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Torid, All But Forgotten.


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The Torid has been around for quite a while. I used to dream of getting it when clans first came out and I found my self without one and unable to find a clan.


When I finally got it it was a huge letdown. It was extremely situational, No reliable damage unless you landed a direct hit. 
Back then the only time you saw people using it was on infested defense missions like xini.


I had known they were going to reword the model for a long time now. Didn't realize they had already done it and found out from seeing the torid sitting in my inventory with its new model. So I decided to take it for a run to see if it had been improved at all as i have not seen anyone using one in several months.



It's the same gun it was back then, just a new coat of paint.


The gun is never used because while the concept is awsome (blanket area DoT and area denial) the current version is just not worth using. I'm honestly having a hard time just leveling it for mastery.


Pre damage 2.0 it was a good crowd control weapon. You threw an ice damage mod on it and fire rate and reload speed and clip size along with any other damage mods you wanted and just laid down a blanket slow field to control enemy movements. Post 2.0 this no longer works so one of the best things about the gun is gone.



Currently as it stands the gun has a small mag size, very slow fire rate, very slow projectile travel speed, and a very long reload speed. Damage is good if the enemy will stand in the cloud but in this game its not often that they do. If you want the gun to be effective in anything but defense/mobdefense you have to put mods on for reload speed/clipsize/fire rate.


To do reliable damage you have to land a direct hit so the cloud sticks to the enemy and follows him as he runs around. This is made extremely hard at mid range and impossible at long range due to the projectiles slow speed and arced path. Landing projectiles near groups of enemies is also impossible at anything but point black due to the travel speed. Enemies don't stand still for long and they certainly dont follow one path straight at you. Several times I've shot at a group of enemies only to have it land next to them because they moved slightly and only do damage to the one in the group that didnt move.


Currently this gun is just lackluster. Not fun to play much at all. If firestorm would work on the size of the gascloud that would offset some of its downside since it would be easier to get enemies into the cloud. I'm afraid that untill this gun gets a buff, while i love the new look of it, it will just be put on the back shelf of my inventory to gather more dust.



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I find the gun really fun to use. Sure you won't rack up kills like a, Orgis or Penta, but I really could care less since I have guns for that. Coupling my Torid with my Saryn is just extreme DoT. Really useful for bosses. Also if you are a squishy frame, lob a few shots onto an enemy and find cover while they die. It's a strategic gun, not a spray and pray or nuked everything weapon which I find really fun. Sure it could you some minor tweaks but other then that I like it how it is.

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Hello, Torid is my most used weapon. Come, let me tell you its story.


The original Torid did damage to the user and was extremely powerful. I owned the original and used it with my Rhino, it was wonderful.


DE broke the Torid and in an effort to salvage it, they removed damage to the user. At the same time, they introduced what they now claim was a bug to torid which would cause it to be nerfed months later. Before the nerf was Torid's golden age. Torid's damage was huge and the weapon could now be widely used because the self-damage had been removed. After the nerf, though still one of the most powerful weapons in the game, Torid's use became rare. At this point Torid could kill anything efficiently up to lvl 250 once maxed out. Arguably Torid was still one of the top 5 endgame weapons.


Torid was dethroned in damage 2.0. Every player that knew the history of the Torid knew that DE would neglect it in Damage 2.0. However, it was completely useless at this point so I was forced to use other primaries. Months passed and DE returned some usefulness to Torid. However, Torid is dead now, its place in endgame is gone. I found a new favorite weapon.

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I agree with the OP:

"When I finally got it it was a huge letdown. It was extremely situational, No reliable damage unless you landed a direct hit. "

I started playing the game after damage 2.0 and by studying the damage 2.0 tables I realized that native poison damage was very effective against Grineer(viral) and infested(gas or corrosive) and the only native poison damage main weapon in the game is the torid.

It is extremely effective against slow-moving bosses as a shield suppression device. But the slow projectile speed makes it very hard to connect at more than point blank. Could the blob spread out a bit as it flies to make medium ranged shots more likely? I have seen suggestions for the Firestorm mod to increase the poison cloud size. That would be a welcome option.

Or if the gun is working as intended, could we please get another poison primary weapon?

Edited by fustigator
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Damage, including the cloud damage is fine. The issue is that it's S#&$ as an AoE weapon because the cloud is tiny, and using it as a glorified bean-bag launcher is kinda pointless since you could just use the Latron Prime instead and have 3 times the magazine and a lot more fire-rate if you wanted a semi auto.

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Yeah torid used to be an amazing, fun, tactical gun and now it's just a pale mockery of what it once used to be.

DE needs to bring back the previous strengths, give it an innate slow/proc, and allow it to damage the user again as a tradeoff.

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Yeah torid used to be an amazing, fun, tactical gun and now it's just a pale mockery of what it once used to be. DE needs to bring back the previous strengths, give it an innate slow/proc, and allow it to damage the user again as a tradeoff.

The self damage is an issue because it's far to easy for it to end up dragged back to you without being able to do anything about it, unlike the other AoE weapons where the effect is gone soon. A larger AoE would probably do enough; less shots needed to block a doorway (or you can stack up more damage with less shots in the same area) and they'll take longer to go through the field, taking more damage that way as well. The proc chance is pretty good with both ele/proc mods; combined with split chamber you should get a proc every couple of tics.

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