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Suggested Change For The Thunderbolt Mod


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Right now it's random, and that sucks. Because it's entirely random. You don't know if your next shot will explode or not. And it encourages 'spray and pray' with bows when you have the mod equipped hoping that one of the arrows will explode and take out a group.


That's completely contrary to the phylosophy of the bow, which is accurate, measured shots (Charge up and aim for a specific enemy or try to get a follow-through into a group of enemies).


I'm suggesting that you do away with this 'random chance' garbage, and make the thunderbolt mod proc on a specific charge level.


For instance, if you have a thunderbolt mod equipped at lowest rank, it has a 5% charge proc. In example: You need to charge your arrow shot to at least 95% or higher for the explosion to happen. And it will happen every single time you have your arrow charged past 95%.


Next rank up? You only need to charge your bow to 90% for the explosion to happen. And so on and so forth.


This makes the thunderbolt mod turn the bow into a very measured weapon. Need to take out a group of enemies? Charge it to full and release. Explosions!


Melee enemy a bit close? Just tap the trigger and put an arrow in him without worrying about the explosion randomly procing and destroying you with the AOE.





Right now, the thunderbolt mod is 'oh, there are enemies and my first shot didn't explode. Better spam the trigger!'


If just feels clunky and terrible.


Please make the thunderbolt mod a mod of skill, not random chance.

Edited by Xianyu
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and what about the damage? it's a slap in the face!


TB's damage should scale based off your initial shot's damage, crits included. That way, you're still encouraged to take fully-charged headshots.


EDITL Just to clarify, I don't think the explosions should do the full headshot crit damage. That'd be insane.

Edited by Noble_Cactus
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I seem to get 2 sometimes 3 explosions every 5 fully charged shots, seems fine to me. Often I'll get ever other or every 3rd shot exploding. I can predict my next proc with about 80% accuracy. All in all any buffing or changes risk making it OP.

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