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Enemies Of The Tenno: Infested Submissions


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Name : Umbra

Behaviuor : Spawns rarely. Can warp from place to place to avoid player gunshots. Can give temporary blindness.

Attacks : Normal melee attacks, with possibility to warp Tenno to places where are lots of infested.

P.S. can someone help me to upload a photo of Umbra ?

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There name will be Centipede they will kind of be like desert skates in the way they come out if the ground but you can detect when there coming because the ground will shake were they are coming up these enemies will shot slow balls of poison that will travel slow but lock on you would be able to shot them when they are coming at you the balls will always poison you these enemies also go under the ground when you get near them making them annoying to kill that's my idea

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Name Suggestion: Deathcloud

Behaviour:  A reactive cloud of technocyte viral particles that swarms non-infested targets. It is highly resistant (90% reduction) to normal (slash, pierce, blunt) damage but vulnerable (x2) to elemental damage. It generally moves chaotically, but will 'charge' targets on occasion (not always). Size varies over time from 1-5 meters across, and form is irregular (noxious green particle swarm)

Attacks: 1) Large AoE, weak viral attack (technocyte viral particles are very active around the deathcloud) 2) Strong viral attack against target(s) completely within the cloud

Environment restrictions:  Late stages of infestation (Orokin Derelicts or late in dark sectors)

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Name: Hive


The Hive is a stationary infested that is rooted to the ground, wall or hangs on the ceiling emitting a buzzing sound like a swarm of flies trapped inside a balloon. Its appearance is bloated and purple with a few lumps on its sides. When alerted, this infested starts to pump out tiny winged bugs, that are called Bitts, that seeks out the nearest enemy and explodes on contact.



Since the Hive is stationary it can only attack by sending out it's children(Bitts) to do it's bidding. The Bitts attack by flying to the  nearest enemy, exploding on contact and dealing poison damage to a an area. The poison refreshes for each successful attack. 


Environmental Restrictions:

This type of infested only spawns in warm areas where it can grow it's brood faster. It can not spawn in Corpus facilities, the swarm feeds on rotten meat.

Like this but VERY less cute and that those tiny little bugs wont hesitate to die for the Hive.

Edited by Xerophm
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Name Suggestion: Infested Cryopod

Behaviour:  A Tenno cryopod 'augmented' with infested bladders, goo sacks, and other disgusting doodads, infested cryopods reverse the typical defense misison into an extermination event. The cryopod spits out infested regularly (1/second? Something like that) which go after the tenno. It has typical cryopod shield and life, and the tenno need to destroy it to successfully complete the mission. Very high end missions may have multiple infested cryopods.

Attacks: Spawns random infested 

Environment restrictions:  Rarely occurs in defense missions in infested areas (derelict, current dark sectors)

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Name Suggestion: Burrower


Behavior: This enemy will dig through the floor and come out of the ground as close to the tenno as possible. (Maybe 5-10 Meters)


Attacks: When the enemy comes out of the ground, it will quickly begin to initiate its attack to slash the warframe or decoy. This attack will do massive damage and can only be reduced with the amount of armor the warframe has.


Advantages: Ability to burrow into the ground and surprise tenno from behind. 


Disadvantages: It cannot attack while in burrow mode. It is a slow attacker, and the massive damage is to compensate for the slow attacks. It will have low health but it would have decently good armor. (Around 200-300?)


Visual: A thin body with very heavy armor plating. The claws that do massive damage may have like the same model as the dual ichors without the middle part where the blade has a roundish shape. It's head will look like a shark-like head, but it resembles no mouth, just an armor plating that is smooth as Ash's helm, without the tusks.


Environment Restrictions: It cannot pierce through hard metal such as Grineer ships, and Corpus ships. They will be forced to attack on foot instead of ground.


Hope you like this suggestion. 

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Name Suggestion: Infested Infiltrator


Behaviour:  The infested infiltrator is a silent but deadly recon creature, it learns about the tenno and reports back to the hivemind. They can be found (rarely) in unopened containers, as well as symbioticly inside fellow infested(25% chance of coming out when an infested dies). When the infested they reside in die, they come out and attack the tenno. They are reasonably fast, but have very little shields and health.


Attacks: They can leap towards their target, dealing slash damage. For their secondary attack, they grab their victim and inject them with poison damage (rolling gets them off of you).


Environment restrictions:  Extreme cold

Edited by BugoftheBurned
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This idea might have already been posted, but I wouldn't know, I haven't read through them all. Anyhow:

Name: Cyst


Behaviour: Docile, as it is a support unit. Doesn't move, as it's a wall/ceiling unit, and shells up when under attack in an attempt to protect itself. While shelled up, it can not heal, as it's big glowing weak spot on it's outward facing area has to be exposed in order to heal. Said weak spot glows green, as it's a healer. Looks like, as the name would imply, a cyst.


Attacks: No direct attacks, as, like I said, it's a support unit. It can fire off healing pulses, which (perhaps) could also throw affected Infested into a berserker rage, increasing speed and attack strength. To directly protect itself, it has a chitinous shell that it encases itself in, which acts like a breakable version of a Shield Lancer's, well, shield. This shell can be either broken or punched through using mods and innate punch through weapons.


Environment restrictions: The walls and ceilings of Infested areas. Not exactly suited for open areas.


P.S. A cyst may not be the prettiest of base models, it's actually quite nasty, but I think it makes sense for an Infested, especially one that just kind of sits there.

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Name: Stor Krigar (swedish for "great warrior")


Behaivor: highly tactical and dangerous these infested tenno use a mix of ranged and close combat, infested weaponry which have been fused into their limbs (example, one wielding a tysis would have it fused into their right hand making it permanetly attatched to them while fused into the other hand might be a mire sword for melee combat) they tend to stick close to weaker infested units like the chargers and runners/leapers, using these weaker infested as an advantage so that they may engage the tenno (or grineer/corpus) in an unfair fight.


Attacks: the Stor Krigar can use simple tenno powers such as saryns molt or venom attacks or excaliber's slash dash only not at the full strength of a true tenno warrior, for example an infested mag would use a pull and perhaps a two handed melee weapon like and infested version of the magistar OR a shield polarize and some ranged weapons like an infested Bow of some sort or the synapse. As already mentioned, Stor Krigar's can use the infested weaponry only slightly modified and fused into theirs limbs (specifically their arms). one wielding a more heavy or "two handed range weapon such as the synapse might not use any melee weapons at all and vice versa.


Environmental restrictions: low level's (maybe start showing up around level's 17-23+) to avoid overpoweing new or low level players


Appearance: any warframe can be infested, only they look nothing like the actual warframe due to the twisted and deformed flesh.


-- Please Note: NOT MY WORK, just found it on google to give a slight idea of appearal -- http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/013/0/2/infested_warroir_by_rustynaps-d721tms.jpg



-This is the very first time i've ever decided to take part in one of these contests so i know that im a little rough on some parts but i really think this one is my chance to get noticed or at the very least say that i tried, incase it wasnt already obvious i did indeed get my idea for this off of tenno spectres but it would be nice to see some ranged infested units :3 hope to see some great feedback on this.

Edited by Ximeta
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Name Suggestion:Chomper

Behaviour:  Aggressive quadrupedal close-combat unit with powerful jaws and an armored snout, chompers are as fast as chargers and pair well with them. Unlike chargers which go for flanks, chompers attack head on. 

Attacks: Charge and bite and bite and bite some more. The bite attack has a small (~10%) chance of ragdolling the target for 1 second. This makes a pack of them extremely deadly, especially in with other units. 

Environment restrictions:  normal, mid- to high-level areas

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Name Suggestion: Tripping Fungus

Behaviour:  A passive area effect, this gives a knockdown to any non-infested which attempts to walk or run through it. It is visually indistinguishable from other infested passive appearance mods. Can be killed and has relatively low life. Will 'bleed' when damaged.

Attacks: Once a second will attempt a knock down on any non-infested in contact with it. If successful this produces a weak impact damage.

Environment restrictions:  any

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Name Suggestion: Sticky Fungus

Behaviour:  Visibly indistinguishable from other infested fungi, this fungal covering greatly slows any non-infested that come into contact with it. It can be killed with almost any attack and will 'bleed' if hit.

Attacks: Use liquid nitrogen effects on any non-infested that comes into contact with it

Environment restrictions:  Any infested. 

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Name Suggestion: Infested Cohereo (Co-He-Ree-Oh)



Behaviour: Follows Tenno around, stalking them until the time is right. If spotted, it adheres to the nearest surface.  While adhered, it takes the color/makeup of the wall, but a slightly lighter color, making for a challenge for a Tenno with a good eye (Ah-hem, not Ember).  When Tenno doesn't notice it following, it wraps around it's self forming a solid figure.


Attacks: While stalking Tenno, when it adheres, to shoots a slime-like ball which disabled Tenno for a short moment.  If spotted before adhering, it wraps around the Tenno for a short moment like a tight blanket temporarily disabling gun fire from said player.


Environmental Restrictions: Only begins to spawn on the Mars planet level.  Cannot spawn in open maps, only things such as the Corpus/Grineer ship tileset. Cannot be within 2 meters of a Nano Spore growth, or the dust coming from the spores will un-conceal the almost invisible creature (Weakspot, hint hint wink wink)


Description: A very large figure, about as large as an ancient, but a lot thinner. When concealing itself on a wall, it has weird fleshy tentacles holding itself to the wall, but when it is unconcealed, and stalking it's prey, it coils up into a long figure and the tentacles become arms and legs.

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Name Suggestion: Calcivore

Behaviour:  A strange variation of infested, medium three-legged combatant sports a single large and bladed appendage on its torso which it uses to cut into and infect living flesh.

Attacks:  Medium-range slash via elongating his appendage, short range slash combo, kick with center-front leg for impact and chance of knockback, short range spinning slash when more than one tenno nearby.

Environment restrictions:  Bipedal and medium-sized, needs to be on ground.

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Name Suggestion: Infested Vanguard

Behaviour:  A conglomeration of Grineer and Corpus corpses, the Infested Vanguard towers above the ancients. With one arm formed from the the corpse of a Grineer shield lancer, this infested is capable of taking hits from an ogris without even flinching. Many twisted bodies make up the torso of this beast with a purely infested blade making up its other arm. Heavily armored with minimal shields due to absorbed Corpus tech, the Infested Vanguard acts as the "Rhino" of the infested; gladly taking hits that would fell its weaker kin while gleefully decapitating any that enter the range of its bladed right arm. Legs evolved from the absorbed and compounded moas allow for this heavy unit to keep pace with the slower warframes when unmodded. When low on health the Vanguard enters a berserk state in which rapid mutation occurs. The heat given off by its metabolic reactions increases dramatically to the point of causing organic matter around it to burn and eventually combust, even the tenno are not safe from the blaze. The shield arm is forfeited in favor of a second blade as it divides itself into two smaller, more agile Vanguards aiming to attack and nothing else. 


Attacks:(4 unique attacks other than basic slashes and bashes)

    -Shield bash: the Vanguard rushes forward with its shield raised, knocking back the tenno it hits.

    -Jumping Slash: the Vanguard leaps towards a tenno and brings its blade down in a vertical slice.

    -Evolution: the Vanguard divides its mass and splits into two smaller, faster variations via a massive metabolic process, the heat creating a aoe fire proc and the hunger causing the resulting twin Vanguards to be hyper aggressive.

    -Synced Intent(after Evolution): the twin Vanguards choose a target and string together a combination of dashing slashes and flurries with high chances to stun the target, leaving them defenseless until either the combination ends, they manage to roll or break the combo, or a fellow tenno comes to their aid by attacking one of the twin Vanguards


Environment restrictions:

    -Orokin Derelicts, Infested tile set, and long held infested nodes due to how many corpses it takes to form one.

Art:(None at the moment, will be updated)

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Name: Infested Slither (Subject to change)

Behavior: The infested slither is a very quick and agile enemy. Despite having no limbs, it moves incredibly fast, mostly by slithering, hence the name. They tend to chase after Tenno but if the health is at a critical level they will go and eat smaller infested (Slithers are rather large) to regain a portion of health. When it is about to strike with a bite it will rear up and expose its underside, which, aside from the head and stinger, is the only weak point.

Attacks: The infested slither can perform several attacks. It can coil itself around a Tenno in a vise like grip, in which case melee is the only option. It can also perform quick strike attacks with either its fangs or tail stinger, both do corrosive damage and a temporary stun. However, the more times one is stung, the less damage received from a tolerance being built. (Resets every mission, minimum damage of 10 and a stun of 2 sec.)

Environment Restrictions: Cannot fit into smaller spaces due to its larger build. May get tangled or wrapped around objects like poles due to its long body. (Body is about 8 meters/26 feet)

Images: Coming soon

Edited by SethA007
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Name Suggestion: Infested Banshee

Behavior: Patrols the map in search of Tenno to feast on. Once the Banshee spots a favorable Tenno it will charge to attack and let out a terrifying cry and mark a tenno (Blood Red surrounding the marked tenno) and surrounding enemies will attack the unlucky player.

Attacks: Quick slashes and bites.

Environment Restrictions : Closed Ships and Dark Rooms.

Reference Image: chupacabra_by_sonellion-d6qlvny.png

Side note: It would be cool to have the Banshee feast on the tenno once it has achieved its goal, instead of just leaving the deceased tenno there and such

Edited by DopeFishh
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Name Suggestion: Infested Stinger


Behaviour: Provides rapid ranged fire from behind swarming masses. Would not seek cover, front line infested would tank hits.


Attacks: Rapidly fires needle projectiles at targets. Has one large barb for melee attacks.


Environment restrictions: Ideal for open spaces, not for hallways or cramped rooms. Possibly latches to walls or ceilings.




Edited by seikure
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Name Suggestion: steel shell

Behavior:  a walking bullet sponge made by the infested overminds to give infested more defensive holds on choke points. Armored shell like a tortoise very slow and heavy but packs a wallop up close, adds defense to allies

Attacks: crush pounds tenno with their shell when their on ground, Roar stuns tenno briefly, spikes shoots spikes out at tenno doing puncture.

Environment restrictions: big groups of enemies, front lines / or back of lines, protecting valuable's.

(Optional) Art or Reference Images: (Max 3 images).

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I'll be honest and say this is a really hashed attempt, but hey. Whatever gets picked will have to be good, right? No matter whose it is.


Name Suggestion: Encroacher


Behaviour: Grineer Flameblade units that have succumbed to the infestation. The Encroachers have inherited the Flameblades’ ability to teleport, and use it to close the gap between themselves and the Tenno from long ranges. They are hardy yet agile enemies who excel at close combat.


Attacks: Encroachers will go out of their way to initiate close combat with enemies, using their inherited ability to teleport long distances and immediately strike at their target, surprising them enough to take away their chance to attack. The prod lodged into their enormous arm is infused with fire, as the Flameblades’ were armed with. Fast swipes and thrusts make up most of the Encroachers’ attacks. Near death, however, they will go into a frenzy in a last-ditch attempt to eliminate the Tenno before violently rupturing into a pool of flaming gore.


Environment restrictions: None. Encroachers can be found alongside any infested units.


(Optional) Art or Reference Images: My own art, very rushed. Sorry. Might alter it in the future.


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Ancient Patriarch



A large, heavily shielded brute with the capability to deflect enemy attacks with its thick bio-armor. The Partiarch will focus its attacks on the first player to attack it, and will not stop until downed. If a tenno attacks the patriarch from the front, the Patriarch will deflect a % of the rounds back at the player using his thick bio shielding. Is slow moving until alerted, which can cause the Patriarch to charge at high speeds for surprisingly large distances. Patriarchs are best attacked from multiple angles to avoid reflective damage.



Primary attack is a charging melee attack, with a powerful swipe of its one heavily shielded arm causing large amounts of impact. If a player gets too close, or it is surrounded, the Patriarch can pound the ground stunning a player with impact damage. The patriarch will focus on its initial target with a barrage of sweeping and pounding melee attacks.


Environment restrictions

The Patriarch is grounded, and cannot jump or fly. However, its ground pound AOE will effect players who are within its spherical damage radius. The patriarch should be treated as a natural successor to the Ancients. The patriarch should be intended to be teamed up on, but can be downed by creative players on their own.

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Name Suggestion: Lurker


Behavior: Lives under grates and floor tiles. Generally does not attack in conjunction with other infested, and for the most part hardly moves at all. Can sometimes be seen scuttling after the Tenno out of the corner of the eye before instantly popping back into the floor. Will not move if stared directly at. Will try to wait until prey is within close range before instantly popping up to its full height and eating its prey. If detected and attacked, will either attack its attacker if in range or put its head down and scuttle towards the Tenno. Tend to resist or recover quickly from knockdowns and knockbacks. The grate on its head functions like a Grineer Shield, deflecting bullets and knocking Tenno down with charge attacks.


Attacks: At long range, will lash out with a tentacle to drain the target's stamina and slow them down. At closer ranges, will attempt to use two tentacles to haul in the target to be eaten. At very close ranges, will attempt to ram the nearest Tenno and knock them down, or else flail its tentacles everywhere to knock down enemies all around it. Attacking downed enemies or very close targets, it will pick up food with its tentacles and proceed to chew on them, dealing damage accompanied by camera shake every second or so until it has finished killing and eating its target. Will spit out dead victim as a deadly projectile. Tenno being chewed on can struggle to get free using melee or can attempt to damage their devourer from within with guns. Beware use of explosives in mouth.


Environmental Restrictions: Lives only where grates or floor tiles are present on tilesets. Prefers to hide near entrances or in tight spaces, indoors if possible.






Edited by Zedera
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Mhm.. Speaking of making An enemy + challenge for all levels + which wont get u bored, Here is an Idea In mere futur infested evolve their anger evolves them to combineing themselves to tenno corpses making them Infested Tenno's Infested ember Infested saryn etc. Darksector is fun but seeing shiny blue copies of tenno is lame Make them our worse nightmare let the fear drive through our veins to our heart and mind the infested shouldnt be taken lightly their evolveing adapting Combineing with tenno corpse they infested making the corpses of for example excalibur a mindless corpse walking infront of u that gives u a thrill same skills and abilitys of any other warframe against u in NON pvp Non darksector no def no strategy just pure reckless offence. You want Evolution Infested is the Key to Reckoning.

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