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Eclipse Clan


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I really don't like how everyone's saying "nerf Eclipse." If you can come up with better pay schemes, then you deserve to keep a rail. If you can't keep people happy, better equipped clans will stomp you.


That said, I think there should be more sectors available so the smaller clans and alliances have more chances to colonize farther out. A new tileset specific to the Dark Sectors would be amazing, too.

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I do feel like the dark sectors are a bit meh because of this. They have basically just ruined the new content competition aspect by overpowering everyone else with wealth.. I barely really see a point to me putting in my resources for a rail anymore. Honestly the sectors are pretty much dead to me ha I won't use them much.

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I think 0% Tax Rails are a self-correcting problem.  Each clan who runs one of these will have problems eventually.  It'll end up being a contest of which alliance or clan wants to pay the best battle pay.  The more someone wants to hold a rail, the higher that pay goes and the more money supporters earn.  If the sector's free also, that's a double win.  They might as well be giving away free money.  If they monopolize the entire system and then start charging massive tax, I'm pretty sure the entire playerbase will turn on them faster than you can say "potato".

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I am a member of eclipse, and I think you misunderstand us. We are not here to dominate the system. We may put taxes on the rails, but this allows us to put huge rewards for fighting for us; for example, Sinai had an over 10,000 credit reward that we were able to sustain. We want nothing but to give back to the Warframe community. When we do this, we create a chance for large profit off of the Dark Sector. 


I hope this clears up the misconception that Eclipse is a greedy dominating alliance. 

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Well what DE could do is have a tax minimum like 5 percent and a tax maximum like 25-50 percent or they can do this the lower the tax the lower resources, mods, and xp gained while the higher gets higher resources, mods and Xp gained.

And all the profit lost can be gained back by fighting for Eclipse because we could then fund huge credit rewards for defending the rail.

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does it bother me that Eclipse is domination the star chart? No. I am not a member, but they were smart right off the bat they were the first to apply tax(2%) that I thought was reasonable. so undoudtly they aquired a lot of credits, and so they now can afford to give people 10k-5k rewards, which from what I have seen is 3-8k more then every other alliance/clan.  when the dark sectors are under conflict, the reward for playing them is Total crap. so there is no way I am going to waste my time fighting a conflict unless I get payed more then 5k.

What does bother me is that there is really only a 24H period to play a dark sector mission every 3 days because its under conflict.


and please a one rail cap is just stupid, first off that would be a slap in the face to any clan whos given decent battle pay to maintain there rail. I did a test one day to see if it really would be hard for  a clan to give battle pay, I did about 7 solo runs, and the rail didnt even drop 1% and obviosly I was not the only one fighting on that node at the time, so if a clan gives 5000 credits per a run, buy the end they will at least of spent more then 10,000,000 credits. Thats a lots so your saying we should take these extra rails away from eclipse and limit them to 1(after they have put in probly over +40,000,000 credits into them). wow you are one cruel puppy boy.


there are conflicts for a reason, if your to slow to click fast enough to deploy your solar rail that has nothing to do with Eclipse ruling the solar system. the only way they could make it better for new clans/alliances is if they put a timer that prevents a clan/alliance from repeteadly placing solar rails. so if i place a solar rail, after the conflict is over I cant place another solar rail for a full week regardless of if I get the dark sector or not. that beeing said I think somthing like a solar rail deplyment timer may be a good Idea.

Edited by unsiezer
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If you have several different alliances attacking different nodes with good battle pay they won't be able to hold on in the long run. You just have to coordinate your opposition. I just think it was a bad idea for an alliance to go for the massive grab. It leads to batman creep. Batman shows up, and the bad guys have to get worse to compete.

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I am a member of eclipse, and I think you misunderstand us. We are not here to dominate the system. We may put taxes on the rails, but this allows us to put huge rewards for fighting for us; for example, Sinai had an over 10,000 credit reward that we were able to sustain. We want nothing but to give back to the Warframe community. When we do this, we create a chance for large profit off of the Dark Sector. 


I hope this clears up the misconception that Eclipse is a greedy dominating alliance. 


Hm, interesting. How would you characterize the rather obvious battle pay fraud that happened earlier today on Sinai then? Granted, both sides were doing the same thing, but the issue remains. The battle pays would be set to ridiculous numbers such as 40k and 50k, and when users played these runs within minutes, and sometimes moment of those values being set - they were rewarded with nothing. This most likely means the battle pay values were being actively changed before anyone, or at least most, were even rewarded those pays long before they even finished the mission. I saw this with my own eyes and it was confirmed by my many fellow clan mates and alliance members.

Edited by DJ_Redwire
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Hm, interesting. How would you characterize the rather obvious battle pay fraud that happened earlier today on Sinai then? Granted, both sides were doing the same thing, but the issue remains. The battle pays would be set to ridiculous numbers such as 40k and 50k, and when users played these runs within minutes, and sometimes moment of those values being set - they were rewarded with nothing. This most likely means the battle pay values were being actively changed before anyone, or at least most, were even rewarded those pays long before they even finished the mission. I saw this with my own eyes and it was confirmed by my many fellow clan mates and alliance members.


It's only fraud if no one receives that amount, and that is not the case here. They just have to be the first to finish before those high pay tickets run out to receive them.

I wish there was a Battle Pay queue system, so that it would grab the next set of Battle Pay tickets if they ran out too quick, rather than it automatically paying out zero each time the tickets runs out.

Edited by DietEbolaCola
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Hm, interesting. How would you characterize the rather obvious battle pay fraud that happened earlier today on Sinai then? Granted, both sides were doing the same thing, but the issue remains. The battle pays would be set to ridiculous numbers such as 40k and 50k, and when users played these runs within minutes, and sometimes moment of those values being set - they were rewarded with nothing. This most likely means the battle pay values were being actively changed before anyone, or at least most, were even rewarded those pays long before they even finished the mission. I saw this with my own eyes and it was confirmed by my many fellow clan mates and alliance members.

sounds like the battle pay system is based on the finishing ticket instead of the starting ticket. so you were mid mission while someone finish the mission and used up the last ticket.

I guess that is easier to code. That way you don't have to put in extra code to refund the ticket in case dude fail to finish mission.

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Oh boo-hoo, you can't grab a dark sector because a much larger and better organized clan gobbled everything up and is holding it tight thanks to having a good logistical team behind them. That's called strategy, and they're doing it well and thus are rewarded for such by claiming a greater portion of the Solar System.


I'm not irritated at all by a clan or alliance holding a monopoly. What I am very pissed off about is all these annoying small clans and alliances trying to pick apart Eclipse's dominion and thus constantly clogging up Dark Sectors and preventing anyone from using them. The whole system seems completely f***ed up as it's almost impossible to play an actual dark sector infested mission as every Clan and Alliance is engaged in this E-Peen contest to inflate their own pathetic egos, and making everything at a loss. Dark Sectors are a fool's game in which only fools engage in, they cost a constant stream of resources to maintain and they're going to get torn down in a week by somebody else to establish another tax free sector. These damned rivalries are starting to get incredibly annoying as everyone gets so involved contesting to inflate their now Shatner-level egos that they never to stop and think what they're doing. Preventing people from using dark sectors.


I don't care if Eclipse muscled everyone out of the way with superior organization and people get offended by that, wanting their own dark sectors. I actually want to play infested defense without having to use keys, and get a steady stream of 10K plus credits and innumerable resources per ten minute run.


What I want is all these damn clans and alliances to quite their $&*^ measuring contest and relent from the constant battling over dark sectors and just let, whoever the incumbent is, keep the Dark Sector. Because then people can actually play Dark Sector infested defense and survival! As of yet I only play for the incumbent, never bothering to check the name, as it's the attacker who's preventing me from enjoying my easy credit and resource farming.


Sorry for the rant, but I'm just getting absolutely sick and tired of the clans whining and fighting each other over petty ego contests that win no net gain and fight for a complete loss, while simultaneously also preventing the community from actually enjoying the reintroduction of infested gametypes permanently onto the solar map. And the actual contested missions suck, Specter AI is simply pathetic and I've fought Grineer Lancers who had greater combat capability.

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What I want is all these damn clans and alliances to quite their $&*^ measuring contest and relent from the constant battling over dark sectors and just let, whoever the incumbent is, keep the Dark Sector. Because then people can actually play Dark Sector infested defense and survival! As of yet I only play for the incumbent, never bothering to check the name, as it's the attacker who's preventing me from enjoying my easy credit and resource farming.

a perfect example of this is Sechura, Pluto. Two 0% tax alliance going after each other.....

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It's only fraud if no one receives that amount, and that is not the case here. They just have to be the first to finish before those high pay tickets run out to receive them.

I wish there was a Battle Pay queue system, so that it would grab the next set of Battle Pay tickets if they ran out too quick, rather than it automatically paying out zero each time the tickets runs out.


sounds like the battle pay system is based on the finishing ticket instead of the starting ticket. so you were mid mission while someone finish the mission and used up the last ticket.

I guess that is easier to code. That way you don't have to put in extra code to refund the ticket in case dude fail to finish mission.


You guys are missing the point. Yes, i am aware of how the battle pay system is setup. What is the rather frustrating part is that these runs would last for no more than a minute or two, and yet still weren't fast enough to finish before the battle pay was depleted. And, each side was incrementally going back and forth by raising it +10k each few minutes, and yet each time large groups were awarded with nothing. To me, that just looks like fishing for support without even delivering. If you're going to try and sport a whopping 50k battle pay, you better be ready to actually back it up for a significant amount of time. Because now I guarantee there is a significantly large group of people, myself included, who are going to look at those numbers in the future and scoff, knowing that even attempting them is a waste of everyone's time. And that will grow with each of these attempts at finishing for support with out actually having anything to show for it. 

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This doesn't feel very fair to me and my Clan, who couldn't deploy their solar rail due to this outlandish takeover of the Solar System.


Don't get me wrong, we're all fighting them and they're undoubtedly going down, but it's annoying that they can put up so many at once?  DE forced us to wait 3 days to be able to deploy rails, and then we are all trying to spam those buttons as quickly as possible to contest people's Rails.  Doesn't seem right.


I don't know, kinda bugs me that I stayed up until 11:22 every single night to be able to at least TRY to deploy a rail, only to get this "Cannot deploy Rail" thing because someone else instaclicked it, magically faster than me.  That, and the monopoly of multiple clans, taking away from the fun that we all have.




Any thoughts?



All the fun who has? Conflicts are exactly NOT fun to me at all.


My thoughts? I think there should be a LONGER wait in between contesting rails. You greedy clans/alliances rushing to get *your* rail on the map is making it extremely annoying for any of us actually wanting to play Dark Sector missions. Eclipse I think actually is going about things intelligently by trying to get conflicts out of the way quickly so people can actually play DS missions.

How about all you guilds/alliances seeking to contest a rail take a break from trying to get your rail up and let us play the DS missions?

Oh, and life isn't fair. Sorry.



Oh boo-hoo, you can't grab a dark sector because a much larger and better organized clan gobbled everything up and is holding it tight thanks to having a good logistical team behind them. That's called strategy, and they're doing it well and thus are rewarded for such by claiming a greater portion of the Solar System.



I serious want to hug you, but I'll settle for shaking your hand. Well said. :-D

Edited by Angelus_de_Mortiel
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All the fun who has? Conflicts are exactly NOT fun to me at all.


My thoughts? I think there should be a LONGER wait in between contesting rails. You greedy clans/alliances rushing to get *your* rail on the map is making it extremely annoying for any of us actually wanting to play Dark Sector missions. Eclipse I think actually is going about things intelligently by trying to get conflicts out of the way quickly so people can actually play DS missions.

How about all you guilds/alliances seeking to contest a rail take a break from trying to get your rail up and let us play the DS missions?

Oh, and life isn't fair. Sorry.





I serious want to hug you, but I'll settle for shaking your hand. Well said. :-D


Sorry, Dark Sectors (formerly Badlands) were never promoted as Infested nodes. They were ALWAYS supposed to be these alliance conflict missions. Be grateful you get the rewarding infested nodes at all. Honestly, ask for DE to move the infested nodes to somewhere more permanent (because the way they are now ISN'T permanent, like DE said), and add a new, public tower mission in its place (maybe even the same mission, but with something else).

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Sorry, Dark Sectors (formerly Badlands) were never promoted as Infested nodes. They were ALWAYS supposed to be these alliance conflict missions. Be grateful you get the rewarding infested nodes at all. Honestly, ask for DE to move the infested nodes to somewhere more permanent (because the way they are now ISN'T permanent, like DE said), and add a new, public tower mission in its place (maybe even the same mission, but with something else).

yes but why would we play a conflict at all then. the battle pay is more often then not terrible beyond belief, and you almost never get a single mod, and you will maybe get one resource numbering around 100 somthing.

also its not cause its an infested node that Angelus_de_Mortiel cares about it, its cause the resource and credits obtained are WAY BETTER. for example if I do one plute Sechura run in 5 mins i can make about 23k credits luckly I have credit boost so I get 46k + a few resourses. thats way better then waisting my t3 keys. not to mention it take a lot less time to get a group together doing DS over T3. meaning I can complete more missions faster.

Edited by unsiezer
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It's only fraud if no one receives that amount, and that is not the case here. They just have to be the first to finish before those high pay tickets run out to receive them.

I wish there was a Battle Pay queue system, so that it would grab the next set of Battle Pay tickets if they ran out too quick, rather than it automatically paying out zero each time the tickets runs out.


If it says say, 20K when you join the mission. A.k.a, accept the contract. Then you should get 20k. Getting nothing when the mission finishes is fraud. It clearly states 'this is your reward' then it is snatched away before your face.


It. Is. Unacceptable. Stop this from happening.

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If it says say, 20K when you join the mission. A.k.a, accept the contract. Then you should get 20k. Getting nothing when the mission finishes is fraud. It clearly states 'this is your reward' then it is snatched away before your face.


It. Is. Unacceptable. Stop this from happening.

There is no contract, so there is no fraud. Just a button in a game you click.

The system simply doesn't work good with high battle pay because everybody rushes there and the budget gets depleted too fast for everyone to benefit from it.

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There is no contract, so there is no fraud. Just a button in a game you click.

The system simply doesn't work good with high battle pay because everybody rushes there and the budget gets depleted too fast for everyone to benefit from it.


Sounds like you are in denial on the definition of fraud.




Wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain.


Wrongful deception: Placing a high battle pay, drawing in players to the conflict on Eclipse's side, players that joined then receives nothing after completing the missions.


Personal Gain: Deceived players further the conflict on the behalf of Eclipse while not receiving the advertised payment.

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You guys are missing the point. Yes, i am aware of how the battle pay system is setup. What is the rather frustrating part is that these runs would last for no more than a minute or two, and yet still weren't fast enough to finish before the battle pay was depleted. And, each side was incrementally going back and forth by raising it +10k each few minutes, and yet each time large groups were awarded with nothing. To me, that just looks like fishing for support without even delivering. If you're going to try and sport a whopping 50k battle pay, you better be ready to actually back it up for a significant amount of time. Because now I guarantee there is a significantly large group of people, myself included, who are going to look at those numbers in the future and scoff, knowing that even attempting them is a waste of everyone's time. And that will grow with each of these attempts at finishing for support with out actually having anything to show for it. 


I think everyone seems to be missing the point that the ticket amounts can be paid at a rate of 30-100 per minute at peak hours. At 50k battle pay that's up to 5 million credits per minute.


It would be fraud if Battle Pay could be withdrawn, but it cannot be withdrawn, so there is no fraud. It pays out until the tickets are depleted. Sometimes there is delay in replenishing the tickets, and that is where you see the zero, or where you receive the zero.


Of course, you could always wait until tickets were refreshed before extracting each time, checking through alt-tab, or checking with friends on voip out of mission, if you wish to ensure getting paid.

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Sounds like you are in denial on the definition of fraud.




Wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain.


Wrongful deception: Placing a high battle pay, drawing in players to the conflict on Eclipse's side, players that joined then receives nothing after completing the missions.


Personal Gain: Deceived players further the conflict on the behalf of Eclipse while not receiving the advertised payment.

That is fault of the system the ones you should be talking to about this is DE not blame Eclipse when the battle pay is the first to finnish is the first to be served.

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