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The Return Of Excalibur Prime


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DE said numerous times : "The Disney vault is FOREVER closed" when it comes to Founders items. It's the ONE thing they were adamant about.

I'm not saying it's carved in stone, and that every new player is aware of it, but seeing thread after thread about it is getting old...

It would make no sense to make it available again, not because "butthurt founders (seriously, still using that one?^^')", but because FOUNDERS items. It sucks that many weren't there/able to buy it when it was available, but it's gone for a good(?) reason.^^'

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In a previous thread discussing this matter, this was an idea quite a few people was throwing around:


- Make all founder prime exclusives available to everyone through conventional methods.

- Give founders exclusive skins for said primes.


But in the end, I don't really care all THAT much, only thing I find kinda unfair is that event exclusive equipment, including founder stuff, counts towards mastery. Gives you guys the ability to be permanently ahead of everyone in term of mastery ranks :/

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There's ways of fixing the one issue--gameplay.

Sadly, I have no idea how doable some of them are.

Idea 1: Remove all Mastery from removed items. This only works if DE can remove it from the accounts of those who've levelled those items, and people don't like having things taken away from them.

Idea 2: Fancy Founder/CBT-only skins, and release the items into the Void. The Proto skin would have worked here.

Idea 3: Dex Excalibur, etc, but it shares Mastery with its Prime counterpart. I don't know if that's even possible. Either way, it gives Excal fans a Prime-kinda visual upgrade to hunt down so they don't feel like they lost out.

Idea 4: Give all accounts the Mastery for levelling removed stuff. To stop this from front-loading newbies to Rank 3 or so immediately, maybe make it clantech so they need to get the blueprint and build it like the Bolt Release.

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But if DE want more money then let them bring back this package again and for a very limited time


Yes, because falsely selling thousands of items as a once-only exclusive, then re-issuing it again is the secret to business success.


Tell me again how lying to your most loyal customers is a good business strategy?

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they cant be sued for it, they own the rights to the product and like all games you have to click that little agree button that is usually summed up with "we make the rules for out product." 



however they have said SEVERAL times that this is likely never going to happen.


Someone hasn't studied contract law... it's called a bait and switch, and it's illegal in the US, and Europe, actually most places. And EULAs aren't worth the paper they're printed on when it comes to legislative breaches.


They advertised the Founder's pack for people who would support them early, the risk being that the game would simply flop, people who picked up the Founder's Pack took the risk and got something exclusive back in return. That's a contract. 


PS4 players didn't "found" or contribute to Warframe in the same way, it'd be nice if we got some better deals on platinum etc. as the PSN prices are giving people the shaft. And people on PC had the chance, they opted not to risk losing their money, so they didn't get the exclusive stuff. 


Would I like, to get hold of Excalibur Prime? Yes, but I'm not going to lose sleep over it. And they don't exactly need more money when people will buy Prime access packs.( Although frankly I don't see the point as I can get the prime parts a month later dirt cheap trading for them either mods or a little Plat. I don't think I've had to pay more than 50 plt total for various Prime parts and I have 3 frames and 4 prime weapons built. )

Edited by (PS4)billy-d-squid
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They advertised the Founder's pack for people who would support them early, the risk being that the game would simply flop, people who picked up the Founder's Pack took the risk and got something exclusive back in return. That's a contract. 


PS4 players didn't "found" or contribute to Warframe in the same way, it'd be nice if we got some better deals on platinum etc. as the PSN prices are giving people the shaft. And people on PC had the chance, they opted not to risk losing their money, so they didn't get the exclusive stuff. 


This is one of the most well-constructed arguments I've seen on the topic. Thank you +1.


And to those who repeatedly ask for Exal prime to be re-released, I pose a simple question:


Do you really want to play a game which lies to its founding supporters?

Edited by notionphil
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They advertised the Founder's pack for people who would support them early, the risk being that the game would simply flop, people who picked up the Founder's Pack took the risk and got something exclusive back in return. That's a contract. 


PS4 players didn't "found" or contribute to Warframe in the same way, it'd be nice if we got some better deals on platinum etc. as the PSN prices are giving people the shaft. And people on PC had the chance, they opted not to risk losing their money, so they didn't get the exclusive stuff. 





Do you really want to play a game which lies to its founding supporters?


Something the people who keep begging for founder's items will never understand.

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Someone hasn't studied contract law... it's called a bait and switch, and it's illegal in the US, and Europe, actually most places. And EULAs aren't worth the paper they're printed on when it comes to legislative breaches.


They advertised the Founder's pack for people who would support them early, the risk being that the game would simply flop, people who picked up the Founder's Pack took the risk and got something exclusive back in return. That's a contract. 


PS4 players didn't "found" or contribute to Warframe in the same way, it'd be nice if we got some better deals on platinum etc. as the PSN prices are giving people the shaft. And people on PC had the chance, they opted not to risk losing their money, so they didn't get the exclusive stuff. 


Would I like, to get hold of Excalibur Prime? Yes, but I'm not going to lose sleep over it. And they don't exactly need more money when people will buy Prime access packs.( Although frankly I don't see the point as I can get the prime parts a month later dirt cheap trading for them either mods or a little Plat. I don't think I've had to pay more than 50 plt total for various Prime parts and I have 3 frames and 4 prime weapons built. )

*thunderous applause erupts*

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I dont agree with bringing Excal Prime back, he was a founder's reward, and people paid for that. Not only would bringing him back make being a founder even more pointless, and thus insult them even more, it would also mean paying for him in the first place was a dumb decision and we should of waited for when he would become free.

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