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The Grineer Systems Transmission And U13 Hype Megathread


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In a situation like today I would release as much content as possible, even of that is only new weapons and skins. Then push as hard as possible to fix the other issues. If I fixed them in 3 hours I'd release them in 3 hours. If I told my boss sorry I only roll out updates on Wednesdays I would have been fired on the spot. 


It depends on your company goals, marketing, how interlinked the systems are, your engine structure, your patch rollout pioeline, etc.


(There are also plenty of situations where you must never, for instance, release on Friday. Period.)


Moreover, specifically for the PS4, updates need to pass Sony QA, more patches is most definately NOT better, etc.

It's not as simple as that.


If the patch hits a QA fail, don't release it. This is a good thing. I've seen too many buggy patches pushed out there.

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DErebecca is viewing the ragers atm


so is Adam, darryl, and gefu.


my bet is they found a potentially game-breaking mechanic they wanted squished before it went live.


something Anime-esque. Like swinging a weapon and rendering the remaining portion of a map untraversable. or doing more damage in a 5 hit combo than the Soma can with a full magazine.

Or the stalker chain-pwning his way through a cell.


lord knows what it could possibly be.... all because one letter in a random line (out of potentially 1000 lines of code) wasnt capitalized

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Want this. Transparency would be great here... we get silence.

We don't need transparency though.  Sure I'd like it and it would be nice, but outside of satisfying curiousity, it does nothing.  It's almost certainly going to be one of those four options.  There's nothing we can do in any case.  All we can really do is cheer DE on through whatever trouble they ran into.

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As a professional coder in a high pressure company that was losing tonnes of money every time the software had issues working in a constantly changing environment, I had around 60 minutes to push out updates.


In a situation like today I would release as much content as possible, even of that is only new weapons and skins. Then push as hard as possible to fix the other issues. If I fixed them in 3 hours I'd release them in 3 hours. If I told my boss sorry I only roll out updates on Wednesdays I would have been fired on the spot. 


Yeah coding can look difficult and time consuming, but if you're a professional coder it's something you excel at and enjoy.

Yeah, and its those same rapid update pushes that can screw things up even more. A professor of mine took out an entire company database in the same situation. Even professionals make mistakes. DE did not say how much went wrong, or what needed to be changed, we don't know. Its just best to wait and let them fix it. And yes, coding is exceptionally fun, but as a professional, you should know that error checking and fixing is just as big of a part of the job as writing the logic and code.

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Badlands is closer to endgame content. I doubt that is coming. Everything else eps the new tileset looks really good. Earth is easily my fav tileset ingame atm. Grineer needs to give their interior decorator a promotion  =D

See the Grineer Systems page, Badlands are coming.

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I can't stop laughing at this happening after April Fools.


The coincidences.  And I don't even believe in coincidences.


But damn.  I feel DE's pain.


It is straight bullS#&$....not the fact they delayed it but the fact they were forced to..I know they didn't want this to happen

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Seriously DE, you are some of the nicest devs I know, if not the nicest, but you SUCK at crisis management. Seriously, hire a professional, because this is hurting you big time.

I can get that there was a huge problem shortly before the last teaser reveal, maybe less than an hour. I dunno, maybe Steve's computer spontaneously burst into flames, or the Stalker formated Scott's hard drive, stole the backup, and left some rule34 of himself on Rebecca's desktop before teleporting away. I can picture the emergency meeting, and the moment you decide that there's no way you can roll out the update today, you need more time.

And at this instant, NO ONE went and told "we need to tell the community immediatly"? Like "Rebecca, log on and tell everyone what happens and why U13 is not going out today, NOW"? You know, the sensible solution.

Had you do that, the reactions would've been unanimously civil, along the lines of "Oh man, that sucks. I'm so sorry for you :(. Well, we can wait a few more days. No big deal.". There wouldn't be any feel of betrayal.

But noooooooooooooooooooooo, you slapped together another countdown, put it with the last teaser that went out at noon (local time), you posted an ambiguous message about the devstream, and only an hour after the last teaser reveal we have a confirmation that U13 is delayed.

At which point the already boiling forums understandably go ballistic, and you react in the worst possible way: you bunker up and shoot down everything that looks remotely hostile.


Yeah, you planned to make an explanation and public excuse, that's great.


After letting the community rage and simmer for three consecutive days.


That's utterly unprofessionnal. Everything you're planning to say in that livestream should be on this forum three hours ago, not bloody friday.



my bet is they found a potentially game-breaking mechanic they wanted squished before it went live.


something Anime-esque. Like swinging a weapon and rendering the remaining portion of a map untraversable. or doing more damage in a 5 hit combo than the Soma can with a full magazine.

Or the stalker chain-pwning his way through a cell.

I'd play the F*** out of this. It would be funny.
 For a while anyway. Until the hotfix.

Edited by Kaian-a-coel
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