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Enemies Of The Tenno: Infested Submissions


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Name Suggestion: Heavy Charger


Behavior: A heavy variant of the standard charger, this infested charger runs toward enemies and generates shockwaves to knock them down, making them easy prey.


Attacks: This infested charger periodically stomps its feet to cause a shockwave. Then, it attacks its victims like any regular charger.


Environmental Restrictions: Can move like a normal charger, but it runs slower than regular chargers.


Reference Art:



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Name Suggestion: Swarm Cloud.

Behaviour:  A swarm while not much of a threat on its own, it's true horror is seen when fighting other infested.  The swarm breaks part of itself off (becoming a smaller swarm) and infests a recently defeated anchient or infested unit causing it to reasemble any dismembered parts and once again wholely strike out at those that defeated it as if it was never injured (defeating the new host defeats that part of the swarm). 

The larger the swarm the more infested they are able to reanimate, to the point that large swarm clouds are able to return armies of the recently slain infested units.

Swarms themselves are hard to defeat, physical and explosive damage only disperses the swarm (leaving it otherwise unharmed), creating smaller swarm clouds, while magnetic and ice simply slow the swarm's ability to infest.  Fire, electricity and corrosion seem to destroy the swarm, while toxins and radiation cause the swarm to rapidly expand at an exponential rate.


Attacks: The swarm itself doesnt really attack so much as infest.  It causes mild viral damage to any immersed in it which can cause deadly side effects if ignored.   It's real danger is in returning the slain infested units back into the battle.

It's most devastating trick however is to hide within a 'living' volitile runner, unknown to an attacker only to be released into the battle by the runner exploding or being slain with dangerous consequences.


Environment restrictions:  None.  Though less so in places where open flames are common occurance.

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Flys about in a group. Can be found asleep hanging from ceiling dripping poison creating a poisonous puddle or mist. It's wings move so fast they're almost un-noticable.Flys about seeking noise louder than it's counterparts. When hit, it will scurry into a mass of enemies.



Similar to an Oxprey, will line up aim to attack (does not explode or disentigrate).Can do a less damaging melee attack preferably from behind the prey (but not attached to).



Environmental Restrictions:

When there is no ceiling, it will seek nearest area with a ceiling and cling on the ceiling waiting for prey.

Edited by MageSkeleton
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Name: Stalker Prime


We've all admitted that we wanted an upgrade to the Stalker, especially for those players who don't really fail or die in missions anymore because they know them front and back. I'm one of them. So I was thinking and pondering, with all of these tenno getting upgraded to primes, why shouldn't the stalker? Stalker is kind of like "banished tenno", isn't he? Stalker appears to hunt you down everywhere, even the void and derelicts he can appear. The lotus says in the void (or use to say) that the enemies that traveled to the void were corrupted by it and became an, I guess, 'primed' enemy. Stalker's an enemy, and he just goes through like it's nothing. I don't know about everybody else but I would like to see him one day maybe have stumbled into the derelict to farm for a reaper prime or [DREAD PRIME :) ] and got corrupted and turned into a Stalker Prime.

This guy should be DEMON, the worst of the worst, baddest of the bad, gives the highest ranking players in this game the chills, nearly un-beatable (nearly- still can be beat). And his drops would be the most rewarding, rare 5 cores or rare mods, and introduce the Dread Prime, and Despair Prime through him. There are a lot of players with the dread including myself, and I play with it ALL OF THE TIME, but honestly sometimes I hate to see other players with the same weapon, I want to feel different. And there is always the talk about the "Dread or Paris?" Dread wins in the normal battle, but Paris Prime destroys Dread ten-fold. So I'm thinking "Paris Prime? Why not Dread Prime? Prime Tenno? Why not Stalker Prime? He can still have the same powers as his normal counterpart but more epic, and he should be stronger (not much but still noticeable).

Stalker Prime should only appear to players who have beaten the stalker countless times. If regular Stalker is defeated 2-3 times in a row without the targeted tenno going down or trying to flee out of the mission, then Stalker Prime will appear the 4th time (epic entrance and all, saying something like "I have failed one too many times, I shall not fail again!" or something like that.) he should be feared by every player no matter how long they have played. Ill admit the current Stalker is not a challenge to me even with a Loki (one hit kill with Dragon Nikanna ;) ) I feel like Stalker is getting left behind and his appearance has come from "sh%t it's the stalker!", to "stalker guys..... on me...."


I know this Thread is for Infested enemies only but please consider this, because I am a fan of the Stallker, and I am sure other people are too.

Edited by InMANity_Jackson
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Name Suggestion: Promethean


Will appear as a skinny severely starved runner with longer arms and long claws and head that seems too large for its skinny body with an oversized mouth.


Behavior:  Avoids direct combat as often as possible preferring to harass enemies from a distance with corrosive spit, if a tenno is knocked prone it will rush in and do massive damage with its razor sharp claws (possible bleed procs?).  If a tenno is dead (chose forfeit vs revive) or doesn't revive after 10s, it will bite the tenno and reanimate it as an infested tenno specter. 


Attacks: Corrosive spit, claw melee attacks, infested specter creation,


Environment restrictions:  None, can be found on any map the infested have infested.

Edited by Palor0
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Name Suggestion: Infested Darkness

Behaviour:  The infested Darkness is an infested support unit which acts similarly to Volitile Infested. Closing with its prey quickly, it deflates into a large cloud of dense gas which serves to obscure vision.

Attacks: The Infested Darkness has only one attack, deflating. The cloud it releases is alone harmless but can serve to temporarily block a Tenno's view of appoaching enemies, readying chargers or charging Ancients. This makes them a dangerous support unit to compliment the other Infested units. They deflate either when killed or they reach their target and any Tenno caught in their radius has their vision severly hampered.

Environment restrictions:  Only found on Orokin Derelicts where they are common.

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Name Suggestion: Infector

Behavior: These Infested creatures move and act very similar to Crawlers. However, once alerted to your prescence, they will attempt to "slingshot" their way towards the Tenno and latch onto them. Like the Leapers, the Slingshots would catapult their way across a room, arms outstretched, latching onto a Tenno if they make contact.

Although these creatures could easily become a problem for Tenno, a well timed Melee attack could knock them out of the air before a collision is made.

Attacks: A latching attack that causes continuous damage. After the initial Leaper-like jump, the Slingshot will make contact with a Tenno. The Slingshot will wrap around the Tenno, and begin inflicting Toxic damage to him/her. While this is happening, the Slingshot will slowly slide down the Tenno, and the damage will cease once it slides from the Tenno onto the floor.

Environmental Restrictions: Like Crawlers, the Slingshots can only (initially) crawl on the ground. Although they can leap through the air, the path is strictly linear, and they must reposition themselves if they want to leap again. Also, if they successfully hit a Tenno, they will be stuck to the Tenno for a few seconds as they slide down him/her.

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  – Mhorid: Se dice que durante la época Orokin los sacerdotes encontraron a la criatura Mhorid encerrada en una celda de una nave espacial que no sabían de qué raza era, condenado a vagar eternamente por el espacio. Mhorid fue el primer infectado.

    Es una criatura de aspecto humanoide a la que la mutación genética le ha proporcionado un tamaño más grande (2 metros de altura) y cuatro brazos que usa para realizar ataques cuerpo a cuerpo devastadores. Al ser el infectado “original” Mhorid puede lanzar un grito inaudible para los Tenno con el que atrae hordas de infectados para que le ayuden a luchar. La piel de esta criatura es escamosa y llena de cicatrices a causa de la investigación genética que causó la mutación.


Ataque: Mhorid puede golpear cuerpo a cuerpo con devastadores resultados y también puede invocar infectados menores para que combatan por él mientras se recupera.


Restricción ambiental: Mhorid tiene una penalización de velocidad en campo abierto ya que su mala visión le impide localizar al enemigo.




– Comandante Strüm-Kahm: El comandante Strüm-Kahm fue enviado en misión especial para destruir a los rebeldes Tenno que se interponen en su camino a la supremacía universal.


Ataque: Kahm posee una escopeta de dardos eléctricos que retrasa el movimiento de los Tenno para poder atacarles sin piedad hasta matarlos.


Restricción ambiental: Kahm tiene una penalización ambiental de calor que le produce una bajada de escudos.




– Numk: El peligroso general Numk de las hordas Corpus tiene como objetivo personal aniquilar a los Tenno de la galaxia.


Ataque: Numk combina el ataque de ametralladora con un despliegue de moas y drones que le protegen durante la batalla.


Restricción ambiental: Numk tiene una penalización a la velocidad si se le ataca con daño elemental eléctrico. 

Edited by (PS4)RUNE-Zero
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Name Suggestion: Infested polyp


Appearance: Amorphous infestation growth, somewhat resembling a barnacle, but without a hardened shell. Soft inner limb, much like bloodworm mouth, extends and retract in irregular pulses, unless agitated.   


Behaviour: Generally being a polyp/ barnacle, so immobile. Found in larger groups. When a foreign entity comes to its vicinity the inner limb springs forth and emits a pulse (electrical/ poison/ viral/ corrosive) toward the intruder. Infestation flora with a purpose. A mine field. On death they release a spore cloud that in turn generates more infestation.


Environmental Restrictions: None. Ideally, first thing the infested spores do is spawn a bunch of environmental conditions, converting everything into infestation. These guys grow soon after. Floors, walls and celeings.  


Optional Art:


Edited by Vahlae
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Name Suggestion: Graspers


Behavior: Graspers are six-legged infested similar in size to an infested charger. They crawl across the walls and ceiling, using their tails (a cross between a scorpion's tail and and a frog's tongue) to grab Tenno and pull them to them, ragdolling, damaging and applying status effects.


Attacks: Slap 'n' Snap - Grabs Tenno, pulling them into its claws dealing several vicious cuts with legs/mandibles before releasing its prey.

              Whip - Flings Tenno into mobs, slamming them to the ground for minor damage and causing a ragdoll effect to leave Tenno defenseless for precious seconds.

              Vile Ichor - Sprays toxic tar from its tail that sticks to nearby enemies and environment causing toxic status to any Tenno who touch it.


Environmental Conditions: Would be found stalking corridors or any areas with close quarters or low ceilings, found in more abundance in dark areas with low visibility to facilitate ambushes.

Edited by (PS4)Chibi_Kame
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(Before you start to read my little idea, I'd like to apologize, if I made any kind of grammatical error) 


Name: Infested Spreader

As the Spreader comes from the Grineer Regulator, therefor it is a flying infested unit.
However it detects any kind of enemy, it starts to move (and of course attack).
Enviroment Reactions:

Open space is optional, but it fits in closed/small places too.


The Spreader's duty is to diffuse the virus, so wether it sees enemy or not, it effuses the contagion (in fulid form).
In case of enemies it shoots this fluid matter.

Optional Art:


Edited by Sanctiom
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Name - Shade


Behavior - Flies around just above the ground stalking players, waiting for a chance to strike instead of charging head on like the rest of infested. Can go through walls. Tries to run away if noticed. Weak to electric and magnetic damage. Has no shields, but a small regenerating health.


Attacks - Stealth attack - Slow and silent attack. Deals high damage, but cannot be done if seen by the player being attacked.

Blind - Makes a bright flash of light and blinds all nearby players, allowing the shade to run away or attack.

Smoke bomb - Makes a cloud of smoke, covering it's escape.


Enviroment restrictions - Loses health when flying over ice because of it's ice vulnerability.

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Hi Guys! This is my submission:
option 1-  Infested Deathburst 
option 2-  Infested Devourer

Deathbursts were formerly grineer butchers infested by the plague. Being light armored, deathbursts are very silent and agile and has a little tactic up their sleeve, here's how they prey on their victims:


1. They hide through codex scans by stopping their own lifesource and pretend to be environment design.


2. They can sense Tennos running past them by sensing vibrations through the floor/walls.


3. And voila, as seen on fig. 3, after a certain radius, it revives itself, extends its limbs from the inside and catches up to victims as quick and as silent as possible.


4. Then hugs Tennos from the back, retracting their legs and head back to their body to add burden weight and grips tightly using its octopus like hands and starts absorbing energy/health/shield (at random). Affected players has slight decrease in sprint speed, and drastic decrease of energy.


5. As fig. 5 suggests, the lumps on their backs  gets bigger while glowing, hinting an explosion.


6. If players don't deal with them fast, energy overflows and explodes after seconds of contact. The explosion damage is equivalent to converted energy they absorbed. So players must take preventive action, they can be stopped by:


Either other players kills them instantly when they see them, or while on their team mates' back, or the victim must do  jump flips for it to be detached.


Environment Restriction


As long as there is an infestation within the vicinity, there is always a deathburst pretending to be a decoration :)


My Own Depiction




Thanks to DEs for the opportunity!






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Name : Hooker

Behavior : Evolved from infected Scorpion units of the Grineer. Hookers have ability to hook and pull Tenno from distance

Attack : When spotted the target, hookers will sprint toward with high speed and use their tendril to grappling hook Tenno from 15 meters then pull Tenno back and use their claws to deal damage

Environmental Restrictions : None

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Behaviour : Arackdior has 8 legs 2 big mandibles has the front and a solid shell. She walks on walls and on ground, rest in a group of 2 or 3 minimum And she is agile. The arackdior also has a small tail of scorpion


(l'Arackdior a 8 pattes et deux grosses mandibules, il possèdent aussi une solide carapace. Les arackdiors se déplacent minimum par groupe de 2 ou 3 et elles sont très agile et rapide. Elles possèdent aussi une queue de scorpion.)


Attaques : arckadior attacks his ennemis with her mandibles in mêlée, she can send some poison with its tail At a distance Or the used in mêlée And can paralyzed a target some seconds With his canvas


(l'Arackdiors attaque ses ennemis au corps a corps avec ses mandibules et ses pates ainsi que sa queue, elle crache de l'acide (ou du poison) avec sa queue a distance et peut paralysé ses ennemis grâce a une toile collante.) 


sorry for my english I'm French xD


Environment restrictions : infested area and the jungle (on earth)

                                         (zones infesté et les jungles de la terre)

image : 52361173.jpg

Edited by sariou
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Name suggestion: Les gripper

Behaviour: Les gripper, agrippe leur proit avec leur langue ,il sont au arret sur les mur attendent q'un maleureux tombent sur leur langue.
Attacks: Agrippent tout ennemi non infecter,il agrippe ça proie avec sa langue collante et épineusse et drainent la vie jusqua la mort et capable de crée des infecter pouvent prendre le controle des warframe,qui seulement pouvent etre enlever par un autre joueur .

Environment restrictions: Habite seulement sur les murs à l'abri des intempérie.


(Optional) Art or Reference Images:





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Behaviour : 52361153.jpg

attacks : a Volcory attacks in mêlée with its great strength(punch), it resists has the electricity and sends Electric beams which go out of are bodies 


Environment restrictions : Only zones with the electricity and the deserts


sorry for my english :/ I'm french


image : 52361153.jpg

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Name: Corpse Golem




A very big and muscled infested creature, where you can still see a few arms and legs of consumed enemies to get the size the Golem needs. Although the Golem is rather slow he can deal huge damage and has a lot of health.




Once he reached a Warframe he can punch with his two big arms or make a haymaker to deal damage to multiple targets. Another attack would be a stomp on the ground and the enemies will be knocked back (already an attack by a few enemies). With the third attack the Golem would grab an enemy and "consume" him. While holding he deals constant damage until the Golem is defeated by the other Warframes or the captured one attacked the Golem long enough with his melee weapon, which is the only usable Weapon while the Warframe is "consumed".



Environment restrictions: Infested area (the large rooms because of the size)


Hope you like my idea :)

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Name Suggestion: Hawker

Behaviour:  The Hawker is named not for any birdlike similarities, but because it Hawks great globs of bile at enemies from afar.

Attacks: It will generally  attack from an elevated position at range, spitting out a large ball of liquid. This ball will ark to tenno positions. When the attack lands it will explode into a persistent puddle of slime. The initial impact will do no damage, but the puddle will deal non procking poison DoT (Leaving the puddle will stop damage immediately). The aim of the enemy is to reduce artifact camping and the like. Special versions will carry debilitating effects (armor reduction to slime, ect)

Environment restrictions:  The Hawker requires a small bracing time to fire and again to move.

(Optional) Art or Reference Images: *Envisioned as being a mutated roller with infested formed legs.

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Поведение: Передвигается не очень быстро по горезонтальной плоскости, имеет способность прыгать на несколько метров.

Атака: Сам атакует редко но вовремя прыжка может прицепиться к какому нибудь зараженному и подчинить его себе при этом характеристики обоих зараженных складываются. Когда Streaker подчинил себе зараженного дает ему дополнительное оружие ближнего боя в виде шестищупалец с острыми когтями.

Зона обитания:Обитает исключительно в зоне зараженных.

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Поведение: Передвигается не очень быстро по горезонтальной плоскости, имеет способность прыгать на несколько метров.

Атака: Сам атакует редко но вовремя прыжка может прицепиться к какому нибудь зараженному и подчинить его себе при этом характеристики обоих зараженных складываются. Когда Streaker подчинил себе зараженного дает ему дополнительное оружие ближнего боя в виде шести щупалец с острыми когтями.

Экологические ограничения :Обитает исключительно в зоне зараженных.

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Очень быстр в атаках,но за счёт скорости наносит довольно малый урон.Также существует способность укуса врага.

Может идти в качестве минибосса,один не опасен,но стая из 3-5 таких тварей может уложить даже самого сильного тенно.


Встречается в основном в зоне заражённых,но нередки случаи что они были найдены в корабельных отсеках в стадии сна.

Edited by Tropic23
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Name Suggestion:  Ancient Guard (Nickname: The Hammer)


Appearance:  Medium sized enemy,  Rhino like stance. Armored from the shoulders up. Excellent forward vision with terrible peripheral vision. The Armor is covered in blisters that erupt when shot or struck. Very vulnerable from the rear or sided. Large Skull that stretches out in front of it with a angular edge leading to a flattened front that is turned up.   Picture a Hammer head that is upside down and the claw is swooping from the mouth upward to the tip of the elongated skull.


Behavior: Very Aggressive and fast. Not maneuverable or quick with movements. They are the path clearers. Can be single or in a pack. They usually come before the Ancients enter an area to weaken the defenses.  They charge the enemy with little concern for anything else. If you are in front of them then you are in trouble. If attacked from the front the blisters on the armor will explode and cause acid damage to nearby Tenno. Must be attacked from behind and the sides.


Environmental Restrictions: If the Infested can survive then they can. If a tenno is caught on a ship or in a building with one. God Help them. Tight hallways and corridors can be deadly.




Optional Art: You don't want me to draw. So picture Gurion an enemy of Gammera. The old Japenese monster movie.With a Flat skull instead of a blade like in this picture.






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Name: Spider



A spider like infested, evovled from the crawler to grow 6 legs giving it a very fast movement, and have the ability to walk on walls or ceillings.



a leap attack from a far distance (unlike the leaper which is rather short), and a deadly claw attack with a chance to give a toxic status.


Eviromental restrictions:

corpus ships/facilities, grineer facilities rarely

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Name Suggestion: Bareir


Behaviour: A new species of infested that have adapted to suit fiery conditions and attacks, it has adapted an ability to absorb heat rapidly and expend it in a stream or in a burst attack. Because of the thick insulation that it has, it has traded speed for survivability. It tends to wander around while avoiding colder environments. It has been noticed to have the tendency to wander more around fiery areas perhaps to make full use of its ability if it comes under attack. Although it favors hot conditions, it still appears in nominal environments. It is thought that it can collect heat and contain it for later use in environments that do not have a heat source. This ability saps heat from nearby organics, slowing them down while collecting heat for itself.


Attacks: Favors fire attacks from a relatively close range only if there is a heat source nearby. However if there is no heat source nearby, it will try to sap the heat from nearby organics slowing them down while fueling a much weaker fire attack than if it were using a heat source nearby. If attacked close up, it will release a burst of flames in a desperate attempt to fend off attackers and knocking them down. Using such an attack has a heavy cost and will slow the Bareir considerably leaving an opening for attackers. After using the burst of flames, it will only use physical melee attacks while waiting to recover from the burst. 

Environment restrictions:  Avoids cold environment. Still appears on ships in space. Really favors hot conditions.


Art or Reference Images: (To be added if I remember XD)

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