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The Only Time I Was Happy To See A Trinity

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Well, i guess perma blessing is only a problem if done in a low level mission, like all of the other maximized abilities/frames/weapons. 

But if i have to farm t3 for hours and blessing offers me a comfortable way to do it, i will thankful for it. Each coin has two sides.



The abilities are only 'OP' if you use them at a low level. It is like forma'ing your Soma 4 times, and then using it on a low level mission, complaining that it is OP. That is why I cannot understand that people complain that Rhino is OP, as I cannot use him on very high level missions, or Iron Skin just gets stripped off in a few bullets.

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But thats just me wanting this game to be difficult.


The game is only easy if you make it easy. As I said, try to go an hour in T3 Survival without a Trinity, and then see if it is easy.


LOLoFighter Relying on a broken mechanic to get through a high lv área isntead of Team coordination and Coop play is not exactly my idea of fun.


How is blessing a broken mechanic? I'm pretty sure using duration and efficiency mods on my Warframe isn't breaking the game mechanics. I still find myself dying in the casting time at high levels anyway, even with Natural Talent.

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MrBorris Defence past wave 30 or so its just cheap dificulty, same for Survival. One thing is tht you loose cause the enemy managed to Outsmart you and sneaked behind everyone and attacked the Cryopod while you where distracted whit the other enemeis (Im looking at you fusión moas) and cheap difficulty is when you have to rely on a broken mechanic because the enemies just one shot your super armored Valkyr who was suposed to be able to take the hits.


The game lacks a proper end game that challenges the players so dont bring lv 1000 Enemies from Defence and Survival cause thats not a proper difficulty.

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Again, I do not understand why you think Blessing is a broken mechanic.

Also, I don't understand what you mean by 'cheap difficulty'. Enemies get harder as their level increases. The cryopod getting destroyed because you were distracted by another enemy is not cheap.

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(PS4)NicoTheSneakyGuy DOnt you love when people actually use their brains?

and i think she reffered to an actual real life tornado that she had to hide from, she probably life in Texas or some other place where tornadoes are common. (dont flame me if Texas is not a tornado heavy place, i dont live in the US..)

It is, one of several states that reside within "tornado alley." Arkansas got hit very badly over the weekend, something like 80 miles of destruction. That's pretty rare for a tornado

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OP - waaa others don't play as I want them to wwaaaaa

cry more.


Ib4 trinity nerf

rhino stomp spam, loki invis spam, volt ult spam, nyx chaos spam, banshee sonar spam, valkyr hysteria and warcry spam, excal slash dash spam, nova molecular prime spam, zephyr tornado spam,  ash blade storm spam... do I need to go on ?

Yes there are certain abilities in warframe that are profitable and can be spamed, don't blame players - blame the devs. Its their fault that game does not bring variety in terms of using warframe powers.

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Damage reduction might be a worse idea than nerfing duration, because we do need a healer among the frames, and if trinity lacks healing, the healer will be oberon, who doesn't really keep up (those healing orbs take a lot of time to reach players and when they do, it regenerates HP slowly). Instead of damage reduction, as an alternative to lower duration, we should consider increasing/adding HP regeneration instead of insta-heal.

Sorry, I meant heal AND damage reduction, instead of heal and invincibility.

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Everybody defines fun for himself. For me the pure gameplay lost its challenging aspect long time ago( except t3 long runs). Permablessing is as broken for me as vortex/bastille against infested or hysteria,turbulence, snow globe(kind of nerfed now) and tentacle rape party. I find my fun in defining long run goals and working for them in terms of time and efficiency.


You are right that Warframe lacks proper challenge balance. But i want to mention, that the game is still evolving and we see that DE tries to better this aspect: Introduction of  the exodus enemies, spectres and even the arid jetpack guys is the step in right direction away from bullet sponges

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LOLoFighter I know thats why i was happy that i saw a Trinity using blessing for what its suposed to be and now another guy that actually uses her other skills. Now whit the Blessing and MPrime changes will forcé ult spammers to be more creative in order to wipe out group of mobs.


DE is working great right now and i thank them for that.

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thessaya No, this time was special because she was friendly and instead of just Bless/Link spam she actually used Blessing as a last resort to get my HP back up, and the invinsibility duration wasnt al that high either. WHile most Trinities only Bless spam so they can blow enemies in close whit their Ogris/Penta and use blessing only for themselfs, no matter if they where low or not.

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Try to do an hour on T3 without a Trinity.


Completely doable. Did 45+ with 3 guys from my clan when we were farming for Rhino Prime and none of us is Trinity.


Going back to the topic I have a blessing build trinity, but I don't use it for the link+blow yourself up combo; heck I don't even have link on me. I use blessing to keep everyone alive and I spam energy vampire to keep all the DD stocked with energy so they can do their thing.


A lot people don't realized or care to find out the Energy Vampire stuns the mob for the duration, making almost all boss fights piece of cake. 

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REDACTED Why you people keep marking the Little details instead of the actual point of the post.... im using a computer in my workplace and all i can use is Internet Explorer since Firefox is blocked and for some reason the stupid explorer doesnt register the Quote button...


And yeah English is not my main language get over it.

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Blessing is a squad-wide buff, it can't be used for oneself, it can only be used for the team. Whether or not it's being cast preemptively or in your case very late has absolutely no bearing on it being a supportive action.



It is pretty funny however to see you spell out certain conditions where it's ok for Blessing to be used, because clearly we are only allowed to do so when you see fit and feel like it improves your own experience.


Most people seem to have this misconception about how you just pick Trinity and then you're invulnerable. Nobody cares how it actually takes a maxed out set of almost all rare mods and 5 Forma for the frame itself; the amount of Trinitys out there like that is probably really damn small.


I'm looking forward however to see people *@##$, cry and moan when Blessing is nerfed into the ground, because they felt it would somehow devalue their precious own little gaming experience.


Nevermind the button to play private, it's more fun to play online and then complain about what other people are doing, sure.

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The_Sharp_Demonologist There is creativity and there is optimization. Those two aren't mixing very well. Permablessing is the optimal way to achieve a goal, so as long its in the game, it will be used/abused by many people. But nobody is stopping you from using the creative and more pleasing way of doing things. Both sides are valid. I just don't like people complaining about game mechanics and making down people using them. If something is implemented in game(not a bug, but a feature), its legit. Its like a noobtube-debate from cod/battlefield. The answer is very simple:  change server/squad/party, find friends who share your point of view ( and i am glad for OP that he made a new friend ^^), make a suggestion how to better the situation, but stop the nonconstructive complaining. Just have fun, guys! Anger and hate are bad for the stomach xD

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Okay, so lets go over this.

Trinity is indeed OP in some senses as she can continuously use a 27 second Blessing to make it so everyone invulnerable. There is little to do downtime on this ability as long as you are capable of killing groups of enemies relatively quickly.

That makes the game incredibly easy and simply a grind to kill monsters with no downsides whilst getting loot at the same time.

Now, because of how horribly the enemy scaling is in high wave Defense and high minute Survival Trinity is one of the main reasons hour+ survivals are doable. That itself is pretty awful and I sort of agree with some Trinity tweeks, not outright nerfs however.

Blessing being spammed in a low level mission makes the game entirely easy mode and yeah I'll agree it takes the fun out of it, but with how Blessing works there's no reason not to spam it continuously. Energy isn't a problem if you're modding for Blessing+Link. Having Blessing with how it currently is means there's absolutely no reason to use Well of Life, either.

There's also you mentioning how Trinity can use Blessing without "caring for their teammates". Well, sadly this is "no S#&$" moment. If a Trinity can make an ally invulnerable for 20-27 seconds from anywhere on the map AND fully heal them, there's no reason FOR her to care.

The fact you're building for Well of Life and Energy Vampire means you're gimping yourself and your team by a large margin and you'll be even more useless than you can imagine. A trinity without Blessing or Link in any game that she's ACTUALLY needed (high minute survival and high wave defense) is a detriment to the team.

The only part of Trinity that needs a change is the range of Blessing and how long it lasts. Give it a 40 meter range, give it a 13-15 second maximum duration and you have a good skill. There's also the option if making it a static 100-150 energy skill instead of it being able to be 25.

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