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In Need Of Advise (Job Advise)


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This is the story:


I had a VERY important deadline last week, i work as a freelance designer, the thing is that i fcked it up and i could not finish in time, my client was VERY VERY angry... i put my best poker face on and told him that i needed another week, so i got another week, now i'm not sure if i can really make it for this second deadline... the day is almost over and i have not delivered yet, the guy just called me and as i am also upset i just told him to not call me again then hanged the phone on him and turned it off! i just muted the annoying idiot... what do you guys think?


Maybe that wasn't the best idea... but i just didnt knot what else to do... any advise? ideas?


Edit: sorry to bring this personal issue over to the game's forums i just needed some objective opinions, because my family will take my side off course...

Edited by Orbister
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For future reference you should over prepare and ask for more than you think you will need

you think you need a week, ask for more just to give you enough time to push out a final product


but try your best to make deadlines the first time. If you feel you wont make the first deadline ahead of time, let your client know asap

dont shut them down because that builds a bad rep for you


stay positive and give them what they need

it will be ok :3

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Don't promise something you can't do, if you needed more time ask for it and apologize a lot, offer a discount for this job and a future one, apologize again, and again, offer cookies, then apologize again, because remember you get paid by clients so sometimes you have to suck it up and accept you screwed up, call him back tell him you had an awful day and you snapped and you know it was wrong, blah blah you know the drill.


TLDR. Man up, accept the consequences.

Edited by Insulino
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Step 1: Learn to spell advice.

Step 2: Learn how to keep deadlines this is literally 50% of your job.

Step 3: Don't be rude to clients they are literally paying you.

Step 4: Don't ask a video game for for advice. 

you are right, sorry english is my second language i always confuse advise with advice, advise would be the verb? and regarding 4 i was asking for "random" people's opinion not the videogame's thanks though.

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Step 1: Learn to spell advice.

Step 2: Learn how to keep deadlines this is literally 50% of your job.

Step 3: Don't be rude to clients they are literally paying you.

Step 4: Don't ask a video game for for advice. 



Better luck in the future with your freelance work, fellow Tenno.

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Man that was very unprofessional from your part, also the client gave u another week to finish the job... So idk but looks like u lost a future client lol

I would call your client and explain in detail whats going on, how much of the job is done, why is taking this long etc

If he/she start to yell at u, just try to be the better person and dont let the anger get u

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I'm going to have to concur that being rude to the folks that pay you is generally not recommended.  Clients don't appreciate feeling like their time is being wasted.  If you don't pull through with the job, they'll find another freelancer who will.  And the resulting bad rep will sting.


Call 'em back, apologize, explain, and get the job done.  They'll probably be angry, but that's what happens.

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I'm a designer too, idk what it took so long to make, but cant you predict how much time is a work going to take? ...weird


Yah, bad move, I say you should have talked true and straight with him.

You might just have lost your client.

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