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Glorious Battle And Victory In The Name Of Your Clan [Dark Sector Megathread]


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But they do have a point, one I had been waiting on someone else to bring up anyway. If 25% was fine for defending yourself from the constant attacks before... why do you still need 25% when it's only every 3 days ish you're getting attack.

I haven't checked the tax rates on every rail recently, but I believe it's kind of a Cold War situation.


If the other rail owners don't put their taxes down, Eclipse would run the risk of the other rail owner, that's still making his usual income, having better head room in attacking them. Eclipse would be risking the support of their best reinforcements, the mercenaries.


But I'unno, it's all theory.

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But Eclipse has the most rails and the highest credit tax... so they are the elephant in the room of the situation and make far more credits than any other group. They could lower it all to 20% and still make far more tax credits than anyone else.

Edited by Kazzamo
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But Eclipse has the most rails and the highest credit tax... so they are the elephant in the room of the situation and make far more credits than any other group. They could lower it all to 20% and still make far more tax credits than anyone else.

More rails only means they have to divide their attention more often. 


If you own two rails, you have the upkeep of two rails. Same goes for having eight. They still have to Divide their budget by ~8 to keep the rails in tact.  


And by upkeep, I mean to include being able to support a battlepay high enough to gather attention from mercenaries. No matter how many rails one group owns, they all individually cost the same.


Granted, shaving off 5% probably wouldn't hurt terribly bad, but I'm sure there'll (theoretically) eventually be a battle that Eclipse may have won had they not lowered their taxes by 5%.

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Fair enough, they do have to split it across all 8. But keep in mind not all 8 of their rails are open to attack at the same time thus it's easier to sustain, they can be making tax money while other rails are still being attacked even.

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for the most part, the hate stems from not only you having 25% credit tax, but Eclipse originally garnering support by stating they are 0%. 


AND THEN, after you went back on that and people played the rail you owned, they were forced to pay you the taxes because you owned it due to the previously mentioned mask. 


AND THEN, you took that money and used it on taking OTHER rails, namely 0% tax rails. If I were to be crude, it's a perfect example of a successful capitalistic tactic, devoid of morality while reaping the big ones from the narrow-sighted populace.


Oh yeah, no, you guys are totally the good guys. 

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for the most part, the hate stems from not only you having 25% credit tax, but Eclipse originally garnering support by stating they are 0%. 


AND THEN, after you went back on that and people played the rail you owned, they were forced to pay you the taxes because you owned it due to the previously mentioned mask. 


AND THEN, you took that money and used it on taking OTHER rails, namely 0% tax rails. If I were to be crude, it's a perfect example of a successful capitalistic tactic, devoid of morality while reaping the big ones from the narrow-sighted populace.


Oh yeah, no, you guys are totally the good guys. 

But they never promised!  And they never said they'd be 0% forever!

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A collection of evidence supporting my case FIRST...These are all quotes from actual forum moderators aside from the last one..that is me =P

This is opinion, each Alliance should be able to operate how they CHOOSE...they do not need your approval...and you need to reconsider your audience here. You are influencing the minds of the community, and promoting unnecessary hatred. Not the job of a forum moderator.

You are choosing sides, being BIASED here...you are influencing the community, this is not your place you are a forum moderator...you need to change your hat and put on a different badge if you want to try to sway the public to fight against a group in the game.

Sounds like propaganda to rally the troops to start a revolt...you are swaying public interest here. That really isn't your place as a moderator.

Sounds like someone likes to DARE people to do something...someone likes to fuel the flames don't they.

This is not your place. You are in-sighting more anger toward Eclipse and putting out a message: "put out or get out"

People do respond to these types of words...oh they do and you know this.

Very nice passive aggressive approach at kicking the hornets nest for us...because Eclipse sure as hell wasn't actively trying to pick a fight. You seem to have done that for us.

Wow, how professional you are.

Lets see...

1.) name calling...

2.) belittling

3.) "I was a Player before I was a Moderator"

I was a baby before I was a man...does that make it socially acceptible for me to suck my thumb and crap in a diaper?

NO...grow up dude..

Do your job and stop trying to defend your biased attitude and unprofessional approach with poor excuses.

We that have real jobs in the real world Have to act a certain way at those jobs...I would expect the same from you.


With a post like this do I expect to garner support in the future from the moderators...probably not.

Do I honestly feel a need for some change in the forum moderation...YES.

Did you know that all of the forum moderators that control your voice in this forum have an "in game" agenda?

Some are very good at placating the truth, and acting neutral to the untrained eye.

If you look deeper you start to peel away the layers and you might see a glimpse of truth behind my words here in the behavior of your moderation staff.

One is a proud staunch supporter of Warbros...they hate Eclipse simply because Crescent Moon is a part of us.

Warbros...a group that understands they have enemies and much distain in the public eye..so they are working this system through proxies. Ghost Bear Clan, how you get so strong...you just a shadow clan or are you?

The other two mods are a part of the Mighty Violation Train...a group who's mission statement is to defend 0% tax rails at all cost...no matter what....

I know both these groups fought against Eclipse the other day when we attempted to win a new planet...yes they wanted us crushed, their hype and hate propaganda allowed this to happen, if I was allowed to post you some screens I took of a certain forum whos name starts with a number and ends in CHAN...I could show you my proof of Warbros involvement in the affair as well.

There are way too many political ties here mixed with bad blood and hate.

For the SAKE and future of your ability to have a voice in this Forum and for your future endeavors please...

All I ask of you....is simple.

Submit a support ticket requesting that we have Neutrality and increased professionalism in our Moderators so that the potential for corruption and abuse is not given any more air to breath.

WE the people have got to stand for what is RIGHT across the board.

This is the time.

Sometimes once the damage is done, you can't undo it...

Think about "Event Trophies of the past...even after finding out about the cheating of certain groups to win the Trophy...they still got them..and they still keep them today.

Don't let the same fate become of your voice and your ability to have free speech.

Submit your ticket today requesting improvements to quality of service in forum moderation!

Write your favorite DE representative with a private email if you must....

Just ACT NOW...

Thank you!

(for the record, thanks to the mega thread...all of these quotes were pulled from THIS one source)

Just because forum moderators(people) have opinions, does not mean it's biased.

Also, about those "put out or get out", it's more of a stop complaining on the forum about Eclipse and do something about it Dark Sector-wise.

Which is a good thing. (We'd have less threads about how they want to nerf Eclipse.)

Would you feel better if they made alternative accounts without that "Forum Moderator" tag nd posted their comments/feedback instead?

I'd rather keep our cute, precious moderators than have them turned into robots without any personality and with a single purpose to delete posts or move threads.

Edited by Shotgunboyy
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Too busy enjoying myself with the Shadows of Vengeance.


I worked my arse off to get this 90 day Exp and Credit booster. I am not going to give some power hungry, money grubbing alliance a quarter of my hard earned credits so they can use it to build more rails to bully and attack clans that want nothing more than to have a good time tax free.

Edited by -Vash-
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I love it.  A good villian believes he/she is doing it for the right reasons.  It's healthy drama.  Some people will take it to seriously but having a bad guy helps keep people in the game.  The fact that some people see you as a bad guy and some don't is even better.  I am excited about this.  I hope we have some high drama like this on the PS4.

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In my eyes, Eclipse is a power hungry tyrant who desires complete control of the the dark sectors.


It has been like that and will stay like that for as long as they hold half of the dark sectors for themselves.


I would not call that "being competitive". I call it Lust for Power.

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Full disclosure I am part of eclipse…

your alliance isn't as saintly as you make it out to be. when your a part of it you don't have the some problems like 25% Tax.


The public and the player base should all thank Eclipse for the work they have done in dark sectors. You ask why? Because we have made it competitive. Imagine a Dark Sector with all rails offering 0% tax. The conflicts between alliances or clans who would drag on forever (rails won’t get destroyed). With the public having no reason to side with one over the other.

so your saying you like &!$$ing off most of the player base. High tier rail were always sought after, and still most of the dark sectors no cares about so its not that competitive. plus I don't think thats what your leaders had in mind when they start rails, invading others and putting one of the highest tax of all the rails. maybe people wouldn't hate you so much if you put 10% or so, not tax 25%


1) Battle pay would never reach the high 10,000-30,000 even 50,000 or more that Eclipse offers during our conflicts.


It wouldn't have to go that high if you had more loyal followers, second people could of gotten more then that if it wasn't 25% tax. third i'm pretty sure you can do just as well with lower taxes.



2) Battle would never end quickly (Eclipse fastest battle was 56 min in Sinai, do you think 0% tax nodes could have done that?) Remember “56 mins of conflict” and you get you 48 hours of leveling/farming after (what is to hate?). You really think a Dark Sector with 0% tax nodes would end conflicts as quickly as we do? 0% tax alliance/clan vs 0% tax alliance/clan = a conflict with no battle pay, and no incentive to side with either. Taxes are necessary to engage the community in battle pay. Or else rail conflicts would just be a waste of time for the public.


again I see what yours saying but I don't think those are what your leader had in mind when doing those things. plus it not great to have greed or hatred as motivators. 



We were the only Alliance to beat a node during that early days of Dark Sector, We killed off a rail with 75,000 hit points (not the 7,500 hit point rails we have now) in 16 hours. What did other alliances do? We totaled 400% damage in those first 3 days of conflict while the other alliances did 30% damage. We were the first to free up a nodes even with the ridiculous amount of grind it took from our own members. And what do we get, hate?


first I bet it was most of your alliance. second people who sided with you expected 0 tax promise or not.also didn't say you guy didn't post the sector about having 0 tax, everyone one in the beginning were talking about zero tax and your group had just about the most rail then and now.




There is no need to hate eclipse, our taxes are the reason we have ended conflicts quicker, thus giving the community more time to gain the advantages of Dark Sector. So please support Eclipse and stop the hate.


Sorry for posting another topic about eclipse, I just felt this point of view should be heard



lastly your group didn't bother to relay about 25% tax in-game. also people lose 5750 credit(11500 with booster) per run, (sarcasm)yep that's reasonable. Its not hard to understand why we hate your alliance. if you don't like it your going to have to do more then justify your actions.


edit- the post screwed up and so anything underlined are quotes from the first post 

Edited by junothefox
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So i couldnt be bothered reading 73 pages of comments, In a nutshell has a unanimous decision been decided whether to abolish tax or to set a universal tax amongst all rails or whether whoever has the means to do whatever the hell they want do so?

Edited by jdormbandit3
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So i couldnt be bothered reading 73 pages of comments, In a nutshell has a unanimous decision been decided whether to abolish tax or to set a universal tax amongst or rails or whether whoever has the means to do whatever the hell they want do so?



The ride never ends.

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Can someone make a poll about what to do about this situation...

option 1: abolish all tax and form a council/coalition enforcing this
option 2: set a consistent universal tax which only changes after a majority vote between leaders of the council/coalition enforcing this (provided its not unreasonable ofc in which case they simply be overthrown due to popularity)
option 3: Everyone just fights for whatever the hell they want with whatever they can (which i kinda don't like since it locks up the dark sectors even if battlepay is good)

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I don't understand why people keep bring up the 0% tax thing at the start of the dark sectors implement. No one knew what the cost of upkeep is for the rails. It was new, there is no one to turn to for advice. As things move forward, you have to adjust to the situation. Eclipse knew that having 0% wasn't feasible at all to maintain the rails so taxes have to be put up.

A good example is this, last battle at Gabii, Ceres. TW alliance after the battle had to raised their taxes to 13%, more than double than what they had before. Why did they have to raise their taxes like Eclipse? They found out that upkeep of the rail cost a lot of credits just like Eclipse did.

Edited by birdei
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I heard that rails upkeep was dirt cheap if you werent fighting or offering battlepay the shadows of vengeance leader said its 250k per full repair without offering any battlepay

Edited by jdormbandit3
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I have to say I'm amazed, terrified, annoyed, confused, and fascinated with how you've managed to pull 74 pages worth of threads together. With 37THOUSAND views overall. 


  It's pretty much 50/50 Rail Tax topics and Eclipse Topics. You can definitely tell what the trending topics are.


 But that's fine. This stuff should get talked about a bit.

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I heard that rails upkeep was dirt cheap if you werent fighting or offering battlepay the shadows of vengeance leader said its 250k per full repair without offering any battlepay

but battlepay is what makes people go fight for you. before decisive judgement was put into the sectors, there was NO ONE running the conflict battles. Everyone was saying there is no incentive for it. Hence Battle went stagnent with hardly and damage dealt to each side.

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