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Unstuck Command


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I was playing Mercury to help a new friend. On my first wall-run, I get stuck in a wall.


I would really appreciate an unstuck command. Something that gets me out of the super small spaces, and generates a report so that the dev's can look at where people got stuck at and see if there's something to fix. Would be especially useful, and to prevent unnecessary abuse, require a minute or two of standing still before it happens.


I would REALLY appreciate it. It doesn't happen a lot, but its annoying to have to quit a mission just because you fell out of a map, or because you got stuck in a wall, especially when playing with your 3 friends and can't re-join because the objective is complete (survival). Making the whole group stop cause you got stuck is even suckier, so please give us a way out when we get stuck!

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I would post, but I cannot take screenshots of warframe with either steam or normal screenshot procedures. Any suggestions on reporting tools for such glitches/bugs? Even if there was a /report command from inside the game, it would be an improvement over my current capabilities.


Also, the dev's have stated that if there's overwhelming community response about an issue, they will fix that issue. If we got enough upvotes, i'm sure they would make a /report or a /unstuck command. A lot of bugs dont go reported because its too much hassle without these things, especially as the casual playerbase increases. Perhaps he should reconsider his stance on the issue.

Edited by Balduron04
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'Getting stuck in scenery' is no new bug. If nothing else, do what Blizzard do; create a little option in the pause menu that prompts users to submit a 'sticky location' description, takes a note of what level, tile and coordinates the player is at (which is probably more than what you'd get from a forum post anyway), and *then* unsticks them.


EDIT: Forgot to note that you should just make it move the player to the closest entrance to the tile to where they are, including a point in the middle of the tile if that's where they're closest to, so players can't exploit it too much.

Edited by Swizzlestix
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DE Scott aka Grineeer has stated that no /unstuck command was added to encourage players to post such bugs in the bug forums.

I'm not attacking you in any way, i'm attacking DE here, just so you know.

that is a terrible, TERRIBLE idea.

"Hey, no feature that can save you from an otherwise grim fate, just so you can tell us the exact coordinates of each and every single tiny possible bug in the entire game, instead of giving you a way to render all of those terrain bugs obsolete"

That has to be one of the dumbest things i've heard DE say. When you get properly stuck like that, a very very common result is you dying. if you're solo, that's it, mission fail, no loot, no progress, no bonus XP, no nothing. It's crap. I've been dropped through the world and died 3 times, because when i died and respawned, i respawned still falling. This kind of crap is why i stopped playing for 8 months, and only came back because of my IRL friends prompting me to help them.

If they want actual bug reports about terrain glitches and crap, why not integrate it into that very same unstick button? You use unstick button, it saves the data of what map/tileset you're on, where you are etc, and it prompts you right then and there to fill in any additional information.

They'd get even MORE feedback than they do now, plus the auto-saved relevant information about exactly where, so they can check if it's some collision model that's glitched there or something.

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I don't know about getting stuck in a wall, but i have noticed multiple times my warframe would simply get stuck anywhere with only the ability to activate the "slowly walking forward" animation without actually moving. I'll check the bug forums if i can locate them i guess. But it would be GREAT if the Dev's would make a feature where say you press esc, and select i don't know, let's call it "re-deploy". Now you get "removed" from where you were and re-loaded at the start tile of the mission. Just an idea and it would fix the problem without comprimising.


Another thing that would be great is that everyone gets a temporary "mark" of being in a game. So if you crash or disconnecting 13 minutes into a mission (with objective complete) you can just join THAT SPECIFIC GAME to finish it and load in similar to if you were joining a new game. I don't know why this wasn't thought up or addressed already, though i could see where the Dev's have been busy with many other software issues.


PUBLIC ANNOUNCMENT: Would everyone who loves this game be so kind to make sure to support it with financing. Everything costs some for of real commercial paper so please purchase Platinum. They get no where if we don't support.

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