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For All You Rushers & Noob Loki Runners


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First of all, Loki runners... you are wasting Loki's abilities...

Second, stop wasting other player's precious game time who wants to actually kill stuff and loot stuff...

Lastly, if you want to run do it in Private mode.

That is all.

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Also can i add that the moment i see a Loki with an Paris i auto Assume they aren't really skillful with it

second i hate rushers and i agree

third i like fluffy grineer

lastly stick together because i don't revive rushers for a good reason

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Dude, a runner can clear enemy waves without triggering the alerts. Basically, if you bring a melee weapon that is effective against the mission enemies, you can run and use your charge attack to kill enemies and still complete the mission with a low time. I run Loki in Sedna with Fang and can solo everything up to the boss often without triggering the alarm. No abilities of course.

Edited by Stygi
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Things will be different once they ennable soloing assassination/boss-missions (non-Infected ones, that is). Otherwise only missions I'd do in groups are ("Endless") Defence-missions, because those can't be rushed "anymore" (and even the first-given-prize can be really valuable+useful).

What I don't like however, is that rushers at the moment can completely negatate/deny the bonus/mission-credits because "they're in hurry", even when the looters/explorers are sharing the looted extra cash (E.G. assassination-alert-missions with 3000 -> loot for Neurodes -> credit paycheck denied by people not wanting to loot the room next to them (or any other room they pass by...)).

P.S. Yes, I'm not fan of Speedrunning in Co-Op oriented games; I have nothing against that though, except when it's clearly hurting other players...as I've already said before.

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First of all, Non-Loki runners... you are wasting frame slots...

Second, stop wasting other player's precious game time who want to actually complete missions and advance...

Lastly, if you want to loot do it in Private mode.

That is all

PS: see what I did there?

+1 to this.


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I'm less inclined to listen to you because of comments you have made in-game. You are very vulgar and don't keep your anger to yourself.

Just because you don't agree with how someone plays does not give you the right to call them names or curse them.

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First of all, Loki runners... you are wasting Loki's abilities...

Second, stop wasting other player's precious game time who wants to actually kill stuff and loot stuff...

Lastly, if you want to run do it in Private mode.

That is all.

Dear slowpoke.

First of all, You like to loot, I like to get stuff DONE, Im not asking you to change, why are you asking me to change?

Second, stop wasting other player's precious time who actually want to finish in a timely fashion!

Lastly, If you have a problem with rushing, do your looting in private matches.

That said, I am not really much of a rusher myself, I however don't stop for EVERY LITTLE PIECE OF LOOT, Infact people who need to CATCH THEM ALL anoy me far more then players that are in a hurry.

If your purpose is to farm materials etc, find like minded people.. don't expect EVERYONE to share your opinions, its damned arogant and silly of you.

These thread need to stop, You insist on wanting to play the way you want, and yet you insist others shouldnt be able to play it like they like... Shame on you! Shame!

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First of all, Loki runners... you are wasting Loki's abilities...

Second, stop wasting other player's precious game time who wants to actually kill stuff and loot stuff...

Lastly, if you want to run do it in Private mode.

That is all.

Dear slow poke,

I hope the one extra mod, a pittance of mats and some tiny amount of credits were worth falling over a minute behind me. Please continue to get mad when you die since I'm not there to carry your sorry a*#. After this mission I'll go farm a defense mission and get a S#&$ ton of mods and mats while you still waste your time looting linear missions.

That is all.

Edited by Aggh
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My Loki wasn't deleted because of his speed.

Sometimes you forget to adjust to play private/solo, and is too much expensive, i mean, your profile is stained (i'm not sure if is the correct word). Anyway, stuff happens, keep calm and press 4.

I really can not contribute to anything good for this topic.

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Generally follow the hosts lead, however if hes laggy and he knows it, ill gladly speed ahead creating some grineer sushi as I go.

That said, i never rush past mobs, whats the fun in that.

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Rushers are big problems... they ruin the fun for other players... period... There were many players who wanted help farming mats or warn me to slow down and I was glad to help out. Warframe is all about Co-OP. &!$$es me off to see numerous idiots that just rush to extraction point not even touching the mobs on the way.

What DE need to implement is team boundary so if there is a rusher that goes out of the boundary, the rusher is kicked from the game automatically...


@G3rman I don't remember you from anywhere? Do I know you?

PS - Oh btw, don't start or join a defense mission and go AFK... holding up the whole team...

Bottom line... people... have some freaking manners... This is Co-OP not freaking CoD...

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They should just make extraction require at least half the people present in the game to be there.

This sort of thing is only really disruptive if it is one guy screwing the other three out of credits because he has a very fast Warframe. The whole issue is fixed forever if there has to be a minimum two people at extraction in order to start the timer.

If it takes you longer to reach then end of a level then more then half of your squad then it isn't the game or those player's fault.

Edited by Blatantfool
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I had a Loki rusher about 20 minutes ago. He was some kind of showoff, too.

We were in that area with the three bridges and he was way ahead of us, then he turns around, runs behind us and starts wallrunning on that rail between the bridges. I hear his gun going off and see his bullets hitting at the the feet of my character, as if he wanted my attention.

The heck, man. I just wanted rubedo.

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I use a Loki and have a Paris, and i'm usually the last one out.

Problem is that the Loki is a starter frame, If the Rhino is a starter frame, then people would be complaining about Rhino speed running.

Speed runs are great when you're farming with a farm group.

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