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Malignant Force .-.



I don't know if it's the same in PC but n PS4 the price of Cicero mods or just malignant force is stupidly and amazingly high, unfortunately i've seen so many people selling just malignant for 500 plat which i believe is extremely ridiculous or the cicero set for 1000 plat, my questions is, is it really worth that much? i'm aware you can't farm these mods and the number of these mods is actually limited since some players that did the cicero even are not playing anymore the number of active cicero mods is lower than before, this is just my analysis but i'd like to read the input of other players either pc or ps4 regarding this situation :p 


Please let's avoid confrontation and let's be civilized :D I know this is a very delicate topic for some.

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16 answers to this question

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It's all about Supply and Demand. Just don't be that person who overpays for those sorts of things, giving them the idea that they sell for that much. Is it rare? Relatively speaking, as only one was given to each player if they completed the event. Doesn't really constitute ridiculous prices, however because toxic mods already existed.

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well at full level they do give a 60% bonus to proc chance. plus since they were limited time/event mods they are very rare, and unobtainable for new players. but that itself dosnt justify 500 - 1000 plat. But since the trading channel is such a huge unorganized mess. plat farmers are just trying to cheat, for lack of a better word, stupid and gullible players into giving them ridiculously large amounts of plat for them.  



what we need is a barterhouse!

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It's all about Supply and Demand. Just don't be that person who overpays for those sorts of things, giving them the idea that they sell for that much. Is it rare? Relatively speaking, as only one was given to each player if they completed the event. Doesn't really constitute ridiculous prices, however because toxic mods already existed.


^ Pretty much this


People sell things for 500, then noobs buy them for 500 and they think they can sell it now for 550, but they won't find a fool like them.


And everything ends with idiots selling things for 500p but no one buying them.

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I wish I had Malignant Force, as my current Dread build would make great use of it, but I'm not going to buy it for any price. DE said that they would make Cicero and Tethra mods reavailable in the game eventually, and while I'm kind of disappointed that they weren't put in the Dark Sectors, I know that they'll be made available again someday. Just wait for them to be put back into the game.

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The Cicero and Tethra mods have a higher damage/mod cost than the traditional mods, and have added Status chance. They are quite powerful, and very useful to have.


I've used them while leveling basically every single weapon since their release, and they are critical parts of status and high end towers builds.



High level Void builds often use +300% Corrosive damage.

When restricted on mod space, +150% toxin is better than 180% mag against Corpus.

Grakata/Tysis builds utilize both mods for extremely high proc chances.


It's also a matter of Plat's availability and value. I almost bought the Stomp pack, and decided not to - If I had, I'd be sitting on a few thousand plat with nothing to spend it on other than rare mods. So yeah, I could see spending up to a thousand plat to get a set of powerful mods, that I'll get good use out of, that can't be obtained any other way.


Sure DE might have said (*didn't see an actual post, just hearsay) that they'll be released again in the future... but they said that about primed chamber and it took nearly a year for them to give out... 1... more. Etc. Also given the mirroring of Tethra's rewards to match Cicero, I wouldn't be suprised to find we have two more major events with cold and heat mods before any of them become available again.

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I agree, i think they will release remaining elemental events and then they might drop an update in which you'll be able to get them gain, but i also have a couple of observations:


- Would it be fair for people who have been playing the game for more time and did an event which was at certain point annoying in order to get those mods and then suddenly they'll say "oh, don't worry, here's an alert so you can get malignant"

- If there's no certain chance to get cicero mods in the future the price will get higher? I assume

- The amount of cicero mods will decrease since at some point with new ps4 games people will stop playing warframe, potentially players who own cicero mods


I was very lucky because i sold my set and the re bought, i must admit i made some plat during those 2 hours without my original set. I still believe it's fair and unfair at the same time, i see the trading tab in ps4 and it's spammed with people offering 100 play for malignant or 150 for cicero set, so i believe buyers and sellers might have a point.

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- Would it be fair for people who have been playing the game for more time and did an event which was at certain point annoying in order to get those mods and then suddenly they'll say "oh, don't worry, here's an alert so you can get malignant"

Personally, I think this is a huge problem with the Warframe community right now. Everyone thinks that 'event' is synonymous with 'forever exclusive'. I think that it's fair to re-release event mods and weapons because the people who earned them have had them for a while already. The point is that the advantage of doing an event for mods or weapons is not that you will have stuff to show off that no one will ever be able to get again, but that you will have had unique and powerful gear before it became available to everyone else. Plus, it seems like some people are just being selfish and don't want people to have their event mods and weapons. I have all of the Tethra rewards, and I don't care how many people get to have a Gorgon Wraith and the Electricity mods, if it means that I have a chance to get Wraith Twin Vipers and the Toxin mods. The only people that actually stand to lose something if event gear is re-released are people who have ALL of the rewards from EVERY event, and I don't think that there is anyone in that situation.

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Personally, I think this is a huge problem with the Warframe community right now. Everyone thinks that 'event' is synonymous with 'forever exclusive'. I think that it's fair to re-release event mods and weapons because the people who earned them have had them for a while already. The point is that the advantage of doing an event for mods or weapons is not that you will have stuff to show off that no one will ever be able to get again, but that you will have had unique and powerful gear before it became available to everyone else. Plus, it seems like some people are just being selfish and don't want people to have their event mods and weapons. I have all of the Tethra rewards, and I don't care how many people get to have a Gorgon Wraith and the Electricity mods, if it means that I have a chance to get Wraith Twin Vipers and the Toxin mods. The only people that actually stand to lose something if event gear is re-released are people who have ALL of the rewards from EVERY event, and I don't think that there is anyone in that situation.

Your argument is totally valid, as i said, i think both sides of the coin has their own personal opinion, the ones who have it and the ones who don't. Fair or unfair, in the trading post you will see a lot of this price abuse (idk what else to call it) and yeah, i'd feel bad to rip someone off but it's also good to earn extra plat, i hope there's a favorable result for this situation in case there is, for now, people will have to deal with the current situation, unfortunately there's always people willing to pay 1000 k plat for those mods and well, people will continue to do it.

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Giving powerful mods that you already have to other players in NO WAY detracts from your gameplay ability. Its not like they're taking away from you, just giving to others in a Co-op game.


Wanting other people to not have something we got for free just so we can have an exclusive thing is extremely selfish, greedy, and just downright mean.


I would be happy to see them re-released, I could use a set at lower rankings while leveling. I'd also be happy to see other event weapons and vandals released, even the ones I already have. Conversely, I would be unhappy to see the founders items released, which may seem hypocritical but we had to pay for those.


I just don't think they're going to be released any time soon, and in the meantime they're worth the plat if only because there's nothing else to spend it on.

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