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Enemies Of The Tenno: Infested Submissions


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Name :  infested warframe /tenno 


Behaviour: a leader among infested units can spawn a swarm of corrosives/viral/lecheers parasites , actively a very fast unit ,extremely difficult to take down with only 1 tenno, uses melee combat and when in danger uses the parasites swarm. very experienced unit.


Attacks: only melee (infested skana or claws) and as a power spawn a swarm of  starvings parasites  from his own body/warframe abosorving health from his enemies giving the chance of only runaway.(can be killed with high damage ranged weapons)


Enviroment restriction: can be only found in (?)... no one knows (probably derrelict lvl 100 unit)


Lore: abandoned deep-seeded hatred tennos got infested, they lack of  mental capacity to think beyond rage ,but the hunger for revenge againts the lotus and tennos is intact, they will no stop until lotus and all enemies are eliminated.

"we live cause the infection,we kill for the infection" .-infested tenno first appearance.-


 tenno infested face


p3iCgXp.jpg  insect infested swarm

Edited by XxwolfenxX
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Name Suggestion: Gaping Ancient


Behavior:  An Ancient-sized and -powered version of the Leaper enemy's mechanic of stopping outside melee range. Standard Ancient speeds and similar appearance. Always looking for something to eat, but spits out what it doesn't like. The 'charge' behavior is reversed. It will use the charge to get within a minimum range(35m?), and then stop and prefer to move slowly until within a certain range (15m?), then stop entirely. Swallows specters and hostages whole. Retreats towards a spawn location if it's alone or with few other infested.(85)


Attacks: No reachy slap / no charge slap. Sucks up projectiles (Penta/Ogris etc) and may spit them back. Sucks up Tenno Deployables and gear. Sucks up friendly infested units granting them immunity to powers like the stalker and covering them in toxic ooze, then spits them towards Tenno. Opens wide and falls forward to body/mouth slam Tenno who get close.(59)


Environment restrictions: Yes. Slow movement = Defense and Rescue types. Be hilarious Infested wardens. Only made where ancients starve. Derelicts, asteroids and ships.(20)


(Optional) Art or Reference Images: MS PAINT SKILLZ Awwwww yisssss...






















Edited by VKhaun
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I want a infested latch's on to ur character kinda like the greniers seeker bombs but this will absorb engery aslong and or health as it stays on u and u can ether u roll to get it off or u team mate shoots it off and I want new enemies that make u use team work say like one team mate shoot one spot on them and the other shoots another and that enemies is only in online play so u can't get stuck solo

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Name Suggestion: Impeding flesh

Behaviour:  Replaces and merges the doors of infested areas in an attempt to slow down tenno so that they may be overwhelmed by the other infested. More than just an obsticle, this sentient wall of flesh can tear through armor very easily if one ventures too close. If the Impeding flesh is destroyed, it will slowly regenerate to once again seal off the area.

Attacks: Working much like the lazor walls on corpus ships, knocks down tenno if they run into it. However, instead of reducing sheilds, it inflicts bleeding damage, dealing direct damage to health instead.

Environment restrictions:  Restricted to ship tilesets only

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Name: Corrupt Tenno

Behaviour: Risen from the grave when a fellow tenno has been downed/killed during a mission. Upon corruption of a fallen tenno it threatens us (I belong here now! or something like that). 


Abilities: Same as the ones as the warframe that has fallen. Further abilities added can be a toxic/disrupter/electric/healing ability like the ancients have. Also it has only the melee weapon equipped. They can be fast and have high damage such as the G3, Harverster and Stalker


Environment Restrictions: None.


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The Decayed


Corpus MOA that has become a mechanical host for the infested. It is covered in the spores that are commonly found on the floors of infested areas.


The MOA gun fires puss that slows the player and reduces the players vision, If the player gets too close the Decayed will release a gas that corrodes shields and health over time.


No environmental restrictions




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Name Suggestion: Infested Tenno or Mutated Tenno.


LORE: "When everybody thought that it couldn't happen, 

while Tenno kept fighting against them, althought Tenno beat 

the technocyte in the past...They was wrong.

It isn't death, this virus is just on lethargic 

and the clue for unlock them infection is on...Orokin hands.

These orokin voids contains pollen in suspension 

in the enviorement of all the ship, and it brings the 

gametes of the infested race...Derrelict were made by these in part."


Behaviour: Infested Tenno behave like a unminded zombie and cannot mind 

by himself, he just live for hunt anybody who's not an infested. However,

this infested has the same skill as a normal Tenno in the battle, but it use to 

do some infested taunts when he's on fervor.


Randomly, he prefer to moves like a charger and hold its weapon high 

preparing a rushed attack.


He can run more fast than a normal tenno (when he's going like a charger) and

even can stay and run in walls.


The Infested Tenno could wear any warframe, not only Excalibur.


Attacks:  It has 2 bassically attacks, using its weapong with melee combos 

and gutting with its infested arm.


Eventually, these infested tenno can spawn its warframe skills.


Environment restrictions:  This unit can only spawns in Derrelict missions (for now).

This situations is unnormal, so, they only can spawn a few infested tenno for the whole session game.

The level of these infested tenno will be regarding with players level.

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Name: Infested Strasys(Stray-sis)


Behavior: Infested Strasys are infected MOAs, since they contain some organic Orokin tech, that behave and have characteristics similar to a Raptor. Unlike the MOAs of the Corpus, they are relentless, aggressive, and extremely agile. They move similar to the Corpus Zanuka, but much faster than Zanuka. They are predatorily and vicious when they get close. If they do, fighting them back will be very difficult. With hardened organic armor and a high tolerance for pain makes them the ultimate predator. They are like raptors, they seek out their prey and are much faster than normal infested.


Attacks: The Strasys's attacks consist of Jump and Slash based attacks. One of their attacks is ramming, knocking their foes down to allow the rest to attack. Their tail, being mostly of the hardened organic material, gives a possible chance to stun any it attacks. The Strasys can hold down it's prey, that either another helps free or they die by corrosive fluid and razor sharp teeth.


Environmental Restrictions: Uncommon in low levels, more common in higher levels. Possibility of appearing outside of Infestation Operations(the planets it connects).

Edited by Zenn
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- small infested units (crawler size)  

- spawns in vents, with an occasional "hive" of them with infested loot containers and spawn pods

- very agile / fast  

- can jump and walk on ceilings (prefers to stay out of sight, with Tenno only catching a small glimpse of them)

-HORRIFIC appearance




- when they spot a Tenno, they proceed to "stalk" the Tenno and attacks when unseen. At which point, they would knock the Tenno to the ground and maul them, with the Tenno fighting back via buttonmashing!



Enviroment Restrictions:

vents, Screex "hive", out of sight

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Tends to be on ceilings or walls. Tries to blend in with infested spots in map areas. Spits needles at enemies like a Skrate



Range needle thrower


Environmental restrictions:

Unable to spawn where there are no ceilings or limited walls



Elongated versions of Sand Skrates. More python like

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Name: Serrated Charger


Behavior: A heavy charger that has survived many more engagements than it should have. The infected muscles have grown massive and hardened as the blades of Tenno and Grineer alike protrude from its flesh. Stubborn bodies of Corpus and Grineer that refuse to be digested push out of the body making even more armored areas. As the Serrated Charger walks the undigested enemies limbs that still hold weapons receive random impulses and fire rounds into the air and ground. The arrival of a Serrated Charger is a warcry to every infested around him.


Attacks: The serrated charger, being a little over twice the size of a normal charger, uses his bulk and the weapons jamming from his body to do the majority of his damage. the main attack would be a headbutt rather than swipe, as the Skana of Tenno and machete of butchers are lodged near the skull. Before entering combat the Serrated charger lets out a massive roar, eliciting a response form nearby infested, potentially increasing speed. This roar could also have a small knockdown effect on Tenno, much like the heavy gunner's. When dead the hands that still held weapons, coming out of the back and stomach, will fire rounds randomly. These rounds won't damage Tenno, but could easily disrupt the attacks of other infested.


Environment Restrictions: The Serrated charger would have the same limitations as other heavy units like Corpus Engineers and Grineer heavy gunners.


Art: I can't draw, but simply imagine a dark, double sized, charger with weapons and flaps of skin and armor pushing through the skin. Armor, both of the grown infested and manufactured ferrite variety, dots the Serrated Charger's body giving it a mildly higher armor value than other infested. As he walks the hands,legs, and weapons drag along the ground, throwing sparks or dirt.

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Name: Bloater


Behavior: Partially larger than the average Tenno, these large and lumbering masses of flesh operate slowly when enemies haven't been spotted. Upon sight, they will charge an enemy head-on, due to a significant health pool. Within their massive bodies is nothing other than more infested flesh awaiting release. When slain by non-fire type damage or damage dealt anywhere other than their bulky legs, their large bodies will rupture, releasing a spawn pod for the infested to continuously hoard out from. Fire will burn their large masses of flesh, but crippling the legs will cause them to fall, thus destroying the pods within their bodies.




Pummel: Bloater strikes at an enemy, dealing medium impact-type damage.


Charge: Bloater rushes towards an enemy's position, and knocks enemy aside if 


Rupture: When the bloater's vitality has dropped below 25%, it will attempt to rupture on the spot to release a spawn pod.


Environment Restrictions: Level 10+ Infested-controlled levels/tiles only.

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Name: infested remains


Detail: infested remains as the name states are parts of corpses with still enought biomass to function at some minimal level, the idea comes that infested crewman and crawlers upon death could spam smaller infeted that whould try to kill you,upon dead of a larger infested, a head with small tendrils whould spam


Behavior: it whould crawl fast as a roller and jump covers in a very melee agresive way as it whould only live 20 seconds before dying


Attacks: it whould use the tendrills at the base of the neck to atack the tenno causing slash damage.


Environmental Restrictions: it only spawns from dead bodys


image: - VrfksRl.png

Edited by Max_silverfox1982
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Name Suggestion: Infested Plaguebearer

Behaviour:  The infested plaguebearer is a slower moving infested unit, capable of short bursts of speed but unable to maintain its speed over a distance. It tends to allow other infested to precede it, but supports from a distance. They also work well in ambushes, hiding around a corner poised to attack.

Attacks: They are ranged units, spitting a deadly toxin that causes moderate corrosive damage. Their second ability is to shoot a burst of toxin that moves more slowly and thus will hit less often, but carries with it a disorientation ability akin to being hit by a blinding attack such as Alad V's blinding light. The disorienting toxin is primarily used on tenno surrounded by infested, and bears a long cooldown to boot. Should distance be closed, they employ a slow melee attack, capable of knockback. Upon death, they explode and leave a cloud of toxin for a few second that will harm any tenno careless enough to traverse it.

Environment restrictions:  None, though they prefer open areas and long corridors for ambush and support tactics.

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Name: Storage Locker/Container (Mimic)

Behavior: This opportunistic hunter takes on the shape of benign environmental objects that it has observed the Tenno to frequently interact with. Upon its prey attempting to interact with it, it will burst open and attempt to consume its prey. While not being interacted with, the Mimic will stay in a completely immobile and dormant state.

Attacks: When a Tenno attempts to open/break a mimic, it will open up and grapple the Tenno, forcing them to resort to melee combat to free themselves. Allies in the Tenno's cell may also attempt to cut their friend free. Health and energy will be constantly drained while in contact with the creature.


Environmental restrictions: Yes, limited to only infested controlled area's.

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Name Suggestion: Kreepers


Behavior: Spider-like infested, slightly smaller and a bit slower than Rollers. Can climb on any surface. Indirect combatant, will attempt to avoid being seen while taking shots and planting traps. If attacked, will try to run away or hide, returning if the player fails to keep after it. Has no melee.


Attacks: Has 3 attacks:

  1. spits a blob of concentrated spores that creates a patch of infested creep nearly identical to what exists on infested maps, but immobilizes any Tenno that steps within it for a few seconds

  2. Spits Corrosive saliva at the player, doing low damage but rapidly draining stamina and preventing stamina regeneration.

  3. Fires a web tether, similar to Grinner Scorpions. Staggers player, but due to the Kreeper's small size, it can't knock the player down or drag them.


Environment restrictions: Only infested maps.




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(Suggested Name) - Hulks 


(Behavior) - 


Acting like guards for the infested Hulks keep watch over mainly doors and hallways solo or in pairs (rarely in 3's or more unless its a highly infested area). Their many eyes make spotting Tenno easy, and If a Tenno is spotted the Hulk would emit a large moaning like sound and alert other infested of the Tenno presence. 


(Attack) -


Because Hulks are so slow and bulky looking one would think their attack patterns would also be just as slow and bulky, but this is were they trick you. Once a hulk spots a Tenno they will act similar to a bull and slowly charge at the Tenno picking up speed at a alarming rate surprising the player before they can react. This charge depending on how far the Hulk is from the Tenno can cause the Tenno to either just simply be attacked, stunned, or even flown a good distance if charged at full strength by a Hulk. Once a Hulk starts charging it is impossible to stop unless you can kill it before it reaches you.


(Tactics) -


The Hulk will usually try to charge at Tenno right off the bat if it hasn't sustained a good deal of damage, but if  it has then the Hulk will try to retreat behind other infested and wait till it has a good opening for the chance to charge at a Tenno distracted by the other infested. However if the Hulk is solo or with only 2-3 other infested and get within melee distance it will just outright try to take the damage and attack the nearest player in a berserker like fashion. (This berserker like attack is also the normal way a Hulk would attack you if you got too close, wailing its arms about kinda like a gorilla at the Tenno until the Tenno is down.)


(Defense) -


The hulk when being shot at by the Tenno either while retreating or not charging at the player will have its hands up covering its face. Sorta like a defensive stance while still moving very slow. Hulks are slow (if not charging at the player) and what they lack in that speed they do have in defense. Hulks have massive armor and can take many hits before falling down so its advised to take extreme caution with Hulks both in long range and short. A Hulks charge is the only speed Hulks have so they need a ample amount of defense. 


(Appearance) -


Hulks look like as I mentioned before massive gorilla like beings that stand on two legs, and are slightly taller then the Tenno. They are black mostly with only a few grey spots as weak points in the front. Up close Hulks are actually 2-3 unrecognizable creatures that have been merged together by the infestation. The front of the Hulk displays 30-50 snail like tiny red eyes similar to the infested organic floors Tenno run across in Infested areas that make spotting Tenno easy. The Hulks arms also are massive and are intertwined with metal for defensive reasons as well as offensive. When charging a Hulk will simply start to walk or jog at the Tenno picking up speed extremely fast to more of a running and then finally a full sprint. If a Hulk were to miss a Tenno it would simply stop its charge and try again.


(Other Side Notes) -


Iv heard allot about the Infested as being to easy for some players and would think the Hulk might give a added surprise to the already very melee based Infested. Plus your most recent update/addition "Specters Of Liberty" gives the players a new reason to be stealthy in their gameplay rather then just piling through. Hulks could potentially force players who don't want to (or cant) deal with thousands of infested at one time another reason to play it stealthy. Hope you enjoy my idea!

Edited by Monybags33
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Name Suggestion: Tenno Infected

Behaviour:  The Tenno Infected move quickly and prefer to use verticality as their choice of movement than sticking to the ground. Often prioritising tenno over objectives and other enemy types, these fallen tenno turned infected long for the energy they once had.

Attacks: These attacks are similar to a tenno wielding daggers, however in the place of steel they use their own mutated body to strike.  If they manage to land a combo on a tenno they will absorb some of their energy. 

They commonly jump at their target, proving a challenge to tenno who commonly stay at high ground to avoid the ground bound infested types.  

Environment restrictions:  Enclosed areas with limited versatility restrict both attack opportunities and movement due to  crowds of enemies and obstacles. 


​Character Art (Dark Sector Nemesis as reference) 




that would be pretty legit to have an infested like assassin like stalker

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Name: Duplicator


Behavior: duplicates stronger and faster duplicates. It will split into weaker duplicates if you destroy them.


Attack: charges at you, arms trailing behind at a high speed. hard-hitting slaps (similar to jumper)


Environmental Restrictions: appears level 17 and above. Only spawns in corpus tilesets.


Description:humanoid mold. arms hanging limp at the sides while crouched. *I am not allowed to post image extensions on this community for some reason.

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Well, my ideas are a whole lot simpler, as they are based more upon what we already have and making a connection between the Crawlers. Walkers and Ancients! Bolded parts are the new enemy ideas or upgrades to existing enemies:


* Toxic

Toxic Crawler -> Waster (new, simple poisonous Toxic Walker version) -> Toxic Ancient


* Regular/Healer:

Crawler ->  Runner (Maybe give the Runners some selfhealing pulses?) -> Ancient Healer


* Ranged

Nauseous + Lobber Crawler -> Puker (new midrange-puking, slower Walker) -> Ancient Defiler (Non-running Ancient with longer ranged, slimy tentacle-attacks, and closerange AoE-pukes!)


* Suicidal

Unstable Crawler (suicideattack crawler) -> Volatile Runner -> Ancient Exloder (New Ancient which "explodes" bilesacks fromt its back/shoulders when you get close to them, sacks it can quickly regenerate, as well with quick healthregen! The sacks exploding (either by shooting them yourself or by themselves "suiciding") damages the Ancient! Clear weakspots to shoot!)


* "Electric"

Electric Crawler -> Leaper (could have some sparks around it, just visual, but lorewise an electrical impulse is what could maybe enable it to leap so quickly and powerfully?) -> Ancient Disruptor (Same as the Leaper, add visual sparks. Maybe make it more blueish too, rather than red in colours?).


* Chargers

Dasher (Smaller, weaker, faster and more agile charger (similar in movement to the Hyenas), maybe based on female Grineer?) -> Charger -> Howler (Bigger rare Charger, which also has a closerange AoE scream, similar to Phorid, but obviously a scream with much, much shorter range and much weaker in potency)

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Name: Conglomerate of pain


Behaviour: A mound of flesh with numerous hands, legs and heads sticking out. Slowly patrols wide corridors. Unleashes a screech from a few dozen of it's throats once it spots the enemy.


Attacks: 1. Psychic Scream - knocks down enemies in a 10 meter radius, cancels tenno powers (including invisibility and buffs), increases movement speed of other infested by 40%. 2. The Joining - various body parts peel off the Conglomerate, crawl towards the nearest enemy and pile on, creating a mound of pulsing flesh. If the enemies allies fail to destroy it, it will morph into a Small Conglomerate, smaller and with Psychic Scream as it's only ability. 3. Burst - once the total health goes below 20% the creature will attempt to self-desctruct; if not killed fast enough it will burst dealing heavy damage and forming several Small Conglomerates. 4. Regular melee attacks of both regular and smaller conglomerates consist of them flailing their appendages about, dealing little damage, but compensating with fast attack speeds. 5. Passive: Cannot be back stabbed (heads and eyes everywhere). 


Environment restrictions: Slow, bulky, will immediately cast "The Joining" should it not be able to follow it's prey.


No good with a brush - but would look something like this:


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Name: Ravager (Infested)

Behavior: A simple-minded, rage filled monster that stops at nothing to hunt and kill the player. It's agile, and can climb small objects like the player. The beast is tall, but not quite as tall as the ancients.

Attacks: The creature's arms are deformed, twisted into crude blades. This, combined with their agility, makes them a deadly adversary.

Environmental Restrictions: No, suited for virtually any environment.

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Name Suggestion: Leviathan

Behavior: A massive, whale/serpent pure infested that lurks in the waters/acids of certain places. They will surface from time to time to watch for prey, arching their backs and diving back into the water/acid. One can hear the deep grumble it emits from time to time, which it uses as rough echolocation. It can survive outside of water/acid but it has lowered movement speed, needing to slither. It has a thick hide and skull composition, but its mouth and underbelly are relatively weaker.

Attacks: It shoots out of the water/acid and lunges at enemies, chomping furiously at whatever is in front of it. After biting a lot, if it missed its initial lunge and only ended with a mouth full of air, it will turn around (it might smack somebody with its large tail) and slither back to the nearest body of water/acid and try again after a bit.

Environment Restrictions: It should only appear when there is a large enough body of liquid. Earth, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus and such are good enough hosts.

Art or Reference Images:


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