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What Is The Best Corpus Primary?

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I was kind of figuring on Supra. I know it has the best damage numbers-wise, but of course wanted to make sure I wasn't missing out on any wow factor with the other two.


Just be aware of the horrendous reload time of 4,2 seconds.


After that, it's a not so bad weapon.

Edited by Einde
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I'll say the dera, decent damage and fire rate, the proyectiles are really fast, no recoil and 100% accuaraccy,and the reload speed is pretty fast too

the supra may have a faster fire rate and gretar damage, sure, but it also has a lot of recoil and spread, and the proyectiles are painfully slow, and don't talk about the reload, it takes forever

i don't know about the flux rifle, but from what i heard, it's now useless thanks to damage 2.0 and the nerf(s) to continuous fire weapons

edit: woops, typo

Edited by ChileanWarpig
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I'll say the dera, decent damage and fire rate, the proyectiles are really fast, no recoil and 100% accuaraccy,and the reload speed is pretty fast too

the supra may have a faster fire rate and gretar damage, sure, but it also has a lot of recoil and spread, and the proyectiles are painfully slow, and don't talk about the reload, it takes forever

i don't know about the flux rifle, but from what i heard, it's now useless thanks to damage 2.0 and the nerf(s) to continuous fire weapons

edit: woops, typo

I don't like the supra, firing with it is like riding a wild horse. You hold the fire button and prey to the RNG gods that the recoil let you hit something in the way.

Good to know it has accuracy issues,  probably will save me some serious trouble.


I know the Detron isn't a primary but it hits like one, that's what I'd go for.

So many parts...


Well I would vote for the Tetra but you didn't list it so I guess I would vote for the Dera then, the reload on the supra kills it for me and the flux rifle (and all continuous weapons) got nerfed so I wouldn't pick it except for mastery.

I decided to stick with Clan Research weapons, but your suggestion is valid.

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I'd go for the Dera, nothing is better for pumping a 45+ round clip of plasma bolts into someone's skull than 100% pinpoint accuracy and a fast fire rate. Sure you have to lead the shots a bit, but once you get the hang of that you'll be dropping enemies like flies. Supra comes close since it can lay down great suppressive fire, but I'm not too big on the slow spooling minigun weapons. Flux Rifle is pretty meh right now but it does at least have a decent status chance.


Also give the Lanka a try, it's a bit klutzy but it deals beastly damage, and it's base electric damage makes it perfect for elemental builds against just about all factions.

Edited by Paradoxbomb
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I'd go for flux rifle. i don't do well with projectile weapons and this is the only corpus weaponry that i refuse to sell for its weapon slot no matter how desperate I am. Plus it slices people Chuck Norris style (split form head to crouch).

Edited by H.Katsura_999
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The Lanka is my favorite Corpus primary. Harder to use, but well worth mastering.  Pinpoint accuracy, amazing damage and enough punch through to shoot through doors without any mods at all. It's base Electric damage also allows easy access into three of the most important elemental combos in the game.  I suggest trying a crit/status build on this gun.


Supra's fun too, but the travel time on the bullets bug me. It's still good for cutting down large groups of enemies at short to medium range though.  Using short bursts of fire is a must to improve your accuracy and conserve ammo.  Try not to dump your entire clip in one go if you can, otherwise you'll be hurting on ammo pretty quickly.

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Also give the Lanka a try, it's a bit klutzy but it deals beastly damage, and it's base electric damage makes it perfect for elemental builds against just about all factions.

Lanka is a story for another frame. I play Sniper builds on my Nyx, Nova, and Vauban. Already have the research underway if not finished.


I'd go for flux rifle. i don't do well with projectile weapons and this is the only corpus weaponry that i refuse to sell for its weapon slot no matter how desperate I am. Plus it slices people Chuck Norris style (split form head to crouch).

I've read continuous fire weapons have been nixed, has that been switched back?

Edited by (PS4)DevilOfMidnight
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Flux rifle, forma'd, mod with punch through & event ele/status mods and you get a high proc-ing laser cutter that absolutely wrecks groups of mobs...only thing I don't like about it is the range cap, would prefer a falloff system than just zero damage after max range...otherwise I love my laser slicer, goes great with vaubans abilities too ;-)

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Flux rifle, forma'd, mod with punch through & event ele/status mods and you get a high proc-ing laser cutter that absolutely wrecks groups of mobs...only thing I don't like about it is the range cap, would prefer a falloff system than just zero damage after max range...otherwise I love my laser slicer, goes great with vaubans abilities too ;-)

You make a very tempting case.

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