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De You Must Be Kidding Me...


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So finally after 6 hours (SIX ****ING HOURS) I managed to get my first two Delta Beacons. I thought I could finally go kick Hek's &#!, but no. There a one-hour build time on the key ffs. 

In that hour build time farm more beacons because you won't probably get the 3 parts in 3 runs... :D

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Hek was actually a pretty fair for a boss. The one criticism would be that the hitbox for his tiny face when he's floating around is hard as hell to hit.


You can also shoot at that hump on his back. A shotgun with a nice spread makes it easier to hit it.


I use Detron (shotgun secondary) when he's flying around and then I switch to Supra when he fuses and transforms into a giant Chocobo bird.

If you don't have Detron/Brakk, you can use any other shotgun.


Explosive weapons such as Penta/Ogris can work as well, although, their projectiles have some travel time.

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You can also shoot at that hump on his back. A shotgun with a nice spread makes it easier to hit it.


I use Detron (shotgun secondary) when he's flying around and then I switch to Supra when he fuses and transforms into a giant Chocobo bird.

If you don't have Detron/Brakk, you can use any other shotgun.


Explosive weapons such as Penta/Ogris can work as well, although, their projectiles have some travel time.


I didn't know about the other weak point.


I was using the braton prime and the brakk on an excalibur blind build. It worked pretty well.

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That points out something DE needs to fix.


Such is not the nature of the grinding game. In order for variety to prevail, the game needs to be less focused on loot and more focused on shoot.


...Or slash... I guess that's a fairly big option now...

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The Delta Beacon drop rate and the 1 hour crafting time is ridiculous. I've crafted the key 5 times now and got 5 Hydroid Chassis. After the Delta Beacon drop rate was "slightly" lowered I haven't seen one after hours of farming. This is absolutely not fun. All of this grinding for little to no reward. 

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Kind of funny how everyone is telling people having trouble to use Nekros.


Not everyone has one (I do, but that is not the point), so I agree with the people having issues with the RNG insanity. At least if the triangulator required less components it would reduce the problem somewhat. Currently the "triangulator" should be called an "icosikaihexagonator".

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Such is not the nature of the grinding game. In order for variety to prevail, the game needs to be less focused on loot and more focused on shoot.


...Or slash... I guess that's a fairly big option now...


Plenty of games handle both.


i.e. Wildstar (which I'm salivating over)

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1 hour is nothing if you can sit and play the game all day.

If you have very limited free time it can be a huge chunk of time for you and even interrupt your play session.

There is no reason for keys to take ANY time to craft and, imho, boss keys should be like clan dojo keys (unlock once and done).

They shouldn't be designing real games to pander to people who don't (have time to) play games, though. That's what iphone games are for.

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Kind of funny how everyone is telling people having trouble to use Nekros.


Not everyone has one (I do, but that is not the point), so I agree with the people having issues with the RNG insanity. At least if the triangulator required less components it would reduce the problem somewhat. Currently the "triangulator" should be called an "icosikaihexagonator".

Nekros doesn't help much. You mainly just get more Omega, Kappa, and Gamma Beacons

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Well, i'd say it's kind of funny how people want everything «for free, for themselves» (no offence, really)...


Don't have Nekros? Well, i don't blame, i can't. But, c'mon!

Just use Recruit-chat for team and key share or ask your Clanmates to help you. For whom and for what purpose DE made it all?


Really, guys. Stop whining... Find a good team and you'll get fun and beacons. It's not so hard. Besides, i've got a rare Stance mode from Def...



In that hour build time farm more beacons because you won't probably get the 3 parts in 3 runs... :D

Yeah x)

Finally got damn Systems... After 5 Chassis and 5 Helms. Release the Kraken! >:)



5 chassis = 10 Deltas

5 helms = 10 Deltas

+ System = 2 Deltas

= 22 Delta beacons



P.s. I didn't play all day. Just collected them since U13.

Edited by Spectre-Agent
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Well, i'd say it's kind of funny how people want everything «for free, for themselves» (no offence, really)...


Don't have Nekros? Well, i don't blame, i can't. But, c'mon!

Just use Recruit-chat for team and key share or ask your Clanmates to help you. For whom and for what purpose DE made it all?


Really, guys. Stop whining... Find a good team and you'll get fun and beacons. It's not so hard. Besides, i've got a rare Stance mode from Def...



Yeah x)

Finally got damn Systems... After 5 Chassis and 5 Helms. Release the Kraken! >:)



5 chassis = 10 Deltas

5 helms = 10 Deltas

+ System = 2 Deltas

= 22 Delta beacons



P.s. I didn't play all day. Just collected them since U13.

Yeah, no. Every update there's some ridiculous grind wall that results in you having to play 10's of hours to acquire 1 thing. It's never fun when you have repeat the same mission literally over 100-200 times, no matter who you get to play with you. It's not "free" if you're spending a great deal of time trying to acquire that one weapon/frame. They wouldn't have the option of paying plat to acquire something quickly if your time wasn't worth anything. 


The only thing it would take to make this tolerable is revert the Delta drop rate back to its pre-nerf state and get rid of the one hour key waiting time. It's also ridiculous that you spend all this time obtaining materials then you have to spend an extra hour waiting at the chance to get a part you probably already have. 

Edited by RaaTheGodEater
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You do realise you were not replying to the OP of this thread, right? I was just pointing out that some people have bad luck. Believe it or not.


And don't go around showing off how good you are, it looks silly.


If you take it as "I'm better than you" then you aren't getting my point.  In general, people are not playing the game the way it should be played.  If you aren't putting in the extra effort to really break down Warframe and figure out every little detail...then don't complain about how you aren't being rewarded with items....


..I feel he is subminally saying it takes to long for rng to grant him what he desires....and I'm saying in general....no.........if you want to farm for delta...you have to play a little differently.......bring a nekros...shoot bring 3 nekros....and increase your chance of getting the delta orb


"So finally after 6 hours (SIX ****ING HOURS) I managed to get my first two Delta Beacons. "


-If he would of brought a Nekros, 6 hours could of turn into an hour of farming (possibly) 


". I thought I could finally go kick Hek's &#!, but no. There a one-hour build time on the key ffs."


-Frustration is taking over his critical thinking.  While you wait for the key to build, you can farm again for another 2 Delta.....


Play the game better......




 some people have bad luck. Believe it or not.


-Nekros says hello and he always wants to help you increase your luck

Edited by Ishki88
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If you take it as "I'm better than you" then you aren't getting my point.  In general, people are not playing the game the way it should be played.  If you aren't putting in the extra effort to really break down Warframe and figure out every little detail...then don't complain about how you aren't being rewarded with items....


..I feel he is subminally saying it takes to long for rng to grant him what he desires....and I'm saying in general....no.........if you want to farm for delta...you have to play a little differently.......bring a nekros...shoot bring 3 nekros....and increase your chance of getting the delta orb


"So finally after 6 hours (SIX ****ING HOURS) I managed to get my first two Delta Beacons. "


-If he would of brought a Nekros, 6 hours could of turn into an hour of farming (possibly) 


". I thought I could finally go kick Hek's &#!, but no. There a one-hour build time on the key ffs."


-Frustration is taking over his critical thinking.  While you wait for the key to build, you can farm again for another 2 Delta.....


Play the game better......




 some people have bad luck. Believe it or not.


-Nekros says hello and he always wants to help you increase your luck

Been farming Ceres since the Delta drop nerf with at least two Nekros and haven't seen one Delta. 


Either DE accidentally made them incredibly rare or they understated how much they lowered the rates. And this is far from the first time this has happened. Last year they had to tweak rates Warframe BP parts were dropping because Systems rarely dropped for some frames. Then when they found out RNG was so broken that it was common for players to go on hideously long bad streaks. And then when Forma and Ember Prime drops seemed to be crazy low and everyone was arguing "you guys are just having bad luck", until someone datamined the loot tables and the highst drop rate for Forma BP's in the Void actually WAS ridiculously low (1% at most from 20% before the update). I used to argue that it was "just bad luck" too, but history has proven otherwise. 

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DE doesn't just want to give hydriod away.  AT least not right away.  By forcing the grind to get him, it can lead to impatient people just buying him with platinum instead.   If you could just go and kill hek 3 times like any normal boss node, nobody would think about buying with platinum and everyone would have hydroid built and playing him in 3 days max.   With that, little to no profit for DE.    Despite what we think, it's bad business for DE to give away everything easy on the day of a new update release.    So it's have patience and wait before you can acquire and build him or cough up the doe and just go buy him he's only 300 platinum.

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