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Power Creep Is Slowly Killing The Game


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DE is interested in money.

Money comes from market.

Make overpowered weapon, or Warframes in general, which are hard to get (due to farm/grind).

People without any patience and large pockets will buy without a doubt (like the katana fiasco earlier today).



They do not care about their playerbase and do not certainly care about what is happening now. 

As long as money roll in, they are good.

Edited by se05239
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they're well tied together and working great, you try to farm.. fail, get tired and angry... then you end up buying from market or from other players stuff that's almost impossible for you to get, with the plat you purchased of course, it's a damn effective system if you ask me

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The game has far more diverse builds than it did before; the melee changes just added more viability to alternate builds.

in 7 there was really only one way to build any frame which mostly continued till about... I want to say u9 or so but they have been trying to balance things out better.... it's still lacking but it is consistently improving (at least more recently)

Also, there used to really only be like 2 or 3 choices for good weapons and now there's a lot of variables to consider; before damage 2.0 it was basically "Not armor ignore? Not viable"

Edited by Bakim0n0
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They do not care about their playerbase and do not certainly care about what is happening now. 

As long as money roll in, they are good.

This is such a childish way to look at things. Its literally what a kid trying to be edgy says when he thinks he understands things.

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This is basically what happens when a large portion of a game's player base refuse to pay for a free to play game.

Free to play means that if you play it and like it, do at least pay the retail price to support the game developers to come up with regular updates.

Most retail games will lose developers support in 6 months. We are lucky that Warframe went on for more than a year.

On a free to play model with a significant number of their player base either buying plats only when heavily discounted or not buying any at all, I am utterly amazed that they survived that long.

99% of the player base on PS4 didn't buy the prime access.

Edited by (PS4)friedricetheman
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The addition of the Nikana and Dragon Nikana is the most blatant and most sudden case of power creep I've seen so far. Other than Prime versions of weapons.

Yeah im not understanding the point of the Nikana if there's a stronger version of it already out there with around the same effort to obtain.

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It is nature to be OP, and always will be.

Where there is will, there is a way, whatever, however by any means.

There are choices and paths in this game and in life.

The path you take be it in game or in life is a personal choice,

and choice are offered to you in many different ways.


Make your choices, choose your path.

Embrace your decisions and carry on.


 With your choices and decisions, comes cause and effect,...



choose wisely.

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You do realize, like anyone else, DE employees do work to make a living, not to give you everything and get nothing for their efforts in return. Whether you choose to farm or outright purchase, that is a personal preference. There are many players who choose to farm until their fingers cramp, then come back the next day and do it again. Their choice. I already work for a living, I don't want to end my workday by coming home to relax in front of a game by working at having fun. Therefore, I purchase. That is my choice.


The ones that choose to farm and never spend plat have just as many weapons and frames as those who purchase. Balance does exist.


To say DE does not care is highly unfair. I don't know what any of you do to make a living and it is irrelevant. Put yourself in their position, create your own game on a scale as large as theirs, start your own company, show us money does not matter to you, deal with the general public and demonstrate how it should be done. Either you are part of the problem or part of the solution.

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Power creep works in real-life too. Compared to that, this is nothing. But, I have my doubts they will ever remove the RNG....yes...it's been on-going discussion....even if its ignored time-to-time...it will keep haunting.



Balance has been non existent for a long bloody while now.

Yes...now it's going to be a legend probably...sigh...just like patience.

Edited by IIJetfireII
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The game has far more diverse builds than it did before; the melee changes just added more viability to alternate builds.

in 7 there was really only one way to build any frame which mostly continued till about... I want to say u9 or so but they have been trying to balance things out better.... it's still lacking but it is consistently improving (at least more recently)

Also, there used to really only be like 2 or 3 choices for good weapons and now there's a lot of variables to consider; before damage 2.0 it was basically "Not armor ignore? Not viable"

Are you seriously suggesting that the number of viable weapons is an acceptable number? I am aware and agree with what damage 2.0 did but it was hardly enough. Too many weapons either don't have a role or are outclassed by another.

We need more weapons like the ballistica, despair, stug, and castanas. Weapons that bring fresh mechanics or wildly different aesthetics without being a better bullet spitter or just inherently stronger than everything else.

Edited by Jrgsubzero
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Yeah I dunno.  It's a fine line that the devs walk on.  I'm not white knighting here, but if every weapon was so balanced that they were reskins, you'd have to nerf all mods and just basically give everyone the same gun and make it call of duty ninjas in space.  It'll be completely different from what Warframe really is.


I do agree that all of weapons should be re-balanced somewhat, and there should be more trade-offs to promote diversity. But there's a reason for several "tiers" of weapons.


In my mind there should be ideally 1/3 starter weapons, 1/3 intermediate weapons and 1/3 advanced weapons.  All behind appropriate master rank walls.

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They do not care about their playerbase and do not certainly care about what is happening now.


No no no.


Even a butcher cares about his cows or sheep.


We are more like chickens, though. DE places us into our cages and keeps us trapped until we can't help but poop out a money-egg.


They need us, they just don't care what we think. I mean, who cares what a chicken thinks as long as it keeps laying eggs? As soon as a chicken stops laying eggs, then the farmer gets concerned.

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This is basically what happens when a large portion of a game's player base refuse to pay for a free to play game.

Free to play means that if you play it and like it, do at least pay the retail price to support the game developers to come up with regular updates.

Most retail games will lose developers support in 6 months. We are lucky that Warframe went on for more than a year.

On a free to play model with a significant number of their player base either buying plats only when heavily discounted or not buying any at all, I am utterly amazed that they survived that long.

99% of the player base on PS4 didn't buy the prime access.

Then why there are so many Misa prime sydannas and Ember prime avatars around? I believe those were only in Prime access.

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Are you seriously suggesting that the number of viable weapons is an acceptable number? I am aware and agree with what damage 2.0 did but it was hardly enough. Too many weapons either don't have a role or are outclassed by another.

Are you seriously suggesting that the number of viable weapons is an acceptable number? I am aware and agree with what damage 2.0 did but it was hardly enough. Too many weapons either don't have a role or are outclassed by another.

Outclassed and non viable are two different things. Example Soma great high end gun that I hate with the passion of a thousand suns. So I use one of a dozen "lesser" weapons. You really can make almost any gun decent with a few early mastery level exceptions.
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You must be new...

The game has far more diverse builds than it did before; the melee changes just added more viability to alternate builds.

in 7 there was really only one way to build any frame which mostly continued till about... I want to say u9 or so but they have been trying to balance things out better.... it's still lacking but it is consistently improving (at least more recently)

Also, there used to really only be like 2 or 3 choices for good weapons and now there's a lot of variables to consider; before damage 2.0 it was basically "Not armor ignore? Not viable"

Does It has more builds? Yes you are now forced to make a different rainbow build against each faction.

Does it has more diversity? No, you're still going to make a optimal build against each faction using different elements, still popping up raw damage + multishot on everything and maybe crit if the weapon has decent critrate.

As for melee 2.0 the only new thing that it brings is stance mods that you'll most likely not find so early and have their own slot or lolchanneling which from what I've played so far doesn't seem to be viable since all of the melee-oriented warframes such as ash or Valkyr needs the energy to keep up invisible/hysteria up.

Edited by Tdown
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DE is interested in money.

Money comes from market.

Make overpowered weapon, or Warframes in general, which are hard to get (due to farm/grind).

People without any patience and large pockets will buy without a doubt (like the katana fiasco earlier today).



They do not care about their playerbase and do not certainly care about what is happening now. 

As long as money roll in, they are good.





Right. Money $$$$

Edited by qthk
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