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Glorious Battle And Victory In The Name Of Your Clan [Dark Sector Megathread]


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Sorry if that's in correct ("you just made that up" hold your horses kiddo) ,but there have been a ton of people saying they did with no one like you correcting that. I didn't stare at every message eclipse made or study all that is eclipse.

That doesn't demean my general point regardless.

Well I can't always be on the forums telling people how wrong they are, but I can tell you that they never explicitly stated free rails beyond the first day. Eclipse chose their words carefully. To some it didn't matter and they read the message they wanted to see. Those people used their imagination as some sort of evidence against Eclipse. A lot of people read those posts and repeated what was said as if they were correct. I apologize for saying you "made that up" as you likely just read someone else's false statements, but you were misinformed on that point. I'm more interested in people having proper information to make their own decisions than I am in convincing someone that I'm right, so seeing people post misinformation frustrates me. Like OP saying Eclipse has 99 percent of rails or another user saying they had trillions of credits in their vault. I don't blame people for not knowing the truth but I do hold them accountable for saying things confidently when they have no reason to be confident. Edited by VegetableBasket
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I'm offended dear little Tenno. Eclipse is many things but we do not set out to ruin anyones experience despite your claims to the opposite. You have my apologies that our presence offends you so. That said best of luck to you.


It's not your presence that offends me. It's you wanting, no demanding, 25% of what I earn. I was perfectly content with you milking the dregs of the star map, but now that you are pushing into areas that are currently free for all...well that is rather offensive.


Of course, being offended is not the same thing as being in the right, so we'll have to wait and see how the contest turns out. Thanks in advance for your battle pay, you will never see a dime of it again.

Edited by Saenol
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I sorry but to be honest Eclipse should win this one easily.

They know how to operate in maximum efficiency under this system.They also use maximum advantage to the fact that a lot of us are just greedy and will only help the side with the better battle pay.

Those high battle pay are gonna cause some destruction.

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Unless they pay 5000+ credits they shouldn't even come close to winning.

-25% on Pluto is a lot... and Infested defenses are easier to farm than Solar Rails.


Of course they'll pay out a high battle pay. Unfortunately there are many illogical non-Eclipse players who will support them. Classic bandwagoning at its best (it's an IR term for those who don't understand).

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Unless they pay 5000+ credits they shouldn't even come close to winning.

-25% on Pluto is a lot... and Infested defenses are easier to farm than Solar Rails.

You clearly aren't aware of how much Eclipse spends in battlepay at all.

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I sorry but to be honest Eclipse should win this one easily.

They know how to operate in maximum efficiency under this system.They also use maximum advantage to the fact that a lot of us are just greedy and will only help the side with the better battle pay.

Those high battle pay are gonna cause some destruction.


'Should'? Don't you mean 'could' or 'will'?

Unless you mean they deserve to win this for such a reason? (lol)





I smell fear!


I finally get to use this line in an actual joke where it makes sense...

Get your head out of your arse, mate.







You clearly aren't aware of how much Eclipse spends in battlepay at all.





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'Should'? Don't you mean 'could' or 'will'?

Unless you mean they deserve to win this for such a reason? (lol)






I finally get to use this line in an actual joke where it makes sense...

Get your head out of your arse, mate.











It'd be nice if you wouldn't caps lock at me :<. It makes me a sad. 

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I see today : pluton dark sector conflict eclipse => WTF !? what do you want ? ruin this news mode for your profits ?


DE if its possible ....... lock the maximum of sector who can obtain by a alliance ( eclipse ruins this gameplay, not for this tax but by their wish of take ALL sector who can profits )


( sry for my english but im french and i dont like see every day the two sector of one planet who can obtain by eclipse )

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While I can't speak for my whole alliance (The Origin Protectorate, located on Ur, Uranus), I can say that as part of an alliance that was formed on the basis of sticking up for the little guys, as we're composed primarily of Ghost and Shadow clans numbering 150+ strong, I myself an against the behemoths ruling the starchart just because they feel like it. Eclipse has already proven its dishonesty and I will do what I can as a warlord and alliance member to oppose them.

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How many would actually give a S#&amp;&#036; either way about them if the Infested were put back into the Star map and the rewards for the DS were the same as any other planet? Nobody.


DE, just put the Infested back and buff at least the Void and Derelict missions to match the DS.


I only played the DS for the Infested and I didn't play any of the Eclipse held rails.

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Instead of begging your mom to take the toy away from your brother for you, why don't you ally with your other brothers/sisters to take that toy back?




This. DE is under NO obligation to punish Eclipse for using the system they designed as it is intended to - they're not hacking, they're not breaking it, they're simply playing it to the best of their ability. WE'RE are the issue: we don't want to try and stop them ourselves, we want mommy/daddy DE to come in and protect us.


We're not children, we can stop them ourselves, unite AGAINST Eclipse and STOP THEM! THAT IS HOW IT IS SUPPOSED TO BE!

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How many would actually give a S#&$ either way about them if the Infested were put back into the Star map and the rewards for the DS were the same as any other planet? Nobody.


DE, just put the Infested back and buff at least the Void and Derelict missions to match the DS.


I only played the DS for the Infested and I didn't play any of the Eclipse held rails.


So, your argument is that no one would give a S#&amp;&#036; about the Dark Sectors if the Dark Sectors were the same as every other node?


... Yeah, that's why they AREN'T. Your argument makes NO SENSE.

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I don't understand why people are so against 25% tax. Eclipse doesn't touch the resources and that along with the extra xp is all that matters on Dark Sectors.


And even with the tax, it's still decent credits while you level/go after sensors/cells.


Want credits? Do void, void is credits plus prime parts. Which selling prime parts for plat to buy maxed out mods is far for effective than running Dark Sector for 24k.


Defense/survival on Ceres/Pluto has a decent chance at t3 void keys. So get keys while leveling, then run void and profit.

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they can't that would require them to have will power and motivation to strive for success.


Yeah. Eclipse is super successful. Look at all the people who are jelly about them and praising their contribution!

I mean, success. No one praises Eclipse for contribution, really. xD





It's credits right not platinum? I always read that PC players have millions sitting around. I myself have 400k. Is dark sector going I wipe out my small stack?


I like you. FUEL THE FLAME!





Instead of begging your mom to take the toy away from your brother for you, why don't you ally with your other brothers/sisters to take that toy back?


Because one option is easier and the other requires them to waste time with said worthless brother who took the toy because he thinks he's better.

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They tax waaaaaaaay too high, but they give the highest battle pay with the credits from those taxes...

Its really annoying. I think its because of the taxes and the fact that they control 99% of the dark sectors...

I was talking to someone in game and they said their just worried Eclipse will grow into a monopoly.

And I agree. Its pretty much happening now anyway.

A simple fix would be to have a max number of rails deployed...

Maybe like 4 or something...

Apparently theres 26 so... yah.. 4 sounds decent.


(Dont know if theres a mega thread on this or what but.. yah)



actually Eclipse has 8 out of the 26 rails so they actually have 30.7% of the rails


they also charge 15-20% taxes to pay for their 50K battle pay 


also at one point all of their rails were under attack at the same time which is very draining on their money

and now 4 our of their 8 are going to be or are under attack


stop being jealous of other peoples property you greedy grineer dog!

Edited by ENDER357
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And?  Does it make the slightest bit of difference to 99.9% of the player base?


I don't know what clans are in Eclipse.  And even if I knew that, I wouldn't have the slightest clue which players are in those clans.  And quite frankly, I don't care.  And I won't care, unless they start yammering about how they are all uber and l33t.  Then I might run some stuff against them just out of spite.  But for the rest, I don't really care who controls the node as long as they don't tax resources and don't go too overboard on credit tax.  The controller isn't going to be me, so why do I care which person I don't know who hasn't done anything to annoy me controls the node?

It does, and I don't know why YOU think you're obligated to speak for the 99.9% of the playerbase.

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I don't understand why people are so against 25% tax. Eclipse doesn't touch the resources and that along with the extra xp is all that matters on Dark Sectors.


And even with the tax, it's still decent credits while you level/go after sensors/cells.


Want credits? Do void, void is credits plus prime parts. Which selling prime parts for plat to buy maxed out mods is far for effective than running Dark Sector for 24k.


Defense/survival on Ceres/Pluto has a decent chance at t3 void keys. So get keys while leveling, then run void and profit.


Dark Sector w5 has quite a high amount of xp for the duration of play it has.

23k per run is way more than any void can offer with that short amount of time and key-free entry.


If you don't understand, then go away, mate. You're not a fuel to the flame or adding any context or material to this.

If you'd like to understand, please read. Or don't. That's up to you, really. I guess reading kinda sucks. Especially on the Internet.

(sarcasm meter rising)

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I don't understand why people are so against 25% tax. Eclipse doesn't touch the resources and that along with the extra xp is all that matters on Dark Sectors.


And even with the tax, it's still decent credits while you level/go after sensors/cells.


Want credits? Do void, void is credits plus prime parts. Which selling prime parts for plat to buy maxed out mods is far for effective than running Dark Sector for 24k.


Defense/survival on Ceres/Pluto has a decent chance at t3 void keys. So get keys while leveling, then run void and profit.


The issue is that it's REDICULOUSLY high, and it is NOT needed to maintain the rail - my Alliance runs no more that 5% credit tax and we can rebuild our rail in NO TIME. Eclipse's tax is so high ONLY out of greed and the desire to momopolize the galaxy.

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actually Eclipse has 8 out of the 26 rails so they actually have 30.7% of the rails


they also charge 15-20% taxes to pay for their 50K battle pay 


stop being jealous of other peoples property you greedy grineer dog!


This only profits people who have the availability and time to do their battlepays.

What about the other 90% of the community who are casuals, weekenders or don't like the invasion mission type?

This isn't about jelly alone. There's also a lot riding on the fact that this is also greed from Eclipse.


Greed is a wonderful thing. It's what we strive for. Just, this time, one side is the 'greater good'. Eclipse is not that side here.

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