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Why I Think There Should Be Male And Female Versions Of Each Warframe...


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I know that this topic seems unpopular with the devs, but I wanted to throw my perspective out there to see if it makes sense as to why I feel there should be male and female versions of each warframe.

it really comes down to that with the current system, I don't feel like I'm playing a specific character, it just feels impersonal. like it isn't my avatar that I'm controlling its just a person in a warframe.

In warframe I want to feel like I'm a person who is simply slipping into a new suit hence why I farmed the resources and constructed it myself. but with how it is, when I switch warframes I just feel like I'm controlling a different character like in tf2 when I switch classes from scout to heavy.

It sounds kinda weird I know, but I want to feel a personal connection to my warframe, and for me, the gender swapping from frame to frame kills that feeling and I like to think that I could get deeper into the game if such a thing were implemented.

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I feel the same way about it. I know that some of them feel that warframes are avatars or champions but they still lack whatever it is they need to feel like people instead of suits of armor.

Edited by Zarvok
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I wouldn't say this idea is unpopular with us, it's just a matter of us not internally agreeing :P. You can see this fleshed out on our first Livestream - the split in opinions, that is.

I did watch the first livestream yes and I did note that not everyone was against the idea, it just felt like to me that the people who were against the idea, either thought that it was too much work to implement or just didn't think it was a good idea in general.

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I agree too with Zeruel104!!!

One of my highest reason to like a game was a perfect withindividuality.

I know that noth evry detail can be changed but i think it can´t be so much difficult to insert some special changeable parts of a Warframe that let me feel "that´s me" you know.

And i think i am not allone with this wish.

Hope you Folks rock and make Dreams come true.

Do far.

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honestly i hate this topic, i find it rediculas that people are so obsessed with the gender of a digital entitie that it needs to be addressed. while my usual argument of locked via lore doesnt apply here, if they end up making changes to frames to address gender i hop for gods sake the make 1 set of gender neutrual frames instead of 1 set of male and 1 set of female.

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honestly i hate this topic, i find it rediculas that people are so obsessed with the gender of a digital entitie that it needs to be addressed.

This kind of comment is unfair. just because people have voiced prefernces on a detail of what kind character they play doesnt make them obsessed with it. Moreover, what right does anyone have to claim what makes a person feel connected to their in game character ridiculous?

Its just judgemental.

while my usual argument of locked via lore doesnt apply here, if they end up making changes to frames to address gender i hop for gods sake the make 1 set of gender neutrual frames instead of 1 set of male and 1 set of female.

If gender doesnt matter with a "digital entity" then why do you care what they do?

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To be honest, ive never thought of this until now. Usually i play Frost, but when i switch to Nyx.... suddenly boobs (Not that those are bad things of course).

I can fully understand where the OP is coming from, a lot of gamers like to create stories for their characters and like to live through them (sounds wierd but its true). This doesn't usually affect me, but having been a gamer for the majority of my life, i can honestly see how something like this can be a problem for players who like to be connected to their characters. As I said before in my kinda brutish and blunt first sentence... Having a player get attached to their Male ninja assassin just to find that they suddenly had breast implants to fit into a new suit... It would be a bit wierd and disconnecting for them.

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This kind of comment is unfair. just because people have voiced prefernces on a detail of what kind character they play doesnt make them obsessed with it. Moreover, what right does anyone have to claim what makes a person feel connected to their in game character ridiculous?

Its just judgemental.

If gender doesnt matter with a "digital entity" then why do you care what they do?

#1 gender lock: (faulty example from a different game so forgive me) the fact that for this other game people are concerened about the fact they cant be a female son of so-and-so over conectivity issues, bug, and generally other things that need to be fixed could lead to the point where its an obsession.

#2 why i care: i find it an insult to the artists that make the frames to have to redo their work because up tight billy joe doesnt like that his banshee has boobs.

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#1 gender lock: (faulty example from a different game so forgive me) the fact that for this other game people are concerened about the fact they cant be a female son of so-and-so over conectivity issues, bug, and generally other things that need to be fixed could lead to the point where its an obsession.

Any viewpoint can grow into an obsession.

Your implication that the reason it was addressed was because of peoples "obsession". Could have just been the basic idea that when lots of fans ask for something the smart developers at least respond with a statement on the issue.

Your accusation of "obsession" is unfounded.

#2 why i care: i find it an insult to the artists that make the frames to have to redo their work because up tight billy joe doesnt like that his banshee has boobs.

The reasoning why someone has a preference for their characters gender isnt always about being "uptight"

To say that having a gender preference and in tern asking for more art is automatically insulting to an artist is a rather narrow viewpoint of something that wont be taken the same way by every artist.

Its quite simple. people have different preferences for many different reasons.

Some reasons are based on negative thoughts and some are based on positive thoughts.

Just because someones preference is different than yours/mine does not mean it has to be coming from a "bad" place.

Edited by Ronyn
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Its quite simple. people have different preferences for many different reasons.

Some reasons are based on negative thoughts and some are based on positive thoughts.

Just because someones preference is different than yours/mine does not mean it has to be coming from a "bad" place.


I would honestly still play the game about as much as I have been before even if they don't implement the gender options, I would just like it more if the option was there.

#2 why i care: i find it an insult to the artists that make the frames to have to redo their work because up tight billy joe doesnt like that his banshee has boobs.

I am perfectly fine with a banshee having boobs, thats not the issue here, the issue is the disconnect I'm feeling between the me and my character. and how is that insulting to the artists exactly? I love the warframes, in fact I want more art of them. isn't that a kind of side effect of this process?

Edited by Zeruel104
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I think the current genders add personality to the game characters.

Just thinking about a Myx (male Nyx) already feels weird. Just my opinion and feels.

I basically consider excalibur a male version of Nyx anyway as they are very similar in design (sans the helmet)


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I was thinking about this too! I don't really mind that my excalibur prime is male, but I prefer to play female whenever possible. I picked Mag as my starter specifically because she was a woman. I hope the choice is offered eventually, but I can wait until after all the bugs are fixed and they can afford more artists.

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I was thinking about that quite a bit myself lately, since I am someone who prefers to play male characters in games. And I dare to say, that there are a lot other players out there, who prefer to play a character that has "their" gender. But that doesn't mean that I mind to play a female, if I have to for whatever reason.

In this case I sorta realized that it MIGHT be a lore reason? In the end, the male Warframes are mostly combat based (Excalibur, Frost, Rhino, Loki, Ash), whereas the females are more of "caster" type Warframes (Ember, Nyx, Saryn, Mag, Trinity, Banshee), who use less strength and more 'energy' to deal damage (weapons aside). So, I am kinda good with that in the end. Plus, as mentioned above, Nyx for example seems to be a female Excalibur. Maybe out of lazyness as far as design goes, but maybe it was intentional? Are there any other pairs like this? I could live with that very well, to have male and female versions of each frame that will have different sets of abilitis though.

That it would be an insult to the artists, if they 'had' to do the other gender as well is BS in my oppinion. It is not like their current work will be thrown away.

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I was thinking about that quite a bit myself lately, since I am someone who prefers to play male characters in games. And I dare to say, that there are a lot other players out there, who prefer to play a character that has "their" gender. But that doesn't mean that I mind to play a female, if I have to for whatever reason.

In this case I sorta realized that it MIGHT be a lore reason? In the end, the male Warframes are mostly combat based (Excalibur, Frost, Rhino, Loki, Ash), whereas the females are more of "caster" type Warframes (Ember, Nyx, Saryn, Mag, Trinity, Banshee), who use less strength and more 'energy' to deal damage (weapons aside). So, I am kinda good with that in the end. Plus, as mentioned above, Nyx for example seems to be a female Excalibur. Maybe out of lazyness as far as design goes, but maybe it was intentional? Are there any other pairs like this? I could live with that very well, to have male and female versions of each frame that will have different sets of abilitis though.

That it would be an insult to the artists, if they 'had' to do the other gender as well is BS in my oppinion. It is not like their current work will be thrown away.

would be an interesting solution, but would only cause more conflict I believe

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I know that this topic seems unpopular with the devs, but I wanted to throw my perspective out there to see if it makes sense as to why I feel there should be male and female versions of each warframe.

it really comes down to that with the current system, I don't feel like I'm playing a specific character, it just feels impersonal. like it isn't my avatar that I'm controlling its just a person in a warframe.

In warframe I want to feel like I'm a person who is simply slipping into a new suit hence why I farmed the resources and constructed it myself. but with how it is, when I switch warframes I just feel like I'm controlling a different character like in tf2 when I switch classes from scout to heavy.

It sounds kinda weird I know, but I want to feel a personal connection to my warframe, and for me, the gender swapping from frame to frame kills that feeling and I like to think that I could get deeper into the game if such a thing were implemented.

I agree. But only because it's one of the few games that doesn't present girls as visual s.l.u.t.s.

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Nyx for example seems to be a female Excalibur. Maybe out of lazyness as far as design goes, but maybe it was intentional? Are there any other pairs like this?

I think that the Banshee and Loki look sort of similar, but it's hard for me to tell because the picture on the wiki for the Banshee is striking an action pose with the bow, rather than just standing there to give a good view of the body like the Loki.

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There are much more important issues to be adressed than what gender your warframe is.

I suggest you DEAL WITH IT

I agree there are more important matters that should be taken care of first, just saying somewhere down the line it should seriously be considered.

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