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Reflection Is Killing Conclave.


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Reflection is broken, so please fix it for the sum of players who play Conclave.


Rewarding a player who is blocking the entire game with kills on technicality when shot is not only an exploit but horribly broken. I am not angry, I, as well as the honorable sum of active conclavers simply request a look is put into this. You may not care about your Conclave base, but there is surprisingly alot of players who actively play, pretty much all day. In a positive and competetive fasion.


To put it simply. Blocking is a good mechanic. Reflecting the damage to the point where the blocker is not penalized and kills the shooter is absolute ridiculousness. Auto Relfect makes this worse, because they can shoot you openly with a gun and still block when you fire at them. My suggestion is to nerf Reflection in Conclave to 10% Damage Relfect at max. This will still make the mod okay, but removes the broken effect that is making the gametype unplayable by solid players who'd like to actually practice gunplay without being penalized by unskilled and disrespectful players who block the entire match and camp energy. It turns into a blocking stand-off in most cases. Which is NOT quality gameplay in any shape or form.


It has completely removed skill in killing and completely negates the use of guns or melee. All you need to do to be good in conclave now is block with relfection equipped. Having to change entire builds, compositions, and playstyles over one mod, does make it broken. It really does. Contrary to half of the posts in this thread, you cannot simply walk behind a player and hit them. So please, before you post some unwanted subjective nonsense, at least qualify as somebody who knows what they are saying instead of suggesting blatant ignorant and misleading information or solutions.


The fact melee 2.0 deflects bullets is an amazing mechanic in conclave and changes the way it works. Reflecting damage however is utter blaspemy in the Tenno Conclaves. Also contrary to popular belief, Conclave as alpha as it seems, is pretty dang well balanced, and fair. You just need extentsive amounts of forma and upgraded mods to perform to pvp standards. With that said, if you don't like conclave, then keep quiet. Maybe when you actually reach mastery 10-15 you can compete in the hardcore gametype known as conclave which will NOT hold your hand like other games do.


DE if there was ever anything I asked of you, please nerf this into the ground or at least reduce the damage reflected by 90%. We cannot continue to improve ourselves if all we get are people using this near exploitation of a game mechanic to secure kills they didn't earn or even put effort into.




TLDR: Nerf or remove Reflections damage conversion in Conclave.


Please stop posting if you don't actively play conclave. Thanks.

Edited by Lynches
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So have a stug, penta, or Ogris as one of your weapons.



Are you sure your clan is made up of the top conclavers? Because this seems rather easy to figure out.

The Damage is STILL reflected, and you are knocked down due to it.


We also avoid use of Faceroll weapons, regardless we've tested it.

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1. Don't shoot while they are blocking


2. If they do nerf it, nerf it for conclaves only because it's pretty well balanced for PvE


3. I honestly don't care that much because I've only played conclaves once when they first came out and I didn't enjoy them at all.

Edited by ShadowCore67
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All they do is sit in a corner and block. They don't lose stamina when blocking until hit. It's an endless function with no actual way to crowd control the blocker without knocking yourself down.

Blast damage... Crowd Control Powers... melee attacks yourself... plenty of work arounds... L2P better!!

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Let me make it clearer for everyone.


EVERYTHING YOU HIT THEM WITH IS REFLECTED REGARDLESS. There is no way to get around this. We have tried. That is why I'm requesting it be looked at. We would have adapted if it wasn't this broken.

Mag Pull... Zephyr Whirlwind... Ember's World on Fire... Frost Snow Globe/Avalance... just a few ideas off the top of my head that do dmg and dont reflect

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Well, not much can be done in PvP at the moment, unfortunately..
Since the game does not focus on PvP at all.. 

Also, you can just Rhino Charge/Stomp them to knock them back & shoot at them before they got up.. 
You also can't parry/reflect anything that hit you from behind..
or Trinity's link + blessing..
or Soul punch's ragdoll effect..
or any status proc like when you shoot at Saryn's 1st skill (forgot the name) 
or Hydroid's undertow knockdown
or Ember's fireblast/WoF
or Zephyr's tornado

pretty much a lot of skill can overcome reflection...
stop shooting & use your skills.

Edited by Veridantus
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Well, not much can be done in PvP at the moment, unfortunately..

Since the game does not focus on PvP at all.. 

Also, you can just Rhino Charge them to knock them back & shoot at them before they got up.. 

You also can't parry/reflect anything that hit you from behind..

That's why they hide in a corner.

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