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Enemies Of The Tenno: Infested Submissions


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Name Suggestion: Spores

Behavior: Pretty simple, they're just the spores that are always all over the ground, they just stick around. (Just an idea I got)

Attacks: Some of the spores on the ground (or ceiling) can act like turrets, and shoot poisonous darts at you.

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Name Suggestion: Spore Wasp


Behavior: Shaped like a wasp with two Leech Ospreys, each serving as a wing, an infected Grineer seeker torso for the abdomen, which has a short arm on either side with orifices in the fingers, and a flesh axle holding a Grineer Roller in place of the abdomen. It is about 2 meters in length and flies at the height of an Osprey but hangs its body lower. It keeps its distance when using its ranged spore attack, charges at medium ranges, or swings its Roller at point-blank range. These units appear as often as ospreys, do not attack in swarms, but will cooperate if there are multiple of them in the area. They are as tough as Drones but with Flesh and a small amount of armor.



-Spore Volley: When at medium-long range, the Spore Wasp fires bursts of small spores from its orifices that float at a steady pace toward the target. The spores seek the target but cannot turn tightly and can be dodged if the target moves quickly. If the target has shields, the spores will hit and deal small Impact damage, then immediately fall to the ground and wither. If the target does not have shields, the spores will stick to the target for 3 seconds, deal a moderate amount of Toxin damage, then fall to the ground and wither.


-Razor Swing: When at point-blank range, the Spore Wasp will simply swing its thorax at the target while revving the Roller to again perform a buzz-saw attack, but will not immobilize the player. It deals a small amount of slash damage and has a low chance to cause bleed damage.


-Razor Charge: The most effective attack. When at a range of 5-10 meters, the Spore Wasp will likely rev its Roller up and then charge like an Oxium Osprey toward the target. If it gets in range of the target, the Wasp grabs them with both arms then saws up from the target's midsection to their chest for one second, which deals a small-moderate amount of Slash damage with a good chance to cause Bleed damage. This attack should be easy to dodge if the player has room.


Environment Restrictions: None.


Art or Reference Images:




(I know there is more room for creativity for this submission, so feel free to add on. And sorry for the streaks on the image, I didn't see them when I was working on it.)

Edited by Novashank
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Name Suggestion: Infested Treant


Behaviour:  Only active during the day, the rare Treant will stay hidden until disturbed. Defensive in nature, they will not reveal themselves in combat, engaging only when there are other infested around. If there are only the enemy and no other infested around, it will remain in its tree form, invulnerable to damage, but not status effects.

When it is night, Treants will roam the grounds as if it were a normal infested, with loud rustling noises and footsteps. Their super high health actively makes them a natural tank for the other infested. If its HP drops below 50% during night, its anger will call forth a stampede infested to attack.



..............1) Vine Whip: Treant whips it's roots violently, dealing damage to any enemy in it's range. Knocks down enemies.

..............2) Entangle: Prevents a tenno's movement for a short duration. Does not prevent using abilities or weapons.

..............3) Berserk: Treant reveals itself fully, stomping the ground beneath it and whacking anything in front of it, sending them flying backwards. Nearby infested units gain a buff aura, increasing movespeed and attack speed.

.......................3.5) Whack: Treant whacks an enemy with its arm, sending it flying and knocking it over. (Similar to Shockwave MOA)


Environment restrictions:  Night time, Earth Grineer Forest Tilesets, preferably during infested invasions


(Optional) Art or Reference Images:




PS: You can turn them into christmas trees for christmas too! The infested can now celebrate too!

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Name: Skiver Back


Behaviour:  The Skiver Back is a four legged infested creature, it will have tentacles on its back and on its 2 front legs, it will just have normal kill on sight behavior, it has 3 “states”.  1st state is on all fours, climbing walls and dodging, this is when it is being shot at, the 2nd is standing up on its back legs and using the tentacles as swords, for when the player equips his melee, lastly the Skiver Back can roll into a ball, hardening all the infested tentacles into spikes, and rolling ahead in a line. It will be a rarer mob that will be on its own most of the time. When threatened it will harden the muscles and turn the tentacles into deadly spikes. The Skiver back would be the same height as an ancient when standing on its back legs.


Attacks:  When the Skiver Back hits you while rolling, it will come out of a ball and it will try to pin you down with its infested tentacle front legs and the tentacles on its back, hardened as it tries to stab you in the stomach, I was thinking it would be a kind of “quick time event” or something, idk but you have to shoot the tentacles before they stab you and then melee him off, if he does stab you he will flip over your head and use the tentacles in your stomach to fling you on to the floor. When it’s on its back legs it will attack you with its arms and you can block and parry them, it will bite you when on all fours.


Environment restrictions:  it would Spawn in open, heavily infested places.

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Name Suggestion : ShotCrawler

Behavior : This enemy moves along walls and ceilings with long tentacles that grab any who walk within a 12 foot range.

Attacks : This enemy can grab and crush enemies with its tentacles.It also has a slam attack where it picks up the enemy and smashed them on the floor.It can also shot clumps of acid doing corrosive damage over time.Its final attack is to shoot spikes off of its tentacles.

Enviromental restrictions: Usually on walls or cieling but falls on floor when hit. Found in both closed and open areas but mostly closed.

Optional art : http://gyazo.com/a6c82b12b1645f31d0941da3e14db9ed

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Name: Infested Lichen

Behaviour: Shoots projectiles, approaches tenno in melee range when approached. Has grineer defense module from newly made grineer prosecutors, immune to ranged damage unless the module is destroyed(destroyed by consistent ranged damage to module, all damage to body is negated, module located on the back of the infested. He stands upright, bipedal).

Attacks: Ranged attack from the mouth causes piercing damage, is projectile based. When Tenno approach, it gives off a debilitating scream(battlecry, no effect unless you decide otherwise, cosmetic) and uses fast infested - formed arm blades to quickly strike at the tenno approaching.

Environment restrictions: Ceres; the new prosecutor unit for the grineer. They can be located in ceres dark sector areas along with ceres infested invasions. (Sorry for over 20 words).

Edit: Based on a warframe idea I had with some other players. I don't know how to describe the unit. I'm sure your fantastic art team can think of something if this is picked. Thank you for reading.

Edited by Nelizar
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Name Suggestion: Screecher
Behaviour: Screecher is an ancient that was born in the pools of poison, through mutation it has learned how to use the poison to its advantage. It is abonixously loud. It lives off of fear in the eyes of the enemies. They may be small but they are immensely powerful. Being small has it's advantage and disadvantage. Screechers can teleport from spot to spot. They have to maintain homeostasis at all times, ice or fire damage will cause them to loose health immensively. Do not fall for it's cutenes/ size Tenno.
1) Long ranged - Loud Screeching noises like Black Canary which knock the Tenno down upon impact.
2) Short ranged - Poison tongue attack. The pores on its tongue release neurotoxins into the body ranging from 2-15 seconds damaging the health.

3) Passive - Teleporting after every 5-10 seconds
Environment restrictions: Cannot be in cold or hot environments
(Optional) Art or Reference Images:


So I was thinking of combining these images for the face and then combine that face with a DeathStaler or a small dragon looking lizard.

well here are the pictures: 

Mouth and tongue from here:



Eyes from here:

And the face from here: 



The eyes on the face image look cool too


Sorry if ideas like this has already been posted


Please up vote this if you liked this idea

Edited by DemonBlade32
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Name Suggestion: Mite

Behaviour:  Mites tend to hide within the 'plants' of the environment.  When  a player gets too close/ on the area. they hop onto the player and attach to them. when the player rolls or uses a charge attack, they fling off, and will try to hop back on again. 

Attacks: Mites have spines on the belly of them. when latched on, they pierce through the shields and drain the health. one does little damage, but many can pose as a threat. When thrown off, they will try to pounce back. This may have them do damage to the shields in the process as they 'swing' punches to get back on

Environment restrictions:  restricted to only the unusual little pod plants on the ground typically seen in the enviroment.

(Optional) Art or Reference Images:  http://i.gyazo.com/a5b2a0820c906c75b856431496025805.png

The Mite is a deformed hand that on the end grew out to mimic the plants http://i.gyazo.com/c8b0ac858623838e55bf603b8f19b17d.png to hide in the foliage in order to pounce on unsuspecting people.

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Name: Synapse


Behaviour: Present only in the very late stages of infestation, the Synapse is a serious threat in both form and function. Although physically a very tough entity, it prefers to keep a modest distance and support nearby infested specimens. This support comes in the form of any combination of a variety of enhancements - movement or attack speed, increased armor etc - as Synapses are strong mental focal points for the other specimens.


As dire as this could be in isolation, the biggest threat to Tenno in the field comes from the Synapse's defensive mechanism. Should a Synapse perceive a threat to its own safety, it will assume a defensive position and ready a single thick barb (coated in a technocyte-cell depressant) which it thrusts at any enemy that comes into close range.


After the barb has been expended, the Synapse reverts to standard posture and must rely on melee attacks.


Attacks: The Synapse's bludgeoning melee attacks are slow and weak, though they are likely to stagger any Warframe hit through sheer momentum. The barb attack used from its defensive stance, by virtue of the depressant, will cause any Warframe punctured by it to lose the use of their powers for about 10 seconds or so.


Environment Restrictions: Anywhere an infestation could be claimed to be particularly severe.

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Name: Flying 

Details: It has a body of crab, two games heads, is very resistant to bullets but very weak when it comes to melee, not fly so high because of their weight, to attack approaches the opponent and hits him with his tongs and every so often throws sticky liquid that makes a lot of damage to the shield is always acceded on something but when he sees his prey go straight on to attack when being attacked this hums 

Level: 15 -?



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I just thought I should throw this out there, don't know names, if someone else wants to expand on the idea, go for it. But my whole idea was: If other factions are always trying to copy Warframes, why aren't we seeing it? More advanced crewmen/Grineer, as well as Infested Tenno.

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Name Suggestion: Infested Revenant


Behaviour: Similar to Ancient Infested, while wander about until a Tenno comes within close proximity, in which it then attacks


Attack: No knockdown, thank goodness, but its attacks differ in that it rushes to a Tenno and grabs it, immobilizing the Warframe. In this time, the Revenant releases spores containing hallucinogenic gas which enter the system, causing the Tenno to see doppelgangers of Infested, hence the illusion that there are twice, or even three times as many Infested than there actually are. This would be devastating in large groups of Infested as the Tenno is unable to separate illusions from actual Infested. Thankfully, these wannabe Infested deal no damage, and serve merely to confuse their enemy.


In addition, these spores cause Tenno to regard their allies as Infested enemies, and vice versa. Hence if you ever encounter an Infested Revenant and have been infected by it, trust no one.


Effects of the gas last for 10 seconds, during which the HUD will undergo an effect much like Volt's Speed, but sadly without the sprint boost.


Shooting at the spore sacs will also cause spores to be released. Avoid shooting the arms and head, but aim for the torso and the weak spot in its chest area (Heavy Gunner's head). Headshotting the Gunner's head will result in critical hits.


Environment Restrictions: Only in Dark Sectors and Orokin Derelict Missions


TL;DR: Revenant grabs Tenno and releases spore gas in their faces. Tenno staggers about like a drunkard and swings its melee at any infested (my goodness, why are there suddenly so many of them?)


Will mistake allies for Infested (Hey, what the-) and Infested for allies (John? Is that you? What are you-).


Hallucinations cause no damage but will overwhelm the Tenno in a flurry of pixellated flesh


Torso and weak spot: Good. Arms: Bad. Head: Very, very bad


Optional Image:



This thing's head looks hideous. I apologize

Edited by Vesper3
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Name: Ancient Martyr


Behaviour: Any damage suffered by Martyr is distributed among nearby Infestation as healing. This healing can boost health over 100% (200% cap?).


Attack: Identical to those of existing Ancients.

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Name: Tenno Chameleon


Behaviour: An enemy that disguises itself as a Tenno in the party, with a marker on the map and name change to the Tenno. It could even cling onto a Tenno and morph into the shape and use the Tenno's guns and abilities against the party. It would then "jump" from Tenno to Tenno until defeated.


Attack: Uses the abilities and weapons of the Tenno, while also slowly siphoning the shield and energy from the Tenno it is attached to. The only way to stop it is to take down 1/4 of the HP of the Chameleon which the Tenno would take 1/4 of the damage also.


Environmental Restrictions: None. It could be a new sort of Stalker that is in random maps but unknown to the Tenno and without warning so that it could catch them off guard. That or just make it a normal enemy or boss.

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Name: Goliath


Behaviour: Slow moving, content, low detection, will mostly ignore players unless attack is provoked allowing for strategic take down. However it does have a close radius detection. Will scream or roar upon detection, much like the Phorid.


Attacks: Large arm can be used for a radial ground slam attack as most heavy units have this, larger arm can also be used as a push back if player gets too close (can be a swing or stomping motion). Supra arm can be used however it can't be mobile while firing and can only aim in a 180 - 200 degree radius. During roar or detection as well as in battle it may use a damage buff similar to Rhino Roar giving nearby infested a damage buff. Enemy also explodes upon death killing anything in its radius.


Environmental Restrictions: Anything infested related including derelicts and invasion missions.


Concept drawings created by a dear friend of mine (check out his deviant http://crazymoh11.deviantart.com/gallery/) Poorly done colouring indicating what parts are supposed to be (roughly) by me, scaling image also created by me, and descriptions and visual design created by me.





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Name: Oblivion

Behavior: Moves very fast and yet deadly and poisonous and somewhat blast damage. If Tenno gets close enough to her, she has no second thoughts about being merciful. She's very aggressive and yet stealthy. Also an expert in melee and stealth attacks. She also uses a crow as a scout. She'll use any tactic or technique to get a Tenno killed.

Attacks: If a Tenno gets close to her, when unnoticed, she will take them and enshroud her body with the most deadliest toxins and neurotoxins in the universe. This attack will not only digest the shield but health also. If the imprisoned Tenno's life is almost near death and there are other Tenno's near by, she will self destruct causing blast damage; also some critical hits. She can deflect bullets with ease. She also has an AoE that can support the other infested if needed and will boost the infested attacks including life regen. She can practically build a weapon from any organism and the weapon also contains corrosive damage. Can also pull off projectile attacks that can benefit her in battle. She sends out these seeds that instantaneously transforms into these snake like creatures and will capture Tenno by the head and sap the life out of them and yet what ever percentage the creatures sap out of a Tenno, she takes that and supply it to her life. Also if the creatures are no longer needed, she can also have them self destruct also causing more damage to Tenno. Oh, and did I mention she has Crow Swarm abilities?

Environmental Restrictions: None. Level 25 - ? Can spawn on any map.

Art Reference or similar to: You guys can create it..something awesome but grudgy

Edited by USSJ2Otaku
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Abyss(like Stalker, Harvester etc...)

Story: Long ago in the void a precious crystal known as the argon crystal was protected by Abyss. As chaos reached the void due to the loss of argon crystal abyss became out of control. Ripping through dimension this mercenary called "Abyss"can be hired by Tenno, corpus, Infested and Grineer. The being known as Abyss takes no sides as he is a rogue of power that cant be contained but can be bought.

Description: Wears a cape and makes an entrance at random in every faction by ripping through a portal. Carries what is know as the 10 blades of chaos crafted by the precious argon crystal he once protected. each blade can form 1 single blade that is considered a unrivaled weapon.

Environment: Any high up planet, appears within every faction, is paid by every faction. If Tenno hires him he cost 50k as well as has the ability to go berserk from time to time on your own Tenno.

Behaviour: He attacks fast with only melee swords, everything he hits pieces of the body get sent to another dimension. If weak grineer, infested or corpus, he sends parts body to dimension. Strong grineer, infested and corpus take heavy damage. If he attacks tenno he can take 20% damage off them for heavy frames and 40% damage off light frames.

Health:Undecided up to admins

Level: 20-?


1.)Dimension Slash(sends body parts to other dimension)

2.)Vanish(goes invisible for a set duration)

3.)Sword Massacre(uses all 10 swords on a mass mob)

4.)Given Power( all 10 swords combine into 1 and is lent to a Tenno for a set duration, then he leaves the battle if this is activated. The sword is only able to use the power "Given Power" which drains energy like a mega attack from a Tenno)


Edited by D3monicWrath
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Abyss(like Stalker, Harvester etc...)

Story: Long ago in the void a precious crystal known as the argon crystal was protected by Abyss. As chaos reached the void due to the loss of argon crystal abyss became out of control. Ripping through dimension this mercenary called "Abyss"can be hired by Tenno, corpus, Infested and Grineer. The being known as Abyss takes no sides as he is a rogue of power that cant be contained but can be bought.

Description: Wears a cape and makes an entrance at random in every faction by ripping through a portal. Carries what is know as the 10 blades of chaos crafted by the precious argon crystal he once protected. each blade can form 1 single blade that is considered a unrivaled weapon.

Environment: Any high up planet, appears within every faction, is paid by every faction. If Tenno hires him he cost 50k as well as has the ability to go berserk from time to time on your own Tenno.

Behaviour: He attacks fast with only melee swords, everything he hits pieces of the body get sent to another dimension. If weak grineer, infested or corpus, he sends parts body to dimension. Strong grineer, infested and corpus take heavy damage. If he attacks tenno he can take 20% damage off them for heavy frames and 40% damage off light frames.

Health:Undecided up to admins

Level: 20-?


1.)Dimension Slash(sends body parts to other dimension)

2.)Vanish(goes invisible for a set duration)

3.)Sword Massacre(uses all 10 swords on a mass mob)

4.)Given Power( all 10 swords combine into 1 and is lent to a Tenno for a set duration, then he leaves the battle if this is activated. The sword is only able to use the power "Given Power" which drains energy like a mega attack from a Tenno)


I wouldnt mind seeing a secret enemy/mercenary like that could be a awesome asset!

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  Name Suggestion: Infester

Behavior: The Infester is a sort of queen to the Infested. She hunts for new places in the galaxy to fill with the “Technocyte” virus with, growing the Infested army. It is interested in the Tenno’s structure as a host for the Infestion, so she hunts the Tenno down in order to “evolve” them into something “greater”. She has pours on her body in which toxic fluid sits with “Infestant” creatures living within them. In the fact that she hunts the Tenno, she is a Stalker type enemy. She can crawl along the wall, or jump on her enemies on the floor.
Actions: She attacks with her claws and ranged “Viral” spit attacks. If there are dead enemy bodies in the area when she spawns, she can spend at her “Infestants” to infest the enemies and use them to attack the Tenno. For example, if a Grineer dies, but his body is still on the ground, the “Infestant” can infest it and turn it into a Charger with a little better stats.
Environmental Restrictions: The Infester floats through space, attaching to ships and began to infest them. She can walk on walls.
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Name Suggestion: Gaseous Spitter


Behaviour: Floating, slow moving, weak actual attacks, meant to be killed,Makes small whimpering sounds, at range will shoot spiked barbs at the tenno (that can cause a bleed), when killed will explode into a LARGE gas cloud


Attacks: Shoots Moderately weak spiked barbs at  the nearest tenno, these will scale with level and can cause a bleed, when killed Will explode into a LARGE gas cloud, dealing gas damage every second while in the cloud and for 3 seconds after leaving  


Environment restrictions: Only spawning locations are the Derelicts and on infested tile sets


(Optional) Art or Reference Images: http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--o6UOpUmA--/c_fit,w_320/18s0f1bi373ympng.png

Edited by Colgach
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Infested Looter


Quick (70% speed of slowest Warframe in the cell), but large Infested unit that has a chance to appear above doors to surprise the unwary. When alerted, it will let loose a scream(much like Phorid) that damages players.


The scream let loose when alerted will ignore shields and deal a flat rate of 20 damage to health regardless of level. Iron Skin can be used to prevent being damaged. Additionally, it can charge at players and knock them down. At this point, the Looter has a 20% (flat rate) to steal either the Primary or Secondary. If none is equipped, nothing will be stolen. If either primary or secondary weapons are equipped solely, they will be stolen. To get the weapons back, you will have to hunt it down and kill it with melee.

Enviromental Restrictions:

Only can appear in Grineer tilesets and will not appear in Survival and Defense missions.

Edited by 9669Gen
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Abyss(like Stalker, Harvester etc...)Story: Long ago in the void a precious crystal known as the argon crystal was protected by Abyss. As chaos reached the void due to the loss of argon crystal abyss became out of control. Ripping through dimension this mercenary called "Abyss"can be hired by Tenno, corpus, Infested and Grineer. The being known as Abyss takes no sides as he is a rogue of power that cant be contained but can be bought.Description: Wears a cape and makes an entrance at random in every faction by ripping through a portal. Carries what is know as the 10 blades of chaos crafted by the precious argon crystal he once protected. each blade can form 1 single blade that is considered a unrivaled weapon. Environment: Any high up planet, appears within every faction, is paid by every faction. If Tenno hires him he cost 50k as well as has the ability to go berserk from time to time on your own Tenno.Behaviour: He attacks fast with only melee swords, everything he hits pieces of the body get sent to another dimension. If weak grineer, infested or corpus, he sends parts body to dimension. Strong grineer, infested and corpus take heavy damage. If he attacks tenno he can take 20% damage off them for heavy frames and 40% damage off light frames.Health:Undecided up to adminsLevel: 20-?Attack1.)Dimension Slash(sends body parts to other dimension)2.)Vanish(goes invisible for a set duration)3.)Sword Massacre(uses all 10 swords on a mass mob)4.)Given Power( all 10 swords combine into 1 and is lent to a Tenno for a set duration, then he leaves the battle if this is activated. The sword is only able to use the power "Given Power" which drains energy like a mega attack from a Tenno)20aw652.jpg

I do believe u cant put health, descriptions and stories. Excuse me if im wrong

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Name Suggestion: Blightor



The aftermath of a Heavy Gunner consumed by the Technocyte Virus, Blightor lumbers around with its Infested brethren, dragging the foot of the former Gunner along with it.  Blightor retains the armor of the Heavy Gunner and receives extra protection from the infested flesh that has taken over the host's body.  Tenno can be alerted to its presence by the high-pitched wails and cries it often produces.



Infested Gorgon - Blightor lowers itself slightly, lifting its Infested mass of an arm and unleashes a barrage of toxic thorns from the mutated Gorgon. The toxic thorns deal a moderate amount of damage, but can inflict Toxin status onto unsuspecting Tenno.

Acid Pool - If an enemy gets close enough to Blightor, it will open up its left arm and release a caustic pool of acid underneath it, harming all enemies who step in it with Corrosive damage.


Environment restrictions: 





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