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[Ic] The Call Of The Faithful [Open Rp]


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Synder rode the elevator up, his deceptive mind thinking out his every next move, from the first step out of the elevator to his last steps in front of Silac, presenting the Herald.


That is, he was thinking of those moves, until the door opened, and there stood a Nyx and Excalibur.


"Oh.  Hello both of you.  I wasn't expecting...hostility."

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Miho and Tatsuya returned the hug, with Miho asnwering, "Thank you.... mom." Tatsuya smiled, "Yes, thank you mom."


Gaia felt rather happy at the moment, glad not only that she was providing support for Tatsuya and Miho but also because of how the manner they thought of her. She wished that things could be peaceful so there could be happy families instead of all the conflict and damage both physical and emotional. "You're welcome, you two. I'm glad you think of me as a mother."


Cardina scoffed at Cyril, turning to lead him out of medical. "I'm never disappointed to have another obedient warm body, obedient being the operative term." Once they were in the hallway, she stopped in front of him, jabbing her finger into his chest. "Do whatever pleases you for the little spat between you, but don't you dare forget, this is about more than your revenge or your history. My Church hangs in the balance here, you will submit to the judgement of my Acolytes. Clear? Good. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have something that requires my immediate attention."


A waypoint to Engineering's elevator appeared on Cyril's HUD as Cardina took off down the hallway in the opposite direction.


"Divinities," Cardina raised a private comm to Mortos and Gaia, "We need to convene the Church to discuss strategy for the coming Corpus assault, as soon as possible. I'll meet you in the Garden, and afterwards we can bring in the Acolytes to brief them." 


Soon, the Garden's doors opened to admit Cardina. Immediately upon entering, she noticed a few flaws and growths that would need fixing, and it took all of her focus to not reach for the nearest pair of shears and correct them. Temperance, she couldn't help herself, approaching a branch to pluck a stray leaf. Cyril- the real one- is on his way to the Engineering elevator to join the ambush. Keep an eye on him, him and Synder have a past.


Receiving the message, Mortos made his way for the garden. He had previously been occupied with preparations. For what, none could be sure. He didn't say much and his work largely remained uninterrupted.


Gaia recieved the message and looked to Tatsuya and Miho. "Sorry to say but I have to go. Cardina called a strategy meeting." She slipped away, headed for the garden. "Don't worry, I'll be back once it's over."


Meanwhile, Rien watched from further down the hallway, waiting for the elevator to come up with the infiltrator on it. He was the length of one hallways behind Jinx's position in the event that Synder tried something unexpected.

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Soon, the Garden's doors opened to admit Cardina. Immediately upon entering, she noticed a few flaws and growths that would need fixing, and it took all of her focus to not reach for the nearest pair of shears and correct them. Temperance, she couldn't help herself, approaching a branch to pluck a stray leaf. Cyril- the real one- is on his way to the Engineering elevator to join the ambush. Keep an eye on him, him and Synder have a past.


I'll see to it Cardina Temperance promised.  Far below him, the elevator doors opened on a familiar Vauban.  Speaking of the devil...

His Soma clicked as the safety came off.


Synder rode the elevator up, his deceptive mind thinking out his every next move, from the first step out of the elevator to his last steps in front of Silac, presenting the Herald.


That is, he was thinking of those moves, until the door opened, and there stood a Nyx and Excalibur.


"Oh.  Hello both of you.  I wasn't expecting...hostility."


Temperance dropped the instant Synder stepped out of the car, landing silently in the space the faux-Vauban had just vacated.  His Soma barked, the high-caliber magnetic rounds striking Synder square in the back.  


The Ash straightened with a satisfied smirk on his face as the infiltrator fell, drained of shields and energy, with a Dread arrow stuck in his arm.


"Hello Synder," Temperance greeted him with an air of menacingly casual familiarity as the Nyx, Excalibur, and Oberon who had been waiting in ambush closed in.  "Having a bad day?"

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Synder howled in pain; his enemies looming above him.  "No..no!  This can't be happening right now--" the Essence Loki's Corpus suit flickered away and re-calibrated, revealing his actual Warframe.  "--you...you're all supposed to be dead!  Right now!  And how did you--"


Synder's last words faded into sheer oblivion as he saw something down the hall.


A pair of doors slid open, and there stood a white and black Vauban, with blue accents, and no helmet.

There stood Cyrill.


"Synder Romulus Lusum.  The last time you were down on your back like this I would have hesitated in watching you die."  Cyrill paused, brushing his hair to the side and crouching slightly to be on his old friends' level.  "Not quite used to treatment of this sort, are you?  Desperate...drained...humiliated.  No, for the past couple cycles, it's been you doing the threatening and deceiving.  Now, here you lie...tell me, old friend, how does it feel to finally be on the other side?  I normally have trouble putting myself in others' situations...do you?


Synder retracted his helmet, revealing his slightly decaying, Corpus stained face.  "Oh Cyrill...the last time your helmet came off was Gradivus.  You look so old and wise now.  Like your years of serving that incompetent Lotus almost payed off towards something.  Who was I to think I could imitate an idiot like you?  I'd have to bend over and submit to the enemy to get the whole pictur--"


Cyrill backhanded Synder with his edged gauntlet, and left a mark to say the least.  He slid to the ground, grabbing his old comrade by the neck.


"I won't tolerate your backtalk, Synder.  I stood with you.  You stood with me.  YOU are the incompetent one here.  Faltering so easily due to a fascination.  And for what?  A special little suit and a fake deity of Profit to worship?"  Cyrill threw Synder's head back, and watched him snap back into the ground. 


Synder laughed as his head came slowly reeling into its original position, looking right into Cyrill's eyes.  "I knew I'd get to you.  You're idiotic, but you know how to channel your hatred.  So kill me, Cyrill.  You killed me once..." Synder bit his lips, causing himself to bleed intentionally as he laughed. "Do it again, Legránd!"


"I won't be the villain you want to make me, Synder!  Every time you killed, you killed with vengeance.  Not honor, or reason...or for Balance."  Cyrill reminisced on Cardina's lecture, realizing how much it fit into his situation.  "I don't know what happened to the Tenno you were, but he's gone.  And I'll watch the soul of this body be taken.  But I will NOT be like you.  Not for a moment of your lifetime."


Cyrill looked at Temperance, nodding.  "Do what you will with this traitorous bastard.  No quarter necessary unless you wish to use him."  Cyrill looked one last time upon what he used to call his brother before walking off.


"He had his chance at an honorable death."

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Cyrill looked at Temperance, nodding.  "Do what you will with this traitorous bastard.  No quarter necessary unless you wish to use him."  Cyrill looked one last time upon what he used to call his brother before walking off.


"He had his chance at an honorable death."


Temperance nodded gravely.


"Thank you, Cyril," he said as the Vauban turned to leave.


He knelt next to Synder, reached behind the former Tenno's head, and yanked, coming away with Synder's visor in his grip.  In short order, Temperance had removed every bit of Corpus-looking tech he could find, pulling away the modular bits and cutting out the rest with his dagger.  By the time he was done, Synder was left shaking in a somewhat battered Loki warframe.  He could not help but feel the tiniest bit of sympathy; neural backlash was painful beyond belief.


"Before we kill this one, I suggest we take him to Cardina and the Divinities," Temperance suggested, turning to the other ambushers with his arms full of bits and pieces of Synder's warframe.  "They will want answers."


Good news Cardina he sent as the Nyx and the Excalibur dragged Synder away.  We've got Synder.  Cyril had a nice little chat with him, and I dissected his frame for parts.  He's on his way to you now, with Jinx, Arthur, and Tyranis for an escort.  I'll be along as soon as I stow this tech somewhere safe.

Edited by Temperance000
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Tyranis removed his helmet and knelt down next to the now battered Synder, an expression of sadness on his face. "For any Tenno to fall so far... You disgust me Synder. But i still pity you, after all you are still kin. What the Corpus could have offered you that was so enticing that you would side with such savages is beyond me... But i will see to it that you receive just punishment for your greed." He pulls out one of his Vastos and puts the barrel up against Synder's head. 


"Normally i'd execute traitors like you myself... However there are others much more deserving then i who should have the liberty of dealing you justice." He put his Vasto back to his side and put his helmet back on. He speaks to his fellow Tenno who were present for the ambush. "If you wish to have words with him you'd better do it now. I gave Gaia my word i would bring him to her."

Edited by MasterDread
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After Ansilm had witness the mole's giving up and desperately searching for death from his old brother of warfare he looked on leaving Temperance. Reminding him about some of the clan members from past of his. He saw them training for something... For a moment he wanted to deny that this was the training before the war... But this... Was the very training before the first part of the war.


He walked next to of Temperance. "So it is finally over? From here inside?" he asked. As grey steel and wine red colored power armor showing off the colors as he sheathed the energy blade handles.

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Tyranis removed his helmet and knelt down next to the now battered Synder, an expression of sadness on his face. "For any Tenno to fall so far... You disgust me Synder. But i still pity you, after all you are still kin. What the Corpus could have offered you that was so enticing that you would side with such savages is beyond me... But i will see to it that you receive just punishment for your greed." He pulls out one of his Vastos and puts the barrel up against Synder's head. 


"Normally i'd execute traitors like you myself... However there are others much more deserving then i who should have the liberty of dealing you justice." He put his Vasto back to his side and put his helmet back on. He speaks to his fellow Tenno who were present for the ambush. "If you wish to have words with him you'd better do it now. I gave Gaia my word i would bring him to her."

Jinx walked up to Synder and crouched down, grabbing hold of his arm and then pulled out the arrow. "I'll take that. Would be too bad to lose a good arrow like that." As she stood up and put the arrow back into its quiver she inspected the infiltrators face. "What causes someone to turn on his own kin?" She was incredibly tempted to search around in his brain, but evectional desided against it. Hopefully they'd get some answers when they take him to the Divinities.


Arthur followed his sister and looked down at the now beaten Synder. "I have to admit...you were a worthy opponent, Synder was it? You even had my sister fooled for a while." He ignored the glare Jinx sent him for his words. "We don't take any pleasure in your current situation as you are kin. But for your actions you will face justice. Though I fear the kind of Justice the Church have in mind for you won't be a pretty sight."


Not taking pleasure was a relative term. Both he and Jinx was pleased that they had cornered and incapacitated their prey, even though that feeling was a bit numb after Temperance's interference. But it was true that they did not like it when it was their own kin. Maybe the problem was more that they couldn't quite grasp the concept of betraying one's own people. It puzzled them. Had it been any Grineer or Corpus they'd be overjoyed with their success. But now those usual feelings asosiated with a successful hunt was dampened.


Arthur then grabbed One of Synder's arms as Jinx grabbed the other one and together they pulled him up on his feet. Even if those feet were not very cooperative.


"Lead the way Tyranis" Jinx said as they had secured their prisoner.

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After Ansilm had witness the mole's giving up and desperately searching for death from his old brother of warfare he looked on leaving Temperance. Reminding him about some of the clan members from past of his. He saw them training for something... For a moment he wanted to deny that this was the training before the war... But this... Was the very training before the first part of the war.


He walked next to of Temperance. "So it is finally over? From here inside?" he asked. As grey steel and wine red colored power armor showing off the colors as he sheathed the energy blade handles.


Temperance spared a glance for the curious pseudo-frame.  He had seen the Tenno around the derelict on a few occasions, but had never paid him much mind.


"For now, I believe so...Ansilm, was it?  Synder will face judgement for his crimes, and that will most likely be the end of him.  But we still have the problem of the Corpus fleet heading our way.  I advise you make whatever preparations you need.  We may not have much time."


Temperance bowed as best he could with his arms full of Corpus tech.  "Now, if you'll excuse me, there are some things I must see to.  Good luck to you, Ansilm.  I have a feeling all of us will need it."

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Temperance bowed as best he could with his arms full of Corpus tech.  "Now, if you'll excuse me, there are some things I must see to.  Good luck to you, Ansilm.  I have a feeling all of us will need it."




Having watched all that had befallen Synder, Damin stepped out of the shadows. Figuring that Temperance would be heading somewhere important, the infested Ash silently walked up to him and the strange patchwork Frame, and quietly waited.

Edited by Arkitect_Plexon
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Jinx walked up to Synder and crouched down, grabbing hold of his arm and then pulled out the arrow. "I'll take that. Would be too bad to lose a good arrow like that." As she stood up and put the arrow back into its quiver she inspected the infiltrators face. "What causes someone to turn on his own kin?" She was incredibly tempted to search around in his brain, but evectional desided against it. Hopefully they'd get some answers when they take him to the Divinities.


Arthur followed his sister and looked down at the now beaten Synder. "I have to admit...you were a worthy opponent, Synder was it? You even had my sister fooled for a while." He ignored the glare Jinx sent him for his words. "We don't take any pleasure in your current situation as you are kin. But for your actions you will face justice. Though I fear the kind of Justice the Church have in mind for you won't be a pretty sight."


Not taking pleasure was a relative term. Both he and Jinx was pleased that they had cornered and incapacitated their prey, even though that feeling was a bit numb after Temperance's interference. But it was true that they did not like it when it was their own kin. Maybe the problem was more that they couldn't quite grasp the concept of betraying one's own people. It puzzled them. Had it been any Grineer or Corpus they'd be overjoyed with their success. But now those usual feelings asosiated with a successful hunt was dampened.


Arthur then grabbed One of Synder's arms as Jinx grabbed the other one and together they pulled him up on his feet. Even if those feet were not very cooperative.


"Lead the way Tyranis" Jinx said as they had secured their prisoner.

It didn't take long for Tyranis to lead Jinx, Arthur and Synder to the garden. He had gotten quite used to the respective auras the Divinities and Cardina exuded, finding them was quite simple. But all three were in one place, most likely discussing what will be done to fend off the next wave of Corpus. He entered the garden and removed his helmet, he fixed his long black hair to look less messy, the scar over his eye ever visible, Jinx and Arthur close behind him. 


"My apologies Divinities, and Herald if i am interrupting." He signaled Jinx and Arthur to bring Synder forward, tossing him to their feet. "I did say i would bring him to your feet within the hour. Normally i would have executed him myself, but i am a man of my word and will leave his judgement to you." He crossed his arms and bowed

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It didn't take long for Tyranis to lead Jinx, Arthur and Synder to the garden. He had gotten quite used to the respective auras the Divinities and Cardina exuded, finding them was quite simple. But all three were in one place, most likely discussing what will be done to fend off the next wave of Corpus. He entered the garden and removed his helmet, he fixed his long black hair to look less messy, the scar over his eye ever visible, Jinx and Arthur close behind him. 


"My apologizes Divinities, and Herald if i am interrupting." He signaled Jinx and Arthur to bring Synder forward, tossing him to their feet. "I did say i would bring him to your feet within the hour. Normally i would have executed him myself, but i am a man of my word and will leave his judgement to you." He crossed his arms and bowed


Cardina bowed to the Divinities, then turned around to kneel at Synder's eye level. With a click, she removed her helmet, revealing a wide, toothy grin. "Welcome to my Garden, Synder. There wasn't anything left to bury of last Tenno that p*ssed me off here, so I'd advise thinking over your actions very carefully from this point forwards." She stood, leaving her helmet on the floor. "Everything occurs here exactly as I will it. Do as I say, or don't, and the outcome is the same. Now, you can play along like a good little puppet, or you can discover the pain of tugging at your strings." 


She stepped back from the prone Tenno, her expression shifting to a cold glare. "Let's begin. Get up."

Edited by SnaleKing
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"Luck?" Ansilm asked "Ansilm? Hmm..." He said aloud he remembered his name again... But time is his opponent now... He still doesn't know how the memory of his was stolen... Or was it really a side effect... He raised his look on Temperance spun the revolver cylinder what he took from pocket, the gun was silenced he showed that weapon has only one round he pointed it to nowhere pulled trigger only click was able to be heard. He pointed the weapon on his throat pulled trigger again now revolver shot a bullet on his throat but the bullet was blocked by shield.


"That is my explain of how luck works... One big roulette... Of death or... Survival... I would punch you by saying that we need luck..." he said "But the amount of weight you putted on the word 'prepare' will keep my hand still. Remember true soldiers comes out from the fog of the many... I am one of them... But there is many to follow after me either to follow my teachings, challenge me or die in battle" Ansilm explained he stares at the infested Ash "Your eyes tells me your story Ash. Rely on your arms, feet, mind and body... Stay as one..." he continued "And we will rise victorious" he ended.

Edited by Revel72
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Cardina bowed to the Divinities, then turned around to kneel at Synder's eye level. With a click, she removed her helmet, revealing a wide, toothy grin. "Welcome to my Garden, Synder. There wasn't anything left to bury of last Tenno that p*ssed me off here, so I'd advise thinking over your actions very carefully from this point forwards." She stood, leaving her helmet on the floor. "Everything occurs here exactly as I will it. Do as I say, or don't, and the outcome is the same. Now, you can play along like a good little puppet, or you can discover the pain of tugging at your strings." 


She stepped back from the prone Tenno, her expression shifting to a cold glare. "Let's begin. Get up."

Synder struggled to his feet, his frame barely functioning after Temperance's scavenging. Even in defeat, he showed no fear, and looked straight into the herald's glaring eyes, his own filled with spite. "Do you think I fear Death Cardina? I've already died once, you on the other hand live a life worse than death." The Loki spit at her, "How does it feel, to have everything you are, wiped out? Everything you know, everyone you....love- forgotten in a moment" he smiled "Though you may have claimed a victory in battle, we have already won the war, it's just a matter of time before you're all dead. Do with me as you will, but in the end what does it matter? You......have.....LOST!" Synder falls to his knees, as laughter rocks his body, 


The Loki's laughter continues even as blood begins to pour from his mouth.


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It didn't take long for Tyranis to lead Jinx, Arthur and Synder to the garden. He had gotten quite used to the respective auras the Divinities and Cardina exuded, finding them was quite simple. But all three were in one place, most likely discussing what will be done to fend off the next wave of Corpus. He entered the garden and removed his helmet, he fixed his long black hair to look less messy, the scar over his eye ever visible, Jinx and Arthur close behind him. 


"My apologies Divinities, and Herald if i am interrupting." He signaled Jinx and Arthur to bring Synder forward, tossing him to their feet. "I did say i would bring him to your feet within the hour. Normally i would have executed him myself, but i am a man of my word and will leave his judgement to you." He crossed his arms and bowed


Gaia nodded. "Thank you, Tyranis. I did not doubt you for a moment and I am glad that he was left alive." Yes, Synder had committed crimes his kin by aiding the Corpus and had killed two Acolytes already while badly wounding a third. By the rules and regulations of the church, his life was forfeit and Gaia had the feeling that Mortos would inflict eternal torment upon Synder for his actions.


"You have done well, Tyranis.", Mortos responded as he looked over Synder's prone form. The battered Loki was a pitiful sight and for his crimes, he would receive no mercy if he had any say in the matter. However, with Cardina and Gaia present, Cardina would likely be the one to break the tie regarding what should be done with Synder. As he looked down at Synder, he added, "As for you, your suffering will be legendary!"


Cardina bowed to the Divinities, then turned around to kneel at Synder's eye level. With a click, she removed her helmet, revealing a wide, toothy grin. "Welcome to my Garden, Synder. There wasn't anything left to bury of last Tenno that p*ssed me off here, so I'd advise thinking over your actions very carefully from this point forwards." She stood, leaving her helmet on the floor. "Everything occurs here exactly as I will it. Do as I say, or don't, and the outcome is the same. Now, you can play along like a good little puppet, or you can discover the pain of tugging at your strings." 


She stepped back from the prone Tenno, her expression shifting to a cold glare. "Let's begin. Get up."


Mortos looked to Cardina. "Would you be opposed to my putting his wretched soul in eternal torment for his crimes after the interrogation is finished?" He already knew Gaia would be opposed to the idea so he didn't bother asking her.

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"Luck?" Ansilm asked "Ansilm? Hmm..." He said aloud he remembered his name again... But time is his opponent now... He still doesn't know how the memory of his was stolen... Or was it really a side effect... He raised his look on Temperance spun the revolver cylinder what he took from pocket, the gun was silenced he showed that weapon has only one round he pointed it to nowhere pulled trigger only click was able to be heard. He pointed the weapon on his throat pulled trigger again now revolver shot a bullet on his throat but the bullet was blocked by shield.


"That is my explain of how luck works... One big roulette... Of death or... Survival... I would punch you by saying that we need luck..." he said "But the amount of weight you putted on the word 'prepare' will keep my hand still. Remember true soldiers comes out from the fog of the many... I am one of them... But there is many to follow after me either to follow my teachings, challenge me or die in battle" Ansilm explained he stares at the infested Ash "Your eyes tells me your story Ash. Rely on your arms, feet, mind and body... Stay as one..." he continued "And we will rise victorious" he ended.


Temperance cocked his head as Ansilm made a show of attempted suicide.  Normally, he would have tried to intercede, but this pseudo-framed Tenno defined odd.


"Thank you for the philosophy lesson, I suppose," he said as Ansilm lowered the depleted revolver.  He tactfully omitted the fact that the Tenno had just threatened to punch him for wishing him luck, or that he found his "advice" marginally insulting considering that they were both full-fledged Tenno.


"I would love to stay and chat, but I do have several important matters that require my attention.  One Tenno to another, I hope you survive.  Good day, Ansilm."


The Ash turned and started off down the hall, cradling his load of Corpus tech.  He would deposit the salvage in his ship for later analysis, then head for the Garden.  


As he walked, Temperance began to mentally list every asset at the Church's disposal, his face grim as his warframe converted his thoughts into text streams in his HUD.  It was time for the fight to begin in earnest.

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Gaia felt rather happy at the moment, glad not only that she was providing support for Tatsuya and Miho but also because of how the manner they thought of her. She wished that things could be peaceful so there could be happy families instead of all the conflict and damage both physical and emotional. "You're welcome, you two. I'm glad you think of me as a mother."



Receiving the message, Mortos made his way for the garden. He had previously been occupied with preparations. For what, none could be sure. He didn't say much and his work largely remained uninterrupted.


Gaia recieved the message and looked to Tatsuya and Miho. "Sorry to say but I have to go. Cardina called a strategy meeting." She slipped away, headed for the garden. "Don't worry, I'll be back once it's over."


Meanwhile, Rien watched from further down the hallway, waiting for the elevator to come up with the infiltrator on it. He was the length of one hallways behind Jinx's position in the event that Synder tried something unexpected.


The couple nods, "We will wait for you at the cafeteria." with that they made their way to the cafeteria with Yuzuki following suit, hoping to get some food before the invasion comes, they are going to need their energy.


They reached the cafeteria spotting Attakai, Sam, and Shinkiro. Although Shinkiro seems to be standing still for some reason, so Tatsuya decides to greet them, he waves his hand, "Attakai, Sam, Shinkiro! Nice to find you guys here! You guys getting something to eat as well?" Miho approaches Shinkiro, waving a hand in front of his face, "Shinkiro are you okay?" Yuzuki just tilts his head sideways and beeps.

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Cardina bowed to the Divinities, then turned around to kneel at Synder's eye level. With a click, she removed her helmet, revealing a wide, toothy grin. "Welcome to my Garden, Synder. There wasn't anything left to bury of last Tenno that p*ssed me off here, so I'd advise thinking over your actions very carefully from this point forwards." She stood, leaving her helmet on the floor. "Everything occurs here exactly as I will it. Do as I say, or don't, and the outcome is the same. Now, you can play along like a good little puppet, or you can discover the pain of tugging at your strings." 


She stepped back from the prone Tenno, her expression shifting to a cold glare. "Let's begin. Get up."


Synder struggled to his feet, his frame barely functioning after Temperance's scavenging. Even in defeat, he showed no fear, and looked straight into the herald's glaring eyes, his own filled with spite. "Do you think I fear Death Cardina? I've already died once, you on the other hand live a life worse than death." The Loki spit at her, "How does it feel, to have everything you are, wiped out? Everything you know, everyone you....love- forgotten in a moment" he smiled "Though you may have claimed a victory in battle, we have already won the war, it's just a matter of time before you're all dead. Do with me as you will, but in the end what does it matter? You......have.....LOST!" Synder falls to his knees, as laughter rocks his body, 


The Loki's laughter continues even as blood begins to pour from his mouth.


Jinx didn't have to do any deeper mental scans to know the Loki was struck with madness. She could even sense the pain he suffered, and it pained her more than she thought it would. Looking at her brother she could tell he was thinking the same thing. You really didn't need psychic abilities to be able to tell what the Loki was suffering from.


As Arthur watched the madman he couldn't help but feel pity. True, this man had betrayed and even killed his own kind and did not show any signs of regret. Then again if he had died once and be revived by the corpus somehow, who knew what they had done to him. Synder looked more like an injured animal where he was now lying on the ground shaking in laughter and pain. And by the looks of it if the Divinities and Cardina had their way then this man's torment and pain wouldn't end soon. He had pretty much spilled all he was going to by this point. There was nothing more he could tell them or that they could hope to recover from his mad mind now. Did they really have to drag it out on his suffering? He was still Tenno.


Jinx knew her brother well enough without having to read his mind, and she shared his opinion. There was nothing they could do to save this one, nether from himself or the church now. She knew what Arthur was thinking, and she would not going to let him soil his hands with this one, not if she could help it.


Before Cardina could start whatever she had in store for the beaten infiltrator, Jinx moved towards him as she grabbed hold of her Hate. It was with heavy steps she moved over to Synder. But she had to do this, it was the only decent thing she could do for her fallen fellow Tenno now. Although having to do it with her current weapon did add to the pain. The irony of it all.


"Find peace brother" She said quietly as she raised the Hate over her head, and in one downward movement separated Synder's head from his body, ending his live and hopefully also his suffering. She could feel Arthur look at her in surprise, but also with gratefulness. 

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Jinx didn't have to do any deeper mental scans to know the Loki was struck with madness. She could even sense the pain he suffered, and it pained her more than she thought it would. Looking at her brother she could tell he was thinking the same thing. You really didn't need psychic abilities to be able to tell what the Loki was suffering from.


As Arthur watched the madman he couldn't help but feel pity. True, this man had betrayed and even killed his own kind and did not show any signs of regret. Then again if he had died once and be revived by the corpus somehow, who knew what they had done to him. Synder looked more like an injured animal where he was now lying on the ground shaking in laughter and pain. And by the looks of it if the Divinities and Cardina had their way then this man's torment and pain wouldn't end soon. He had pretty much spilled all he was going to by this point. There was nothing more he could tell them or that they could hope to recover from his mad mind now. Did they really have to drag it out on his suffering? He was still Tenno.


Jinx knew her brother well enough without having to read his mind, and she shared his opinion. There was nothing they could do to save this one, nether from himself or the church now. She knew what Arthur was thinking, and she would not going to let him soil his hands with this one, not if she could help it.


Before Cardina could start whatever she had in store for the beaten infiltrator, Jinx moved towards him as she grabbed hold of her Hate. It was with heavy steps she moved over to Synder. But she had to do this, it was the only decent thing she could do for her fallen fellow Tenno now. Although having to do it with her current weapon did add to the pain. The irony of it all.


"Find peace brother" She said quietly as she raised the Hate over her head, and in one downward movement separated Synder's head from his body, ending his live and hopefully also his suffering. She could feel Arthur look at her in surprise, but also with gratefulness. 


Cardina watched the head roll across the ground, breathing a sigh of relief as she lifted her eyes to Synder's executioner. "Thank you, Jinx. Synder needed to die, and I didn't have time to hear him out. However, I'd hate to make another poor impression on you and my Acolytes by cutting down another Tenno without a trial, so I had to tempt someone into taking it into their own hands. Please don't take it personally, it was simply the quickest and most tactful way to resolve the issue." Cardina smirked as vines crept towards the lifeless corpse, dragging it out of sight into the shadows. "Though I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy that somewhat. Anyway," she stooped to retrieve her helmet, holding it in her arm as she bowed to the Tenno already gathered.


"Thank you all for coming here," Cardina clasped her hands behind her back, standing upright and professional. "Though the mole in our midst is gone, there remains the immediate threat of the Corpus fleet. The Divinities and I have been discussing a plan, which I'll disclose once I've summoned a few more key individuals. In the meantime, if any of you know something we should all be aware of, please speak up."

Edited by SnaleKing
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((God i haven't posted in a while))

The Nova twins make their way to the caf. and find Chef Volt and walk up to him.

"Hey Chef, whats going on? I hear you decimated a squad of corpus earlier."

"Yea not bad, but-" she pauses for a moment and sniffs the air.

"Is that tenno spice I smell?" in a slightly concerned voice.

Aran looks at Gandraya with a concerned look on her face.


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The couple nods, "We will wait for you at the cafeteria." with that they made their way to the cafeteria with Yuzuki following suit, hoping to get some food before the invasion comes, they are going to need their energy.


They reached the cafeteria spotting Attakai, Sam, and Shinkiro. Although Shinkiro seems to be standing still for some reason, so Tatsuya decides to greet them, he waves his hand, "Attakai, Sam, Shinkiro! Nice to find you guys here! You guys getting something to eat as well?" Miho approaches Shinkiro, waving a hand in front of his face, "Shinkiro are you okay?" Yuzuki just tilts his head sideways and beeps.


"Meh.." Shinkiro shook his head some. "Wha? I am A-Ok. Yes, very ok. But, hello you two. How are ya?"

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((God i haven't posted in a while))

The Nova twins make their way to the caf. and find Chef Volt and walk up to him.

"Hey Chef, whats going on? I hear you decimated a squad of corpus earlier."

"Yea not bad, but-" she pauses for a moment and sniffs the air.

"Is that tenno spice I smell?" in a slightly concerned voice.

Aran looks at Gandraya with a concerned look on her face.



The Volt held up a plastic bottle labelled 'Tenno Spice' before he replied, "Yeah it is! It's got sixteen cycles of BO-blocking POWER!" The Volt, who usually was silent and spoke with actions more often than words had a voice like that of Terry Crews.

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Cardina watched the head roll across the ground, breathing a sigh of relief as she lifted her eyes to Synder's executioner. "Thank you, Jinx. Synder needed to die, and I didn't have time to hear him out. However, I'd hate to make another poor impression on you and my Acolytes by cutting down another Tenno without a trial, so I had to tempt someone into taking it into their own hands. Please don't take it personally, it was simply the quickest and most tactful way to resolve the issue." Cardina smirked as vines crept towards the lifeless corpse, dragging it out of sight into the shadows. "Though I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy that somewhat. Anyway," she stooped to retrieve her helmet, holding it in her arm as she bowed to the Tenno already gathered.


"Thank you all for coming here," Cardina clasped her hands behind her back, standing upright and professional. "Though the mole in our midst is gone, there remains the immediate threat of the Corpus fleet. The Divinities and I have been discussing a plan, which I'll disclose once some less punctual individuals have arrived. In the meantime, if any of you know something we should all be aware of, please speak up."


Tyranis watched as the body of Synder was pulled away into the darkness he could only mutter as he watched "May you find peace, and prosper in the next life brother..." He turned to Cardina and the Divinities. "Seeing as you are all in one place i suppose i can get some questions answered." he let out a sigh and shrugged 


"If Father Mortos has not informed you two by now then i will. I am a Lotus operative, and a very seasoned one at that. I used to be quite famous actually. Perhaps you've heard the legends of the "Black Knight". But i digress. Cardina i understand that the point of the mole, the invasion itself was to capture you. What did you learn when they took you to that ship? What did they want you for? Who sent them? I need to report these things to the Lotus as soon as possible this isn't just your fight anymore. I ask you to extend me such courtesy, i by no means have the right to make you disclose such information."


((This is after Viper's post below))

Edited by MasterDread
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Cardina watched the head roll across the ground, breathing a sigh of relief as she lifted her eyes to Synder's executioner. "Thank you, Jinx. Synder needed to die, and I didn't have time to hear him out. However, I'd hate to make another poor impression on you and my Acolytes by cutting down another Tenno without a trial, so I had to tempt someone into taking it into their own hands. Please don't take it personally, it was simply the quickest and most tactful way to resolve the issue." Cardina smirked as vines crept towards the lifeless corpse, dragging it out of sight into the shadows. "Though I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy that somewhat. Anyway," she stooped to retrieve her helmet, holding it in her arm as she bowed to the Tenno already gathered.


"Thank you all for coming here," Cardina clasped her hands behind her back, standing upright and professional. "Though the mole in our midst is gone, there remains the immediate threat of the Corpus fleet. The Divinities and I have been discussing a plan, which I'll disclose once some less punctual individuals have arrived. In the meantime, if any of you know something we should all be aware of, please speak up."


Arthur could hardly believe what he heard as he watched Cardina. Had she just played a mind game? Had she just provoked them to take another Tenno's life so that she wouldn't have to? Arthur could feel his vision growing darker. He now fully understood why Jinx didn't like this woman. When she wasn't acting deranged and crazy then she was manipulative towards her own kind. Do not deceive your fellow Tenno or Man He thought though the clan's code like a mantra trying to calm himself. What Cardina just did to them was cruel, especially toward Jinx who had taken on the task to spare him from it.


Jinx on her end was as if frozen on the spot. Had this really happened? Did that freak just play a game to make her do it? So that she wouldn't look bad herself?! "How am I not to take that personally? You deceived us. You tricked us!" Her wide eyed frown was hidden under her helmet but one could probably hear it in her now shaking voice as her hands now tightened their grip on the Hate.


Arthur quickly moved over to Jinx and wrapped an arm around her shoulders in an attempt to calm her so that she wouldn't go ballistic.

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Ansilm took a look again on Ash who left their company "May your life time experience serve you well" he said as walked past Damin. Towards cafeteria seeing Nova twins entering to there and was slightly confused by the sight of seeing two nearly identical looking Novas. Coincidence or chosen to be like that... He thought as he entered to cafeteria and heard the small bit of conversation of another Ash (how many Ashes here is...) he thought. (Mag, Excalibur, Volt, Saryn and Ash here) he thought (Amount of recipes of death nearly makes me smile) he thought as kept his face giving away nothing.


His face was able to be seen but rest of the head was covered by the helmet. Armor shined like just done and polished metal. Grey steel and wine red armor was fitting for Ansilm's eyes and his past. He went to rely on the wall. (Well... Preparing like this... I think... We will have ton of fun) he thought.

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