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Excalibur Should Get A Stamina Buff.


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Excalibur is the poster boy of warframe melee combat, but his stats don't really lend themselves well to melee, his health and shields are on the low side, and his stamina is also pretty low so he can't defend himself with blocking and movement that much either. 

Giving him more stamina would bring him more in line as a melee based frame. And make hime a little more interesting rather than just a beginner frame. 

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Well 3/4 of his skills are rooted from his "sword" His first allows you to basically dash everywhere while doing a good amount of damage. Then he can blind a entire crowd and dash and slash anywhere he pleases. No buff needed, his 1st and 3rd are an op combo if used with logic. You can quickly dash into a huge crowd or quickly dash out if you get in trouble. But like I said, with radial blind that should never happen.

Edited by SoulDust
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Idk why people constantly say that excal needs a rework. Slash dash is incredible in the one slot. The blind is good cc. Jump is fun, though you could definitely argue that zephyr's 1 is a strict upgrade. The only ability I don't love is his ult actually. 



Otherwise, I absolutely love the guy. He is one of the most mobile frames in the game. I'll gladly keep him "underpowered" if it means that he gets to fill this niche. 


As for the OP, I would definitely love to see some extra stamina on him!

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His ult is an amazing cool factor until you get to higher levels, when it doesn't kill it looses its cc ability, and just leaves you wide open to get butt munched. 



Oh btw, why just not add stamina mods then.. :v most frames have at least one mod slot that isn't needed

Edited by SoulDust
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Not many warframe abilities scale against higher level enemies well, which is a shame, I think they should make ability damage scale based off of your melee damage (or a combination of whatever weapons you have equipped) Or better still, be their own separate entities that come built into the frame that can be modded in their own right. 

But that's besides the point, which is Excalibur should have more stamina, because he's a melee based frame. slash dash is great up until a certain level, at which point it only becomes useful as a mobility aid. 

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Having stopped when there were about 5 frames - the Banshee was new when I played last - and come back this month...


It's SHOCKING how seriously power creep left the Excal behind. Everything is faster. Everything lives longer. Other ults don't seem to have four second finish animations while the high level enemies who didn't die when you used it maul you to death because its only CC only works when they die (wait, why is this even a relevant part of the power).


I know it's billed as the "beginner" frame, but last time I looked you could also start playing with a Volt, who seems to be holding his own just fine.

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How to fix Excalibur in 4 easy steps:

  • Slash Dash hits keep the combo counter going and damage is based on multiplier
  • Super Jump changed to "Agility" granting higher jump height, run speed, and zero stamina drain for a few seconds
  • Radial Blind able to be performed mid-combo the same way channeling can
  • Javelins from Radial Javelin gain bonuses from equipped melee channel mods


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How to fix Excalibur in 4 easy steps:

  • Slash Dash hits keep the combo counter going and damage is based on multiplier
  • Super Jump changed to "Agility" granting higher jump height, run speed, and zero stamina drain for a few seconds
  • Radial Blind able to be performed mid-combo the same way channeling can
  • Javelins from Radial Javelin gain bonuses from equipped melee channel mods


What about making Radial Javelin knockback enemies with the javelins, and maybe pin them to walls for a second or two even if they survive. Make it up your melee counter as well to give it an advantage over Stomp

1 and 2 are fine as is, though Slash Dash counting for melee chain would be nice.

I like that idea for Jump. As it is the vertical jump just isn't terribly useful, though at least it's cheap.

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OverExtended+Stretch+Radial Blind the entire map. 4X melee multiplier for everyone like Oprah all day. Rinse and Repeat.

Aside from the fact that it will be a long time before any new players gain access to the over extend mod, this idea is depressing and kind of proves my point if the only way for Excalibur to be viable is to make a power range build and spam radial blind :/

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I know it's billed as the "beginner" frame, but last time I looked you could also start playing with a Volt, who seems to be holding his own just fine.

Volt is no longer a beginner frame. He is locked away in Clan Dojo research nowadays. The beginner warframes are Excalibur, Mag and Loki.

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Volt is no longer a beginner frame. He is locked away in Clan Dojo research nowadays. The beginner warframes are Excalibur, Mag and Loki.

Yet Mag and Loki tear up the metaphorical dance floor, and Excal is left behind.

Unless you spam blind, which isn't really viable for a significant amount of people.

Edited by fishworshipper
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  • 2 weeks later...

Giving Excalibur a stamina buff would be a great idea, seeing as he is supposed to be the sword frame. As Excalibur I find myself running out of stamina almost instantly from blocking bullets in high level missions, even with Marathon and Quick Rest.

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excal fanboy here. rework excal? both yes and no. i want to stress it out that of all things in the game its his balance is the only one i want to be preserved. excal will go throuh many phases from start tp end game.

at first hes best for the traditional build, shield and power. a karak or a boltor maybe

down the line a pure blinder build using nghtmare mods. soma boltor p paris prime

once you rack up you get sick of that. what else? easy pure Melee!

lets say your now rank 9, have the dragon nikana with a compliment of rage, quick thinking, max vitality, steel fiber, sure footed, flow and finally life strike? forget shields, no shield regen can beat the amount of hp you can steal while critting on a good melee wep under blind jab. a max steel fiber actually does make him a sub par tank. but remember excal is very mobile, slash dash as forward, SJ as vertical.

i share with you my armored vampire build as this has allowed me to solo lvl 30-50 grineer survivals. a testament to how excal is dynamic form start to end.

now if excal can be reworked but al of the above would work the same. im fine with that...

fix excal? all i wana see slash dash counting to melee combo counter. so it doesnt break it for me. scaling damage will be just a bonus..

ive tried the same build in other frames. something about excals mobility and radial blind really set it apart from othrr frames. and yes enough for him to proudly own the poster boy melee award.

there are better gunner frames out there. excal aint it. id rather skillesly use my rhino prime and boltor pm to shoot stuff.

final thoughts. excal is fine. no rework needed. buffing existing effects welcome. changes no.

pardon my fanboyism

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Slash Dash - should be affected by the melee weapon's damage, in some way (what does he slash with?!). Also it should add to melee hit counter.




Radial Javelin - should do Finishing Damage like Ash's Blade Storm.




Radial Blind - should enable stealth attacks (damage multiplier not that stupid finishing combo), come to think of it any stun/stager effect should enable stealth multiplier giving that the lore behind stealth multiplier is the fact that the enemy is defenseless and can't react to mitigate damage.



I don't play Excalibur, But he's ready to claim in my foundry if, for some reason, DE will make him decent.

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Mag is a starter frame and pretty easi to wield and is much better tan Excalibro in terms of CC and Damage. Loki has better CC, hell Loki is all about CC and if it comes to Melee combat Loki is still much better tan Excal, and im not counting Invisibility. So why should i use Excalibur again?


Its sad really that the very first tenno is the weakest of the bunch.

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Excalibur doesn't really need a total rework. He is a physical/weapon/mobile oriented frame. 
He just needs a little more flexibility and niche defining over frames like Valkyr and Zephyr. 
With maybe a touch up to his ult, but that's the only thing that could use a rework.

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