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How Would You Summarize This New Update?


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It's totally, utterly and unavoidably irrelevant and unimportant if a game is F2P or not. 
If it can be criticized, it should be criticized. 
That's how companies compete and that's how we get better games.​

Actually, companies currently compete by buying out competitors and dropping all support for it, meaning they get all the money. Alternatively, they pay people to slander it, or failing that, they file copyright.


Other than that, they don't compete, they co-exist.

Shush about things you don't read about.

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I enjoyed the old melee system that part where you at least can use your speed to kill now with a Fang just horrible. I don't know how they thought but they hate maybe the speedy things in this game. Reduced the speed most of melee and they just killed the fury with this reduce. Stances maybe good stuffs but not give so much extras and i bet in a massive fight you won't use your combos when a half squad shot toward you. With this speed i can survive at least 5 sec in high levels. The game is buggy still but almost every new update ruining a little this and need time to be fixed other stuffs in game seems okay but still need to try out.

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Though this is first impressions I find it quite sickening what people have put. 




Did you just want to login and get all the stance mods of the first thing you killed? 


Also the Vay hek might a grind but it has to be. This is a free to play game and DE has to make the platinum back some how. So WHENEVER a new frame comes out it gets hid behind a small time/effort wall. This makes people who want the new shiny thing buy it now instead of waiting. 


The void forbid you guys have to put any effort in this game to get any reward back. 


Give it a few days at the least. 

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Cool Sword!


Followed shortly by: This grind frustrates me to the point of not wanting to play the game. That's never happened before.


Seriously, why did DE have to put the new Hek behind such a grind wall? I was hoping for awesome encounters at Earth, but this? It sickens me.


Edit: I was fine with the Nekros grind. At least the coordinates were easy to get, and you didn't need that many.


Here, you're lucky if the unit that drops the coordinates spawns. Then, you've got to pray that you have the right damage type to deal with him (lord knows what happens if you can't kill him in an exterminate mission). Then, you've got to hope that the right type of coordinate drops.


All of that will eventually net you one chance at getting the frame component that you need.

Edited by Corvid
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yeah, everyone is jumping the gun, i have no idea what possesed DE to put everything behind the bad kind of grinding (you know, the kind where you grind for hours but dont feel like you make progress) and more importantly, why they did not give melee weapons default stances.


also dont worry about the grinding, nekros was bad at first, then they toned down all of the grinding, reducing the time it took to build the keys and reducing the mats needed.


i mean hes still kinda bad to grind for, but its gotten better.


yall can start whining if its still horrible in a week or two, but for now, sit down, provide constructive criticism, and hope.

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Actually, companies currently compete by buying out competitors and dropping all support for it, meaning they get all the money. Alternatively, they pay people to slander it, or failing that, they file copyright.


Other than that, they don't compete, they co-exist.

Shush about things you don't read about.


Doesn't, in any way, negate my point.

Criticism is healthy and the 'F2P' banner should not be a shield from it.

Try again? 

Also if you think gaming companies don't compete by making better games...you're just wrong.

See Everquest 2 and World of Warcraft.

See AoS and LoL.

See Prototype and InFamous.

Sure, you get the underbelly of it, but better games are, well, better.

Game design team sees game, thinks 'I can do better' while the original game fails to do so, people move to the new game. 


ANYWAY: Back on track; Just because a game is free to play, does not mean we shouldn't criticize it, it's healthy to do so. 

If the consumer pushes for better, there will be better. 


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- New Resource: Argon Crystal. A Void Only Resource from the Orokin Age that decays over time (a half-life of one day). Use it quickly in any gear that requires this Resource!


i really can't be the only one thinking that this is just a bad idea waiting to happen.

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i really can't be the only one thinking that this is just a bad idea waiting to happen.




Just wait for the new market item.


Tenno Freezer


Cost : 50 platiniums

Upkeep : 5 platiniums a week.


Effect : Prevents your argon crystals from decaying.

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Steve heed our call!, so far it seems we have know info if the devs are going too change this or if it had been acknowledged at all


They are probably pretty super asleep. Some might be waking up soonish maybe? I don't think Steve has slept in the last week or so, though, so I wouldn't expect him any time soon.

Edited by Worira
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Yeesh you guys are a tough crowd. They're going for sustainability with this one. Long term health guys. I for one love how I need no other weapon besides melee, and I do have much more fun now. I dislike having to farm for certain mods which is something I haven't needed to do in a while, but now I can have fun doing it

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Yeesh you guys are a tough crowd. They're going for sustainability with this one. Long term health guys. I for one love how I need no other weapon besides melee, and I do have much more fun now. I dislike having to farm for certain mods which is something I haven't needed to do in a while, but now I can have fun doing it


Most of us are fine with everything except the Hek grindwall. Partially because it came out of nowhere.

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