though, is that the last update of the u12 era is today. We're still getting stuff, guys.

What do you think we'll get once the update rolls in?

I'm personally hoping for a crapton of fixes to Helios and Zephyr's remaining helmet. Also maybe the remaining immortal skins.

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Well thanks for your honesty.  That's all we have now.  No, the "apology" alerts don't make up for anything.  If you hype, you deliver.  You must learn this lesson.  Right bloody now.  Do not make this mistake again.  Have the update ready before you start the hype.  Period.  Otherwise, it's all for not.  The enragement will not end due to this post, but I want to be 100% sure you understand my meaning. Do. Not. Do. This. Again.  One mistake is all it should take.  You took your loyal playerbase, hyped them up to hell, and then didn't deliver, and although it was for a legitimate reason, you waited until the LAST SECOND to tell us this.  Tell us publicly, swallow your pride, and never do this again.  You have no idea how loyal your playerbase is, and we will forgive you this time, but if the same thing happens with Update 14, you're going to lose a lot of paying customers.  I've played for a year and this whole S#&$storm has enraged me almost to the point of leaving.  I've waited for the new content for so long, it's not even funny.  If you needed more time to get it right, then you should have told us.  NOT let us just freak out over it.

This. All of the this.



Also this thread needs to be renamed to " The Grineer Systems and U13 Disappointment Megathread (Seriously??? Edition)

Edited by SleekGranpa
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There's no defending what happened today, let's get that out of the way.


But now what?

If Melee 2.0 isn't today, will we at least get U13 without Melee?

Or was it not a part of Melee 2.0 that broke, and instead we'll get Melee and not some U13 features?

Or will there be nothing?

Or a hotfix?


What IS actually coming out today?

We need an official word giving us the detail on what will be delivered. We've had enough "surprises" for the day.

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It would be nice to get a portion of what wasn't bugged in the package, but that probably won't happen.


At this point, anything less than a ton of great content at once is just going to cause everyone to complain.


Oh wait, they're going to do that anyway. Never mind me.

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So which is it? Did DE actually plan on delivering today or was it just our imagination? 


Did you read it? The planned on it coming out today. But they never told us that until now is what I'm saying. They avoiding making a direct statement because THAT would be setting something in stone and putting their word on the line while something could go wrong. (and something did.) It was never announced as a countdown. All it was, as far as we could confirm, was a series of teases. We made the assumption, but DE never confirmed their goal. They only now did say they were trying to get it out today.

Edited by SolidSp33d
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