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How Do You Use Your Secondary Weapon?


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Well its not that weird at all to use it.... Considering how powerful some if them are.

But I like mine to compliment my primary, or serve as a weapon that I use against different armour against factions. Like a corrosive primary and radiation secondary for grineer.

Or something more Cc when I am using a sniper or something.

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Opposite the way I use my primary... Like if I'm using Ignis I bring Marelok for hitting single targets real hard, or if I'm using Dread I'll bring a pistol with good combat rate of fire so I'm never stuck unable to shoot for long if things get too hairy for firing off individual charged shots or killed if I miss once or twice.


Best thing about Melee 2.0 is I never feel like I need a point blank gun anymore. I can just do long and medium with my guns.

Edited by VKhaun
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Was meant to be a joke. So far I've found my secondaries to be far too weak in comparison to my melee for a backup.

But I'm not veteran enough to know what really works.

My post was supposed to be the same. I agree, unless you run out of ammo, your side arm is practically useless unless it actually gets the job done.

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It's my main weapon, my beloved Brakk.


I use the stug alot as mostly a bleedout weapon since its literally suicide to use most any other way


On bosses its  a super quick kill and on high wave enemies itll be putting down things faster than many primaries

 undying will and provoked are mods made just for you

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Back in the Closed Beta I cleared the Solar System with a pair of my Akboltos. I used to use only them. I had Braton, not even modded IIRC, and those two beauties.


Now they are Forma'd and can outshine most of the primaries. I still love my girls.

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well.... if i'm using my Secondary, i pull the trigger.

and bullets come out the end.


and it kills things.

works well for me.



i often am not carrying my beloved Gremlins most of the time now though, Unequipping them as i've been Polarizing and ranking Equipment often, so i leave my Gremlins 'at home' to get more XP for the things that need it.



at any rate, do well to remember that Sidearms are the most powerful thing in the game. (excluding one or two exceptions, Ogris and Penta are those only exceptions). they are generally more effective than your Primary Weapon in all situations.

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My post was supposed to be the same. I agree, unless you run out of ammo, your side arm is practically useless unless it actually gets the job done.


There's a larger assortment of interesting and useful secondary weapons than primary weapons in warframe.

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