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Let Me See If I Understand: Rhino Prime Is Now The Perfect Frame


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Resumed version:


Rhino Prime is broken. All prime frames should be buffed to be better than their normal counterparts but the buffs should be for them to improve on their roll, not to remove weakness and make them OP.



Now on the normal. WARNING long reading ahead!


Think about it, all other Warframes have their ups and downs: Loki has weak defenses but deceaving powers allow him to stay out of danger, Nova's power is INSANE but her defenses are laughable, Saryn is slow and her skills pretty situational but her defenses are beyond average and finally Rhino is SLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW but his defenses turn him into a true tank.


But then comes the so wanted Rhino Prime and DE though it would be a GREAT idea to make him as fast as Loki.


Now let’s see what Rhino prime has to offer:



- High health and Shields.


- Some of the best CC whit Rhino Stomp and Charge.


- Rhino skin possible one of the best defensive skills around (and its now gold).


- Powerful damage buff whit Roar.


- Speed on par whit Loki and Nova.


- Probably one of the best design of all primes.




- umm.... his cod piece still looks weird? Yeah that’s about it.



As you can see Rhino Prime is pretty much perfect whit no cons at all which means RHINO PRIME IS BROKEN! Whose idea was to give Rhino more speed? Seriously.



Now Rhino fans have even more to rub on our faces and more to gosh about how “RHINO IZ BUST FRAME EVA!” because sadly, its true, there is no reason to choose any other frame over Rhino Prime, he just covers all points any frame could do.


Wanna rush a mission? Rhino Prime will go so fast Loki would be ashamed of himself.


Wanna solo because you’re too cool to have a team. There is no entity in the game that can take a full potato Rhino prime.


Teammate needs a revive, pss no problem for the Rhino Prime.


Wanna press 4 to win? STOMP AWAY!


What’s the point now?



You know, I’m on the boat of people that say Primed Warframe should be Superior to their normal counterparts Stat wise because it’s true, they are supposed to be the originals so they should be much better than the non-primed counterparts. But what you forgot is that said buffs should be aimed at the job they are supposed to be doing, for example:


- Ember prime: As a caster that relies on running around burning people her prime version should be faster and have a higher energy pool.


- Frost prime: As a tanky caster whit CC he should have Higher shields or Health (or both) and maybe Higher energy pool.


- Mag Prime: Full on ranged caster. Primed version should have higher energy Pool and probably faster shield recharge.


- Rhino Prime: as a PURE TANK Prime Rhino should have even higher Health (since its Shield is pretty high already) and probably much higher armor and stay as slow as he is.



That’s balance, buffing primed version to fit the role they are supposed to be doing. Don’t like how slow Rhino is? Get a Rush mod and he will be good to go, or if you want a more mobile tank Valkyr is a pretty good choice. That’s the point of having multiple classes in a game, so people can find the one that suits their style best or customize the one they have to suit them better. Remember a warframe cant be good at EVERYTHING, it needs a flaw that can be compensated by a teammate, Co-op game rememeber.


Hope it wasnt too long and that i enlightened you in some way, just leave your comment and FLAME SHIELD UP!

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Agreed to some extent, but consider the simple fact that people hate being stuck with single helmet option because it is mandatory.


For once i'm glad that rhino prime can stay with his prime helmet on.


Eitherway, the we need the helmet stat system implemented, then we can talk about nerf.


Sidenote: i believe trinity can be immortal as long as she likes and with link suicide combo dealing insane damage in aoe, perfection is overrated.

Edited by Morgax
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Rhino prime isn't as fast as loki or nova.

Also trinity can have her entire team invulnerable practially all the time if you build her with that end, yet is the least used warframe. Banshee has permastun, and other warframes have insane combos as well. I think a little extra speed on rhino prime is fine. Its a prime after all!

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I have a friend that plays warframe for about a year...he crafted 3 frames, all rhinos.... he said "with rhino i can do any mission i want alone or online, theres no reason to change" i wont even tell him about rhino prime =P


and yes, when you make a game character that deals high amounts of damage, have high amounts of armor and shields and also is VERY fast (with vanguard helmet even faster), i think you have failed in understanding what balance is...

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Well about your pros

Why you would need them anyways? Rhino is just fine at mid range levels, but on high levels, iron skin combined with roar won't work out.

Get a trinity, bless spam build, get a maxed penta/boltor prime - have fun on level 110+ enemies.

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I...kinda have to agree with this. Throw a flow on Rhino, and he has energy to last for a while, crank out his powers, and tada. He basically is the best warframe at the moment.


Though, I sorta agree with the "Rhino should have higher health instead of shields" but I don't because shields are currently way more important than health on warframes, unless you can get up to more than 1000 HP.


Agreed to some extent, but consider the simple fact that people hate being stuck with single helmet option because it is mandatory.


For once i'm glad that rhino prime can stay with his prime helmet on.


Eitherway, the we need the helmet stat system implemented, then we can talk about nerf.


Sidenote: i believe trinity can be immortal as long as she likes and with link suicide combo dealing insane damage in aoe, perfection is overrated.

Trinity + duration + Blessing = Godmode for 20+ seconds. Valkyr + duration + Hysteria = Godmode for 30+ seconds. But these two warframes at their core have downsides. They NEED to use their powers to be on par with Rhino, Rhino himself, with out any adjustments, is perfect.


Maybe we should rather buff other frames to be equally viable in late game as Rhino is, than nerfing him?

There has to be a line somewhere man. We can't keep buffing everything to match the next best warframe, and while I'd love for all the warframes to be equal, if that was the case there would be no reason to use any other warframe besides what ever you start with. There has to be a downside to using a warframe to some situations or you would just never use anything else.


Rhino prime isn't as fast as loki or nova.

Also trinity can have her entire team invulnerable practially all the time if you build her with that end, yet is the least used warframe. Banshee has permastun, and other warframes have insane combos as well. I think a little extra speed on rhino prime is fine. Its a prime after all!

Rhino Prime + Vangaurd Helmet = Fast as loki. Rhino Prime has 1.0 run speed, plus vangaurd helmet brings him to 1.25 which is as fast as loki with a what...5% decrease in power strength which you won't ever notice?

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Maybe we should rather buff other frames to be equally viable in late game as Rhino is, than nerfing him?

most of the other frames are viable at endgame. 

just buffing everything to a new standard with each tenno reinforcement is not a good idea at all.


also, it seems you didnt read the post. he said that rhino prime has no weakness (which is true)


do you think that frame that can not only fight any situation, but it´s too extremely good againt them is good for the game?

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Also who needs roar and Rhino Skin at high lvs? no one will shoot you as you will be spamming Rhino stomps.

Edited by The_Sharp_Demonologist
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Well about your pros

Why you would need them anyways? Rhino is just fine at mid range levels, but on high levels, iron skin combined with roar won't work out.

Get a trinity, bless spam build, get a maxed penta/boltor prime - have fun on level 110+ enemies.

Iron Skin isn't affected by Roar.

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why is everyone talking about trinity on a rhino post??? if you think trinity is OP and can do ANY mission without failing once then create a topic for that...Jesus...people get really defensive when we talk about rhino being the warframe GOD

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OnyxAlchemyst Wich is bullS#&$ since you dont need those cause you will be spamming Rhino stomp all over the bloody place

And what will stomp help for? You know that you cannot stomp anymore, if you stompped some and they still remain in statis and more of the enemies will spawn and spawn and spawn and ... Rhino like Loki - RUN MOFUQA!

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