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Is Trinity Ever Going To Get A Skin Like All Of The Other Warframes? :(


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She's not going to get nerfed.

Because if she did, other frames will follow.

It's a never ending cycle of nerfing the strongest frame. There will always be a frame that is stronger after each nerf.

In the end, we will end up with Mickey mouse frames and water guns that deal a bunch of 1's.

Case in point, mass effect 3 multiplayer. All classes in that game are basically a bunch of Mickeys that can't extract on platinum mode unless the players glitches or camp in a very small box and play only against Reapers (which are the easiest fraction).

Edited by (PS4)friedricetheman
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In the end, we will end up with Mickey mouse frames and water guns that deal a bunch of 1's.


Nonsense. The newest and most expensive warframe will always be the best.


Don't forget that Prime Frames are upgrades now. Trinity might get her blessing nerfed, but Trinity Prime won't.



(Sorry for the delayed response, DE is limiting my posting to once every 30 seconds.)

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She's not going to get nerfed.


I wasn't saying anything about her getting nerfed. I want her to have a new skin. Sucks that my favorite Warframe happens to be left out of the new Immortal Skin loopthing, I guess.



Nonsense. The newest and most expensive warframe will always be the best.


Don't forget that Prime Frames are upgrades now. Trinity might get her blessing nerfed, but Trinity Prime won't.



(Sorry for the delayed response, DE is limiting my posting to once every 30 seconds.)


Well, I'm hoping this means they are going to put out Trinity Prime next. Probably the only Warframe I'll be willing to purchase via Prime Access.


Off-topic, but why is DE limited your posting? e___e

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sssh! Trinity does not need any extra attention brought on her. Ever.


We don't need her becoming a FoTM and disgraced in the forums like other unmentionable Frames by the Copy n Paste Bandwagon Sheeple. Saryn caught some light for a little and look what they did to her Miasma radius.


Quiet! Nothing to see here. Trinity SUX AMIRITE BROS?

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Case in point, mass effect 3 multiplayer. All classes in that game are basically a bunch of Mickeys that can't extract on platinum mode unless the players glitches or camp in a very small box and play only against Reapers (which are the easiest fraction).


You clearly have never played with any actual good players.

Edited by ReizoRyuu
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She is by far the most ugly Warframe (mostly due to the lobster tail.) She doesn't have an immortal skin, and no matter what colors I put on her she never gets any better looking. :/

I'm all in for a Skin.




Can't do anything with this tail.


I was aware of the expression "Butterface", not Buttertail.

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i would laugh my &#! off if they released a female Medic skin or Trinity XD

i would love the skin....just a reason to get rid of the lobster skirt xD


on topic: yea i was really waiting for a immortal skin for her in U13....i guess mid U13 when (if) they release a new prime? 

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iam forgot on what DEvst is it.. 

they say gonna rework the skirt with physx colth effect ..

*yes i am waiting for the immortal skin trinity too T__T

at least enjoy the bikini frame for now XD (cannot get right skin color  on her suit XD jx7PeN9.jpg

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Guys, I have to say I like her outfit. I like Warframe's who have some sort of decoration to their armor, like Frost's or Hydroid's coat. Not a huge fan of Warframes who are plain, like Excalibur or Nova.


My only problem is that it's hard to get a color combo that looks good for her. Also, it's infuriating that Trinity has been here so long and she hasn't even gotten an Immortal skin, and those were introduced back in like, U11. It's now U13, and still nothing. I'm hoping that the only reason for this is that they have Trinity Prime in the works, in which case, hooray! I will buy Prime Access so fast my nose will bleed.

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