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Door Heroes


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I can still slightly tolerate door heroes due to DE letting us equipping only one weapon, so I can just stand near them and leech from damn door hoes. Though if DE ever implemented friendly fire booster, I would pay 100 Plat for a 3-Day Friendly Fire Booster against those door hoes.

They would never add that however or they would have a even bigger trolling issue where someone with a penta cares nothing about the mission and just kills people. 

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I can still slightly tolerate door heroes due to DE letting us equipping only one weapon, so I can just stand near them and leech from damn door hoes. Though if DE ever implemented friendly fire booster, I would pay 100 Plat for a 3-Day Friendly Fire Booster against those door hoes.

Hold that thought while I grab my 4 forma Ignis...

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On pod missions, door and hallway heroes need a player to stay near the pod. Do not be that player. Watch the pod die.

I used to defend it. Now I watch how the team plays and either out door way them or out nova them (saryn mega masmia fu build if I really want to undercut nova4spammers)

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Your logic is now making people who get mad at other players look selfish. 

well he is selfish, he joins multiplayer games and plays as if he was playing solo, regardless of the harm and inconviniences his behaviour may cause, if he wants to play solo there is an option for that.

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Ninjas are supposed to be competitive and not get the same grade as their rivals, if you are playing with friends like most people do (yes I know door heroes don't apply here as much) you need the competitive part not the "Everybody gets the same grade so they feel good because we follow the rule that has screwed up half the worlds schools and made people mad" approach. 

where the fck is it written that ninjas are supposed to be competitive you MUST be trolling otherwise this is the dumbest statement ever written in this forums hahaha you made me laugh hard man... now we know for certain how ninjas are?... so funny, so dumb... we don't even know for certain what the hell ninjas were, only that they were kind of black ops of the samurai era... and as they were clandestine i bet they didnt have a leaderboard with scores... "Ninjas are supposed to be competitive" HAHAHHAHAHA what the hell are you smoking?!

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I was wondering what the term meant. I played this mobile defense mission. Ended up losing twice prior due to teammates sucking or disapearing. Third time through I get in with this guy who pretty much knows the map like the back of his hand he took so damn many shortcuts it was hard to keep up. He plugs the key I rush over to the first spawn wipe em out, then throw myself across the map (wall run slide melee copter) to the next area (They spawned from either north or south). This guy this ninja who spent all that time acrobaticing across the map sits there at the terminal. While I jump back and forth killing everything then freaks out when I pretty much crushed all the enemies. After losing the map twice I was bound and determined to win it and I figured he was a half-tard for standing still... xD Don't get me wrong though I pay very close attention to the object of defense but I'm not going to sit at it and lose because spawns build up from too many sides for me to defend

Edited by raikien
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where the fck is it written that ninjas are supposed to be competitive you MUST be trolling otherwise this is the dumbest statement ever written in this forums hahaha you made me laugh hard man... now we know for certain how ninjas are?... so funny, so dumb... we don't even know for certain what the hell ninjas were, only that they were kind of black ops of the samurai era... and as they were clandestine i bet they didnt have a leaderboard with scores... "Ninjas are supposed to be competitive" HAHAHHAHAHA what the hell are you smoking?!

So you are saying that it is bad to be competitive? Because being competitive is what caused most things in the world to happen. 

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So you are saying that it is bad to be competitive? Because being competitive is what caused most things in the world to happen. 

hahah u do have talent for comedy, no, im saying that you said something silly without any foundation, and i don't know if being competitive is what caused all in the world to happen (another comment that has no substance nor purpose in this conversation) what i am saying is:


If you join a multiplayer game you are supposed to be ready to play with others, because if u arent u play solo, and since this is a cooperative game, which rewards a cooperative attitude being "competitive" is stupid, because you "win" by being cooperative not competitive, off course, being competitive is a good thing, but being competitive in a situation that is detrimental for that kind of attitude is being stupid and since you are also affecting your fellow tenno team-mates it is also selfish and rude.


You might think you are winning, by camping the spawn point and killing everything alone before anybody gets there, but you are in fact losing and making your team mates loose too. 

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I was wondering what the term meant. I played this mobile defense mission. Ended up losing twice prior due to teammates sucking or disapearing. Third time through I get in with this guy who pretty much knows the map like the back of his hand he took so damn many shortcuts it was hard to keep up. He plugs the key I rush over to the first spawn wipe em out, then throw myself across the map (wall run slide melee copter) to the next area (They spawned from either north or south). This guy this ninja who spent all that time acrobaticing across the map sits there at the terminal. While I jump back and forth killing everything then freaks out when I pretty much crushed all the enemies. After losing the map twice I was bound and determined to win it and I figured he was a half-tard for standing still... xD Don't get me wrong though I pay very close attention to the object of defense but I'm not going to sit at it and lose because spawns build up from too many sides for me to defend

if you can't defend a position because you get overwhelmed by enemies that is because you are weak the guy sitting at the objective did things the right way, you just made everyone loose affinity and loot, don't flatter yourself anymore for your weakness and lack of criteria, it looks bad, and it is a temptation to insult you, that i will not do, because i do not want a warning point.

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Didn't really care I hate mobile defense and my alert was on the next map over. Played nice first two times didn't work out third time the charm. Got it done, guy threw a hissy fit but all that jumping around he did to get there coulda came in handy helping me clean up the mobs. There are much easier maps to grind affinity. It's even easier now that you don't need to fully equip

Edited by raikien
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no, I never play random online games, solo or with a friend, thats it, no headache, no whine topics on forum

So your solution is to play solo on a coops emphasize game. If I wanna play solo, I would go play one of many single player fps that rotted in my steam library. I play warframe because of its online aspect. And for your info, we are providing feedback and hopefully with enough feedback developer will take action. Maybe it's just whine for you, which you should stay out of topic like this if you can't take it.

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So your solution is to play solo on a coops emphasize game. If I wanna play solo, I would go play one of many single player fps that rotted in my steam library. I play warframe because of its online aspect. And for your info, we are providing feedback and hopefully with enough feedback developer will take action. Maybe it's just whine for you, which you should stay out of topic like this if you can't take it.


I love people like you "Eeets a ko-h awp gaeem!!"  True, but it also has SOLO play in it anyway and playing solo isnt hard at all, unless you are under prepared or under skilled.  This is a Co-Op AND Single player game.  Look at the official steam page, it has... "Single-player" as well.  Though I'm sure you will respond like the usual person in your position "But this games developers are focusing on--"  The game developers have it listed as Single-player as well, not JUST multiplayer and have went through the trouble of including a Solo mode which also lends to the idea that if you know what you are doing... you can do single player no problem, I can :3

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     At the end of the match DE rewards the door hero by making the one with the highest kill and damage have golden text. That is the only reason I have ever been a door hero. Plus when I need to level I go to survival, who actually goes to defense to level up? When you know that you have to protect something in defense and people like myself exist (I do it for the gold, buck your xp and buck your time). Stay at the pod and watch me murder your team affinity like a little *@##$. DE doesnt tell anyone when they start the game that there is an affinity multiplier for staying within range of teammates, if not I wouldve been a door hero from the pod in void defense. Tell me its not more effective to shoot at the enemy while they try to squeeze through a small doorway with punch-through on your primary than to let them surround the pod from all sides and murder with bullets. Theres a reason why its done though, because it is safer for the pod with one player at it and the three others blocking the main spawn points. So to all of you hating on Door heroes like myself and calling me stupid, I didnt fail the mission when you ragequit and got butthurt. All that happened was that you missed out on rewards and I got that golden gilded text.


     Pls refrain from pointing out grammatical errors in this post, it is besides the topic plus I wont feel hurt anyways. Calling me names is also ineffective I am blinded by the light shining from my heroic finger muscles that murder all enemy spawns.


     Obviously trolling ;p, take no offense. The truth is I don't mind door heroes, Ive maxed out al my stuff anyways. And I say again, who does defense to level up when theres survival??

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Share your thoughts, and opinions on the Warframe phenomena of "door heroes".  

leech and do nothing

if they get downed T-bag them until they rage

and as well to attempt at telling em to stay with the group if not take screenshot and report em afterward when ur done trolling with them

if they want to continue then let the team say go on last 2 sec switch to exit

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Ninjas are supposed to be competitive and not get the same grade as their rivals, if you are playing with friends like most people do (yes I know door heroes don't apply here as much) you need the competitive part not the "Everybody gets the same grade so they feel good because we follow the rule that has screwed up half the worlds schools and made people mad" approach. 

Your teammates aren't your rivals in a co-op mission... The enemy is.

You just proved my point.


"Everybody gets the same grade so they feel good because we follow the rule that has screwed up half the worlds schools and made people mad" approach.


I don't know about you... But when I was in school (that was back when MC Hammer was stupidly rich), 2 people in the same class could both make an A in that class, because it wasn't a competition. That's not done to make sure everyone feels good about themselves, the grade asserts that the person that got it did what was required to earn it.


Your's is the logic behind single competitive sports. Whenever you apply it to team sports you start to lose team cohesion.


A lack of team cohesion is literally why players can complain about door heroes. If the team was cohesive, Door heroes wouldn't be door heroes... They'd be an agreed upon outer-defensive strategy.


So, like I said, you just proved my point.

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I love people like you "Eeets a ko-h awp gaeem!!" True, but it also has SOLO play in it anyway and playing solo isnt hard at all, unless you are under prepared or under skilled. This is a Co-Op AND Single player game. Look at the official steam page, it has... "Single-player" as well. Though I'm sure you will respond like the usual person in your position "But this games developers are focusing on--" The game developers have it listed as Single-player as well, not JUST multiplayer and have went through the trouble of including a Solo mode which also lends to the idea that if you know what you are doing... you can do single player no problem, I can :3

Its not about difficulty. You totally missing the point. Why did you think everyone join co-ops because they can't handle the content solo? I choose to play online just as you choose to solo, despite how ridiculous I think you're for trying to play a single player in a game that's actively advertise as co-ops. It's your choice. I can solo T3 survival to 40 minute with little issue but I choose to share my key from time to time. It's more fun playing that way. IF you can't respect that, I had nothing more to said to you. Edited by Neogeo
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My opinion?

Obviously a noob that not cut for teamplay

I hate it when I was def the system with frost P and everyone getting out from my area like a mindless child shooting every enemies without sharing xp

(Once,when everyone is playing hero and I was lvl my loki on kappa, I put a decoy in front of comp system and go invis and mission fail)

Edit: don't mess with me u hallway heroes,I knew every way to destroy your so-called "heroic" deed...

Share xp together or no xp at all...


LOL, so much this...

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What constitutes as a Door Hero or Hallway Hero? I've been hearing these terms being thrown around at others but I've no idea what it refers to. Is it someone who rushes during missions?


Not sure if I'm one but I tend to be very relaxed in missions and I take my time to move around but almost always, I end up being the fastest of of my entire team simply because I know the tilesets and I know my way around. Does that make me a Door Hero? o___O"


Hall hero - camps choke points


Door hero - camps spawn points 


Don't ask me why the nomenclature is this way

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no, I never play random online games, solo or with a friend, thats it, no headache, no whine topics on forum


This isn't a whine topic. I think door heroism is bad when it gets in the way of the objective, but I don't complain about it. Although others may have decided to whine on the topic I posted, my original post was not indicative of brackishness. 


Besides, if someone wants to ruin the objective I just go all Loki with Dual Ichor and kill steal EVERYTHING! Caz I don't need rewards sucka, but I'll take that affinity TYVM!

Edited by YourBusDriver
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