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The Nova Plague...


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when i am spamming dark sector def missions as a vauban for credits, it is super annoying to get a nova in the group who uses m prime. not only do i have to wait for the molasses infested to come, i also have to run around the map to gather all the damn loot. I stand a few feet away from the pod and just toss out a vortex to suck in everything and kill everything all in one centralized area. That way no one have to barely move a few feet and all the loot is there in one spot.


Exactly my point. I have to run to the other side of map just gather loot. It's cool if we were all together and gave the enemy a chance to come near then M.Prime wouldn't be such a problem. We can easily gather loot, then my only complaint would be about me getting kills. I like to kill just as much as the next frame. What's the point of bringing my new toys if I can't use them?



Edit: Sux because I like to play with other players. I don't want to do a solo because it gets boring at times.

Edited by (PS4)truelight4u
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Nova's acutally not that good. Her usefulness decreases a lot at about level 30.

Well, she still doubles everyone's damage, so I wouldn't say her usefulness decreases.  And with the right support/situation, AMD...


The main issues with M-Prime are twofold: First, she lets you see the mobs, taste one, and then takes all the rest away from you.  Other frames just blow everything up rather than giving you hope and then snatching it away, over and over.  And second, the snare slows things to a crawl, so you have to spend time waiting for mobs to show up, which is all the more annoying with the too large radius the power has.


Anyway, for me, the main thing that bothers me with M-Prime is the second bit.  If I wanted to stand around bored, I'd recruit a Vauban and fight Infested ;)

Edited by Axterix13
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Nova's acutally not that good. Her usefulness decreases a lot at about level 30.


o.o then you/whoever is using her wrong.


Well, she still doubles everyone's damage, so I wouldn't say her usefulness decreases.  And with the right support/situation, AMD...


The main issues with M-Prime are twofold: First, she lets you see the mobs, taste one, and then takes all the rest away from you.  Other frames just blow everything up rather than giving you hope and then snatching it away, over and over.  And second, the snare slows things to a crawl, so you have to spend time waiting for mobs to show up, which is all the more annoying with the too large radius the power has.


Anyway, for me, the main thing that bothers me with M-Prime is the second bit.  If I wanted to stand around bored, I'd recruit a Vauban and fight Infested ;)


That 2nd part only really applies if the opponents are farther apart and the nova has maxed range. Usually on lower lvls nova kills within the 1st few kills if closer together in mob spread. (chainsplosion and all) Ofc farther apart ones arent that hard to kill. On higher lvls its usually Mprime to weaken then followed by antimatter to blow the crap out of them. On the highest waves Mprime is like a tickle, and that slown down movement really helps like crazy to put opponents down without taking a buttload of damage.

Edited by dragonkingdx
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What the hell... I can't understand it. Why is it whenever I run any defense mission all I see is Nova! I can't take it! I feel like a plague has broken loose. The Nova virus is incurable and her molecular prime spreads like wild fire. Please, I beg you to choose another frame. Stop taking everyone's kills, stop it! 




Edit: Am I the only one?


I saw something like this on reddit the other day.

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That 2nd part only really applies if the opponents are farther apart and the nova has maxed range. Usually on lower lvls nova kills within the 1st few kills if closer together in mob spread. (chainsplosion and all) Ofc farther apart ones arent that hard to kill. On higher lvls its usually Mprime to weaken then followed by antimatter to blow the crap out of them. On the highest waves Mprime is like a tickle, and that slown down movement really helps like crazy to put opponents down without taking a buttload of damage.

I find it mostly matters with mission type.  Specifically, defense, where you're staying around a central location, often with mobs coming in from some convoluted location.  When you're moving, it usually isn't an issue, since you'll move to the mobs.  But yeah, the range is a big factor.  The radius would be the first thing I'd nerf about the power.


I do agree that the attack slowdown is handy in the high waves, though you'll typically have a Trinity, which sort of makes that moot (at least until the inevitable nerf to Blessing happens).  But I'd gladly take extra damage if it meant the mobs got to move a bit faster.  The movement rate slowdown is just a bit much.  Really, they should make slowing movement and slowing attacks separate values.  But even as it is, a glass canon really shouldn't be reducing incoming damage by 50% for everyone.

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In full honesty, Nova is a fun frame if you utlize her skills of mobility  and her AMD, however appart from the game being slower on higher levels thanks to that insane range of Mprime, the game is actually about participating as well.

People might like Nova because of Ka-bewm.
People might like Nova because of free affinity for doing squat.


However, people dislike Nova because they came over with their weapons, their warframes and their mood to do some damage and wreck some things. Not fun when someone else does it for you.


Nova is a great team player for the higher levels, however beneath that, she's actually pretty disheartening to players that want to try out weapons or new frame builds since there's rarely something to battle after a Nova joins the game.

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Nova is fun.

Can you imagine the sheer joy when Nova is in kappa ?

You are guaranteed to walk away with....


1) 40 Oxiums minimum

2) And a sh1t load of exp.


So yes, fellas bring your Novas, Volts, Rhinos.

My Loki will just disarm them and wait for them to go boom !

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You know, and I tell newer players this...


When Nova's Molecular Prime gets detonated and it kills enemies, Nova only gets frame experience and nothing else from those detonated kills. Everyone else in the general area will get experience to everything they have. Nova is easy to use and is just as easy to mooch off of.


Nova's Molecular Prime only scales as utility, you know. Around level 50 or so, that Nova isn't going to openly engage a group without backup, unlike my Zephy-poo in the Void.

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Going to quote a clanmate from last night for a second: this game will never be co-op until the end of mission stats screen is removed.


People don't like feeling that their contribution to success is negligible, and while Nova is the ultimate frame to mooch off of, most people actually want to play, not wait for everything to explode. Nova effectively removes that feeling of contribution. Oh, you thought you'd take on those mobs? LOLNOPE! Explosions for everyone! Here, I'll let you shoot that one guy so that my skill blows up the entire level! See, you're a helper!


While it's a useful group debuff at high level, anywhere on the solar map Nova's ult essentially feels selfish. It's a mob-claiming ability where even if you get a shot off, all you're doing is setting off the chain reaction, and the only other options are to rush faster than the frame that's as fast as Loki or to hit an ult faster than MP - setting aside the absurd range that MP covers.

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i don't really understand the need to focus on kills.


Once upon a time it was relevant when people could ruin an entire run by spamming 4 and making everyone get nothing but warframe experience, but it hasn't been like that for a while now.

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i don't really understand the need to focus on kills.


Once upon a time it was relevant when people could ruin an entire run by spamming 4 and making everyone get nothing but warframe experience, but it hasn't been like that for a while now.

People don't like to feel useless and don't play games to be bored, so it's kinda the reason why people complain.  That and they want to try out their weapon/build or get some kills too to test out their warframe and can only just sit there and look at it because everything is already dead because nova.

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*released Nova plague*


Yeah! Nova! :3 she's da best! :D


EDIT: Is EXP sooo dam precious to everyone? And kills aswell...last time i checked this game is based team work and not

''Who has the most kills win'' :P

Chillax and grab a drink while Nova does the job for you...Free EXP ya'know.

As for myself when im lvling stuff i just love seeing Nova's on my team....makes it ALOT easier to lvl stuff up faster.


    GO NOVA'S!

Yes ironic ain't it? What ya said. There's no I in teamwork and you said yourself this game is based on teamwork. Nova's should just solo if they're gonna spam M prime. It's not Exp. It's fun. They literally suck it out. Melee people can't enjoy melee when they just explode before they can even do a 5 hit combo.
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Nova is fun.

Can you imagine the sheer joy when Nova is in kappa ?


You are guaranteed to walk away with....


1) 40 Oxiums minimum

2) And a sh1t load of exp.


So yes, fellas bring your Novas, Volts, Rhinos.

My Loki will just disarm them and wait for them to go boom !

1. With the fact that you have to completely run over the whole map and that a Nekros can double what you get
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I find it mostly matters with mission type.  Specifically, defense, where you're staying around a central location, often with mobs coming in from some convoluted location.  When you're moving, it usually isn't an issue, since you'll move to the mobs.  But yeah, the range is a big factor.  The radius would be the first thing I'd nerf about the power.


I do agree that the attack slowdown is handy in the high waves, though you'll typically have a Trinity, which sort of makes that moot (at least until the inevitable nerf to Blessing happens).  But I'd gladly take extra damage if it meant the mobs got to move a bit faster.  The movement rate slowdown is just a bit much.  Really, they should make slowing movement and slowing attacks separate values.  But even as it is, a glass canon really shouldn't be reducing incoming damage by 50% for everyone.


Yep, I agree. This is the big issue I have with Nova as well, her 50% debuff which everyone goes on about, that it is so needed at high lvls, renders the CC of frames like Zephyr, Nyx and Vauban pointless. Nova players will always argue that then MP is useless at high lvls, ignoring the fact that AMD does  400% damage on it's own and can be stacked with MP. If MP was such a useless power, then why didn't those people select CC frames in the first place? It's not like weapons have any trouble dealing with enemies well into the lvl 40's/ 50's, I'm fairly certain it's because its easier and faster to pick Nova and spam MP, not because it's actually better for the game in the slightest.


Nuke frames should not have AoE CC powers like MP, especially when they can cause that much damage. Hell, giving Null star a stagger would go some way to stop Nova getting downed when activating MP if it lost it's debuff. Might actually get some people to use Null star for once, might get some players to use anything other than MP, but I won't hold my breath.

Edited by (PS4)billy-d-squid
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You can't desecrate drones 

Aka. Oxium drones

And you think Oxium ospreys are the only people that drop oxium? Other Corpus threats drop them as well. Oxium drones have 100% drop. But Corpus crewman have lower chances but they still drop oxium. Hell I got 300 Oxium mostly from normal Corpus crewman.
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