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Closed Beta Memories.


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today,I was roaming on youtube for warframe fan-made music videos,and i came across this one.

At mid video,the OLD captain vor is showed,which remembers me when i first started in closed beta,


have you got any memories from closed beta?


EDIT: old captain vor is at 1:09 mins

Edited by DAFIRE
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Nervos, something that was stopping the rushers and motivating the rest to stay close to one another...


Ancients being just big runners, Toxics spitting poisonous balls.

One tileset to rule them all.

Cronus was a great weapon that I was using most of the time.

Akboltos being godly... Wait, this didn't changed at all, they are still godly weapon...

Banshee being cool new frame everybody was hyped for.

Stalker being feared by many.

Drops from bosses not guaranteed... I remember killing Jackal countless times for my Rhino.

First event - Fusion MOA event, that required you to kill one Fusion MOA to get Frost Prime Blueprint, before Frost Prime components and the frame itself was even introduced...

The awe while wandering the newly implemented Void, the happiness when you've found a secret room and got tons of mods from there.

Necessity to farm Rubedo, Polymer Bundles, Ferrite...


Those were the days... But everything evolves, Tenno! We must look into bright future instead of looking back!


(though I secretly hope, that DE will release Warframe: Legacy, Warframe version from pre-open bete, pre-mods 2.0. Even in singleplayer only. Just to feel this again and to show younger generation how it looked like.)

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That first mission. I will never forget. For my very first mission I was Taxi'd by the friend who introduced me. He took me to Venus. I marvelled at the looks of the game, and the first sound I heard was the sound that I don't hear much any more. The Shockwave Moa Mating Call. "WONK WONK."

Every time I hear that sound it takes me back to that first Grate-Fall.

I remember feeling like a pro when I Reactor'd my first Warframe, I remember modding the old way, always trying to get that extra mod slot. I remember when selling mods was THE form of credit income. I remember shooting through solid walls with Puncture ratings that could pierce the heavens., people spraying out five bullets per shot. I remember Switch Teleporting Toxic Ancients onto the tippy top of boxes in the old OLD Xini Defense. That one room with the Cryopod in the center. I remember Mag being brokenly overpowered, and bosses taking multiple ammo boxes and up to half an hour to take down.

So many memories. We have seen mountains crumble and fade, we have seen the turn of the universe. 

Complaining that your favourite weapon was nerfed means nothing, the game moves on.

Edited by Noogums
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I miss the dark look of the game in the days of yore.  The whole galaxy felt so much more alien.  I also really miss the old sounds too.  The weapons made harsher creepier sounds and I really really miss the ubiquitous menace of the saw-men.

I think overall there was a wonderfully understated menace in the early versions - particularly those creepy dioramas in the loading screen with grineer troops in silhouette... its actually a real shame the focus has shifted to pretty glow-ey WoW-ish  @#&$-shots of tenno.

It's like "look how sweet and shiney the tenno are!!!!"  - but in reality a hero is only as impressive as their nemisis is menacing.  I wish I was creative director - this game had great visual roots which I would have developed more fully (I would have had the game cling to the menacing aspect more tightly).

Edited by Loveshack
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The old mod system.  I remember stacking 3 or 4 lvl 30 melee damage mods on my frame, putting speed/crit/AP mods on my dual zoren, and going nuts in Xini.  Dizzily fast, and ancients went down in 2-3 hits.  Overpowered, sure, but man was it fun.

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I remember sucking so much at the game. So much that I couldn't get through my first mission solo, and I had matchmaking problems. So my best friend tried the game out with me and it took us at least 20 minutes to get through it. We loved it and cherished it. We may have not gotten anything useful, but we enjoyed how different this game was to other games.

Today, I stand a mighty veteran with my friend with a lot of warframes and weapons. Exclusive weapons didn't matter much, but it did signify our year and 3 months of knowing Warframe when it was really primitive. I'm so glad it has evolved and still growing strong. It may not be finished, and it may never be. But I'll always recognize Warframe for standing out in the PvE department of gaming, especially on the F2P side.

With its continued focus in PvE, I hope to see many more things to do. Right now, it's a bit too heavy on farming and not enough of just experiencing, but Melee 2.0, while a little lackluster for me, was a very appreciative change. I hope to see more great changes coming our way. The Focus and Proxy system I look forward to should hopefully give even more reasons to play then to just get new warframes and weapons.

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Also, Volt being master frame with speed

Getting the Braton Vandal

Hype when Rhino and Frost were first released

Hype while building Rhino

Hype while being Rhino

Rhino in general

Blowing holes in every window in the corpus ships and screaming with my friends over Skype because of it

"Execute formation Bravo"

Infested ancients instakilling you when you walked past them

Snipetron ;_;


Being a nub in general really.

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