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[Ic] The Call Of The Faithful [Open Rp]


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"I...I what?"  Temperance could hardly believe what he was hearing.  Then it clicked.  And everything came crashing down.


"Cardin'assur'thyr'xyren," he whispered.  "Cardin'assur'thyr'xyren.  Cardina.  I'm an idiot.  Who else could have spoken to me in my dreams."  He shook his head sorrowfully.  "I'm so sorry, Cardina.  I did not understand.  I thought...I thought I was still dreaming.  That the infested were invading my mind, trying to corrupt me.  If anything, I hurt you, not the other way around.  I'm sorry.  Gods, Cardina, I'm sorry."


Temperance shuffled forward and tentatively wrapped his arms around her shoulders.  With the link flooded with emotion as it was, it was impossible for him to know how she would react.  "I don't hate you, Cardina," he whispered.  "Understand, I meant what I said, but it was not directed at you.  It was meant for a Golem that attacked me in my dreams, and even if it shared your name, that creature was not you."


He drew back a little to meet her teary eyes.  "The Infested are a plague, I will not dispute that.  But now it seems that one of them holds my heart.  And the strange thing is, I don't care.  Infested or not, you are Tenno to me, Cardina, and so much more to your Church."


He pressed his forehead to hers, urging the link to open again, begging her to let him in.


"Cardina...no.  Cardin'assur'thry'xyren.  It is a good name.  Your name.  I do not want what is between us to end.  I..."  It was amazing how difficult it was to get those three simple words out.


"I love you."


Cardina recoiled slightly at his touch, hesitant to embrace him just yet. "Temperance, thank you, but- but you should know the truth. You're going to love me no matter what, and I can't- shouldn't take advantage of that any longer."


She leaned into him slowly, shaking, while the link began to open; until then she'd been holding it shut, afraid that the awful weight of her emotions would crush Temperance's untrained mind. "Whatever you saw in that dream is closer to reality than either of us would like. What that is... I don't know. I forgot a long time ago, but when I've lost control of everything and I don't know what else to do, I just hunger. I- I don't know what for, or how to sate it, but it's there, and it's about Tenno, Technocyte, the Flesh. I guess that's why I keep them close and obedient, so when the time comes, and if I ever do remember what I'm supposed to do..." She shakes her head. "I don't know. I could be wrong, we'll see what I think next week."


Cardin'assur'thyr'xyren shuffled into Temperance's lap, wrapping both of his arms around around her; he could still feel her shivering from the stress, despite her efforts to get a hold on her emotions again. For a few minutes, she just pulled his arms tighter around her, her emotional turmoil, ragged breathing, and shivering slowly giving way to her practiced, calm mask. "I... I love you too, Temperance. I want this to work, and I'm sorry for making it hard." She spent a moment longer pressed against him, then tipped her head back onto his chest to look up into his eyes. "One thing, though. Don't call me that. I appreciate the flattery, but it's an awful name in a tongue that shouldn't exist. Just Cardina, please. Cardina's the Herald the Ascension and a Tenno, and I like being her better."

Edited by SnaleKing
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Inside Cyrios' mindscape, Deception rose to her feet, her throat regenerating after Cardina's beating. She turned to Cyrios, a sneer written on her face as a black-and-red, helmetless mimicry of a Warframe grew onto her. White eyes flashed flashed at him as she spoke.

"You will remember none of this."

As Cyrios was about to protest, he was dragged out of his mental home and into Cardina's Garden, laying on top of an Infested altar of sorts. As his cybernetic eye recalibrated, he noticed a Warframe's helmet lying on the floor nearby. After extracting himself from the Infested growth in the center of the Garden, he stooped down, scooping up the black and red Vespa-class Nyx helmet. After a quick, automatic scan identified the age and make of the helm, which apparently hadn't been hooked up properly to its rightful owner in 827 years. The strange thing was, he recognised the helm as belonging to Cardina. Unable to locate Temperance, Cyrios performed a rapid scan of the Derelict. After coming to the conclusion that he had been unconscious for only a few hours.

Taking the helmet with him, Cyrios strode to his ship, noting how the Infested trees were all in different positions than they were before, and damaged wall and floor surrounded them. He walked briskly up the boarding ramp, setting the helmet down for study as he connected the ship's systems to his HUD, so as to watch the security cameras whilst he worked on his miscellaneous projects. His ship's boarding ramp closed behind him, and he got to work.

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Pyre nodded, finding that Shinkiro was taking the news much better than she had expected. "Mhm. I'm pregnant and you're the father." She hugged him tightly, happy for her chance at motherhood.


"Thats very lovely. I'm sure you will be a wonderful mother." Shinkiro smiled softly as he returns the hug. The panicking thoughts slowly drifted away, being replaced by thoughts of the future. "Now, back to bed with you, milady! A mother can't go about without her precious beauty sleep. I'll join you momentarily."

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The Twins finish their ramen and lean back in their seats with satisfaction.

"mmmm, that was good."

"Don't need to tell me twice. Anyway it looks like Prye and Shinkiro are leaving, we might as well do the same and try to find Tatsyua and Miho. She pauses. "Aran, since I can't reproduce and sometime in the future I'd like to raise a child so I was thinking if I could ask Tatsuya and Miho if I could become their child's god-mother.

"Thats very noble of you Gandraya, but first we have to find them and the right time to ask. Asking them a question right after a huge battle may come off wrong, you know what I mean? Also you are aware if I have a child you become an aunt, right?"

"Yea. Lets go see what they are up to anyway."

The twins thank chef volt and saryn for the delicious meal and leave the cafe in search of Tatsuya and Miho.

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Meanwhile Ansilm operating the Shogun's scout ship with Amaldina in huge speeds had searched already zone but yet no results of finding the derelict "Ansilm I see what we are looking for on the radar turn ship 70 degrees to left" Amaldina said "Okay. Good work" Ansilm said as turned his ship following the instructions what were given. "Well that is Derelict where I was" Ansilm said as Amaldina takes a look. "You know anybody there?" Amaldina asked "Not really. Only few" Ansilm said as accelerated. "Let's see are they awake" Ansilm said as he came closer went past the hanger and saw it being closed.


"Closed... Well... Not really anything to complain on that one" Ansilm said "Thought of Corrupted would attempt assault it?" Amaldina asked "Exactly" Ansilm said. He flied around the Derelict "This is Shogun's Scout requesting to dock in to one of the hangers" Ansilm said to radio nobody answered "Well looks like we will be following the Derelict then" Ansilm said "Well at least we are near of it now" Amaldina said. "Well at least something to be happy to" Ansilm said. As continued circling and diving around the Derelict.

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Cardina recoiled slightly at his touch, hesitant to embrace him just yet. "Temperance, thank you, but- but you should know the truth. You're going to love me no matter what, and I can't- shouldn't take advantage of that any longer."


She leaned into him slowly, shaking, while the link began to open; until then she'd been holding it shut, afraid that the awful weight of her emotions would crush Temperance's untrained mind. "Whatever you saw in that dream is closer to reality than either of us would like. What that is... I don't know. I forgot a long time ago, but when I've lost control of everything and I don't know what else to do, I just hunger. I- I don't know what for, or how to sate it, but it's there, and it's about Tenno, Technocyte, the Flesh. I guess that's why I keep them close and obedient, so when the time comes, and if I ever do remember what I'm supposed to do..." She shakes her head. "I don't know. I could be wrong, we'll see what I think next week."


Cardin'assur'thyr'xyren shuffled into Temperance's lap, wrapping both of his arms around around her; he could still feel her shivering from the stress, despite her efforts to get a hold on her emotions again. For a few minutes, she just pulled his arms tighter around her, her emotional turmoil, ragged breathing, and shivering slowly giving way to her practiced, calm mask. "I... I love you too, Temperance. I want this to work, and I'm sorry for making it hard." She spent a moment longer pressed against him, then tipped her head back onto his chest to look up into his eyes. "One thing, though. Don't call me that. I appreciate the flattery, but it's an awful name in a tongue that shouldn't exist. Just Cardina, please. Cardina's the Herald the Ascension and a Tenno, and I like being her better."


"Cardina it is then," Temperance smiled, and leaned in to place a kiss on her forehead.


As best he could with Cardina in his lap, he slid over to the wall beneath the bookshelf and made himself comfortable.  His weapons were laid aside within easy reach, something he had forgotten to do during his short nap in the Garden.  Had they been Tatsuya and Miho, or Shinkiro and Pyre, they might have been doing something else right now, but Cardina and Temperance were simply themselves: two Tenno aged beyond their years, who had seen and done too much, and found solace in each other.  So Temperance, at least, was content to lie there, soaking in the warmth of Cardina's presence.


"I think...I'm going to stay here for a while," he murmured.  "Much more comfortable than that alcove.  Three to six hours would be ideal, but if not..."  He nuzzled the side of her neck affectionately.  "Wake me...when I'm needed...




Temperance slept again with a smile on his face.  In his dreams, he watched the rose blooming.

Edited by Temperance000
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"Thats very lovely. I'm sure you will be a wonderful mother." Shinkiro smiled softly as he returns the hug. The panicking thoughts slowly drifted away, being replaced by thoughts of the future. "Now, back to bed with you, milady! A mother can't go about without her precious beauty sleep. I'll join you momentarily."


Pyre smiled as she released Shinkiro from the hug. "Don't worry. I slept enough and now I'm energized again. It's rather sweet of you to be concerned." She gave Shinkiro a kiss on the cheek before going back to eating her ramen.


Argus and Attakai nod, both father and son looking down sadly at Desolas, 'Has our people fallen so far?' they both thought, Argus calls his fellow Rising Sun that followed him, "Give him a proper burial, I know many of you have bore disdain towards him, but he is still kin, that much he deserves, as all Tenno do." the Rising Sun Tenno nod, many of them weren't fond of the Frost, but followed Argus' orders to the letter. With that they carried Desolas' body back to the hangar and into their ships.


Miho and Tatsuya watched as the Rising Sun carry Desolas away. They then turn to Gaia, Miho smiling at her, "Mom, I have wonderful news, Tatsuya proposed to me. We're now engaged." Tatsuya places an arm around Miho's waist, her head leaning on he chest.


Gaia smiled behind her helmet. "That's wonderful! When do you two plan to have the marriage ceremony? That is if you've planned it already."

Edited by Sumika1204
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"Cardina it is then," Temperance smiled, and leaned in to place a kiss on her forehead.


As best he could with Cardina in his lap, he slid over to the wall beneath the bookshelf and made himself comfortable.  His weapons were laid aside within easy reach, something he had forgotten to do during his short nap in the Garden.  Had they been Tatsuya and Miho, or Shinkiro and Pyre, they might have been doing something else right now, but Cardina and Temperance were simply themselves: two Tenno aged beyond their years, who had seen and done too much, and found solace in each other.  So Temperance, at least, was content to lie there, soaking in the warmth of Cardina's presence.


"I think...I'm going to stay here for a while," he murmured.  "Much more comfortable than that alcove.  Three to six hours would be ideal, but if not..."  He nuzzled the side of neck affectionately.  "Wake me...when I'm needed...




Temperance slept again with a smile on his face.  In his dreams, he watched the rose blooming.


Cardina smiled sadly as the link clouded over with his incoherent, but pleasant dreams. Three, let alone six hours seemed excessive, weak, but she quickly brushed the thought away. Temperance had his own kind of strength, a clarity of identity and purpose that Cardina couldn't help but envy. It's almost... she moved his arms around her waist, struggling to place a word for the alien thought that made her do so.


A minute passed while Cardina searched her broken memory, before she gave up with a disappointed sigh. Another time, maybe. For now, she reached out an arm towards her desk, her eyes squinting shut with concentration as the bottom drawer ponderously slid open. With another force of will, she wrapped her mind around a roll of black fabric, and attempted to exert her telekinesis upon it. Beads of sweat gathered on Cardina's forehead as she struggled to counter gravity's hold with her will, and with one final effort, the fabric jerked upwards a few inches, then thumped back to the bottom of the drawer. Her shoulders slumped in defeat, as vines effortlessly carried the black cloth towards her, along with a similar roll of red material, scissors, a sewing needle, and a spool of extremely strong thread.


A Golem, not a Nyx. Dejected, Cardina set about cutting and sewing fabric to make a new set of robes, a modified version of the one that was ruined during the Corpus invasion. I can't wear my bodyglove around everywhere, and I'm certainly not hefting that clunky armor whi- "Eep!" Cardina dropped her work as one of Temperance's hands slid down to squeeze her thigh gently, while the other slowly caressed her waist. Cardina's face flushed bright red, paralyzed with confusion and- and-


 Attraction, Cardina's eyes lit up with the revelation, before a wide, devilish grin crawled across her face. She was suddenly grateful for Temperance's unconsciousness, so he couldn't hear the hundreds of absolutely vile thoughts filling her head. Though it certainly might make your dreams more interesting, love. Her dejected attitude vanished completely, she set to work on the robes again, turning over few new ideas about the design. Perhaps something a bit more... flirty.

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Gaia smiled behind her helmet. "That's wonderful! When do you two plan to have the marriage ceremony? That is if you've planned it already."


Miho smiled, "I was hoping as my mother, you would help me with that." Tatsuya could only nod, he knew better than to interrupt a woman and her wedding plans.

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Looking down, he could see the blade protruding from his abdomen-- just as it tore back through the way it came..

So...this is how I die

With one hand holding his entrails from spilling out, the Ash spun around, sinking three shurikens into the Harvester's head.


Blood flowed freely between his fingers, the sudden weakness bringing him to his knees.


Collapsing to the ground, the blood pooled beneath him, as darkness slowly consumed his world.


His world went black, then exploded with blinding light.



Arkas sat bolt up right, his hand instinctively reahing for the hole in his stomach.


Slowly, he took in his surroundings. It didn't take long. He was lying on his cot in the Nocturne. The Ash was home.

Shattered and broken pieces of memory began to reform in Arkas' mind, Cardina and Temperance, the Corpus attack...


After spending so many years trying to remove the Infested manifestation, it had finally shown Arkas its true strength. With the help of the Herald, the barriers between them had been removed, and they had fought viciously for control. In the end, the beast had beaten him and had taken control of his body in the Garden. However, during their struggle something had occurred-- something had bled through. The infested consciousness spared Arkas stating that "I need you, just as you need me." Then much to his surprise the creature sided itself with them, fighting alongside the Church for its survival.

Joining the assassination cell, Damin had stood beside Mortos, Jinx, and Arther as they took the fight straight to the heart of the fleet. The divinity had been the one to deliver the final blow, ripping out Silac's very soul. On the way back to extraction, Damin had been separated from the group, getting ambushed by a pack of Harvesters. Despite being outnumbered, he managed to take out six of the proxies before being taken from behind. The shock and pain had brought Arkas back to the surface, just in time to die. In a last ditch effort, the infested mind screamed out to the only person who could hear it...Jinx
The rest was all a blur.

Getting up from the cot, Arkas' went over to his locker, grabbing his casual clothes since his warframe was still repairing in the foundry. As he slipped on his garments, he noticed the infection had spread all over his right arm and abdominal region. The infection must have spread to regenerate the wound. Though I can sense Damin resting, I can feel his presence growing stronger. Being in the void now, he's probably feeding of the energy leaking into the derelict. Still not completely healed, Arkas warily stepped off his ship and headed off towards the Cafeteria.

He was craving some strawberry tea.

Edited by Arkitect_Plexon
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Miho smiled, "I was hoping as my mother, you would help me with that." Tatsuya could only nod, he knew better than to interrupt a woman and her wedding plans.


"I would be happy to help. I admit that I don't know very much about weddings, myself but I'll help wherever I can."

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Jinx had watched as Tatsuya had finished Desolas life. She couldn't blame him, he had only  defended himself and that girl. But it seemed to be an ongoing theme for Tenno to kill other Tenno in this place. She felt mentally tired as she nodded to Tyranis and then continued her roaming of the hallways.


It didn't take that long before her thoughts were interrupted once again. This time by none other than Cardina. Jinx sensed her way before she could actually see her. She was like a hurricane of emotions. A lot of dread, panic...and confusion? All these emotions were strong enough to hit Jinx's mental barrier like someone had just thrown an entire brick wall at her, she didn't even have to try to scan this chaos to almost get overwhelmed by it.


Cardina was soon within eyesight and Jinx could now see her ripping off her warframe part by part as she continued running through the hall. Had she gone completely bonkers now? She wasn't surprised as Cardina was already crazy but she didn't think she would whiteness it.

Out of curiosity, Jinx started to follow and kept to the shadows as she saw Temperance doing the same thing as he was picking up the scattered warframe parts. She waited until he was ahead and then continued. She then stopped at the door where Temperance had entered. She felt the presence of both Cardina and Temperance. So this is where she holds up?


Carefully she reached into the room with her mind. The turmoil of emotions were still there as well as a calming presence. That must be Temperance then. There was even a short moment where it was as if Cardinas did not feel anything, as she was bottling it up. She reached a little further in, enough to eavesdrop on them. And the things she heard both stunned and disturbed her.




Cardina curled up as tight as she could, sinking her head between her arms and pulling her knees to her collarbone. Similarly, she tried to force the link shut, but the sheer weight of her confusion and dread was impossible to fully contain. "You- you f-found out," she moaned through a choked throat. "You c-called my name- the real one, you said I wouldn't control you, you called me a monster!" Cardina's head snapped up, her tear-ravaged white eyes boiling with shock and stunned bewilderment. "I'm not- why- how did you?- I don't understand!" Cardina brought her shaking hands up to her temples, frantically gasping for breath "Gods, gods I lied Temperance I'm not a Tenno I don't know I'm sorry gods I hurt you and now you hate me like like everyone else I tried, I tried to make you- I'm-I-I'm-" Cardina's already nonsensical, rambling speech gave out to hyperventilation, rocking back and forth as she desperately tried to make sense of and furiously deny what was happening.



"I...I what?"  Temperance could hardly believe what he was hearing.  Then it clicked.  And everything came crashing down.


"Cardin'assur'thyr'xyren," he whispered.  "Cardin'assur'thyr'xyren.  Cardina.  I'm an idiot.  Who else could have spoken to me in my dreams."  He shook his head sorrowfully.  "I'm so sorry, Cardina.  I did not understand.  I thought...I thought I was still dreaming.  That the infested were invading my mind, trying to corrupt me.  If anything, I hurt you, not the other way around.  I'm sorry.  Gods, Cardina, I'm sorry."


Temperance shuffled forward and tentatively wrapped his arms around her shoulders.  With the link flooded with emotion as it was, it was impossible for him to know how she would react.  "I don't hate you, Cardina," he whispered.  "Understand, I meant what I said, but it was not directed at you.  It was meant for a Golem that attacked me in my dreams, and even if it shared your name, that creature was not you."


He drew back a little to meet her teary eyes.  "The Infested are a plague, I will not dispute that.  But now it seems that one of them holds my heart.  And the strange thing is, I don't care.  Infested or not, you are Tenno to me, Cardina, and so much more to your Church."


He pressed his forehead to hers, urging the link to open again, begging her to let him in.


"Cardina...no.  Cardin'assur'thry'xyren.  It is a good name.  Your name.  I do not want what is between us to end.  I..."  It was amazing how difficult it was to get those three simple words out.


"I love you."



Cardina recoiled slightly at his touch, hesitant to embrace him just yet. "Temperance, thank you, but- but you should know the truth. You're going to love me no matter what, and I can't- shouldn't take advantage of that any longer."


She leaned into him slowly, shaking, while the link began to open; until then she'd been holding it shut, afraid that the awful weight of her emotions would crush Temperance's untrained mind. "Whatever you saw in that dream is closer to reality than either of us would like. What that is... I don't know. I forgot a long time ago, but when I've lost control of everything and I don't know what else to do, I just hunger. I- I don't know what for, or how to sate it, but it's there, and it's about Tenno, Technocyte, the Flesh. I guess that's why I keep them close and obedient, so when the time comes, and if I ever do remember what I'm supposed to do..." She shakes her head. "I don't know. I could be wrong, we'll see what I think next week."


Cardin'assur'thyr'xyren shuffled into Temperance's lap, wrapping both of his arms around around her; he could still feel her shivering from the stress, despite her efforts to get a hold on her emotions again. For a few minutes, she just pulled his arms tighter around her, her emotional turmoil, ragged breathing, and shivering slowly giving way to her practiced, calm mask. "I... I love you too, Temperance. I want this to work, and I'm sorry for making it hard." She spent a moment longer pressed against him, then tipped her head back onto his chest to look up into his eyes. "One thing, though. Don't call me that. I appreciate the flattery, but it's an awful name in a tongue that shouldn't exist. Just Cardina, please. Cardina's the Herald the Ascension and a Tenno, and I like being her better."



She stood there alone outside Cardina's room, arms at her sides and with a blank expression. She didn't know what to think. A part of her was glad that Cardina had lost it, another part pitted her for how pathetic she was right now. But for the most part she could only feel the distrust growing. She had tried, or succeeded, to control even Temperance, someone we supposedly cared for and even loved. And she was an infested herself. Not a Tenno, not a Human. An infested.


There was a quick change of temper and one presence fading to unconsciousness. She reached out to the only one still awake.


Control is an illusion Herald. The faster you learn that the easier you it will be for you

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"I would be happy to help. I admit that I don't know very much about weddings, myself but I'll help wherever I can."


Miho smield and nodded, Tatsuya spoke up, "We'll be at the cafeteria, after such events, it kind of got us hungry." they bowed to their mother and made their way to the cafeteria.

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Taranis began feeling weird as he was approaching the cafeteria. The closer he got to it, the stronger the feeling became. Suddenly, his heart began pounding faster than a Viper's fire-rate as he realized what the feeling was, so he rushed to his ship.


Once he arrived, he began to panic and his hands shook intensely, and he knew there was no use in trying to calm down. His breathing soon became labored as he tried to get some water. He found a cup and went to the nearest sink to pour himself some water but his shaking hands only made it worse. Finally, he filled the cup and quickly sent it down his throat. He gasped for air as water dripped down his face. Staring at the cup, Taranis was instantly calm. Slowly, he walked to his room in the ship and sat on the bed. Placing his elbows on his knees and moving his hand through his short, brown hair, Taranis stared blankly into space.

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Miho smield and nodded, Tatsuya spoke up, "We'll be at the cafeteria, after such events, it kind of got us hungry." they bowed to their mother and made their way to the cafeteria.

As the twins exit through the cafe doors they bump in to Tatsuya and Miho.

"Oh, hey Tatsuya and Miho."

Well I guess finding them was easy.

Yea, ya think. Anyway This seems like a good time to ask, see that really oriental comb Miho is wearing. That's a comb normally used as an engagement gift.

Seems like it to me. Sure go ahead ask.

"Hey I'd like to ask you two something, but first lets get you two some ramen." Gandraya giggles.

"It is really, really good. I'm gonna go back to my ship, do some repairs, and change back in to my frame, the Void Tower is separated from us by a few meters of metal, don't want to risk anything with that little one on the way. Also I'll be back once I change. Bye now."

Aran leaves Gandraya with Tatsuya and Miho.

"Shall we?" She motions to the cafe door.

Edited by Issun135
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As the twins exit through the cafe doors they bump in to Tatsuya and Miho.

"Oh, hey Tatsuya and Miho."

Well I guess finding them was easy.

Yea, ya think. Anyway This seems like a good time to ask, see that really oriental comb Miho is wearing. That's a comb normally used as an engagement gift.

Seems like it to me. Sure go ahead ask.

"Hey I'd like to ask you two something, but first lets get you two some ramen." Gandraya giggles.

"It is really, really good. I'm gonna go back to my ship, do some repairs, and change back in to my frame, the Void Tower is separated from us by a few meters of metal, don't want to risk anything with that little one on the way. Also I'll be back once I change. Bye now."

Aran leaves Gandraya with Tatsuya and Miho.

"Shall we?" She motions to the cafe door.


Miho and Tatsuya smiled and bowed, "Hey guys! And yes, we would love to get some ramen." following Gandraya to the cafeteria. They got some ramen, and made their way to their seats.

Edited by Unendingblade
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Jinx had watched as Tatsuya had finished Desolas life. She couldn't blame him, he had only  defended himself and that girl. But it seemed to be an ongoing theme for Tenno to kill other Tenno in this place. She felt mentally tired as she nodded to Tyranis and then continued her roaming of the hallways.


It didn't take that long before her thoughts were interrupted once again. This time by none other than Cardina. Jinx sensed her way before she could actually see her. She was like a hurricane of emotions. A lot of dread, panic...and confusion? All these emotions were strong enough to hit Jinx's mental barrier like someone had just thrown an entire brick wall at her, she didn't even have to try to scan this chaos to almost get overwhelmed by it.


Cardina was soon within eyesight and Jinx could now see her ripping off her warframe part by part as she continued running through the hall. Had she gone completely bonkers now? She wasn't surprised as Cardina was already crazy but she didn't think she would whiteness it.

Out of curiosity, Jinx started to follow and kept to the shadows as she saw Temperance doing the same thing as he was picking up the scattered warframe parts. She waited until he was ahead and then continued. She then stopped at the door where Temperance had entered. She felt the presence of both Cardina and Temperance. So this is where she holds up?


Carefully she reached into the room with her mind. The turmoil of emotions were still there as well as a calming presence. That must be Temperance then. There was even a short moment where it was as if Cardinas did not feel anything, as she was bottling it up. She reached a little further in, enough to eavesdrop on them. And the things she heard both stunned and disturbed her.


She stood there alone outside Cardina's room, arms at her sides and with a blank expression. She didn't know what to think. A part of her was glad that Cardina had lost it, another part pitted her for how pathetic she was right now. But for the most part she could only feel the distrust growing. She had tried, or succeeded, to control even Temperance, someone we supposedly cared for and even loved. And she was an infested herself. Not a Tenno, not a Human. An infested.


There was a quick change of temper and one presence fading to unconsciousness. She reached out to the only one still awake.


Control is an illusion Herald. The faster you learn that the easier you it will be for you


Cardina blinked, lifting her head from her work as she recognized a presence nearby. It was powerful, a Nyx, and not one of the Church's acolytes; they all knew better than to be anywhere near her room. Cardina hesitated for a moment, then slowly began sewing again, hoping that Jinx would be content to just eavesdrop rather than-


Control is an illusion, Herald. The faster you learn that the easier it will be for you.


Cardina set aside the needle, fabric and thread, then eased Temperance's hands off her body with a pang of disappointment. Soon, the door to Cardina's room slid open. Still wearing her black, skintight bodyglove, Cardina peered around the doorframe. Sure enough, Jinx was just standing there, with her hands at her sides and her back to the wall.


"Jinx," Cardina's harmonic voice was low and tired, hoarse from screaming and crying. "Come on in. We need to talk face to face, like adults."

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Miho and Tatsuya smiled and bowed, "Hey guys! And yes, we would love to get some ramen." following Gandraya to the cafeteria. They got some ramen, and made their way to their seats.

Well here goes nothing. "I'm hoping you two are aware of what I really am right? I'll explain anyway. I'm not really Tenno or human, I'm a argon radiation based mutation of the Techocyte virus that Aran created over 20 years ago using some of her DNA I made the form you see now. But I can also do this." She taps Tatsuya's arm and transforms in to him. "Its only cosmetic, I'm still me and I just look like Tatsuya." She changes back to her normal form. "Also as a side effect of the argon radiation I can't have reproduce via asexual division like the infested do, nor can I bear a child." Her voice begins to wobble a bit "I was just hoping that you two would give me the honor to be your child's god-mother."

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Well here goes nothing. "I'm hoping you two are aware of what I really am right? I'll explain anyway. I'm not really Tenno or human, I'm a argon radiation based mutation of the Techocyte virus that Aran created over 20 years ago using some of her DNA I made the form you see now. But I can also do this." She taps Tatsuya's arm and transforms in to him. "Its only cosmetic, I'm still me and I just look like Tatsuya." She changes back to her normal form. "Also as a side effect of the argon radiation I can't have reproduce via asexual division like the infested do, nor can I bear a child." Her voice begins to wobble a bit "I was just hoping that you two would give me the honor to be your child's god-mother."


The couple smile, "We would be more than happy to have you as our child's god-mother." Tatsuya nods, "We're going to need all the help we can get raising our child."

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The couple smile, "We would be more than happy to have you as our child's god-mother." Tatsuya nods, "We're going to need all the help we can get raising our child."

Gandraya squeals with delight. "Ohh, thank you so much, this means a lot to me."

Hey Aran, guess what?

I know they said yes, I'm in your head too ya know.

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Miho smield and nodded, Tatsuya spoke up, "We'll be at the cafeteria, after such events, it kind of got us hungry." they bowed to their mother and made their way to the cafeteria.


Gaia nodded before heading off, roaming the hallways for her Acolytes since so many of them were busy resting.

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Cardina blinked, lifting her head from her work as she recognized a presence nearby. It was powerful, a Nyx, and not one of the Church's acolytes; they all knew better than to be anywhere near her room. Cardina hesitated for a moment, then slowly began sewing again, hoping that Jinx would be content to just eavesdrop rather than-


Control is an illusion, Herald. The faster you learn that the easier it will be for you.


Cardina set aside the needle, fabric and thread, then eased Temperance's hands off her body with a pang of disappointment. Soon, the door to Cardina's room slid open. Still wearing her black, skintight bodyglove, Cardina peered around the doorframe. Sure enough, Jinx was just standing there, with her hands at her sides and her back to the wall.


"Jinx," Cardina's harmonic voice was low and tired, hoarse from screaming and crying. "Come on in. We need to talk face to face, like adults."

Jinx turned her head to face Cardina, her red eyes were narrowed but otherwise Jinx's expression was blank.


"You still believe me to be stupid? You've lied to everyone and tried to use us as puppets in your little games. You're a lying, manipulative bastard Cardina, a sociopath without regrets, and now you want me to enter your domain alone without any witnesses knowing where I am? If you have anything to say then say it here where it's not on your terms. What are you afraid of?"


Jinx crossed her arms over her chest and awaited Cardina's answer.

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Jinx turned her head to face Cardina, her red eyes were narrowed but otherwise Jinx's expression was blank.


"You still believe me to be stupid? You've lied to everyone and tried to use us as puppets in your little games. You're a lying, manipulative bastard Cardina, a sociopath without regrets, and now you want me to enter your domain alone without any witnesses knowing where I am? If you have anything to say then say it here where it's not on your terms. What are you afraid of?"


Jinx crossed her arms over her chest and awaited Cardina's answer.


Cardina held Jinx's glare for a minute, then broke eye contact. "Fine." She stepped out into the hallway and leaned against the wall, next to Jinx. "I'll keep working on my robe, though. I need something to keep my hands busy." She took a long, shaky breath, as thin tendrils pulled her materials out of her room and held them in front of her.


"You will never trust me. I got that, loud and clear," she takes the needle and thread and a cut of fabric, and continues sewing, keeping her eyes focused on her work. "What I don't get is what you're doing about that. I have an idea for you." Cardina sprouts an insufferably smug smirk. "Why not kill me? You clearly think I deserve it, and you're now nicely relieved of the burden of killing a Tenno. I'm right here, sewing, without a warframe, weapons, witnesses or anyone to defend me. You could end this whole charade, bring this whole Church crashing down, right here, right now." Cardina looks up at Jinx again, locking eye contact. "You might feel bad about it, but I can fix that. Call it a favor, since I'd rather not die a b*tch." 


"You won't kill me. Some part of your morals still stops you from taking a life in cold blood, even if they're secretly an Infestion Golem controlling a Storm-class organization that has managed to become trusted and protected by the Lotus. Any monstrosities committed by me or my Church will be covered up perfectly, since the only one here who can report anything to the Lotus is hopelessly infatuated with me. Besides the general threat to the system, I have insulted, deceived and manipulated you, personally. And still, still you cannot strike me down right now. You will pass up this perfect opportunity, and let me go on with whatever hideous plans you suspect I've contrived. I know it. I made sure of it."


Cardina returns her attention to her sewing, folding and cutting. "There. Now you can kill me without feeling bad, because I said you wouldn't."

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Pyre smiled as she released Shinkiro from the hug. "Don't worry. I slept enough and now I'm energized again. It's rather sweet of you to be concerned." She gave Shinkiro a kiss on the cheek before going back to eating her ramen.


"What kind of man would I be if I do not show concern for my dear loved one, hm?" Shinkiro went back to his drinking. The thought of having a child of his around may have created an obstacle in his job, buuuut the thought of having a child. "Lovely as ever, Pyre. Enjoying your ramen?"

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Cardina held Jinx's glare for a minute, then broke eye contact. "Fine." She stepped out into the hallway and leaned against the wall, next to Jinx. "I'll keep working on my robe, though. I need something to keep my hands busy." She took a long, shaky breath, as thin tendrils pulled her materials out of her room and held them in front of her.


"You will never trust me. I got that, loud and clear," she takes the needle and thread and a cut of fabric, and continues sewing, keeping her eyes focused on her work. "What I don't get is what you're doing about that. I have an idea for you." Cardina sprouts an insufferably smug smirk. "Why not kill me? You clearly think I deserve it, and you're now nicely relieved of the burden of killing a Tenno. I'm right here, sewing, without a warframe, weapons, witnesses or anyone to defend me. You could end this whole charade, bring this whole Church crashing down, right here, right now." Cardina looks up at Jinx again, locking eye contact. "You might feel bad about it, but I can fix that. Call it a favor, since I'd rather not die a b*tch." 


"You won't kill me. Some part of your morals still stops you from taking a life in cold blood, even if they're secretly an Infestion Golem controlling a Storm-class organization that has managed to become trusted and protected by the Lotus. Any monstrosities committed by me or my Church will be covered up perfectly, since the only one here who can report anything to the Lotus is hopelessly infatuated with me. Besides the general threat to the system, I have insulted, deceived and manipulated you, personally. And still, still you cannot strike me down right now. You will pass up this perfect opportunity, and let me go on with whatever hideous plans you suspect I've contrived. I know it. I made sure of it."


Cardina returns her attention to her sewing, folding and cutting. "There. Now you can kill me without feeling bad, because I said you wouldn't."

Jinx's expression didn't change at all as she moved away from the wall and positioned herself right in front of Cardina.


"And as soon as I kill you nether I or the others will have any hope of escaping this Derelict. Your little minions will have us killed while you, Golem, probably will find some way to escape death. And nothing will have changed. Skip that smug grin of yours and drop the act. You're only stating facts. If you want to keep up your little charade so that you can feel in control and use it as little blanket to feel superior, fine.


You don't care about the church, you only care for yourself. You will never understand the meaning of loyalty. It's just another way for you to lure people. I would be lying if I said I wasn't tempted to kill you right here and now and clean away your stain. But as long as we're here in the Void you can't harm anyone in the Sol system. I won't risk my brother's and Munin's lives for a sad little piece of S#&$ like you. You know that, so you can take your little mind games and shove them somewhere you pathetic excuse for a Nyx. Oh, that's right, I'm sorry. You're not a Tenno, you're not a Nyx, that armor is not yours, you're an infested abomination. And you know what? Cardin'assur'thyr'xyren? You might be a Golem, But I'm a Hunter. And I can wait"

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