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Enemies Of The Tenno: Infested Submissions


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i know some people mentioned him and i need to say WHY i think its the best addition:


The infected dont seem SENTIENT enough to hire a "Hitman/Headhunter" that speaks in their name (like stalker does actually) they wont even be alble to form a "kind of contract" with an possible allied so they NEED THEIR OWN STALKER


I really loved Dark Sector and i have a weird reason for that: Enemie Design ... i saw a trailer with the stalker in it and bought Dark Sector.


We can call it Elder/Alpha/ at the title to make sure its old or a special infected


I currently have 2 Kinds of him in mind (like the Harvester and Zanuka)


Harvester kind: He spawns in a random mission and is completely invisible for the tenno group ... he only makes "animalistic" noises and the screen flickers (longer than the stalker) he attacks at Random and always knocks the Targets Down his attack does drain direct Health and a Tenno should go down in 2-3 Strikes. He requires Teamwork at best so the tenno groups watches each others back as he strikes he gets "visible" for some seconds and can be killed.(its more a psychological nightmare to be stalked the whole time not knowing when he will attack) he should leap on walls and be able to fast run on his "4 legs mode" and be slow to attack with his arm blade on "2 legs mode" and decloack like the "dark Sector Stalker"


Zanuka kind: He is in a spacial Area filled with "Water" so you can see his movement if you concentrate this pretty much works like the fight with him in Dark Sector which was for me the most remembered thing in the game (he was so cool and killed me like 16 times before i knew what to do and that was something not even Dark Souls could pull off on me)





4 leg mode (very fast)

2 leg mode (attacks)




Cloaked until attacks

Freeze Breath to slow a whole tenno group down

Throws energy projectile and hits like a blue explosion




This enemie makes Banshees SONAR abilitiy finally more useful as we can DETECT the "Elder/Alpha" with it

Lets him use the "energy" of the other tennos like we see on channeling if he attacks for the sake of the LORE

I recommend using the same blue fluorescend blood to make him more apart from the "lesser" infected and

to tell his last position better or if you got a "lucky Shot" at him in blind firing.


Like my last thread i still think as the highest evovled technocyte victim its possible they survived .. they live UNDERGROUND (as far as i saw in Dark Sector) and shouldnt be that easy to kill even if the whole planet would be flooded with enferon to get rid of the infected theres no way they could clean EVERY underground tunnel/mine/factory of the world to make sure! so its acually LORE FRIENDLY


The most positive aspekt: Its not BREAKING ANYTHING in the game(Lore,Gameplay,Story) and brings us the PROPER Assasin for the INFECTED!!!


Im sorry for the crappy wikia screenshot  but i just burned my HDD with all those Dark Sector pics today ( i did a screenshot of a wall leaping STALKER from Dark Sector myself and on other threads) i made so much screenshots that i could make an animated gif and died alot in the process of just making Gifs ... im also playing for the day to get this stalke rin G-Mod ... i just LOVE HIS STYLE and the ARTWORK



Here is an older thread and one of my screenshots of the stalker wall leaping at the first encounter ( i know its not perfect because the light effects are in the way



Edited by Severuslanskerr
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Name Suggestion: (1-2 words max) Light's out

Behaviour:  (max 200 words) A temporarily stationary creature that infected in that room revere, they surround and protect it, it destroys all light sources in the room leaving the tenno in complete darkness, it sends other infested to attack while it climbs the walls moving until it is right above the tenno. Its tentacles would be its only way of moving, think sliding its way up using the tentacles to climb 

Attacks: (max 200 words) Its primary attack would be tentacles and poison spores raining down from above, when on low health it drops the ground and attempts to devour its target with its tentacles dragging the target towards it's huge maw  (this would be a instant kill, to make them more terrifying)

Environment restrictions:  (max 20 words) It wouldn't fit in narrow corridors or small rooms.

(Optional) Art or Reference Images: (Max 3 images). 

Edited by Razel56
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Name:Infested Drone(subject to change)

Behavior:The infested drone acts as a shield osprey combined with a scorpion. It sticks to group of infested providing them shields.

Attack:When it sees an enemy it launches its infestation grabbing and dragging the enemy to it. This provides the infested around plenty of opportunity for melee.

Environment restrictions:Can't leave the room it is in.

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Name Suggestion: Infested Kubrow

Behaviour:  Very aggressive, it uses parkour such as Zanuka to dodge bullets. It is very fast so non-hitscan weapons aren't able to hit it. It spawns frequently

Attacks: 1. Claw attack: it uses it's claws to deal high slash damage to the Tenno. 2. Jump Attack: It wallruns and jumps above the Tenno and does a jump attack that effectively knockdowns all the Tenno in it's AoE. 

Environment restrictions: Anywhere but more common on planet where Kubrows are.

(Optional) Art or Reference Images: (Infested version of kubrows)IfiLurB.jpg

Edited by Gryphticon
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Name : Mergers


Behaviour :

type of infested that mastered some sort of highly unstable quantum/DNA state that makes them turn into goo when you kill them/destroy their structure . Perhaps they absorbed some quantum fluctuation thingies from sticking too long near void/orokin generators.

Kill two of them, they goo down and merge into something new (to be defined) Kill one , goo stays on floor.. Kill another on same spot, merges with the first. Kill one, a classic infested step on goo puddle, "mutates" into stronger variant of same infested. .


Only fire can annihilate them directly.


Even molecular prime's or miasma's disintegration will leads to more gooing and merging ( because of their special unstable-ish nature/ whatever) or else its too easy and nova is powerful enough already :p


Attacks: Viral/radiation melee


ps: can be used as an infested assassin ala stalker, that would spawn on marked players.


Appearence: ? looks a bit like chargers, only have some boney hard parts (no joke) for support and goo-like textures on the rest .


Environment restriction: none. They'll get you, no matter where you hide.

Edited by 3xStanh
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Name: Trapper



Hides on the floor of infested missions. If a player walks over a trapper, it grabs the player and holds them there until the trapper is killed. If a player is sprinting and runs over a trapper, The player is tripped and falls to the floor just passed the trapper. If the player is tripped, they will have to get up but they can move again without killing the trapper. While held, the player can shoot and use melee. If the player sees the trapper before it is too late, they can easily walk around or jump over it.



While held, the player receives a small, steady amount of damage to shields first then health (like when reenforced glass breaks). when tripped, the player will receive a small amount of impact damage from falling on their face.


Environment: Floor only. Located in and around those infested spores on the ground, Looks slightly different than those spores.


*Reference image: http://i.imgur.com/ZqCvy6W.jpg

Edited by rofmol
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Name:Armored Destroyer

Behavior:higly aware of it's environment, it slow when it dosen't detect enemies but charges in when threatend due to it's sheer size it doesn't care wether his fellow infested gets hit along it's way and when death it's body will explode and release smaller unarmored version of it and will charge and latch on you similar to a grineer seeker roller and it has a medium ranged attack since it can't climb up obstacles but they can go down only and since it's armored at first appearance it has a secondary armor like rhino's iron skin

Attacks:when threatend it will shout similar to rhino's roar and will charge in at you, the roar buffs it's fellow infested and giving them additional speed,*addition to the charge it will send the other infested in it's way flying and when his charge hits you it will drag you to wherever it wish*, when it comes close at you it will grab you and it will drain your energy and throw you to an area with alot of infested, it has a medium ranged attack since it can't climb up obstacles the payload it shoots is similar to a torid launcher except it causes corrosive dmg and leaves a puddle, and when death it will release smaller versions without armor that sticks on you and explodes the damage of the explosion will cause corrosion damage.

Spawn Restrictions: it will spawn at high level planets like ceres and pluto and in the orokin derelict maps and the infested tileset.

Description Reference:it has a large left arm and it's completely covered with ferrite armor and and has a large spiked armored back due to the reason so that no frame can backstab it, it's head is that similar to the normal infested crewman but it will have a ferrite hood armor and it's jaws ar dangling down from it's head it will have tentacles sproating of it's belly and it will have a large membranic sack with the abdominal cavity this will carry it's little explosive babies and large legs with armor pieces attached the right arm looks like a torid launcher and all the armored parts will have iron skins.

Edited by NinjaXthreeX2
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Name : Infested Moa (infested microorganisms takes control of a Moa turning it into an infested machine)

Behavior : charges at the nearest Tenno or pod (during defense missions) and explodes dealing toxin damage in fatal amounts. Will prioritize cyro pods during defense missions. Very fast charge speed (1.5). Starts charging when target is at 30m distance.

Attacks :

1) charge and self destructs at the nearest Tenno or cyropod. Prioritize cyropod. Deals 50% of target's total health upon detonation, ignores armor, iron skin and shields. 5% damage over time, for 10 seconds. Only an antitoxin mod will mitigate this effect. When damaging a cyropod, it will deal 50% of cyropod's maxed health in damage. Will also stop regeneration of cyropod's health for 10 seconds (Tenno in cyropod is poisoned).

2) Long range attack via heat seeking missles that deals viral damage. The missles are decently slow to enable players to shoot them before they hit their targets. Deals 10% damage to health upon impact, ignoring shields, armor and iron skin.

Environmental restrictions - spawns in wave 20 and above or after 20 minutes. Will randomly spawn in infestation nodes replacing an ancient Disruptor.

Descriptions/reference -

A fusion Moa with green fungus-like thingies growing out of it. Make the fungus glow and constantly moving in, out and about the Moa's outer body.

Edited by (PS4)friedricetheman
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Name: Infested Marksman


Behavior: An aggressive Infested  that uses melee and altered weaponry to strike down non Infested.


Attacks: The Infested Marksman is a has 1 arm. All attacks are based on the arm. A Tysis pistol is mounted on the Marksman's arm with sticky orange things connecting it on top of it's arm. When any enemy comes close, the Marksman can use a Prova (located where the former crewman, (bracket inside a bracket, yes it looks like a prod crewman) knuckles where so it looks like hes going to punch you) to shock enemies and after the attack the Warframe will be poisoned for some time.


Environment restrictions: Anything to do with parkour, it can't jump.

Edited by TheSacredToaster
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Might as well try my luck.


Name Suggestions: The Spider, 


A small, slightly larger than crawler sized creature that looks like a few excess limbs thrown together (from grineer or corprus, but with some infested limbs thrown in as well). This creature crawls on said limbs at extreme speeds, can wall run, come in from the ceiling, and jump long distances. It will attach itself to the Tenno, and the player will lose control of its warframe, and watch with horror as the creature takes control, only to attack other tenno within range. The only way to remove it is to have your teammates shoot at it. It does drain health (like a bleed effect)


When within the same cell (maybe cell next to it) a scream will be heard, and something that sounds like fingers tapping on a wooden table would give sign of its coming. If above the tenno, it will fall onto them like a spider onto its prey. If on the same level, a use of both extreme running and wall sprints will boost its agility, as the fearful tenno shoot inaccurately at it. Melee attacks work wonders on their small, quick bodies. Once attaching to the tenno, it will have a small possession animation, then it will have full ( or most) control of then tenno. It will then slowly drain the life of the possessed. After removing the Spider, the possessed is immediately downed, and teammate has to resurrect them.

Environment Restrictions:

Does not spawn if playing solo, infested areas only.

Edited by Phanini
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Name Suggestion: Toxic Spitter


Behaviour: Crawls slowly and is very alert and will start attacking it's target from distance if enemies are alerted.


Attacks: Ranged toxic attacks (like Djinns Stinger) from it's tails head and if the target gets close enough it will lunge and attatch itself to the target and deals small amount of toxic DoT for a few seconds or until a squad member kills it.


Environment restrictions: This creature does not like tight places and will stay away from ducts/vents and small corridors.


Art or Reference Images:


Sorry for the very bad and unfinished sketch, got too lazy to finish it.

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Name: Infested Grabber


Behavior: Stays on the back of Ancients or in a hidden places, waiting to strike. Will jump off their hiding place and grab Tenno. Ancients can throw them at Tenno, if they are on their back. If the host Ancient is killed before it is thrown,will jump and run away into the closest infested group and hop onto the backs of another Ancient. If the grabber is in a grabber pack, the last one alive (or not grabbing a Tenno) will flee to the safety of their bigger family or in another hidden area.


Attacks: Will latch onto Tenno, slowing their speed and melee speed. Will also do the same damage as the host Ancient. If a Ancient Healer throws it, melee hits from other infested on the grabbed Tenno will heal them. If in a hiding pack, will adopt a random effect.


Environmental restrictions: Never alone. Will be on the back of Ancients or in a pack, hidden in crates and dark areas.

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Name Suggestion: Lurker


Behavior: Lives under grates and floor tiles. Generally does not attack in conjunction with other infested, and for the most part hardly move at all. Can sometimes be seen scuttling after the Tenno out of the corner of the eye before popping back into the floor. Will not move if stared directly at. Will try to wait until prey is within close range before popping up to its full height at close quarters and eating its prey. If detected and attacked, will either attack its attacker if in range or put its head down and scuttle towards the Tenno. Tend to resist or recover quickly from knockdowns and knockbacks.


Attacks: At long range, will lash out with a tentacle to drain the target's stamina and slow them down. At closer ranges, will attempt to use two tentacles to haul in the target to be eaten. At very ranges, will flail its tentacles everywhere to knock down enemies all around it. Attacking downed enemies or very close targets, it will pick up food with its tentacles and proceed to chew on them, dealing damage accompanied by camera shake every second or so until it has finished killing and eating its target. Will spit out dead victim as projectile. Tenno being chewed on can struggle to get free using melee or can attempt to damage their devourer from within with guns. Beware use of explosives in mouth.


Environmental Restrictions: Lives only where grates or floor tiles are present on tilesets. Prefers to hide near entrances or in tight spaces.





This is hilarious XD

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Infested Ripper



These medium units focus on melee and can be highly lethal. The Rippers are quick moving units that are capable of charging an enemy head on or it can take the stealthy approach by sneaking up on the enemy from behind. Rippers can be said to be very thorough as they will explore the entire area and WILL attack on sight.


This melee centered killing machine was created from the bodies of Grineer Scorpions and has developed traits from the body as well. Speed is one of the developed traits the ripper has acquired the body.



3 types of attacks


Attack 1: 

The infested Ripper uses its razor sharp blades that are located on its finger tips to slash the enemy in a frenzy like state causing the enemy to take bleed damage.

(I will leave the duration of effect up to you if this is selected.)


Attack 2:

Just like the scorpion, the Infested Ripper propels an infested whip like vein from its body that latches on to its enemies and pulls its target to the Rippers location for melee combat.


Attack 3:

When approaching the enemy from behind, the Ripper will impale its sharp blades into the enemies back or slashes the enemy from shoulder to waist causing the target to be stunned.

(Again, I will leave the duration of the stun up to you if this is picked.)


Environment restrictions: 



Grineer Scorpion Fused With This Creature

Along with the infested Touches :3


Edited by (PS4)FinalBoss110
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Name: Leecher Swarm


Behavior: This infested enemy type consists of 100's of Leechers. a single Leecher looks like a small bat with four wings and multiple rows of razor sharp teeth. The Leecher Swarm chooses one Tenno to attack at a time and swarms around the Tenno like a vortex of fish. the swarm can keep up with any Tenno so running is out of the question. The only way to get out of the swarm is to successfully complete 2 consecutive backflips, at this point the swarm will retreat 10-20m, choose another target and attack immediately. The swarm would have a single health bar and as you kill the swarm you see it physically shrink in size at 75, 50 and 25 percent health respectively. 


Attacks: While the Tenno is being Swarmed each leecher is “leeching” the Tenno’s health, completely ignoring shields and healing itself. The Tenno is also blinded while being swarmed and can only melee, relying mainly on other Tenno to shoot them off. Leechers are blind and only rely on their sense of smell for blood, which allows them to even attack invisible Tenno and ignores decoys and molts. 


Environment Restrictions: Only indoors, unless its night. 


Optional Art: 



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Name: Slicer


Behavior: Very skinny and very fast goes after who ever shoots it use that as your way to confuse it and can see in very dark areas.


Attacks: has long range duel sword attacks its arms are its swords does fast attacks to take your health down fast.


Environmental restrictions: Level 15 and above, in any infested mission.


Description/reference: Very skinny its legs are its weak spot its body is teared making it very weak.

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Name Suggestion:




An ambush based attacker, the Lurker prefers to lie in wait hidden to surprise it's prey from the shadows. The Lurker stays hidden until the prey is close enough for it to leap out and kill it with a single powerful blow.



High damage claws

Near invisibility while stationary

A quick charge attack that can only be used while it is invisible.


Environment restrictions:  Shadowy locations within a room.



A thin humanoid of moderate height with long limbs. Instead of hands the arms have three long claws that it uses to kill it's prey. The skin of the lurker is similar to that of a chameleon to allow it to blend in with it's environment.

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Name Suggestion: Lurker


Behavior: Lives under grates and floor tiles. Generally does not attack in conjunction with other infested, and for the most part hardly move at all. Can sometimes be seen scuttling after the Tenno out of the corner of the eye before popping back into the floor. Will not move if stared directly at. Will try to wait until prey is within close range before popping up to its full height at close quarters and eating its prey. If detected and attacked, will either attack its attacker if in range or put its head down and scuttle towards the Tenno. Tend to resist or recover quickly from knockdowns and knockbacks.


Attacks: At long range, will lash out with a tentacle to drain the target's stamina and slow them down. At closer ranges, will attempt to use two tentacles to haul in the target to be eaten. At very ranges, will flail its tentacles everywhere to knock down enemies all around it. Attacking downed enemies or very close targets, it will pick up food with its tentacles and proceed to chew on them, dealing damage accompanied by camera shake every second or so until it has finished killing and eating its target. Will spit out dead victim as projectile. Tenno being chewed on can struggle to get free using melee or can attempt to damage their devourer from within with guns. Beware use of explosives in mouth.


Environmental Restrictions: Lives only where grates or floor tiles are present on tilesets. Prefers to hide near entrances or in tight spaces.





You made me laugh so hard that it hurt lol. More power to your creation and I hope to see it in the game! :)

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Name Suggestion: (1-2 words max) -



It tends to be in groups of abour 15-25 individualls, usually nesting in loose circle formations atop of trees. This infested monky-esque creature dose not understand meaning of cover, but due to its inhereted agility it keeps on moving making it hard to hit. Utilises broad varriety of jumps and running on the wall moves - it is very agile being. Has strong arms so that it can climb trees and attack from above. it also utilises primitive grab and throw techniques when cornered. Attacking mostly in groups of at least 3 they are masters of confssing inexperienced tenno operatives vith multi directionall hit and runs.



Drop down attack - prefered way of starting combat, utilising both gravity and its powerfull arms it will drop down from elevated place and smash with both of its hands.

assorted kicks and punches - creature is prefering hit and run tactics, because it prefers to be mobile, less powerfull but hard to evade attack.

throw - when in need it can grab almost annything that lies nearby and throw it - this ability is to be used only when creature is low on health and cornered.


Environment restrictions:  lush jungle or forrest with large ammount of trees (if Earth was not dark cavern i'd say that its home is to be there)

Edited by James_Blood
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Name: Infested Slasher


Behavior: A very aggro enemy and agile enemy who are relentlessly trying to hunt down Tenno.


Attacks: With blades/claws on both hands they attack in an X-shape.  They also run at Tenno while flailing their arms around viciously.


Environmental Restrictions: Level 30 and above, can only travel on land.


Art:  http://i481.photobucket.com/albums/rr171/azdeth11/Tyrant.jpg



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Necrotic Walker



Moves like a normal walker but once a certain amount of infested are killed in the general area will perform a revival move and rise the fallen infested back up. Stretches its tentecle to attack from afar. Will NEVER get close to the enemy, Necrotic Walker will run if enemies get close to him. Once Necrotic Walker is badly wounded, he will initiate the other rised infested to become more aggresive and explode(like Volatile Runners)



-Revives a maximum of 20 infested that have been killed(range of revive can be varied)

-Stretches his tentacle arm to attack for long range(like the Ancients)

-Revived infested gets an armor buff

-When low on health all revived infested will charge at enemies and explode(damage can be varied)


Environment restrictions

No environment restrictions! Let him roam free to rise!



concept idea of what it can look like


Edited by darkchaos11
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Nombre: Antiguo Agitador




-Movimiento rapido


-Actua como un Antiguo corriente excepto por la velocidad


-Su rugido atrae a los infectados




- Ataque de garra estandar


-Rugido Agitador.Este rugido ciega al tenno,elimina un elemento del HUD (Aleatorio) a no ser que te expongas a su rugido constantemente que entonces se eliminan todos los elementos de tu HUD durante un corto periodo de tiempo.Tambien hace desaparecer al afectado del mapa de sus aliados.


Condiciones ambientales:


Ninguna,aparece como otro infectado antiguo.

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I'm serious though, this is a legit argument. The people who have drawings are the only ones getting the attention. It's about who has the best idea not the best picture. I would hate to see someone's great idea fall under the radar because someone else can draw good.

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Name Suggestion: Mother Sporata



This seemingly docile infested being is not to be overlooked. Growing in size once confronted by enemy Tenno, the Mother Sporata serves as a hub for her infested children, exploding at death and releasing all her newborn infested offspring. It is imperative that Tenno approach this creature with swift and unwavering resolve. Should they leave the mother alive too long, they could be looking at a quick surge of vengeful infested broods.


*NOTE: As an additional mechanic, the Mother Sporata will be of various elemental types. Unlike Prosecutors, these elemental types refer to the infested offspring mobs that are released upon explosion. As one can see, leaving the Mother Sporata to breed too many offspring could prove fatal, with a wave of “flame broods” or “toxic broods” or any other elemental type quickly emerging from their mother’s corpse.



The Mother Sporata begins her growth phase once Tenno are detected in her vicinity. While she typically has normal movement speed, she becomes stationary once her growth phase is initiated. There is a maximum amount of growth and offspring number, based on an internal clock timer that starts once the growth phase ensues. Should the timer reach its end without the Mother Sporata being killed, the maximum number of infested offspring will be released.


Once spawned from their mother’s corpse, the infested offspring attack in a zerg-like fashion, rushing the nearest warframe and eating away at them as a cohesive group. The elemental damage put off by the offspring stacks, so it is important for Tenno to work as a team and bring them down as quickly as possible. Or better yet, exterminate the Mother Sporata as soon as confronted.


Environment Restrictions:

Mother Sporata are ground units that become stationary during growth. Offspring movement could be fast ground rush or flying swarm.

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Name Suggestion: Infested Osprey

Behaviour: Appears alongisde large groups of Infested Chargers and supplies them with weak shields. Has high shields but low health. Upon loss of shields charges at Tenno and attempts to self-destruct. Travels along the ground, similar to Crawlers but propels itself with the one remaining wing of the warped Shield Osprey it is based off of. Shield range is long, but weak. Has a knockdown ability if the Tenno gets too close that leaves it unable to move for several seconds longer than the Tenno is stunned for. If it is the only remaining enemy, It will try to find other Infested to shield.

Attacks:  Supplies weak shields to other Infested, primarily appearing alongside large groups of Chargers. Upon loss of it's plentiful shields, It will charge at the Tenno and Self Destruct. If Tenno approaches, has a small radius knockdown attack that renders it unable to move for several seconds longer than the Tenno is down for.

Environment restrictions: Is forced to 'crawl' along similar to the Infested Crawlers, unable to jump to reach Tenno in hard-to-reach locations. Slow movement speed makes it easy to catch.

Visual Description: Would look like a Shield Osprey missing one of it's 'wings', replaced with an Infested growth that spreads all along it;s chassis. It's other wing would be bent around to allow the Infested Osprey to slide along the ground as opposed to it's normal state, i.e hovering.

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