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Against The Solo Type Of Play


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We just had a stalker fight moments ago. He was teleporting a lot, in the chaos of other stuff going on, he down two people and escaped, lol. I'd get a couple shots off, before he'd smoke out. We were leveling lower characters, but I did have a decent gun...just had a hard time seeing him amid all the bloom lol.


I haven't fought him enough times to have him down, I hear he's easy, but I haven't seen that yet. Sometimes I've seen other players kill him before I even saw him finish spawning though. I haven't seen the G3 in over a month.

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I had my Tater'd Marelok and a Loki one time doing Tower 2 capture solo. So Stalker spawns on the other side of the room and I start letting loose on the guy. Well, Stalker just teleports to me and manages to slash proc/1 shot me with his Hate and then runs away.


At other times he appears when I'm in defense missions and I can't afford to run to an open area to get a clear shot off with my Penta so I die from a slash proc while I'm trying to figure out where Stalker is(this was in ODD). He pretty much sniped me without me ever knowing where to shoot, and infested were everywhere so I was afraid to shoot.


In other words, I agree with you TC.

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I have solo killed the Grustrag three and Harvester on Pluto.

With the weakest Warframe known as Loki. The only times I died was trying to take a picture :(



Just carry 1 gun with 3 to 5 forma and you are gold. Keep the other 2 as leveling stuff.

As for frames, ALL my frames are maxed except Hydroid, so I cannot deliberately gimp myself :l

Edited by fatpig84
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People are passionate about the game, the developers, etc. If you come in blaming everyone else they're going to feel insulted and respond in kind. Remember that when you voice a complaint you are voicing it at actual people. Don't get angry when you're having difficulty; ask for help. Works out a lot better and nobody's feelings need to be hurt. 


Edited by Acos
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i get what you guys are saying but you think being 1 shotted doesn't cheapen the experience JUST a bit?
sure my nekros might not be the toughness but i do carry a maxed vigor and 2 from the top redirection putting me at 702-380
i just don't see how making such a otherwise cool encounter become some stupid 1 shot dual to the death
if the stalker had to use platinum or something to revive himself i'd be okay with it lol
i didn't really want to say it but these encounters don't feel like something adding to the game, it feels like something to subtract platinum from your account

i have a double forma'd soma, i have no problem dispatching the stalker, but for whatever reason last fight he teleported far back and i guess "headshotted" me with his dread which instantly 1 shot me while i was shooting him

that to me, is pure ridiculous. and to top it off i was attacked by the G3 THE NEXT mission and was still frustrated from the stalker fight and only managed to kill 1 before i died
it's just... silly sometimes
to me it feels like a glaring design flaw. oh don't x warframe and you run the chance of being 1 shot by some bs, that's outrageous
it's not even telegrammed or anything, it's literally less than a second
you can't react to that, you can stay mobile ALL you want, but as soon as the AI decides to put himself into a position that he will use the dread (for which he never seems to miss my head) i'm basically screwed
that's some S#&$, just saying
he can't do some body shots or something? lol

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People are passionate about the game, the developers, etc. If you come in blaming everyone else they're going to feel insulted and respond in kind. Remember that when you voice a complaint you are voicing it at actual people. Don't get angry when you're having difficulty; ask for help. Works out a lot better and nobody's feelings need to be hurt. 

im not angry from having difficulty

it's anger from being killed based on chance

the G3 solo was not something i've ever done before, that was going to be interesting if i had prepared for it better (should of killed the shield guy quicker)

the stalker is a joke encounter.

he's like one of those stupid JRPG bosses that can instant kill one of your party members if he feels like it and you only feel like you win because he decides not to for whatever reason (or you're overleveled to S#&$)

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Stalker 2 shot me last time by melee i was running around when he spawned.. he pulled me in leaving me stunned. Then 2 hit me with his hate. I've only seen him 2 times in 6 months though So fighting with him has become massively unfamiliar to me. I was so surprised at just how high his damage is now. I was expecting a tough fight, and looking forward to it. Then bam im dead -.- not fun.

I remember the time before that though i used up all my kunai ammunition and boltor ammo shooting him. (in january)

He was at his best back in september - November... Back then it felt like a boss fight but would take 1-5 minutes to take care of (in my encounters) was fun. Now if u get stuck, make 1 wrong move, lag or get unlucky he will take you out. IDK given what im reading in this thread I think to have a chance now we're forced to run around with a gun that can 1 shot him.

Edited by CarrotSalad
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i remember getting g3 on a 30ish alert one time, that was hilarious.


about 2 seconds after they spawned everyone was dead. I was killed faster than I could blink in a rhino with maxed hp/shields/armor and iron skin up.


I don't fight those guys anymore. Nothing they could possibly have is worth the effort.

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I've fought Stalker solo recently.

As Ember.

Didn't get one shot as we battled. And I did get hit a few times. (I had a S#&$ty melee I was leveling so I couldn't kill him though)

Did I mention I was Ember?


Maybe it was because I made him fight me with his melee by meleeing back.

Also I just dodged the dread shots... You know he's coming, you can see him. You can bounce all over the bloody place...it's not hard to do that.

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yeah, stalker is a tough guy to fight, you either one shot him or he one shot you, or if you are rhino, you actually have a chance with iron skin. i do agree that stalker need an overhaul in his design


But G3, really? they are vunerable to cc, so anyone should be able to kill them, i kill them yesterday with my nekros, just terrify them and shoot them to death. all you need is a decent gun that is well modded, which of course not everyone have but they should be tough to the newb cause the weapon they drop is the highest damaging sidearm in the game

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I've fought Stalker solo recently.

As Ember.

Didn't get one shot as we battled. And I did get hit a few times. (I had a S#&$ty melee I was leveling so I couldn't kill him though)

Did I mention I was Ember?


Maybe it was because I made him fight me with his melee by meleeing back.

Also I just dodged the dread shots... You know he's coming, you can see him. You can bounce all over the bloody place...it's not hard to do that.

and 2 nights ago i punched him to death with my furax on trinity

it doesn't mean anything though

there isn't much skill to killing him, he's not hard... why don't people understand that

i beat him 9/10 times

just the 1 time he beats me it feels like complete bs and nothing i could do about it

like the moons align and a giant laser beam smites me

what im saying is, he could be less 1 shotty, and more like->each 25 or 50 health % interval go into some sort of phase

he sorta does that with absorb but no one in their right mind would get hit by that silly move

as it stands he is extremely boring to kill and occasionally frusterating

Edited by Tsak
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yeah, stalker is a tough guy to fight, you either one shot him or he one shot you, or if you are rhino, you actually have a chance with iron skin. i do agree that stalker need an overhaul in his design


But G3, really? they are vunerable to cc, so anyone should be able to kill them, i kill them yesterday with my nekros, just terrify them and shoot them to death. all you need is a decent gun that is well modded, which of course not everyone have but they should be tough to the newb cause the weapon they drop is the highest damaging sidearm in the game

hah, so terrify has a use in the game afterall

pretty hilarious, i was pretty sure no one used that skill

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Last night I was soloing a TII Void Exterminate to hunt down some Argon Crystals. I was using an Oberon with a lvl 23 unpotato'd Fang I was levelling, an Attica, and a Lato (which I forgot to remove during https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/208631-newb-gear-ftw/page-3#entry2528795'>my Newb Challenge killing Hek). When Stalker made himself known, I killed everyone in the room with a Reckoning, stocked up on energy with a Team Energy Restore, and then simply stood in place scanning for where Stalker will stand up.


So he finally showed up, my Oberon glowed with the power of his channeling, and I gutted Stalker with my Fangs. Even when he kept trying to hit me with his Hate, my Life Strike pretty much regained all of the damage he did. As a reward, he dropped the Argon Crystal I was looking for, and my Oberon finally got his revenge for being shanked by Stalker all those months ago back when I started playing.


Stalker is deadly if you let him use his Dread or Despair at range, but that's why the best counter against him is actually to engage him in melee, where he is weakest. Stalker is cheap in one area, but very much manageable in another, all you need is to calm down and prepare yourself to fight him.


Even the G3 is easy enough, since every Warframe has at least a single CC power that'll give them breathing room. Hell, my Excalibur pretty much blinded G3 into victory. As a pure Solo Player for a month now, yes Stalker and the other special bosses seem cheap at first. But when you learn their patterns and weaknesses they are pretty manageable if you prepare for them.

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You do realize the lvl they spawn is based of the highest lvl weapon you have? I either take all maxed or all weak weps.

Or...you can take 2 weapons since it goes by ALL weapons I.E. if you only have 2 maxed weapons and a slot that has no weapons they scale DOWN since you only have 2. makes fights like G3 and Stalker a joke...(My first time fighting G3 I had a lvl 25 Nikana and a lvl 19 Boltor Prime and decimated those fools and got the Brakk blueprint :D and Split Chamber!)


oh and the whole cover thing is BS Stalker usually just oneshots you before you can even go to it anyway. When he spawns just shoot him. Best thing you could do cause your dead anyway.

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Even the G3 is easy enough, since every Warframe has at least a single CC power that'll give them breathing room. Hell, my Excalibur pretty much blinded G3 into victory. As a pure Solo Player for a month now, yes Stalker and the other special bosses seem cheap at first. But when you learn their patterns and weaknesses they are pretty manageable if you prepare for them.


i know but it doesn't really add much to the fight

all it adds is just oh boy this crap again. i know how to fight the stalker, ive beaten him countless times (30 dread blueprints later) i still don't have the despair (the only thing i friggin want)

he's just (to me) a poorly designed encounter, it could be so much better. there are plenty of ways to make him more fun (hell they could even give him the vay hek treatment and make him do less damage but be invulnerable during certain parts. idc!)


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this post in a nutshell

yea, people rather instead of being happy the way it is and or learning to play it [if you are a solo player like me] with a bit of cleverness or skill outside of Ult spamming... lets just complain :D

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yea, people rather instead of being happy the way it is and or learning to play it [if you are a solo player like me] with a bit of cleverness or skill outside of Ult spamming... lets just complain :D

and when you get 1 shot by a dread shot you couldn't dodge you'll come back and say

you're right, sometimes cleverness does jack S#&$

i'm somewhat happy with how the game is, and i've definitely LEARNED how to play it (jesus assume more please) i just think somethings need polish

the stalker encounter definitely needs polish, all they've been doing is tweaking numbers recently or thrown in some new skills

for something that has such a small % chance to show up it should be memorable, currently its a complete joke if you're in a party. and solo can be either the same thing, a joke. or utter bullS#&$

you can call me not clever all you want. i'll point out that it's an unpolished poor design decision that was haphazardly made. it's called my opinion take it or leave it

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