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Shadow Based Warframe


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There are many different types of warframes currently in the game with extremely different skills and one of the complaints I have seen is that as new warframes are introduced people say De is moving more and more away from the concept of a ninja. Well a nice answer to this is a shadow warframe.

1st ability: the warframe extends his hand out towards the enemy targeted and becomes one with his shadow. In this state the warframe can not move otherwise cancelling the ability, the warframe can also use most abilities in this state. if the attached enemy comes within a few metres of another enemy the warframe can move in the enemies direction to leave the currently attached enemy and attach to the target.

2nd ability: the warframe reaches out and absorbs the shadows from nearby enemies and allies, damaging them and placing a shadow poison onto enemies not allies. if the ability is cast while attached to a target, the target is healed.

3rd ability: the warframe manipulates the shadows nearby to cloud and confuse enemies, causing them to fire randomly either at friend or foe.

Ultimate: this ability can only be used if attached to a target. the warframe possess the currently attached target and takes full control of the mob, enemies will attack the controlled mob if the player fires upon them. Also, the ultimate doesn't work on bosses.

These abilities can work by themselves, but work best when attached to an enemy. The warframe may seem OP but keep in mind the second ability damages allies as well, not to mention the third ability can cause enemies to still attack allies.

Overall, this warframe is mostly about causing confusion and dealing damage over time while remaining safe. This doesn't mean the warframe wont appear an entire mission (although that sounds interesting) as allies can shoot and kill the attached mob thus revealing the warframe, as well the warframe would be one of, if not the, most fragile frames in the game to make up for his survivability.

EDIT: getting alot of flak for ability 3. could anyone suggest a replacement?


I have made an updated post with improved ideas and abilities: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/216847-warframe-concept-updated-and-improved-shadow-warframe-eredus/

Edited by ikitclaw
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1st Ability: interesting, might be super OP in stealth missions though

2nd Ability: ignoring the fact that this ability is just plain magic since you're assuming shadows are actually tangible things that could be manipulated, which doesn't fit into the overall sci-fi element of this story. This ability sounds almost like a variation of Saryn's Venom except it doesn't suck as bad.

3rd Ability: I'm sure you mean well with your creativity, but I'll must be honest with you. This ability of confusing targets and attacking both allies and enemies alike is literally a clone of Nyx's Chaos. Nothing new to see here.

4th Ability: Very good extension of the original shadow based control this proposed Warframe has, but this Ultimate appears to be nothing more than another one of Nyx's abilities, Mind Control, her first ability. The exception is that you can directly control the actions of the target under your control.

Your concept sounds interesting and I've always imagined something like a shadow or darkness powered Warframe, however, you must be wary of potential overlapping of similar abilities with pre-existing Warframes (mainly Nyx in this case).

Final point: This belongs in the "Fan Concepts" section of the forums, not in General Discussion. There's a highlighted forum thread at the top of General Discussion made by a mod stating such things, so read that first.

Edited by yuio678
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There are many different types of warframes currently in the game with extremely different skills and one of the complaints I have seen is that as new warframes are introduced people say De is moving more and more away from the concept of a ninja. Well a nice answer to this is a shadow warframe.


1st ability: the warframe extends his hand out towards the enemy targeted and becomes one with his shadow. In this state the warframe can not move otherwise cancelling the ability, the warframe can also use most abilities in this state. if the attached enemy comes within a few metres of another enemy the warframe can move in the enemies direction to leave the currently attached enemy and attach to the target.


2nd ability: the warframe reaches out and absorbs the shadows from nearby enemies and allies, damaging them and placing a shadow poison onto enemies not allies. if the ability is cast while attached to a target, the target is healed.


3rd ability: the warframe manipulates the shadows nearby to cloud and confuse enemies, causing them to fire randomly either at friend or foe.


Ultimate: this ability can only be used if attached to a target. the warframe possess the currently attached target and takes full control of the mob, enemies will attack the controlled mob if the player fires upon them. Also, the ultimate doesn't work on bosses.


These abilities can work by themselves, but work best when attached to an enemy. The warframe may seem OP but keep in mind the second ability damages allies as well, not to mention the third ability can cause enemies to still attack allies.


Overall, this warframe is mostly about causing confusion and dealing damage over time while remaining safe. This doesn't mean the warframe wont appear an entire mission (although that sounds interesting) as allies can shoot and kill the attached mob thus revealing the warframe, as well the warframe would be one of, if not the, most fragile frames in the game to make up for his survivability.


This game is called Warframe, not Space Naruto, get that S#&$ out of here

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This game is called Warframe, not Space Naruto, get that S#&$ out of here

If im not correct your comparing space ninjas with what is essentially magic powers (hydroid able to form into water) to ninjas with magic powers.

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Zzzz, hey let me add to your warframe

1s ability - Kage Bunshin No Justu

2nd ability - Rasengan

3rd abilitiy - Hadouuuuken

4th ability (Ultimate) - Law Suit Dodge No Jutsu

And as long as you are plagiarizing Shikamaru's kit, might as well make the frame look like him


Right, sounds legit, DE make it so

Edited by 8bitgunny
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Sorry if I offended you 8bitgunny, I just thought it was weird comparing naruto and warframe.

EDIT:I didn't know any of shikamaru's powers before posting, but as it seems it is extremely similar please accept my apology and I will request this thread be deleted.

Edited by ikitclaw
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Sorry if I offended you 8bitgunny, I just thought it was weird comparing naruto and warframe.

Tell me again how you didn't plagiarize shadow imitation technique from Naruto, and called it original content

Edited by 8bitgunny
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I have filed a report against my own thread, asking for its deletion. please forgive me as I had miniscule knowledge of naruto prior to creating this thread. I am also sorry for posting this thread in the wrong section. 

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