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Fight Against Eclipse, Fight For Freedom!


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Given that the clan is made up of some of the biggest clans in the game, probably for quite a while.

unless of course the members run darks themselves and put the ressources in the clanvault, no?

From what I gather, to repair a solar rail from around 1% to 100% it would require 15,000,000 credits. 


Even if the clan is large, it would require the majority of players to almost constantly run missions in order to amass the hundreds of millions of credits required. Keep in mind that Eclipse has like... what, 10+ rails?

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From what I gather, to repair a solar rail from around 1% to 100% it would require 15,000,000 credits. 


Even if the clan is large, it would require the majority of players to almost constantly run missions in order to amass the hundreds of millions of credits required. Keep in mind that Eclipse has like... what, 10+ rails?

15m credits......oye.     at 23,000 a run for 10min survival. That is 653 runs per rail with 8 rails so 5218 runs a day split between 1-4k players. That is actually pretty doable however monotonous. I mean 20 mins a day for a 2600 players isn't that far fetched and with the lack of rewards for challenging it will likely take longer than a day for an aggressor to take it down to 99%. Just saying.

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The reason we dont' like Eclipse right now, is that they've locked the other Clans out of the Solar Rail system!  My clan worked hard to put up a Solar Rail, only to have Eclipse shove their way into it to be A******s and block everyone else out of this new system!  That's where I'm having anger issues here.  Because if it's going to be free, then why take up all the nodes from the other clans so they can't have a Rail?  Ridiculous!

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The reason we dont' like Eclipse right now, is that they've locked the other Clans out of the Solar Rail system!  My clan worked hard to put up a Solar Rail, only to have Eclipse shove their way into it to be A******s and block everyone else out of this new system!  That's where I'm having anger issues here.  Because if it's going to be free, then why take up all the nodes from the other clans so they can't have a Rail?  Ridiculous!


Who cares? It's not like a clan benefits from having a rail.

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The reason we dont' like Eclipse right now, is that they've locked the other Clans out of the Solar Rail system!  My clan worked hard to put up a Solar Rail, only to have Eclipse shove their way into it to be A******s and block everyone else out of this new system!  That's where I'm having anger issues here.  Because if it's going to be free, then why take up all the nodes from the other clans so they can't have a Rail?  Ridiculous!


Would be a great argument DJ, but from what I see, Eclipse is defending their rails not attacking.  So by definition its the other clans/alliances that have locked the rails out.

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The reason we dont' like Eclipse right now, is that they've locked the other Clans out of the Solar Rail system!  My clan worked hard to put up a Solar Rail, only to have Eclipse shove their way into it to be A******s and block everyone else out of this new system!  That's where I'm having anger issues here.  Because if it's going to be free, then why take up all the nodes from the other clans so they can't have a Rail?  Ridiculous!


 Easiest post to make a comment on.  So they put their rail up first.  That is why they should be taken down?  They didn't lock anyone out, they just built at the same rate and put them up as quick as they could.  Look at the way dark sectors work.  You don't have to have a rail up unless you want to pull taxes.  They are up for free on several locations.   You technically can't beat them out and really don't have a reason to.  You can still go to the missions and do whatever you like there.


Do you guys want to see a monopoly Alliance take control of many dark sectors? Do you want to see the badlands tax rates rise as the alliance behind it sits there and rob you of your hard earned rewards?

If not, fight with us at Sinai in Jupiter! We need your help. Fight against the alliance Eclipse, which controls most of the existing dark sectors. We are the Lords of the East,we will bring justice and equality to the whole solar system!

P.S. This is a rally call not a recruitment ad


 This post technically opens up a totally different issue on the forums.  They called eclipse out for something that Eclipse isn't doing, do we get to call this opposition at sinai out for regularly increasing the battle pay to get people to start the mission and then cutting the battle pay off so that no one gets payed.  It's kind of good that they did it because now de has an idea that they might have to put some limitations on how often the battle pay and tax rates can be changed.  It is kind of bad because it shows that the alliance opposing eclipse might be unreliable and even though they say they will have free taxes, they constantly change the battle pay and probably won't hold with their free tax statement.

I wonder how long they'll be able to keep that up though. From what I've heard, maintaining solar rails is incredibly costly. The taxes exist so that alliances/clans can make resources that they'll need to maintain the rails.


I mean, why are there taxes imposed by one's own government?


 As for eclipse keeping up free taxes.  I trust them a lot more right now.  It was free for a whole day.  Now they have something to spend credits on.  I imagine that they will try to maintain free, but I would stick with them even if they go up to 5%.  Higher then that and I would consider opposition that would come in lower then them.


 Most important though is that the rail system and conflicts really don't do much for me so I probably won't be around other then to comment on the same old internet behavior that most people could easily see coming.  The only thing that surprised me so far was how many rails went up with 0% tax.

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I am 1000% fine with this too lol

It completely defeats the purpose of Dark Sectors. There's no competition if everyone's charging 0% tax. Why chose one Clan/Alliance over the other (aside from loyalties)? Why even bother putting resources towards Solar Rails if it doesn't matter because the system is already populated by free Solar Rails?

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Do you guys want to see a monopoly Alliance take control of many dark sectors? Do you want to see the badlands tax rates rise as the alliance behind it sits there and rob you of your hard earned rewards?

If not, fight with us at Sinai in Jupiter! We need your help. Fight against the alliance Eclipse, which controls most of the existing dark sectors. We are the Lords of the East,we will bring justice and equality to the whole solar system!

P.S. This is a rally call not a recruitment ad


Here are some facts: 




It looks like your taxes are much higher then Eclipse. But let me guess: after you got the node 0%? Sure.


Next time you want ppl to fight for you use recruitment instead of spreading rumors.

Edited by buriburi
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The thing is... noone is able to USE the rail while its contested for 2 days. Once the contest is over, how long does it stay up? If you can deploy your own rail right away, guess what, it's unavailable for ANOTHER 2 days!

While I enjoyed amazing exp, this system seems to be prone to trolling...

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Given that the clan is made up of some of the biggest clans in the game, probably for quite a while.

That's a bad assumption. Alliances have a limit to how many players can be in them. Even my alliance is up over 40 clans. Alliances can build up very fast, and it's attractive to small clans. Many people want small clans so they can have fun building their own dojos, and alliances makes it easy to still get your parties, and solar rail funding...there is little reason to balloon your clan to Moon size now (and take the risk that your people stop playing, and you are stuck with Moon clan prices!).

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It takes 24 hours to deploy a rail. So, at least now while it's still new, it'll be 48 hours of conflict (or less, if one tower goes down beforehand) and then 24 hours of node-play before the next challenger approaches.


And everyone and their mother is at 0% tax right now, I'm thinking that'll change after a few weeks once the coffers start running dry and rival alliances have been beefing up their warchests via normal play so they can give out Battle Pay worth a damn.


Give it time.

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It completely defeats the purpose of Dark Sectors. There's no competition if everyone's charging 0% tax. Why chose one Clan/Alliance over the other (aside from loyalties)? Why even bother putting resources towards Solar Rails if it doesn't matter because the system is already populated by free Solar Rail

No it doesn't defeat the purpose. It is smart. If you don't give any other alliance a good incentive to attack you or players to fight against you. You will likely keep your spot. It is not like the alliances that own these rails down already have every clan tech done. I mean they can keep these without batting an eye. They don't need the resources from tax. I would rather play with 0 tax myself than with >0 tax. ANY sane person would.

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Reasons I foresee eclipse will continually be attacked

- Not practical to upkeep your tower without the tax. 

- Others will contest simply because they think they can manage a tower better.
- Greed

- Contest for the sake of challenge... (these tenno specters are fun to fight) :D 

there was a longer list in my head but it got shifted out of the way...

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Here are some facts: 




It looks like your taxes are much higher then Eclipse. But let me guess: after you got the node 0%? Sure.


Next time you want ppl to fight for you use recruitment instead of spreading rumors.

If I remember right, the aggressor can't change rates until after timer is gone. It is always default 15 and 5 until the timer hits 0

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As far as I'm concerned dark sectors cease to exist the second they are contested, screw it let the people who own the rails in question fight over it, it's not worth my time.


The only thing that made this whole thing interesting was running the the loot enhanced missions.  If I can't even run those I don't even care, when they stop being contested I play whatever nodes have 0% tax (or the lowest possible) and then continue to ignore any challenged zones.


What this boils down to is Team Greeds conflict manifesto:


1. No man shall profit from my work but me (I will pay no tax wherever possible)

2. I shall not fight unless the rewards are worth my time (by which i mean 10k+ credits battle pay)

Edited by Agent_of_Change
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It's impossible to beat them really if they do it right.
They seem to be fair, only charging us a minimum in Tax so they can make repairs after they win. And will probably return the tax to free once out of threat. You can't really create a battlepay without holding any Dark Sectors. So the conflicts currently are pretty much locked to those who have Dark sectors, unless you Alliance between Alliances to a attack on multiple fronts. But then, they can also Alliance with Alliances and quickly counter. 
I wouldn't be surprised if they monopolized the entire system.

The Dark Sector System will end in perfect monopoly, as long as the ruling Alliance/s find their minimum viable tax rate. 

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