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Reworking The Sniper Rifles


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So... After playing around with the Vectis for a while I found myself wanting several things for it:


- Innate Punch Through - Not Bow's infinite "Punch Through" from ragdolls that murder entire Defence waves, but something to help hit multiple targets and to shoot through walls and cover. - If Bows are going to cover the single shot AoE then Snipers should be the ones that take out targets regardless of where they are, be it behind a wall or those pesky Ice Leaders (IMO Snipers should have enough punch through to hit them - Explosives such as the Penta can for example)


- Something that promotes scoping more - It's very possible to no-scope with a sniper rifle, which brings back the feeling of Call of Duties awful sniper rifles... - Things that could be interesting is inherent sniper only damage multipliers when scoped, the previously mentioned mod that shows targets through walls (Would synergize well with the punch through suggestion and really help solidify Snipers as a "Take out targets regardless of where they are" weapon)


Without this I kinda feel like I'm just gimping myself for not taking a Bow which can do higher damage to a single target, more AoE damage, fire faster (So have more DPS) and can be tuned specifically towards the factions (By taking 1 of 3 bows) further increasing the damage lead.


That said, the Vectis is really satisfying for me to use (As a Bolt Action Rifle lover) - Something I'll likely use a lot for solo play.

punching through leader frostglobes would be such a good addition, would give snipers at least a little more purpose (killing those guys so buddies can take the rest under fire)

kinda stupid that current punch through isnt enough to deal with those, but i guess they copy-pasta'd some of the code from frostglobe, which stops all projectiles

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Here ya go.


1. Lose the crit damage on snipers, and buff base damage to get their DPS at least on par with bows.

2. Buff the heck out of their status chance so they can get 100% if you want to, like the Tysis.

3. Create a new hit-scan sniper, since we don't have an overabundance of them as it is.

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Completely supportive of this thread! I remember when everyone liked snipetrons.. till they discovered all the other guns.


Perhaps Sniper rounds can have a "disruptor" effect, ignoring hax defenses like the snowglobe or the executioners elemental defense.


Or a mod that causes explosions upon death that deal X% of your weapons dmg. The bows thunderbolt mod does badly against higher level enemies, but its punch through is great against lines of enemies. So we make sniper rounds do the opposite.

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One simple change would grant sniper rifles a distinct edge when compared to other weapons.


Guaranteed critical headshots.


Not when compared to bows. Paris Prime and Dread both easily get 100% crit chance. Thus, every headshot is a guaranteed critical headshot.

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A newbie's opinion?


I think that snipers as they are decent, maybe a damage boost might help. But all the issues about crowd control on a sniper rifle miss the point that sniper warfare is essentially a slow game. Conventional snipers use cover and pick off the most important target, not decimate the enemy camp. If you're for mass-murder, you'd be better off with high explosive (Ogris, Penta, and whatnot..) than with a single high caliber bullet.


If you're bringing a sniper rifle, the last thing I'd expect you to do is rush in and slaughter everyone as Tennos now are wont to do. I feel that if you're really intent on sniping, you'd be more concerned with stealth, or at least looking for and taking out elite units/bosses, but then again this is pointless in a game of >70 enemies. Point is, giving sniper weapons punch through and all that stuff to make it on par with a bow isn't solving the problem; you're just making a rifle-shaped bow.


One issue I take with bows is: Why can they zoom?? A rifle has iron sights and maybe a scope, so yes that helps aiming and looking further.. But with a bow what exactly are you doing? Squinting down your thumb? I suppose Eagle Eye would help with that, but the base zoom for a bow is still pretty high. Take that out and I think it equalizes the playing field of bow and sniper a little.


I would say that the numbers need to be tweaked a little to show the difference between the medieval weapon system and a modern one. If I have to replace the propellant for Vectis to Detonite, so be it. I don't see why the Paris Prime can accelerate an arrow to increase damage, and the Vectis remains a musket in all but name.

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Id just really like to see a mod that lowers zoom level to that of any other rifle (could be called ironsights or somthing).


Some innate punch through to match bows would be a nice change as well,



That being said, the vectis in its current state is probably one of my favorite weapons in the game so its certainly not broken (others may be), would just like a way to get rid of the zoom haha.

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Personaly I think that snipers need an inate higher status chance, which makes sense concidering it.


Case in point the Vectis, a single shot bolt action rifle.

This rifle is most likely the tenno's 50. Cal version and thus very capable of having a heavy round and able to fire with extreem force. Heavy rounds give you better status chance.


Otter than that yeah I agree Snipers need looking at

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Also as a scope mod i'd like to suggest a Infrared scope mod! Which basicly makes it easier to see enemies =3

nobody would use it because right now most utility-mods can be considered a waste of a slot

if it also increased headshot-damage, though... hmmm


Edit: also RIP this discussion, i do not think this will ever get near the feedback of general discussion...

Edited by OnnaJReverT
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Just thought I'd share another idea to help Sniper Rifles become more usable:


The ability to change ammo types.


For example you could have things like:


- Low Velocity Rounds - Increases damage done to shields (Essentially, more impact damage) and robotics, lowers damage done to flesh and armour.

- Armour Piercing Rounds - Increases damage done to armour and increases punch through

- Hollow Point Rounds - Increases damage done to flesh and cloned flesh, reduces damage dealt to shields and armour

- Tracer Rounds - Increases status chance

- Phosphorus Rounds - Additional heat damage


Would be an interesting twist to make traditional rifles (So not the Lanka, though rifles like that could get a similar customization just with a different name) more flexible - An edge they could have over bows - It'd also increase build diversity if these different ammo types could allow certain builds to function better.

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Vectis is by far my favorite weapon that I've used so far, and I feel that I'm useless compared to my friends who run aroudn with things like the soma and penta. It also makes no sense that a bow that works off the power of draw strength should do more damage than a massive supersonic bullet. I would really like for them to make sniping feel more rewarding for our percision with perhaps more vital point damage, and a lot more punch through to let us deal with the lines trash mobs at least half as well as an assault rifle.

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The best solution I see to this would be an across-the-board stat raise for all snipers and a unique set of mods, separate from rifles.

And while we're at it we can add launchers to this new sniper set to limit their obnoxious carrying capacity as rifles, but that's a story for another thread.

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What really irritates me is the fact that bows are superior in every way to a sniper. I run with a Vectis, and with Metal Auger it can only hit 3-5 Enemies before having to reload; I think that giving the snipers innate punch through can allow it to compete against a bow's enemy clear. 

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I just think sniper rifles need to be able to do a decent job at action gameplay and faster pace.

Because that is what they blow at right now....but is the very core of the game.

Achieving that could actually be easy.

Here a list of things that would instantly make all the snipers good: (Aka put them in the upper third of DPS and gameplay value instead of the lowest 20%)


Snipetron and Vulkar:

The 2 "lowbob" snipers with a 4 Clip Magazine and a 4 second reload timer. Half that reload timer.

Give them a raised vital point hit multiplier. (Chest x2 Head x4)

Boom Done.


Lower reload to 0.7. Give innate puncture.


Replace functionality. Non charge shots will do full damage and be single target with a low proc chance of electric. A Charged shot will deplete the entire battery and actually fire a small but long ranged electric cone with a high proc chance for the innate electric to happen.

Now add all this and snipers will intantly be in the upper third of the dps chart and also have fun gameplay.

Sounds alot like how the Stug works so your saying that uncharged, equals single shot (with punch through) and a charged shot will explode?

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First step to improving sniper rifles would be to get rid of the misbegotten atrocities which DE calls scope graphics. Seriously. They are STILL BAD and they do not need to exist, much less 3D modeled scopes, sheesh. Sniper rifles in Warframe do not need some kind of counter-balance nerf so they're not "too good", they're situational weapons as it is and were so much cleaner to use when they just had a normal zoomed reticule.

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sniper needs to have high and very punishing damage per shot, but bows needs to have innate high crit/headshot multiplier. and both needs innate punch through

that way people can pick which one is more of their style, to provide high damage CC from afar, or to get up closer and hit the enemy weak points for massive damage


I personally think that it would work better if these were swapped  

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