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Why De?


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Just one simple question. Why does it take 1 run for the defenders to do 10 HP damage to the attacker's solar rail and                                                                         1 run for the attacker to do  1 HP damage to the defender's solar rail?


just want to know why?? that is not balanced at all..  was this your "decreasing the health" of the solar rails on the previous hotfix??   so disappointing. 

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Wait, what?


That doesn't make a lick of sense. Where are you getting those numbers, first of all, and second, if the defenders have a 10x advantage, how has anyone really lost? Especially Eclipse?

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I dunno if this is true or doesn't really seem like people would be able to get solid evidence, however I do know solar rails are designed for winners to keep winning. Some clan trys to occupy a solar rail they can't keep up with the other clans reward money they got from mission taxes.

But more importantly, why try to take over a rail? The missions isn't fun, there is no benifit to controlling a solar rail, and most importantly you can't do the infested missions anymore. I really wish people would just ignore the solar rails because trying to control them is just being a jerk to everyone else. hopefully people will eventually give up.

Honestly was never excited for solar rails to begin with, never felt like warframe. Why are the tenno fighting each other? For more resources? Does that mean that the tenno are just greedy and stupid? This isn't a PvP game, then why have PvP like thing? Then they came along and it was worse then expected. I just try my best to pretend they don't exist anymore.

I really hope DE does something about this because I don't care who controls solar rails and I think its stupid that anyone does care, just freaking farm the dark sectors for the resources and mods you want. I'll prefer to have solar rails removed but eh I guess if they make them more fun or something that'll be nice.

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I dunno if this is true or doesn't really seem like people would be able to get solid evidence, however I do know solar rails are designed for winners to keep winning. Some clan trys to occupy a solar rail they can't keep up with the other clans reward money they got from mission taxes.

But more importantly, why try to take over a rail? The missions isn't fun, there is no benifit to controlling a solar rail, and most importantly you can't do the infested missions anymore. I really wish people would just ignore the solar rails because trying to control them is just being a jerk to everyone else. hopefully people will eventually give up.

Honestly was never excited for solar rails to begin with, never felt like warframe. Why are the tenno fighting each other? For more resources? Does that mean that the tenno are just greedy and stupid? This isn't a PvP game, then why have PvP like thing? Then they came along and it was worse then expected. I just try my best to pretend they don't exist anymore.

I really hope DE does something about this because I don't care who controls solar rails and I think its stupid that anyone does care, just freaking farm the dark sectors for the resources and mods you want. I'll prefer to have solar rails removed but eh I guess if they make them more fun or something that'll be nice.

That's never going to happen though.  This is the internet.  Best bet is to back up active clans that put out good battle pay since they're able to finish their conflicts faster. 


What really needs to happen is that conflicts need to be made equally rewarding, or at the very least that clans need to be able to make conflicts rewarding.  Being able to provide XP (doable with an xp vault once they implement the focus system) and battle pay as well as allowing boosters to work on conflicts would go a long way towards making conflicts just as worthwhile.


Faction support (mentioned in the end game post in the DC, allying with a faction means you can get them to help defend your tower) could also could be used to open up access to special drops in faction specific mod tables too.


Ownership of towers could be made more worthwhile through the upcoming proxy war system with faction rewards/quests tied into holding on to a solar rail. 


Of course even if all this is never done, people need to understand that conflict over rails is what allows DE to have those bonuses on dark sectors in the first place.  If dark sectors were always up with those bonuses, it could really hurt sales on boosters and make crafting even easy than it already is.

Edited by Aggh
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Im the Leader of a clan whose alliance just won a Rail 24 hours ago, and i was monitoring the deathsnacks webtool the entire time. 

I do not know why its disadvantageous for attacker NOW, but i do not think it was like that 24hours ago. 

i could be wrong though

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solar rails?  that's the... inter-guild competition thing that's introduced recently eh?  does seem kinda odd and out of place in a game that's supposedly about "the few, the proud, the near-extinct-ancient-space-ninja-samurais", having petty squabbles between guilds and all.


but de has always thought of the term "solar rails" and "dark sector" (see alpha trailer/tech demo for original dark sector"), so i guess in a way it's completing the circle for them.  closing the wound as they put it themselves.


glad i'll have something completely uninteresting to me personally and pointless as a soloer, waiting for me to return to, soon as i get bored of running adventure mode on torment 6 (hah, that'll be a while).

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This is nonsense.

More likely that not, the third-party behind "deathsnacks" (the tracker) simply made a typo.

Several places on their site, they have disclaimers like "This information is not guaranteed to be correct." and "Still a work in progress. May break."

Edited by Knaimhe
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This is nonsense.

More likely that not, the third-party behind "deathsnacks" (the tracker) simply made a typo.

Several places on their site, they have disclaimers like "This information is not guaranteed to be correct." and "Still a work in progress. May break."

i think the numbers are accurate since the numbers in game match up with what the webtool says

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lol you must be from eclipse or shadow of empire..  i really care what you think don't say that again lmao

I'm not part of either of them.


The only part that really just... disappoints me(?) is the fact that you're dissing on Warframe for this tiny little mistake.

Go play WoT. I couldn't care less.

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That's never going to happen though.  This is the internet.  Best bet is to back up active clans that put out good battle pay since they're able to finish their conflicts faster. 


What really needs to happen is that conflicts need to be made equally rewarding, or at the very least that clans need to be able to make conflicts rewarding.  Being able to provide XP (doable with an xp vault once they implement the focus system) and battle pay as well as allowing boosters to work on conflicts would go a long way towards making conflicts just as worthwhile.


Faction support (mentioned in the end game post in the DC, allying with a faction means you can get them to help defend your tower) could also could be used to open up access to special drops in faction specific mod tables too.


Ownership of towers could be made more worthwhile through the upcoming proxy war system with faction rewards/quests tied into holding on to a solar rail. 


Of course even if all this is never done, people need to understand that conflict over rails is what allows DE to have those bonuses on dark sectors in the first place.  If dark sectors were always up with those bonuses, it could really hurt sales on boosters and make crafting even easy than it already is.

I know I heard about that DC post although I remember only bits and pieces of it. With the whole faction support thing kinda worries me a bit, my goal in warframe is to eventually get all the mods/weapons/warframes to max, (minus of course events items that I can't get IE: prime chamber, braton vandal etc) with this faction support am I gonna miss out on items because clan/alliance is supporting with one faction instead of another?

And from when I heard about that DC post I was still more excited for the other features besides solar rails (although the only one I can remember is the "leveling" past 30 thing)

Also, its rather easy to level items as it is even without the help dark sectors, all they do is pretty much save some time. Additionally if a person is patient enough they'll just wait out the conflict and do missions once it's open for resources. Recently I got a surplus of neural sensors (55 I believe) from roughly three or four dark sector runs. I doubt if I'll even need more and if I do need more I'll just wait the conflict out again.

Overall it still sounds like a bit too "pvp"-ie and complicated for me to keep my interest. I usually play warframe now more casually I suppose and with solar rails it seems like it would be a hassle to achieve anything so I would still if all possible try to pretend they don't exist.

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i think the numbers are accurate since the numbers in game match up with what the webtool says

So what?

Just because some numbers match up doesn't mean all of them do.


In fact, the only way you'd know those numbers match is because those numbers (rail hp, time remaining, etc) are publicly available.

Meanwhile, the relative efficacy of single runs is inscrutable. Thus, with the information you have, you cannot confirm that the webtool is completely reliable.


DE mentioned that they made conflicts quicker. Could it be that it's only affecting new rails, and not the old ones?

Now this makes sense.

It is conceivable that instead of adding a damage multiplier to all rails, DE made the oversight of reducing the starting "health" of new rails without proportionately decreasing the health of existing rails.

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