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Coming Soon: Devstream #26


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What? Devstream #26 is this Friday, and we will be having a very special live-playthrough and commentary preview of Update 13!


4) Endgame Projects

Do these endgame projects include sort of level filter? Like a minimum mastery level or a minimum amount of xp with the frame your going to use?

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1. How soon can we except art/visual update on some of the melee weapons like Dark Sword/Dagger, Dual Heat Swords, Heat Dagger/Sword, Ceramic Dagger, Pangolin Sword and Cronus (grineer or grineer/orokin theme for Cronus since it's Vor's weapon?).

2. Will visuals of some Prime Warframes be improved (Mag and Excalibur Primes having really blown out colors)? Will visuals of some Warframes be improved (Valkyr's main color for example)?

3. Some of newer color palettes (since Daybreak) have specific colors that are not depicting how it will look on warframes and weapons (some colors appear brighter or darker in picker than what we get on models). Can this be adressed?

4. Improved visuals on very first sentinel accessories? Improved visuals on Shade an Wyrm?

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Given that we never saw many as Tenno reinforcements and I'm sure your art team didn't just STOP making them, about how many melee weapon designs do you have piling up in anticipation of Melee 2.0? Can you give us some of your favorites.

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First off, I love you guys.

Second off, END GAME: Questions from the perspective of an old player who's exhausted your game but still loves it/wants to see it flourish.

Will we see a great nerf or something to compensate for everything done in excess last year?


I'm asking in relation to a post I made about a month ago: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/194164-sooo-i-think-the-reason-im-losing-interest-in-warframe-is/#entry2255447


Other ways of wording what I'd like to really be asking here but am unable to find the right words to ask it:

1. What are your plans for amping up the pace of the action?

(Warframe is fast paced as all hell, but it's action is feels pretty limited/slow/boring/easily mastered.)


2. Are we ever going to get more control on the battlefield?

(Like, I can't really do much beyond run, run faster, wall jump to run faster, jump to run faster, wallclimb up and over a ledge. Where's my stealthy assassin/agile control type? EX: Splinter Cell, Assassin's Creed, Uncharted, Lara Croft, Spiderman even. I want to climb, hang, sneak, perch, etc etc etc. All I can do right now is run. Both the level design and enemy encounters reflect this, and the game feels all the more shallow for it. Melee 2.0 sounds like it's adressing a large part of the issue giving us more enemy interaction, but what about environment interaction?)


3. Are you planning on being Borderlands with "100's of 1000's of guns", splinter cell / ghost recon with "a tool for every job and feel", your own brand I'm hoping you enlighten me to? I don't even know :(

(Guns are pretty generic atm. They don't have the 'give and take' feel to them yet. It's either "which gun skin is the prettiest?" or "which gun skin is giving me the most DerPS?" When will you be to the point that you take guns and their stats into greater consideration? If ever?)

 3a. Same thing, but for Warframes?


4.How do you see your endgame ideas from earlier fitting into present warframe? Is Warframe due for some changes to accommodate them?

(The endgame ideas/projects presented a while ago are intriguing and interesting in and of themselves, however I don't see where they fit into warframe. Not just lore, but gameplay value. I don't see myself ever wanting to sit down in a mission to do this that or the other in accessory to what I'm already doing to complete the extremely short missions. The additional character progression side of it is groovy, but ingame.. what's the point? Where's the intrigue? Why would I ever kneel before a boss for even 2 seconds when I could just destroy the boss with my guns as it is?)



Ehhh still don't feel like I'm asking what I really want to ask, but this seems to be as close as I can get for now.

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Edit #2: Question time! How exactly do you intend to approach the implementation of removing stats on alternate helmets? Last devstream, you guys mentioned that we would retain the stat helmets if we were to build them before you make them purely cosmetic. Do we get to turn the stats on and off whenever we want to? Or do we have to get the same helmet from an alert, but then it'd be statless? More light on this, please.


I think it would be a good idea if you could equip mods to helmets to determine their stats. Each helmet would come with a mod preinstalled when built/purchased. These mods can be either removed or placed on other helmets. That way anyone can do both, wear the helmets they like and get the stats they want.

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It's not actually a question, but having not played Warframe in a few months I can say that the game has DEFINITELY improved a lot. There are so many little details that I have noticed (such as the new sound when collecting loot, the new avalanche effect, the electrical effects on your warframe when the enemy cuts you off vital support...). The level of attention in those things is what gives me so much hope about the game's future.....Despite Warframe getting bigger each week their overall version of the game is not changing at all. At this moment many companies would have sold themselves out to mainstream by compromising the art style or other things. But no, these guys are staying true to themselves.


Bravo guys. Bravo.


PD: Optimization patch did wonders in my laptop, shout-out for the team behind it! \(^-^)/

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No promises were made, you speak as if they were. DE during their livestreams always threw the word "maybe" around because there was no exact date for U13's release. The grineersystems site clearly shows that at the 6th uncovered screen, there would be more to display. I find it hilarious how your comment and most of everyone who has complained on here gives the impression that DE owes us something, free content update and they are putting effort in to make the best out of this. The initial goal was simply add Melee 2.0 and with limited new additions compared to what they have mentioned so far, I would also assume what will be shown in the livestream this week, will also be added to the game overall. People's hype getting out of hand to the point of being completely rude about something they are not even contributing to, so they wouldn't understand.

And you do understand obviously. Wait, no you don't, because you have just as much information as everybody else.


You are one of the fawning yes-men I described and trying to reason with you is pointless.

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I have two questions this time around:


1. Considering how you guys have been toying around with Warframe's art and developing it for years now; what were some of your artistic influences when developing the art for this game outside of your own inspiration? (And of course, Dark Sector :P)


2. Platinum Purchases above 1000 plat do come with bonuses, at least on the PC version, come with some bonus mods. However, all of the bonus mods offer are easily obtained in nightmare mod with little trouble, ruining the appeal of those "bonuses" for many players. Have you considered changing this to something more worthwhile such as fusion core packs; bonus affinity and credit boosters, or even adding Legendary Fusion Cores as one of the bonuses?

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Hold up kids, you thought a 1 week timer site that revealed a rolling 1 week timer was good?! think again! the rolling timer will soon reveal, A DIGITAL CLOCK TIMER, and that timer will go for another SEVEN DAAAYYSS, and guess what, when it's all over, ANOTHER TIMER, TIIIIMMMEERR-CEEPPTTTIOOONN. Srsly tho screw your timers, that site had me so hype and you crushed it with your stupid fancy grineer timer. Sorry I was excited to see that site countdown to the update, but it counted down to, a count down. 


Question: Will the features of U13 be locked up in game by a timer, and we will pick up new mods that will have timer locks on them that last 1 week, only to reveal the Grustrag 3 put on a super covert lock bolt that prevents us from playing update 13 for approximately 1 week? Will it reveal another timer after we remove it after the 1 week?   


Question 2: Is your plan to, fill, our lungs, with your timed hype? 

Question 3: Will there be a 7 day timer we have to wait through before we can watch the live stream?

Question 4: Will platinum purchases now include a 7 day time lock before any platinum can be used after purchase?


I really never wanted to make a rant post of this kind, and I still fully support this game and DE and I love all of DE they're a solid company filled with good hard-working people. I'm just a little heartbroken from the timer stuff, don't mind me.

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Question for the panel.


With Scott's announcement during Livestream #25 that alternate helmets with stats were being discontinued.


Why did DE severely buff the Alert drop rate for the alternate stat helmets?


This penalizes those players who had either bought the helmets for 75 platinum or watched for Alerts for the helmets they wanted by dramatically decreasing the Alerts for Catalysts, Reactors and Forma.


In fact since Livestream #25 there has only been Alternate Helmets, Auras and Resource Alerts!

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for a TL:DR version:



DE offers cheesecake, and tells us about how deliciously awesome it will taste

We work ourselves up over the cheesecake

DE tells us the cheesecake is here

Much Excite. Wow. Can Not calm.

DE says we cant have cheesecake for another week.

Much Rage.

DE eats cheesecake in front of us on friday.


I still want to take a look at the cheesecake even if I cannot taste it until next week :(

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A few of the things that keep me most invested in a game or story, besides the gameplay, are the lore and the characters. While I know you've said lore is coming, and we have factions coming ‘eventually’, I haven't heard anything about more characters. I’m not going to particularly care about the Red Veil Assassins if they’re just a faceless loot machine. At this moment, we have one person with a face and voice on our side; Lotus. Darvo is a bit more questionable and much less frequent, but he's always well-received. We have bosses, we have the Grustrag, we have the Stalker, but we don’t have friends.


Give us some. Introduce us to other Tenno; have them give us alerts, or walk us through missions like Darvo did, instead of the Lotus once in a while. Hell, have them randomly join us to help on a mission! Give them a name, a slightly modified helmet or 'frame (or not even that much, yet, if you're lacking resources), and invest us in the faction. Maybe make that lone tenno operative complain about how he's only finding credits on survival missions. Do you know how much more I would've cared about that Alad V cinematic if, before it was released, we'd run a few missions with that Excalibur that got sliced up? A lot more, that's for sure. It would've made the Gradivus choice much harder and more meaningful for some, if we knew some of the NPCs that would die if we sided with the Corpus. With the new hubs as well, it’s a perfect opportunity.



So, to sum up in a livestream question: Do you have any plans to introduce new friendly characters for players to interact with, either by assisting us in-mission, the coming hub systems, or by some other medium?

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