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Events Should Be Cycled Back Every Year Or So


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I know I am going to get a lot of hate for this but I think that the events should be cycled again each year. I joined around U10 and missed some events that I would have liked to participate it (Mainly Grineer Informer Event). And I also know many other players feel the same way about Tethras Doom and The Cicero Crisis and maybe it would be a good idea to cycle them each year. (Please don't hate on me for this I do NOT think the Lato Vandal should be released again or any of the Founders gear)

Edited by Skitheryx
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No they shouldn't. Events are called events for a reason. They are an event, not a cycle. You're just upset because you missed out on exclusives. I missed out on some exclusives too, but it's not a big deal. If events with exlusive items are recycled, the aesthetic and novel value of those items will decline each time.


TLDR; (Really, it's like 3 sentences long?) Exlusives that aren't exclusive aren't exlusive, hence really no better than market-available blueprints.

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I know I am going to get a lot of hate for this but I think that the events should be cycled again each year. I joined around U10 and missed some events that I would have liked to participate it (Mainly Grineer Informer Event). And I also know many other players feel the same way about Tethras Doom and The Cicero Crisis and maybe it would be a good idea to cycle them each year. (Please don't hate on me for this I do NOT think the Lato Vandal should be released again or any of the Founders gear)




All the event rewards except for Tethra's Doom was listed as exclusive.

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No they shouldn't. Events are called events for a reason. They are an event, not a cycle. You're just upset because you missed out on exclusives. I missed out on some exclusives too, but it's not a big deal. If events with exlusive items are recycled, the aesthetic and novel value of those items will decline each time.


TLDR; (Really, it's like 3 sentences long?) Exlusives that aren't exclusive aren't exlusive, hence really no better than market-available blueprints.

I did that to give logical reasoning and not make it seem like I am whiny player (although it seems I failed that)

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Why would I want to play the same event again?

Sure others might want the stuff and to enjoy the missions, but us vets who are well and truly over those events are the last people you want to annoy.

You don't have to play the event over again and define "Vet" if you would

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You don't have to play the event over again and define "Vet" if you would

The people who actually have played them. The only events that should ever be cycled are seasonal events. Otherwise, it should be a one-time deal.


I believe DE already said they want to put the events in the Codex so folks can replay them if they miss them. Obviously no rewards though.

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All event weapons have a chance to come back again at some point in the future. However, the same event happening again is kind of dumb. Especially since the game has changed due to those events.


De has said that event weapons will come back again, its just a matter of when. The only true exclusives this game has is Founders gear and Braton/Lato vandel.

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A replayable event that happened every year sounds weird.

I think there will be more event that people can play in the future, so a event cycle isn't necessary I think, and the event reward maybe obtainable in another way just like Brakk or some nightmare mod now.


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The people who actually have played them. The only events that should ever be cycled are seasonal events. Otherwise, it should be a one-time deal.


I believe DE already said they want to put the events in the Codex so folks can replay them if they miss them. Obviously no rewards though.

So your saying if you did not play every single event your not a vet?

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The events seems to be lore based,it would be wierd to see some events going on,after the event was implimented to the lore.Besides,it wouldnt give new events space to be created in,seeing that they need to repeat the events,all again.

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All event weapons have a chance to come back again at some point in the future. However, the same event happening again is kind of dumb. Especially since the game has changed due to those events.


De has said that event weapons will come back again, its just a matter of when. The only true exclusives this game has is Founders gear and Braton/Lato vandel.

Yes that was what I was meaning

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So your saying if you did not play every single event your not a vet?

You're twisting my words.


If you've played an event once and got the rewards, there's zero reason to play it again. Cycling events only benefits those who have yet to play it, and once they do, they're in the same boat as everyone else.


I'd rather see DE focus on new events than just cycle and reuse them.

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You don't have to play the event over again and define "Vet" if you would

Veteren players are those who have been there and done that.

If you bring any event out with an element of competition, people will compete. Thats fine, but I would not look forward to re-running Gradivus again.

Likewise, simply recycling an event with the same rewards gives those who have already completed it no reason beyond competition to re run it.

Events are meant to re energise the community, simply recycling them would do the oposite for a good portion of the playerbase

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You're twisting my words.


If you've played an event once and got the rewards, there's zero reason to play it again. Cycling events only benefits those who have yet to play it, and once they do, they're in the same boat as everyone else.


I'd rather see DE focus on new events than just cycle and reuse them.

You do have a point but maybe they could put some of the old rewards in those new events mixed with new ones to give everyone a reason to play the event

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You do have a point but maybe they could put some of the old rewards in those new events mixed with new ones to give everyone a reason to play the event

That then removes the exclusivity and urgency of event rewards.


If rewards are exclusive to one event, that adds a sense of urgency -- you do the event and get the rewards, or you never have another chance and will never get them. People already have a reason to play new events, and it's because of new rewards.

Edited by Vargras
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Also if you want to play the infirmer event then go solo on earth or phobos and kill as many regulators as possible.

Then repeat for 8 hours.

I am not joking, that is what it boiled down to. Solo grind.

You want the Snipetron Vandal, not the event. It may come back at some point, but when it does, I hope those that have it get a Snipetron vandal vandal that is 30% more powerful.

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Also if you want to play the infirmer event then go solo on earth or phobos and kill as many regulators as possible.

Then repeat for 8 hours.

I am not joking, that is what it boiled down to. Solo grind.

You want the Snipetron Vandal, not the event. It may come back at some point, but when it does, I hope those that have it get a Snipetron vandal vandal that is 30% more powerful.

Yes I dont want a grind but I do want the Sandal

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No the event rewards should stay exclusive because they have a history in warframe. If they are re-released that history becomes meaningless. If you wherent here for the events then thats just to bad.


That said however i think Rebecca stated at some point on the forums or in a livestream that one of the developers had said that it sucks that all the effort in making a event is put aside when that event is done. This could mean that we might be able to replay the events in the for future for the sake of mermories. I just hope its for replaying only and that the event rewards remain exclusive.

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There SHOULD be yearly events.

But they should not be the events we already have.


If we take every neat experience we've had that offered exclusive mods or weapons and made them an annual thing then Warframe falls into the same rut Spiral Knights and other grindy MMO's have fallen victim to:


A system where people only play on specific times of year to grind particular items and it becomes all the game has to offer eventually. A list of events and no real progress in terms of story, balance, or aesthetics.


What should happen is we should have some events that take place every year at a particular time that don't influence the story, market, or weapons of the game. They exist purely to be fun or festive in some way.

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