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Are The Tenno Genderless?


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They have have male and female genitals.

Technically, it's impossible to tell if they have male or female genitalia OR ANY AT ALL.

 A female can still wear a codpiece. A man can wear a bra and false breasts.


There's really nothing to state one way or another that the Warframes themselves even strictly ARE in and of themselves sentient or "alive". (See last post on Page 5)

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I think it's pretty clear DE don't know themselves which way they want to go or they're purposefully leaving it ambiguous and plan to leave it that way forever so players can believe whatever they want.


It sounds like it started out as one Tenno per Warframe, LoL-style where you're a commander or summoner or whatever. Loki can only ever wear his Warframe and there is but one Loki in the entire universe, etc.


We took the twisted few that had returned from that place. We built a frame around them, a conduit of their affliction.


To me, that means one Tenno came back with some sort of toxin-based ability, and they built the Saryn-frame around her to maximize that potential. Another came back with stealth-based abilities, and they built the Loki-frame around that one. But it could be interpreted other ways as well. But she does mention the few, not the untold legion that we have now.


  • Each Tenno behind the Warframes have official concepts and ideas to what they look like [1] as stated by Art Director Mynki in Livestream #4 which may or may not be revealed in the future. These concepts may also be subject to change throughout development.


That was a while ago, so maybe DE changed their mind. But it sounds like each Tenno is linked to their Warframe.


The Harvester. Get harvested and that single frame is locked until you escape, but if there's only one Tenno with multiple frames how can you play any other frames before escaping (which you can if you fail the Escape mission, you just can't play with that frame and equipment until you finish the Escape mission)? And if it's just a frame, why go in and rescue Mag? If it's some sort of telepathic thing, you can just pop out and build a new Mag-frame to use. 


Probably some other stuff, too.


But on the other hand, one Tenno wearing multiple frames is also supported.


I believe there's promotional posters or something showing a Cell of 4 Excaliburs. That being possible in-game, of course. And someone mentioned Excalibur dying in a trailer or something?


Mastery Rank in general (could be Summoner-style as in LoL or just meaningless or it shows your strength as a Tenno, who has a closet full of frames he can wear)


The Focus system, probably? Haven't really been keeping up.


And more stuff, no doubt.



The point being that we don't know, and I wouldn't be so sure that even DE knows at this point.

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No not at all, sorry I do try not to employ sarcasm to often on the interweebs if I do i try to make it really obvious by spelling words with lots of extra vowels. I don't recall that incident though and don't remember sarcastically agreeing with anyone recently, often I'm not sure who I'm talking to from habit of looking at avatars and not names, works everywhere but here.  I do remember the last thread we were a part of not ending too terribly well but I don't hold grudges. Differences of opinion and all. 


If I find the thread I'll probably have to go apologize I can make an immense butt of myself when I get frustrated. I don't mean to but I have been mortified by some of the things I've said when re-reading them. 


Nah, don't worry about it man. I got the same problem. Between you and the other 2 guys that use Excalibur Prime I don't know WHO said it.

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Warframe has many contradictions.

You have to think of the following things:


1) Each warframe has it's own specific lore, such as Valkyr:

     Codex Entry:

     Forged in the labs of the Zanuka project, the original Valkyr was subject to cruel experiments leaving her scarred,

     angry and frighteningly adept at killing.


It says "The Original Valkyr", which implies YOU are not the original.


2) You can craft warframes (meaning they can be produced)


3) Each Warframe has it's own Revive Counter.


To me the only logical explanation is cloning or when you get a new warframe, Lotus sends you a new Tenno that wears it. (So instead of you being 1 Tenno you have multiples)


The only other game I can think of to reference is World of Tanks, where you have a garage full of tanks, and they each have their own stats and crew and abilities.


Well on Warframe you have a ship full of warframes, and they each have their own Tenno, Revive, and Stats.



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Oh my this thread has grown way out of proportion XD

There's a pretty small group (relatively speaking) of complete Lore hounds. We tend to fill up pages with theories and arguments. You'll find us on all the lore topics. We try to stay on topic but not really. 


Speaking of which -ahem-


I support the Poly-Tenno theory so in my little world-that-needs-confirmation they do have genders. Variations of that sentence are the best answers available right now. 

Edited by NevanChambers
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From the last podcast , Steve i beleive, said he wanted to preserve that we are the tenno and that sicne we are people of various ethnicities he did not want to pull off the helmets and put a face on them because it would take away from the immersiveness of us being the tenno. I suggest that they add a simple character creation section later on where you simple edit your tenno's face. You create a male and female avatar to wear the suits. This way they don't have to make male and female varients of the suits to support the we are the face of the tenno idea.

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Last I checked all the frames had official videos proclaiming them each male or female.



The frames may or may not be living things. And even IF the frame itself IS male or female, that doesn't mean the thing controlling it necessarily is. 

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To me the Tenno are all individuals. Human+ (or Posthuman if you will). Based upon their physical attributes that are apparent there are male and female. When we play we become the Tenno we are playing striving to fully understand and fully use that individual's skills. What you see on the outside is the Warframe. On the inside is an individual integrated with the frame and controlling it. For all intents and purposes that is you. 

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