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[14-04-02 - Orokin Sentry Addded]Orokin Emblem Symbolism. What Do You See?


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Just an FYI; Elves, Tolkien or otherwise, are quite often THE MOST passionate species in a fantasy setting. It's just that they stereotypically live so long that they learn to channel their emotions properly, making them SEEM emotionally stunted. but seriously, look at every Elven character in modern fantasy literature.


They tend to be focused, driven, and very dedicated to their cause.

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Hi all!

I am a Lore nut on these forums and just now I realized there is a Orokin Emblem. This was a WOW moment for me, and I started comparing it to Lotus Emblem.

At first I saw nothing, so I put Lotus over Orokin.

They lined up just fine.

Then I noticed what looked like a Crown.

After that I saw the head, with the tilted eyes and curved horns.

Totally not serious.

Then my imagination began running WILD. Lol. The orokin wore golden warframes with curved evil demonic appearance, six arms or wings could make them robotic, or alien, or cybernetic humans.

Or my mind are finally seeing things that arent really there.

I do however wonder about it´s meaning. If we look at Lotus she does in fact wear a headdress resembling the very Emblem the Tenno wear. There is no misstaking it.

So now I wonder if DE put some thought behind the symbols they place in their world beyond pure "This looks cool!".

Apologies all around if I am completely misstaken and this is just me wanting to find more Lore in the game. Wich I do. Badly.


What do you see?



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I made this... based on this: 




The pattern is at the bottom, but not lit up. On some floor plates, it is lit up. Thing is, after looking around the Orokin Towers some more, there are a couple other things that could be the Orokin logo. There is the Codex icon, but I haven't seen anything like that in the Towers yet.


I'd say it's unmistakable that you can find lotus petals all around the Towers, though. 99% certain that the Lotus is an Orokin AI that went rogue and told the Tenno to kill the Orokin.


Question is, what was the purpose of the lotus symbol in Dark Sector (both the original, and the modern one that got released)? And, given that, just how linked are the Tenno and the Orokin? I think it's obvious that the Orokin are human as well.


More pics (1st one show the same background that's in the Lotus video feeds, 2nd to last one is the Tenno symbol that's also on Excalibur's shoulder):


Edited by AntoineFlemming
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I made this... based on this: 




The pattern is at the bottom, but not lit up. On some floor plates, it is lit up. Thing is, after looking around the Orokin Towers some more, there are a couple other things that could be the Orokin logo. There is the Codex icon, but I haven't seen anything like that in the Towers yet.


I'd say it's unmistakable that you can find lotus petals all around the Towers, though. 99% certain that the Lotus is an Orokin AI that went rogue and told the Tenno to kill the Orokin.


Question is, what was the purpose of the lotus symbol in Dark Sector (both the original, and the modern one that got released)? And, given that, just how linked are the Tenno and the Orokin? I think it's obvious that the Orokin are human as well.


More pics (1st one show the same background that's in the Lotus video feeds, 2nd to last one is the Tenno symbol that's also on Excalibur's shoulder):















Do you therefore think my reasoning is without grounds, just wishful thinking?

Allso, what other symbols have you seen?

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Do you therefore think my reasoning is without grounds, just wishful thinking?

Allso, what other symbols have you seen?


Oh, your reasoning is sound. It's deductive reasoning. And it makes sense. I don't think the Orokin wore warframes, but I bet they wore headdresses similar to the Lotus. I think Rebecca referred to the Lotus as an AI, so I'd say the Lotus is an Orokin AI. That's all.


Looking at one of your later posts, I do think you are right. I think the gold refers to the gold that they wore and the gold of their structures and tech. I think the cold does refer to their championing or preference of reason and logic over emotion, and I think that it is this that distinguishes them from the Sentients. Note that sentience has a lot to do with feeling and emotion, and exhibiting such. I believe this is one of the only differences, and that both are human. I do think there is certainly a regal aspect of the Orokin as well.


Haven't really seen any other symbols beyond:


1) the one petal design in the fifth and seventh pics

2) the design of the floor plate

3) and the top view lotus design seen in the second and third pics


I know of the Codex symbol, but haven't seen that anywhere in the derelicts or the towers.


I just wonder why the Dark Sector suit had the lotus emblem. Wonder if that was supposed to be the emblem of a project or organization.

Edited by AntoineFlemming
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cool finds antoine, guess it all depends how deep DE thought out the orokin. symbols could be anything, though a race symbol should/could be what ever is repeated the most and most prominently displayed. other less used could be anything, watch your step, indicators for different areas, engine room, power room, research lab, etc.

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I am really disturbed by the fact that so many people claim to have spent so long in the Void looking for parts and so few realise the whole architecture of the Void rooms is dedicated to the Lotus flower. The goddamned traps are buds waiting to burst open, quite literaly, there are so many open flowers with their golden petals wide open that if you hadnt realised it after a coupld visits to the Void, you should really get off Warframe for a couple months and do some reading and art sighseeing.


Just read it and it did sound like my post was directed at one or more forumers in this thread, which is not the case.

It's funny that I completely missed the Lotus symbol in the Void until someone mentioned it the other day.  Then I was like, "How could I have missed it."  It's literally everywhere.

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Nope. Not sure what it's like. Could just be a pattern actually, since it's mirrored on the other sections.


Here's the original sized pic (just the language part though):



It says: Warning: do not stand near operational lasers.

The one on the console says "Warning: do not operate laser when obstruction is present." I wish that more Tenno could read that one. ^_^

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Figured it out. The symbol I posted about referres to the only living thing left in the Void;

The Neural Sentry.


We never see it directly to my knowledge, and Lotus only wants the Tenno to "cleanse" the Towers from the Corrupted.

Why do we not take out the Sentry as well?


Maby because it is a advanced AI, and Lotus does not want it dead.

Or perhaps the Sentries are the Orokin, at least what´s left of them.


But what would a robotic like that look like?

Based on the symbolism and Orokin TEch in Primes, turrets and such I came up with the following image.


I know it might be absolute nonselse and DE will never have us facing the Pupperteers in the Void, but I wanted to share this anyway.

And possibly, at the very least, get some oppinions on the nature and possible future appearnce of the Neural Sentry.


If DE would do this, would you look forward to it? What would you hope/fear/dream for Mynki and the others to come up with?


Anywhoo, here it is very very fast and basic, mind you.



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