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The Rng Is Making Me Not Want To Play This Game Any More.


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I would say less than 30 runs? my edit is because reading through other posts they mentioned it was not 10 runs as i had thought from reading the list of items given totaling around 10, rather than the "hundreds" stated

those are the 2 ends of the spectrum yes, then there is everything in between, and with 3 million players that is a lot of inbetween, not to mean there is only one person on either end but still



Less than 30 runs based on pure luck is too 'easy' ? 30 runs in and of itself for a single damn component is excessive, be it for a Warframe component or a single piece of a Prime weapon. Because if something takes at least 30 runs to acquire, you're gonna be damn sure it's going to take well over that and even then that part probably won't drop for you.


There's nothing hard, challenging, or 'too easy' about RNG. It's all random and pure dumb luck. Someone I was talking with in a Survival yesterday got all the Rhino Prime components the night he came out. I've run over 50 T3 Exterminates getting nothing but Boltor Prime Barrels. 


If the drops were more certain? Sure, I'd really like there to some form of insane challenge to get the Prime components. That's actually what I'd really like. Challenge, that requires skill and at least one other person who knows how to incorporate team-work to overcome the odds and earn that shiny Prime reward.


Not a tedious run from Point A to Point B only to get the same !@#% weapon barrel. 


Luck is not a challenge, Luck is not proper difficulty. Stop trying to confuse the two of them.


Next time be there for the event then. This was an EVENT weapon it shouldn't have even been accessible to people who haven't participated in the event and yet they did it anyways. So consider yourself grateful that you have the chance to obtain this weapon. Next time participate in the event if u wanted ur brakk faster. And stop whining on the forums, DE does not give a S#&$ about non constructive criticism.


Tell me why exactly you're trying to spin this around so it's his fault he missed an event that was several months ago when he very well have not even had an account by then? 


Nevermind, reading your post I can already tell no one but the most flagrant of White Knights could see eye to eye with you.

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Uniform drop distribution solves one of the problems: people getting frustrated because of many, many copies of the same reward (which is the same as not getting any reward at all, since the redundant copies are completely useless). I don't see any reason that makes sense to this thing of one part being rarer than others, considering they all are going to be used to create the same weapon.


Increasing drop chances solves the other problem. They may not ever tell us the drop chance (and I also can never find out a real reason for this), but it would be a very honest thing if they did. Hiding this kind of data doesn't help anyone, not the players nor themselves.


I really don't like when people talk about RNG because usually people forget that randomness can be measured like any other thing. In these kinds of conversation people sometimes seem to forget completely about an average. Nothing guarantees nothing with RNG, but so what?


If this weapon needs on average 10 hours of grind to craft, so be it.

If this weapon needs on average 100 hours of grind to craft, so be it.

If this weapon needs on average 1000 hours of grind to craft, so be it.

But it would be a very good thing for not frustrating players if this was transparent. At least they would know what they were signing up for.

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Dude, if you just got everything after a few tries then It'd be too easy. Everybody would complain that it's too easy to get things.

And Tenno, remember...


Now I will always see the new Vay Hek as a Grineer version of Mr. Potato Head.

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Increasing drop chances solves the other problem.


A simple increase to drop chances will fix the problem for some people, but others will still have the problem because there will always be people who keep rolling 1 (for example) no matter how many times they hurl the dice. What's needed more is less RNG as a whole--whether that be by making more stuff tradeable so players can trade more of what they do have for what they want (Brakk parts, helmet blueprints, etc), or progressively scaling spawn rates and the like so that the G3 become more common the longer someone goes without seeing them and eventually their arrival is a certainty.

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A simple increase to drop chances will fix the problem for some people, but others will still have the problem because there will always be people who keep rolling 1 (for example) no matter how many times they hurl the dice. What's needed more is less RNG as a whole--whether that be by making more stuff tradeable so players can trade more of what they do have for what they want (Brakk parts, helmet blueprints, etc), or progressively scaling spawn rates and the like so that the G3 become more common the longer someone goes without seeing them and eventually their arrival is a certainty.


I would like to not have to spend several hours trading for plat then waiting for someone to sell a Prime component at a reasonable price. I haven't had to do this yet mainly because I simply refuse. If I'm getting plat for anything it's going to be for either slots or a cosmetic I genuinely want; like last week with that Proto Excalibur skin. 

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I love how there's people in this topic accusing me of wanting everything handed straight to me, despite me having said I've done enough G3 runs to get nine weapon parts.


Tell me, people; how many runs will I need to do before you deem it sufficient and stop accusing me of merely wanting instant gratification? How many weapon parts will I need to acquire before you stop automatically dismissing everything I have to say?


How many before my opinions are allowed to count?


Brilliant. Well said, OP, well said.


The amount of responses telling Yezzik to "suck it up and be grateful" is disgusting. Those who had to run the Gradivus Dilemma to obtain their Brakk seem to forget that at the end of 100 runs, you were guaranteed the weapon along with a free catalyst in it. This means that, regardless of how much effort you put into those runs, regardless of how many revives you may have used or weapons you may have gone through, you had a 100% chance of obtaining the Brakk. The fairest type of Skinner box - put in the time and you will always get your reward.


The issue with RNG is that some people may never find all the parts to death squad weapons. I will concede, however, that this is an outlier, and an extreme one at that, so let me instead revise it according to OP's experience: Some people may have to run more than 100 invasions and missions just to have a shot at obtaining all the parts of the Brakk. This is fair only in the sense that numbers are fair, or the way that life "screws you over" despite the fact that it is not a sentient or malicious entity.


To those who recommended taking it easy, and not actually looking for it - a valid suggestion, and ultimately the healthier one. However, it does encourage a fatalistic attitude about the direction of the game, or more specifically the direction of RNG and drop tables in the game. DE, however, has been fairly quiet about RNG (aside from possible T4 keys; do correct me if I'm wrong, as I'm a relative newcomer to WF), and this silence has no doubt exacerbated the players' frustrations with the system.


To the rest - quit with the "holier-than-thou" attitude. Yezzik may have come off as hostile, but at the very least his arguments are sound.

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Finally someone here not wanting to jump on the poor guys back for getting the worst of this games main (and worst) mechanic.


Well said on the Brakk as well, never thought to compare the two obtainment methods that way (of which now I feel stupid, as it's so very simple.)


I saw the stream that made mention of T4 keys and all I can do is roll my eyes because this is yet another reward thrown to the winds of random chance and random nodes that people will need to spend days figuring out for which area has the highest chance of dropping the T4 Keys.


It's bad enough T3 key drops have been so obviously nerfed and even more frustrating that so many players have such favorable run ins with RNG (getting Rhino Prime in a weekend like one person I talked to while I've only gotten his systems ever since trying to farm him the day he came out)

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Doesn't help that the missions themselves are boringly easy.  I rather play grineer survivals for no reward or solo with crappy weapons, than grinding the void snoozfest for a ghost of a chance.

There was a good thread along the lines of 'time to add gameplay instead of relying on RNG'

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I think the biggest problem, is that as western gamers, we are not used to this RNG all effort and no reward system in our games.

Our gaming history has always been:

Complete this task- get x reward.

The task may be extremely difficult, the task could well be virtually impossible but that situation would still be infinitely preferable to the system we have in place now.

DE obviously have to monetise the game something which I understand and have no problem with, but it can't expect us to keep dumping $100 a time on prime access to save our sanity with Void missions when there is no new content to use those items on.

Why don't releases new maps with the challenges to unlock or discover or somehow " earn" the prime parts?

Events are a great way to tie these things together, so long as the rewards are then not tied in to RNG, it kills two problems with one stone- one a way to get new content into the game, and two keeps players playing.

Titanic boss fights, puzzles, exploration, against all odds defence challenges- problem sorted on all fronts.

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Unfortunate, G3 spawn rate may never chance. It's the only reason people would run invasion after the battle pay nerf. I know all of my clan member stop running invasion as soon as they collect all the brakk part. 35k credit or 1 orokin cell for 5 runs is a joke. I could get more running void in the same amount of time and also a chance to get prime part or forma.

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See, I'd love it if the whole Brakk was a reward for running, say, 10,000 Invasion missions for the Corpus as a safety feature.

It'd take me God only knows how long to get, but at least I'd know there would be a reward guaranteed were I to put in the time and effort.

This RNG and its "you get nothing, better luck harder son" is doing my head in.

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