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The Foundation Of The Game System Overhaul Is Needed.


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This is in response to the Post in the link below(his original thread is over-crowded with other things), and i wish to create this thread also to show my support on it and that it requires emphasis by DE and its Dev-team. It is also how i feel we can change other things to revolve around this system in conjunction, with some parts modified.


I feel we can have the mod system still but branch it out into those 3 categories, for more flexibility in customisation, while still having the familiar mod slots.


As for Guns, i like the idea on customising it as parts (and modding should changed for this or removed entirely as it is not extremely necessary for large amounts of modding, for reasons i mentioned in the latter part of this post), for tactical uses. Its better to make enemies with more sophistication Ai, and lower hp to make all guns viable to use, but the customisation makes for tactical options. On that note, i might use the Soma or Braton to charge in and blaze the enemies with bullets, or snipe them out with the Latron or Vectis, if i want more AoE then i go for a Penta or Ogris  because it's similar to a Frag Grenade launcher. The customisation of the guns would also allow for a gun to be used to a degree in every situation, for example while not on the scale of a Penta, a Grenade Launcher attachment would allow for some AoE, Extended Magazine for more ammo if no pickups, Laser sights for assault rifles over scopes for pin-point aiming for a certain part, e.g. our much beloved headshots. Damage boosting mods should be removed, enemy hp should be reduced, and they should have combat formations or Reactions to combat what we do, i mean, they do have the numbers for it.


Instead of having in an exterminate, of the 59 enemies on the hit-list all invariably grunts and some with Shotguns and the 1 or 2 heavy type gunners, naplams etc. It could be in the pattern of every 10 enemies would have one heavy unit. It opens for co-operation if you need a heavy gun like a Penta to take it down, and the others would use other weapons like a sniper for picking off strays and 2 with assault rifles to blaze the rest. This can work as better tactical gameplay.


Also we need better tilesets, as when i play Crysis series, the map is large enough not to feel cramped and enemies placed tactically, and i feel our tilesets are cramped for the enemies, and us as we rarely would be able to wall run tactically to shoot. Perhaps then we can depend less on the numbers we do now, and instead on how we must tactically approach the situation at hand.


I feel bosses need more sophisticated AI, and the right amount of high shield+hp to be tough enough as a boss, and their own set of attack moves, in which we need to dodge, and tactically defeat them, as this would allow us even with a weaker weapon we can still win. I have been faced with this problem as a beginner when Captain Vor's hp is extremely high making him impossible to kill alone, and still harder than it should be with a squad of beginners and highly predictable attacks with little to no variation, also meaning they need more attacks, which comes in that we need smarter AI's to allow such performance.


#An Ability Canceller can be installed in a room(the blast radius covers the whole room, and is not in every single one) that is activated upon detection of a Warframe ability, and would counter us pretty well, and can only be prevented if you hack the machine that emits it(more hacking usage?), in an effect like Loki's Disarm, except for abilities that are more physical like Rhino's Iron Skin and more other personal use ones(those are mainly solved by enemy damage). It would be probably a form of EMP, and maybe found more commonly in Corpus Tilesets and effect abilities in energy based forms generally(e.g Nova's M.Prime effect, Trinity's Invincible and Valkyr's Hysteria is cancelled). For other abilities such as Radial Disarm, the environment of the map can counter this, such as having a weapon container/rack and pick up new guns, unless you eliminate the enemies, they will armed again. This makes having our enemies have smarter, tactical AI work as a challenge against us and serve as a balancer over our power to their AI and not mowing them down.


As to any melee aspect, it is largely solved by Melee 2.0, but it needs a buff in weapon change speed.


I wish to promote the Game-play experience because i do love the game. DevRebecca, if you are out there please review his post and my own. And for those who think this is too much and too late to change the game into, remember it, "Better Late than Never", we must have this now before the game is complete, as we are still in Open-Beta, with emphasis on the word Beta. It would be better than to have the game collapse in itself on leaning over an inadequate foundation and the elements revolving around it. I do not mind if this is broken up and added in a series of Updates, such as one part added in U14, the next in U15, but i do wish to know this has received recognition by the Dev-Team.


Yours Sincerely, Xs-138

Added(#):Balancer Implementation to the Issue of enemy AI wont help with the strentgh of our current Abilities.



Edited by Xs-138
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No. Just from looking at the pictures, it seems the combo system they are trying to take from remember me... which is TERRIBLE! the combat system did NOT work and animations were horrid.

For the modcard usage, it's unfeasible, as what they are suggestion is we get 15 slots for each of 3 types of cards.... meaning we can equip EVERYTHING. 

IMO, it's a stupid suggestion, and the mod system is not flawed. It works fine, and has done for over a year now!

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No. Just from looking at the pictures, it seems the combo system they are trying to take from remember me... which is TERRIBLE! the combat system did NOT work and animations were horrid.

For the modcard usage, it's unfeasible, as what they are suggestion is we get 15 slots for each of 3 types of cards.... meaning we can equip EVERYTHING. 

IMO, it's a stupid suggestion, and the mod system is not flawed. It works fine, and has done for over a year now!

Which seemed like a huge flaw for me. That means forma forma and more forma. It doesn't seem balanced
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For those that are not bothered to read this or "Just TL;DR" it, i am not bothered by you nor wish to waste energy dealing with you. I love Warframe but i want to make its world a better place so the later generation can come to an awesome game, for those that say about the pure damage mods being removed and you complain you worked so hard to get it, do keep in mind we must take sacrifices, and bear it for others so we can actually enjoy the gameplay, not playing solely for the grinding. Every game however would have a grinding element which is the norm but it is the process of doing so while enjoying the fight is what should be ideally the DE team should try achieve, i am doing this so they are aware not all things are fine as they are.

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Very, very good system here! I like these ideas absolutely!

The idea about the grind being redirected towards useful things is quite nifty and would also address the issue of rushers. Having struck the nail on the head, this would also help make designing of the game easier, removing a large portion of the problem of rushing vs exploration/completion.

Customization of weaponry, the skill tree, and the various other aspects of the post would make this game very enjoyable to me.


Here is an idea, though. We know that they must keep the balance for new players not being overwhelmed with enemies, so how about on the more difficult planets, the AI is tougher and better coordinated, meaning that rushing/mindlessly shooting and swinging your sword will lead to certain death?

This would serve quite well with the proposed system here and give players incentive to really work hard on leveling up their Warframe, and the tougher enemies will still help them level it up faster.

As I look at the picture of the Braton and the Tenno behind it in your quote and consider his ideas and my proposal, I began to feel like the Tenno are more "real," if you get what I mean - they seem more human, more like warriors who are having to relearn the skills they had before they went into cryostasis. It would help to really give the player the feeling of breaking off the "ice" (see what I did there?) and getting back into action.

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Very, very good system here! I like these ideas absolutely!

The idea about the grind being redirected towards useful things is quite nifty and would also address the issue of rushers. Having struck the nail on the head, this would also help make designing of the game easier, removing a large portion of the problem of rushing vs exploration/completion.

Customization of weaponry, the skill tree, and the various other aspects of the post would make this game very enjoyable to me.


Here is an idea, though. We know that they must keep the balance for new players not being overwhelmed with enemies, so how about on the more difficult planets, the AI is tougher and better coordinated, meaning that rushing/mindlessly shooting and swinging your sword will lead to certain death?

This would serve quite well with the proposed system here and give players incentive to really work hard on leveling up their Warframe, and the tougher enemies will still help them level it up faster.

As I look at the picture of the Braton and the Tenno behind it in your quote and consider his ideas and my proposal, I began to feel like the Tenno are more "real," if you get what I mean - they seem more human, more like warriors who are having to relearn the skills they had before they went into cryostasis. It would help to really give the player the feeling of breaking off the "ice" (see what I did there?) and getting back into action.

I like your idea about AI being smarter in higher lvls. We should add that to the list.

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Like mentioned before the fundemental concept of the idea is the mod system with less flexability, it also has the limitation of no easy way to grow either.  We really didnt need another post discussing it.


Think about it and abstract the system more to it's core elements.  The only difference is it basically 'gives' players certain mods and &*$$ginises it all togeather, giving players less (or more restrictive) choice in the long run.


Yes, AI could do with improvements, but it also needs to be optimised.  Keep in mind though that even then after 10-20 times doing the boss it again wont be fresh as there is only so much that can be efficiently done with the AI.

Edited by Loswaith
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Like i said on the other thread, you might hate forma, i once did, now i have used more than hundreds of it between weaponry and frames, paid plat for boosters so i could, in said system, achieve my goals faster.


So unless you want all those cool ideas to go down the drain.


You or the creator of this should think of a way, proportional to their efforts, to compensate players who invested tons of money and time in the current system.

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I really love the proposed Weapon Attachment system as a viable alternative to mods. But I think the mods are a far better way to level your warframe and whatnot because it is unique. Every RPG since Final Fantasy uses skill trees and frankly they are all the same. Mods are a new and fresh idea for increasing your power. I do not believe the mod system should be scrapped, merely that it should be added to. I think the Attachment system would be perfect alongside modding my Vectis.

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It is also how i feel we can change other things to revolve around this system in conjunction, with some parts modified.


I feel we can have the mod system still but branch it out into those 3 categories, for more flexibility in customisation, while still having the familiar mod slots.

Im not taking his idea straight out, i just support it, some parts of it, since i have to try cater for what the community likes, but while trying to balance the lack of flexibility. 


And then i still need to go work on how do we deal with a lack mods on guns, so please be patient and not shoot my idea down, thinking of the idea of being able to choose bullet types for more damage to once of the 3 damage types....

Edited by Xs-138
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